Avatar of Estylwen


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current With a heavy heart, I set sail.
4 days ago
First time making samosas from scratch; also making fried pakoras, fruit salad, and daal. I can't wait to try it all~
13 days ago
Okowa, the sister of sushi! I got my chicken, my fish, my mushrooms - I'm gonna drown it all in soy sauce-
1 like
14 days ago
Maybe I'll play Cyberpunk 2077 some more. My brother maxed out my character a year and a half ago. Haven't seen him since. Miss him.
1 mo ago
Mica, my pet snail, passed away today. :(



”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

Nocturnal Memoirs (2024)

"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Most Recent Posts

@Silver Carrot, @Wayward, how are your posts coming along?

I just didn't feel right without at least letting them know what we were up to! xD

Also, would it be alright with you if I removed Nick's Augmentation? I feel that you've pushed the story far enough into the future, that this is the most obvious thing he'd have done during down time. I'm wanting to say this sounds like at least a year's worth of a jump? Or is it more or less? I might have to adjust his age as well, which is why I'm asking. Birthday's man, birthdays. <3

Of course. And yes, that sounds good to me! No more Vonny in Nick's head. We can make the jump a year, gives everyone time to adjust. This also will mean Cosy's got her memories back.
Oooh, would love Angel to be here. I can make adjustments in the first post to accommodate.

Looking forward to it, @Lexisheeps!
Player Characters Accepted So Far

Director Von Galloes
Age: 45
Faction: HiveMind
Status: MIA

Cosette de Villiers
Age: 21
Faction: The Louvre
Status: Active/Alive

Age: Appears to be 19
Faction: Ex-HiveMind, Voidlight
Status: Active/Alive

Kai “Dragon” Stoick
Age: 32
Faction: Voidlight
Status: Active/Alive

Nicholas James Claude Bergman
Age: 24
Faction: The Louvre
Status: Active/Alive

Thierry Claude James de Villiers
Age: 47
Faction: The Louvre
Status: Active/Alive

Toren Lark / Subject Maw
Age: 35
Faction: Ex-HiveMind
Status: Inactive/Stasis

Jaylyn Harringway
Age: 21
Faction: Mechozs.io
Status: Active/Alive

Nova Stoick, Codename Star
Age: 30
Faction: Voidlight
Status: Active/Alive

Theo de Villiers
Age: 25
Faction: The Louvre
Status: MIA

No one survived.

They saved the world from the destruction of Hivemind, but it cost them everything.

The Dark Beyond

Stella opened up a portal to the Ethera, a special dimension where dark energy originally comes from. In this dimension, the Crown Jewel resided. In order to obtain the Crown Jewel, Director Von Galloes was prepared to sacrifice Theo. however, before he was able to do so, Nick, Thierry, Sabrina, Auri, Cosette and the rest of the crew came to the rescue. An epic battle ensued where, sad to say, most did not survive.

However, at the end of the battle, they were able to destroy the Crown Jewel so it could never fall into the wrong hands.

Dark Energy

A heavily researched, yet largely unknown energy source. The sources of dark energy, condensed dark energy (CDE), were widely regarded as the world's new energy source, being thousands times more efficient than electricity or gas. More recently, the world was saved from the devastation of the soul of CDE, the Crown Jewel located in the Ethera dimension. It was said the Crown Jewel was ten thousand times more powerful than the heart of hearts, a special type of dark energy only recently discovered.


After the fallout of the Ethera, wind of HiveMind's dastardly plans caught around the world, and global sanctions were placed on the multi-billion dollar corporation. HiveMind shut down, leaving little trace they ever existed.

An arrest warrant was placed for Director Von Galloes. Unfortunately, shortly after HiveMind shut down, he disappeared.

The World Now

The only known survivors of the Crown Jewel battle were Nick, Thierry, and Cosette. They struggle in a world without most of their family.

The destruction of the Crown Jewel caused all dark energy sites to freeze. They gained a rare equilibrium within them, neither growing nor shrinking. This allows researchers to go in and harvest CDE without fear of becoming mineralized. Environmentalists have also calmed down, knowing the mineralization of plant and earth matter to CDE has stopped. This does mean theres now only a finite amount if CDE in the world, it will still take thousands of years to reach a point where the world begins to run out of this energy.

Technology running on CDE is now at the forefront, with companies and research institutions creating patents and inventing like mad men. A few technologies hoping to become public in the coming weeks are CDE-powered cars, and homes using electricity generated by CDE, not coal.

Belize, Caracol Maya Ruins

Everything has returned to normal, except this site. The signal caught by the T.R.U.M.P.E.T. (Trans-Rudimentary Uptake Monolith of Permanent Erasure Tracking) is only growing. Not just growing, but converting plant matter to CDE at an alarming rate. If left unchecked, this CDE site could overtake the entire continent, and maybe even the world.

This is why it's imperative to send a team of the brightest researchers, archeologists, and people with first-hand experience with CDE to Belize, the Caracol Maya Ruins. They must solve the problem behind this site's rapid growth, and put a stop to it before it's too late.

Map of the Canna: imgur.com/a/1B1l0AP


x No meta-gaming. You control your PCs and NPCs, and nothing else.
x Post at least once a week. Going without a post for two weeks will cause you to be removed from the roleplay.
x Ideas, plotting, and faction creation are encouraged.

The CS:

[hider=Character Name]
[center][img]please make it 500 px or less[/img]

[h2]First Name Last Name[/h2]

[b]Age[/b] | [b]Gender[/b] | [b]Height (feet)[/b] | [b]Weight (pounds)[/b]

[b]Augmentation:[/b] (Though expensive, minor augmentations are becoming more mainstream. Do they have cybernetics that allow them to see in the dark? A chip implant that gives them AR vision? A smart earpiece that’s connected to the eyes that allows an AI companion to provide real-time directions and advice? Get creative here. (Optional.))

[b]Personality:[/b] (How does your character act in any given situation?)

[b]Defining Trait:[/b] (In one word, describe how your character is. Are they stubborn? Placid?)

[b]Goal:[/b] (What do they want, on a personal level?)

[b]Backstory:[/b] (Nothing too complicated, just a little about who they are and their relation to CDE becoming more mainstream as an energy source.)

[b]Skills:[/b] (What can they do, whether physically or mentally, that is of merit?)

[b]Inventory:[/b] (What are they bringing with them on this exploration?)

NPC Sheet

[hider=Character Name]
[img]No larger than 500 px high[/img]
[h1]First Name Last Name[/h1]
[b]Age[/b] | [b]Gender[/b] | [b]Faction[/b]

[b]Description:[/b] (A little about who they are.)

[b]Augmentation/Skills:[/b] (If applicable.)

Weapon/Artifact Sheet

[center][img]Image Here no larger than 500 px[/img]
[h2]ARTIFACT/WEAPON NAME[/h2][/center]

[b]Created by:[/b] Who made it?

[b]In Posession of:[/b] Who currently owns it?

[b]Description:[/b] A little about it.

[b]Ability:[/b] What does it do?

Hehehehe, I'll wait on @Click This to respond to @ERode before posting.
@Sifr That sounds good to me!
@Donut Look Now Oooh, I like these! I've added them to my Arrowfell pin board, maybe we'll see them in the upcoming IC days. ;)
Nyx says in a low voice and a wide smile that’s more of a warning than anything else.

Good delivery on that line. Goosebumps. :>
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