Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
1 like
6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

Moar NPCs!

She looks great! Just a quick aside to aeromancy, sucking the air out of a person's lungs would be too instant-kill of a hit, so is there any way to make it so she's unable to do that? And how strong is the tornado?

@Click This Very happy to hear you're doing better!
@Estylwen I don't see the zeroth post with the Hunger Counter. Does it still need to be posted or am I just not seeing it?

It's at the very top of the first IC post, here is a link: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5541115

Let me know if you see it. :) I may have hidden it on accident. I've unhiddenn it now.
New post is up! I've also added a Hunger Counter to the zeroth IC post. If your player reaches '3' without eating anything, they will start to feel hunger pangs, may start to halucinate, among other things.
Game won!

B.?.102, The School Room


The longer Amanda denied the cafeteria food, the more tantalizing it appeared. Metal trays of waffles and fresh toast wafted through her senses. The drizzle of cinnamon and caramel, the fresh goodness of melted butter. Every second that ticked by, the food appeared more and more appetizing, as if the room was beautifying itself for her.

The room could sense her indecision, and, through an act of trying to be ‘helpful’, a sudden clap echoed through the school as all the classroom doors slammed shut. Even prying at them with a crowbar wouldn't get them to open.

There was sudden pressure at the far window near the stairwell that led to the far exit.cracks appeared along the window. Pressure built. Until, with a terrible crack, water began gushing through the shattered remains of the window, filling the hallway. One inch, than two, covering her feet, and getting the stuffed animals wet.

If she continued to remain uncertain, she would drown in this school…

C.G.114, The Swan Room


The plastic swan in the room watched through lifeless eyes as Michelle spat at the stuffed animals. And, at Michelle's desire for a clue, the swan almost seemed to bob happily up and down in the water.

The room hummed, waiting patiently, expectantly. It was up to the entities within, after all, to help or hinder their human guests.

B.?.108, The Polkadot Pool Room -> P.G.107


With the plastic bag and bracelet pocketed, Lucas found no resistance as he opened the door.

What greeted him was a strange sight indeed. There was a beige carpeted floor that spread out down the hallway in front of him. The walls were painted like a fence, with a painted sky behind it. A few stickers of a dog and a fire hydrant decorated the walls.

To his left, Lucas would find a steel door with an exit sign over it. Behind him remained the door he had entered through, an exit sign hanging above on this side as well.

What was in front of him was the most interesting part, however. A steel double door, resistant to be opened by any traditional means. Pushing or pulling didn't make the door budge. Even throwing all of one's weight against it accomplished nothing.

No, there was something very specific needed to open this door. Like a puzzle…

On Lucas' right, he would find scribbled along the painted wall in black spray paint a coded message.

In this room as well, there were stuffed animals present…
Angel let me know it will likely be later this weekend that she'll be able to post. :)
@Silver Carrot, @Wayward, how are your posts coming along?

Tarin, Garden Plaza

@The Otter

"The hell am I to do now?"

“Whatever you want, really.”

A young man clad in black leather, leaning back with his hands clasped behind his head, riding on the top of a huge wolf, walked past the lad.

He propped himself on an elbow, looking down at the young man and his meat pie. “You could turn around and go home. That's the easy thing to do. That's what I would do.”

With a low chuckle, he slid down his grey wolf, giving it a pat and speaking in a low tone before the wolf laid down on its belly, tail curling around it, waiting.

The man, running a hand through his dark locks, appeared to revel in his own handsomeness for a moment before he continued to speak, his tone dropping a note.

“But I think we both know you're… Not that type of person. No, you're dreaming of something more. That's why you're out here in the first place, ain't it?”

He approached Callum, gloved hand dripping to dip a pinky into Callum's meat pie. He licked the filling off his finger, a satisfied smile growing on his face.

“Mm, tasty. Names's Raiden, by the way.”

Raiden took a seat beside Callum, hands steepling in front of him.

“House Corrin is a tragedy I fear will become all too common. I also have a feeling I know who's behind it.”

He gave a short sigh, his head dropping a bit, luscious locks curling over his dark eyes.

“Getting proof, however, is a tricky thing. But in my searching, I've come across something else. Something that may be more… pressing. Something in Athius. Something big.”

Raiden's wolf lifted his head, growling a bit as light footsteps approached the bench.

“Oh, what nonsense is this. A Sparrow feathering the new prospect with fantasies?” A young girl with light brown hair, dressed in a frilly and detailed pink dress, a hand held over her mouth in a distaining gesture, looked over the two of them.

“Lady Furino…” Raiden leveled the same distained look. “Why am I not surprised?”

Anabel scoffed lightly, and instead addressed Callum. “Whatever drivel he's trying to sell you, you should know that it will only end in hardship, pain, and dead ends. That's how rebellions and conspiracies end up when they’re against the Queen.”

Raiden leaned back in the bench, gesturing wide and easy.

“Come now, Lady Furino, I'm an honest man. I'd never lead our young lord astray as such.” He said, giving Callum a playful wink.

Anabel gave him a flat stare, letting a beat pass before speaking in a disbeliving tone. “Yeah? The same honest man I saw hussying up the bar maid at the tavern down the street?”

Raiden’s gaze immediately soured, to Anabel's triumph. She continued,

“You think you're all honour and virtue, but you're scummier than the men who follow the red light in the dead of night.”

Raiden fumed, but was silent, encouraging Anabel to turn to Callum with a prideful smile.

“I have a proposition for you, Lord Prosser. Her Majesty is looking for folks willing to test their mettle, to protect her on her voyage. She would reward you handsomely, maybe even with a title, and a place among her guard.”

Raiden's eyes widened in alarm, and he leaned forward in his seat, grabbing Callum by the shoulder.

“Don't listen to her, listen to me. Dealing with royalty just isn't worth the trouble. Why don't you stuck with me, and we can talk a little more…”

Anabel’s face soured, and she stamped a little foot, staring at him in an accusatory manner.

“You vile man, you dare to sully this boy with your wicked ways?”

Raiden lifted his hands in mock surrender. “No, no, it's not like that-”

“Quiet, you scoundrel!” Turning to Callum, Anabel continued. “I'm talking about Her Majesty. A one-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. You wouldn't have to struggle anymore about your place in the world!”

Earlier That Week…

The Grand Bank, Duchess Agustria's Estate

In collaboration with @Click This

A few days after the Hearthfire Gala, the Wizard Queen decided to make her appointment with the Duchess of Caelin.

All was going according to plan. Her Court Mage and his new apprentice were working on her top secret project. By the time it was ready, her boats to Athius would be stocked and filled with her chosen crew.

Now it was a matter of organizing her little ‘tour’ with the good duchess. It wasn't a military operation she was setting up for, so she didn't imagine Duchess Agustria would have much to worry about.

Formalities were formalities, however. And, just outside Duchess Augstria's estate, a portal morphed into existence. Out walked ten royal guardsmen, a few servants, and the Wizard Queen herself, dressed in elegant flowing robes for the occasion.

As the portal faded, one of her guardsmen walked up to the estate door, and knocked. “Her Majesty the Queen wishes to speak with the Duchess of Caelin.”

The Wizard Queen’s portal opened up to a grand estate against the Caelin Coast. It wasn’t strictly a fortified castle –the island and the fortified port of Grand Bank functioned well enough as one– and she and her entourage were greeted with a picturesque large garden, with marble fountains spouting water in elaborate patterns, fed by an impressive system of pipes. Her manor house was also built in a similar style of intricately carved white marble, with large, open windows. The trading and banking wealth of Caelin was truly on display here.

The guardsmen of the duchy were caught slightly off-guard as the men standing guard at the gates turned back and looked at the surprise arrival of the queen, but it only took a few moments for the door to open and reveal a white-uniformed and headdressed maid. She had an arming sword at the side, so she was one of Mirie’s personal guards. Upon seeing that their unexpected guests were indeed the Wizard Queen and her guards, she gave her a graceful bow. This was highly irregular to her, but with as esteemed as a guest that could be possible, she put on her best business smile and welcomed the queen.

“Your Majesty, please, come in. My lady will be around shortly. May I show you and your party to the drawing room?”

The Wizard Queen seemed to be enjoying the sights. Visiting Duchess Agustria's estate was always one of the province's true delights. The view was impressive and expansive, as always.

The Wizard Queen nodded to the maid addressing them, noting her sword with a head tilt. “Please. But first, a gift for the House.”

She gestured to her servants, and they stepped forward. One carried a case of Gold-touch Wine, the second carried a fair-sized oil painting of the Fey River pouring out of the Torna Mountains. The last carried a small leather jewelery box, opened to reveal a pearl necklace, the light causing the pearls to shimmer with pastel colours.

“These are gifts for Her Grace, Duchess Agustria,” said one of the servants in a soft voice to the maid. “We hope they please her.”

The maid inclined her head in turn, accepting the three gifts. “I’m sure the Duchess will find these quality gifts quite pleasing indeed,” she smiled. By this time, the minor commotion had attracted other members of the household staff, but they were disciplined and did not crowd the queen. Another servant approached, taking the gifts to be set aside in the drawing room while the maid showed the Queen to the room in question.

Being the room to receive guests, it was the best decorated space in the estate, fit even for a queen. Paintings from famous artists hung on the walls, together with furniture from both classic local masters and from abroad. The moment the Wizard Queen was seated, the servants already began to prepare refreshments for their guests.

The Duchess of Caelin entered after a few minutes. She too wore an elegant dress, black as usual, although compared to her similar gala dress, it had a more modest neckline and a different embroidery. “Your Majesty, welcome again to Caelin,” she greeted. Speaking with some amusement, she continued “I would ask if your journey was pleasant, but I’ve been informed that yours has been rather brief.”

“Yes, well,” The Wizard Queen gestured to the gem in the center of her crown. “Travels tend to be a bit faster with the help of a seed.”

The guards and servants had taken their positions along the walls behind the Wizard Queen, standing at attention and not making a sound. Available and ready, if needed.

The Wizard Queen smoothed out her dress where she sat, smiling lightly at the Merchant Duchess.

“We have much to discuss, my dear duchess. Please, sit with me, and let's talk. Like old times.”

She waited for Duchess Agustria to sit, if she would, before continuing.

“As I mentioned at the gala, I have business with Athius. We will be within your territory, and I wanted to organize to what suits you and your merchant ships the best.”

She leaned a little forward in her seat, hands gently folded in front of her. “We plan to be there for no longer than a week. My company will span about ten naval ships, not including the merchant ships you wish to lend us. I could also use a navigator on the crown ship to lead us safely.”

Mirie took a seat opposite of the queen, making an amused smile at her quip. Internally, she frowned slightly– it was an obvious powerplay, a reminder of the gulf that existed between the queen and the duchies, and that the queen, in theory, could come and go as she pleased. It was certainly something she had to account for if Caelin was ultimately drawn into the civil war on the opposite side.

“Indeed,” she replied, sharpening her mind as the Wizard Queen cut right to the chase. While the queen’s servants stood on standby, Mirie’s was still making themselves useful as they set up a tea service on the table between them, with an imported bergamot blend, and a collection of small pastries plated on a tiered serving tray to accompany the hot drink.

The upcoming Athius expedition hadn’t left Mirie’s mind since the Queen had mentioned it in the gala. Duke Grimhand’s conspiratorial words couldn’t help but to rise unbidden from her memory as well, no matter how ridiculous it was. Nonetheless, she knew that there was something more to Athius, and was the reason that she had maneuvered for some oversight to begin with. The fact that the Queen intended her fleet to loiter above for as long as a week lent credence that there was either a great secret or treasure there– potentially something that might change the balance of power in Arrowfell.

The capacity for the Grand Bank to easily resupply even a fleet of 13 was a given, so it wasn’t even acknowledged. She nodded. “I can lend you a skilled navigator, that will not be a problem.” She already had a list of people loyal and skilled enough for the role. “As for vessels, I can spare three ocean-built ships,” she continued, after a moment’s consideration. These large ships were naval-built, to a higher standard of quality, even if they didn’t usually carry soldiers or more than the typical number of weapons found on normal merchant vessels. They offered great flexibility, though, and Mirie intended to load them up with a few experts of her own to observe.

She paused then, canting her head slightly. “Athius is host to all manner of myth and legend. I must confess, as a scholar of history myself, I’m intrigued. Have your own scholars discovered a breakthrough to warrant such a large expedition?”

The Wizard Queen smiled, pleased with the duchess’ reply. She took a sip of the bergamot tea offered, raising the china to her lips. Fresh, with a citrus zing. Very enjoyable. She allowed herself a satisfied gaze as she set the tea down.

Placing her hands on her lap, the Wizard Queen held herself in a completely regal position as she addressed Duchess Agustria's scholarly question. Her voice was calm, with much pause.

“You know of my adoptive daughter, Princess Azalea? It's true she’s from Athius. And she's shared an insight or two from her homeland.”

The Wizard Queen raised a hand, as if painting a picture. “Treasures of the deep ripe for the taking, gold of long lost civilizations strewn about ocean floors. Fish imbued with magic to make its meat the most succulent.”

Then she paused, the light smile still on her face. “My daughter told me of one other element native to Athius. One that has caused the inhabitants under the water to darent venture to the surface. A beast so terrifying, to see it would cause a man to die of fear…”

The Wizard Queen took another sip of her tea. “There is plenty to be discovered in Athius, and I hope my expedition unravels some of the mysteries of the deep that will benefit Arrowfell as a whole…”

Mirie brought her cup of tea to her lips. She sipped calmly, but her mind raced at what the Queen revealed. Duke Grimhand’s rumors had been fully substantiated– and more, if the Queen’s words were true, and given the context, the duchess did not doubt it. This was no simple investigative expedition. The question was, what did she gain from revealing it to her personally, and most importantly, what did it mean for the balance of power in Arrowfell if she was successful? She suspected the queen was going to offer some reward in exchange for closer cooperation. No doubt if Mirie could leverage the found riches and fish for herself, she could propel Caelin to greater prosperity, and further her own agenda in Arrowfell… but at the same time, it could be a poisoned chalice.

“I see. That is… interesting,” she finally replied. She pushed aside the geopolitical considerations of the existence of a potential underwater civilization within territory she claimed for a moment, and focused on the most concerning issue. “This is looking like more than a simple exploratory mission. Your other revelations are most intriguing, but will this creature be a threat to the fleet, or the province itself?”

The Wizard Queen smiled, picking up one of the cream puffs off the platter, a Caelin delicacy, from what she had heard. She watched her servant take a bite from the platter as well. Seeing no adverse effects with him, she also partook.


A sip of tea, as the Wizard Queen delicately, fondly, held onto the duchess’ curiosity.

”I will be present, my observant friend. No harm will come to your fleets. They will be tasked with bringing us to Athius. I will expect nothing more of them once we reach that point.

“And in the right hands, what I hope to recover will be a boon to the province. A protection against those ghosts at the Ravenfell border.”

Her face darkened. “A protection from anyone who would disturb the peace of this great nation.”

A knowing smile behind her teacup. ”Of course, as thanks to your efforts, when we are done, I will give you a part of the seed that enables one to move underwater, so you may begin trade relations with the dwellers my daughter has told me live there. It would be quite the opportunity for you, a once-in-a-lifetime, if I'm not mistaken.”

Duchess Agustria leaned in slightly at the Wizard Queen’s words, but soon followed up by taking a puff pastry of her own, chewing on it as she briefly considered the further information she had revealed. The gift of a seed of that caliber was truly a temptation. It was not the prospect of additional trade, but the allure of another opening up another channel in the web of connections. But at the same time, it felt like success for the Queen would irrevocably change the balance of power, and as much as she valued profit, what was best for Caelin was the status quo. And with a duke already on the chopping block, and another mysteriously dead, these were dangerous waters indeed. Nonetheless, Caelin would benefit either way.

“A very generous offer. I am sure my ships will perform admirably as escorts,” she nodded, before making a concerned face at the mention of their ghostly neighbors. “Curiosity dictates me to ask: what manner of protection do you hope to find? I am all too aware of the shades across the border. Their recently spectral nature is… disconcerting.”

Mirie commiserated with the Queen there. While she didn’t outright view the king of Ravenfell as hostile like she clearly did, she was very wary of him. Who wouldn’t be, of a man that consigned his entire kingdom to undeath?

”Disconcerting, indeed…” The Wizard Queen nodded. She took another sip of her tea, before offering a proportion with a light smile.

”Why don't you come with us on our voyage, Duchess Agustria? So you can see for yourself the protection I refer to?”

That was not the answer that Mirie wanted, but she smiled back. Attending would not be an issue, however. “Not doing any favors for my curiosity, I see,” she replied after a few moments, with a chuckle. “I’ll have to spare a few more ships, but I suppose I can.”

“Wonderful, I will send a raven to let you know of our departure to the Grand Bank.” The Wizard Queen said, before she finished her tea.

“Now, I do understand you're a busy noble, Duchess Agustria. Was there anything else you wished to speak on?”

Mirie took one last sip, and shook her head. “Nothing that would warrant keeping you from your own undoubtedly busy itinerary, Your Majesty. I shall see you again in just under a week’s time, then.”

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Iris Record
@Nanaya, @Psyker Landshark

“Upon Iraleth Kyrios' victory, Ciara Ventura will detail the full truth of any connections she may have to Umbralism…”
The Head Advisor

Ciara was one of the first to walk past the guards, wearing a black, loose-cut outfit, and carrying a wide bag and a sword. It felt official. The ominous Iris Record, her within it, escorted by none other than the principal.

This was finally happening.

Ciara gave a cool stare, before she took a seat in her waiting room, setting the bag beside her, unbuttoning the flap. Her preparations were finally ready to be revealed. Three glass balls, filled with smoke and spice, were clipped onto the front of her belt. Three twigs were tucked into the back of her belt. Her dagger was sheathed on her thigh. Otis' blade was set beside her.

And lastly, she pulled a small satchel out of the bag. Within the satchel, she pulled out a fistful of dry grass. With a hungry gaze, she stared at the grass, before she opened her mouth, and breathed in. In time with the breath, the grass fizzled and crumbled into ash, slipping through her fingers as she devoured its essence. A finger touched her lips, closed eyes, and a small, satisfied sigh. Before, those eyes opened, revealing haunting red surrounded by black sclera.

Today, she would drown the light in darkness. Everything was on the line, and she was prepared, ready, to forgo the notion that they were ever friends in the first place.

It wasn't personal, it was just survival. And she was damn good at surviving, at grasping at threads to propel herself forward.

Often, she had to run from conflict. But when she no longer had that option, she could handle her own. Yes, running from the orphanages as a young child. But now? In her teens, she was the fighter. She was the contender.

She was the lion to be reckoned with.

They wanted a show, and she wanted to survive. So a show there would be.

They wanted to know of her connection to Umbralism, and she wanted to cut everything that dared associate her with the thought.

Yes, she knew, if she lost, she would be dissected like an animal. Or worse. Valen said her fate could be truly the worst. So it was a trial of the secrets. And though she, truly, didn't believe she was associated with Umbralism, her traits, her magic, what was within her, all spoke otherwise.

Today, she would be keeping her secrets.

Today, she would win.

To the poll, she, of course, chose the woods.
@Izurich Oh, even better!
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