@Silver Carrot, @Wayward, how are your posts coming along?
I just didn't feel right without at least letting them know what we were up to! xD
Also, would it be alright with you if I removed Nick's Augmentation? I feel that you've pushed the story far enough into the future, that this is the most obvious thing he'd have done during down time. I'm wanting to say this sounds like at least a year's worth of a jump? Or is it more or less? I might have to adjust his age as well, which is why I'm asking. Birthday's man, birthdays. <3
Director Von Galloes Age: 45 Faction: HiveMind Status: MIA @Estylwen | Cosette de Villiers Age: 21 Faction: The Louvre Status: Active/Alive @Estylwen | Annalise Age: Appears to be 19 Faction: Ex-HiveMind, Voidlight Status: Active/Alive @WhiteAngel25 |
Kai “Dragon” Stoick Age: 32 Faction: Voidlight Status: Active/Alive @WhiteAngel25 | Nicholas James Claude Bergman Age: 24 Faction: The Louvre Status: Active/Alive @Lexisheeps | Thierry Claude James de Villiers Age: 47 Faction: The Louvre Status: Active/Alive @Lexisheeps |
Toren Lark / Subject Maw Age: 35 Faction: Ex-HiveMind Status: Inactive/Stasis @SporkoBug | Jaylyn Harringway Age: 21 Faction: Mechozs.io Status: Active/Alive @SporkoBug | Nova Stoick, Codename Star Age: 30 Faction: Voidlight Status: Active/Alive @Days |
Theo de Villiers Age: 25 Faction: The Louvre Status: MIA @Days |
[hider=Character Name]
[center][img]please make it 500 px or less[/img]
[h2]First Name Last Name[/h2]
[b]Age[/b] | [b]Gender[/b] | [b]Height (feet)[/b] | [b]Weight (pounds)[/b]
[b]Augmentation:[/b] (Though expensive, minor augmentations are becoming more mainstream. Do they have cybernetics that allow them to see in the dark? A chip implant that gives them AR vision? A smart earpiece that’s connected to the eyes that allows an AI companion to provide real-time directions and advice? Get creative here. (Optional.))
[b]Personality:[/b] (How does your character act in any given situation?)
[b]Defining Trait:[/b] (In one word, describe how your character is. Are they stubborn? Placid?)
[b]Goal:[/b] (What do they want, on a personal level?)
[b]Backstory:[/b] (Nothing too complicated, just a little about who they are and their relation to CDE becoming more mainstream as an energy source.)
[b]Skills:[/b] (What can they do, whether physically or mentally, that is of merit?)
[b]Inventory:[/b] (What are they bringing with them on this exploration?)
[hider=Character Name]
[img]No larger than 500 px high[/img]
[h1]First Name Last Name[/h1]
[b]Age[/b] | [b]Gender[/b] | [b]Faction[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] (A little about who they are.)
[b]Augmentation/Skills:[/b] (If applicable.)
[center][img]Image Here no larger than 500 px[/img]
[h2]ARTIFACT/WEAPON NAME[/h2][/center]
[b]Created by:[/b] Who made it?
[b]In Posession of:[/b] Who currently owns it?
[b]Description:[/b] A little about it.
[b]Ability:[/b] What does it do?
Nyx says in a low voice and a wide smile that’s more of a warning than anything else.