E.Y.122, The Endless Store
Amanda did indeed cover herself in the dried blood found at the locked automatic doors. However, she also found herself in the center of the only source of light in the entire vicinity.
To her ultimate end.
The glowing eyes and smile twisted at an unnatural angle as it approached the light, eventually coming into view. The smiler was a dark, gangy entity, with massive teeth formed in a smile and long, clawed limbs. It's body was made entirely of a scratchy darkness, hard to make focused.
It loomed over Amanda, white eyes staring as she sat there, covered in old blood. One step, then another, as it approached, massive teeth unwinding, gaping maw aiming to swallow her whole.
It didn't.
Instead of devouring Amanda, the smiler instead began licking her face, neck, and hands, removing the blood. It hummed in satisfaction, finding sustenance in this.
As the smiler took its fill of the old blood, licking Amanda clean, the door she had initially entered the store with unlocked. The way back was open.
Additionally. Near the locked automatic doors, a metal ‘Employees Only’ door lit up, with an exit sign over it. A way out.
Michelle's goodness paid itself forward, indeed. It was as if the room itself reacted to her kindness.
What had once been an ominous well of ethereal water, now changed. The water slowly drained thirty feet, revealing a horizontal door painted in red. On top of the door was a soaked basket, filled with a bottle of water and zip-loc bags full of cotton candy, elephant ears, and corn dogs.
Above the door, embedded in the stone, was an exit sign, glowing a soft green.
Whatever she hoped to glean from Mr. Squiggles, at least she could do it in a new somewhat safer environment.
There was a strong sniffing noise that split the air. The monster, the
smiler was sniffing the air, it's head twisting this way and that in the darkness, looking for the one that hurt Hazard.
”Don't be shy, oh please. Come out, won't you? I won't hurt you. Much.”It stepped forward, as if attracted to the fear dripping off Abel. There was a brush of
something on plastic, and a crunch as a part of what may have been the plastic castle becoming crushed under a smiler's hand.
Giggling. Almost maddeningly happy, confident it had Abel pinned. With fear, as well as confusing him to a corner of the room.
The glowing eyes came closer, surveying the darkness, alerted slightly by the shuffle of plastic balls as Abel removed himself from the pit. A head turned sharply, the smile widening.
“I got you…”And massive hands in the darkness reached out, groping for the source of the sound, searching for Abel, in the murkiness.
Alas, before Lucas could take another step towards Zuzu, before he could inflict a blow that the poor ponycorn just could not handle, the room rumbled in response.
A splash of water.
And then, jaws enclosed upon Lucas as, from the water, erupted a massive eel, yellow eyes staring angrily,
hungrily, at Lucas.
Its teeth tore into the upper levels of flesh and clothes on Lucas’ wet form, before it yanked back, and pulled Lucas back into the water.
And the eel began to sink into the water, dragging Lucas down with it. Down, deep, the light of the water leaving, diminishing, seeping into darkness.