Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
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6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

Congratulations, we have made it to the end of Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes!

Both @Xandrya and @Squirrel98 completed the map at the same time! Here is a copy of the Map for your records, with notes on everyone's moves.

I hope you enjoyed this roleplay, I know I have. If you would like to continue role-playing with me, I have two other roleplays I GM, which are listed before. You are welcome to join me there:

Umbra: The Abyssal Connection
Arrowfell: The Wizard Queen's Court

Good luck in your future roleplays, and thanks again for playing! :)


“The answer is the King... From a game of Chess.”

Immediately, the black creatures withdrew, leaving the train empty save for herself and the remaining eggbutts. Squeaky noises emanated from them, though they did not move.

“You did it, you did it!”

“Game win!”

They squeaked out in their high-pitched voices, clearly enthused and excited. The riddle had been answered correctly. And now?

One of the carriage doors would open, allowing Amanda to travel to the next room.


Michelle had figured out the phrase. But that wasn't the tough part. The tough part was now waiting. And ever increasingly, the footsteps in the darkness became heavier and closer. They shook the very floor, ans caused the lights to quiver.

Mr. Squiggles squirmed uncomfortably in her arm. “You sure about this? You got a death wish, lady?!” It squeaked in a child-like voice.

The seconds ticked down, the footsteps getting closer, until finally: the door opened in a blinding flash of light, and ushered Michelle in from the monsters of the corridor.


The Smiler sniffed. It sniffed and sniffed, until it's sick smile increased. It's eyes slowly turned towards Abel.

”...Found you~!”

But before the Smiler could take another step forward, a strange sensation overtook Abel. His whole body shivered and quaker, like wind was rushing over him. Until he disappeared. The Smiler stared on in confusion, but it was true. Abel was wholly and utterly gone…


The eel's sharp grip held firm, dragging Lucas deep below the surface. No matter how hard Luca kicked or tried to fight back, it was useless. The jaws were simply far too strong, and the eel far too possessive of its prize, of its desire to protect the stuffed animals.

As Lucas’ breath began to fizzle out, and his lung began to burn and scream, something strange would occur. One moment he was there in the eel's jaws, and the next? Completely vanished. The eel's jaws clamped down on nothing but water…

E.Bl.123 - The End

Amanda, Michelle, Abel and Lucas would all find themselves ankle deep in pearlescent water, staring down a long hallway broken up with ribbons of light. And indeed, each could see the other. Everyone could see how soaked Lucas was, and everyone could see the worm stuffed animal in Michelle's arms.

Further down the hallway, a tall, spindly man walked towards them. His feet walked on top of the water, and he was dressed in a suit. Where his face should have been, there was only smoldering black.

He stood in front of them and gave a polite bow. “Friends. Honored guests. I give my congratulations. Two of you have completed the task I gave you.”

His smoldering face seemed to gaze at Amanda and Michelle. “And for you two, there shall be a reward.”

From behind him, there was the soft splish-splashing of little feet as Leila and Nigel ran up to Michelle and Amanda, giggling and smiling. They seemed in perfect health. Perhaps even better, with the warm rosiness of their cheeks.

Beside the suited ‘man’, a door opened. He gazed at Michell and Amanda. “For you two, a door that will lead you back to the daycare, as if nothing ever happened.”

Then, the man turned to Abel and Lucas, staring at them coldly. Before a row of sharp, jagged teeth appeared along where his mouth ought to be.

“You two… You two did not complete my task. For you, is nothing. Nothing except feeding me, and relieving me of my hunger. And oh, how I hunger for humans…”

Over the man's shoulder, Abel and Lucas would be able to see Maria and Isabella wholly enraptured in conversation with all of the stuffed animals: Zuzu, Mr. Mister, Miss Misses, Hazard, Wilbur and Winston, Mr. Squiggles, and Angelica. The stuffies were entirely dotting on the children, sharing sweets with them and playing with them.

The suited man glanced at the children and stuffed animals, before turning back to Abel and Lucas. “Fret not, I will keep your children safe. Forever…”

In a blink, the watery floors opened up beneath Abel and Lucas, and they disappeared.

Shortly after, Maria and Isabella disappeared, along with the stuffed animals. Wormy on Michelle's arm also disappeared. The man regarded Michelle, Amanda, and their reunited family with a look of satisfaction, before he disappeared as well.

And the door was open and waiting, allowing the two women to return to their lives. Perhaps improved, with their collective experiences.

The End.

But someone like Wren would be able to sense or something like that too? The same for Val with Wrens' wendigo.

Mercy and Wendigo will be able to detect each other's presences right away. Wren and Val won't know unless they are told by their Wild counterparts.

Does that kind of make sense? :)
@SporkoBug If you’re close enough, yes. If you can see Val, you'll be able to tell right away.

@SporkoBug You're welcome to post again!

North Ehlm, Val's Safehouse

@SporkoBug, @Qia

"We're doing this peacefully as possible, yeah? Arrest and bring them back without harm or death?”

Le Frey gave a serious nod, his voice low. “As peacefully as possible. We need to succeed in our mission, though, so use force if necessary.”

He peeked out from the corner, studying the tents once more, before he turned back to Wren. “Okay. I'm going to take the closet tent. You take the second one. Then we will both go after the third. Got it?”

He waited patiently for Wren's response before he bagged the tracker, put his rifle in his hands, and pushed off against the wall. He went on tip toes towards the tent, passing the Embers of the fire last night, and pried away the flap of the closest tent with the tip of his rifle.

He slipped inside, finding two young women dressed in Umbra suits sleeping. Perfect.

Le Frey took a step closer, pointing his rifle at A and prodding her with his boot.

“Scream and you’re dead.” He whispered, low and threatening. “Hands where I can see them.”

Wren would find himself headed to Val's tent, if he took the second one.

Yes, that's works fine. :)

Also, any size of image works if you use an image resizer. That way you're not restricted to only images that come in 500 px already.

I use this image resizer daily.
Who are we waiting on now for this round? :>

Plaza at the Pier, Execution Platform

“End the Wizard Queen’s tyranny!”
”Angry Crowd”

The Wizard Queen didn't bother moving as the crowd raged. Instead, her eyes flickered to Vulluin, who was quick to give out orders.

“Call for the guards at the barracks! Solidify a barrier around the Queen and her entourage. Block the stairwell; Don't let anyone approach the platform!”

Immediately, guards began shoving unruly citizens back, blocking off access to those under the canopy or those on the execution platform. From the west, guards began funneling in from the street, doubling up the lines. None had drawn their sword. At least, not yet.

Tomatoes began to fly. Lobed by angry faces, it was a sight Vulluin was loathed to see. In irritation, his hand struck out, causing a spray of ice to arc in the air, catching a tomato and halting it's momentum. As the frozen tomato fell, Vulluin glanced out of the corner of his eye at the Wizard Queen.

“Permission to teach the rabble some respect?”

“Granted.” The Wizard Queen said effortlessly.

So Vulluin took a step forward, narrowed his eyes, staring at the crowd. Faces of anger, grief, desperation looked back at him, screaming for justice.

Contempt was written in his face as his earrings shimmered, and the magic within them was cast. In an instant, the crowd grew quiet, staring with shocked eyes. Before each began to react to the unexplainable horror that clawed up from the depths of their very souls. Some stood there, numb. Some fell to their knees, hyperventilating and crying. Others stumbled on numb feet, running for their lives. Tomatoes and other rotten vegetables were dropped as the crowd broke up and scattered.

The riot was snuffed out as quickly as it had started.

But before Vulluin and the guards could assess the situation further, smoke wafted in, overtaking the entire execution platform. A red plume was soon seen reaching up into the sky.

Duke Willowsteel stared in shock at his potential rescuer, before he bit out, “You shouldn't be here. You know what they'll do to you if they catch you?!”

They’d torture her endlessly before letting her slowly die in front of the people.

But before Sev could get another hoarse word out, a great, rumbling roar reverberated the smoky darkness. Flashes of green scales could be seen as Raiden dove in on the back of a magnificent dragon, hand outstretched to Islara.

“Get him up here, we gotta go!” Raiden cried out.

Alas, their cover wouldn't last. The wind took on a bitter chill as snowflakes began whipping through the air. The wind churned, sharp and cold, blowing away the smoke. It revealed a shocking scene on the execution platform.

A bright green dragon, thirty feet in length, was circled about a Sparrow intruder and a somewhat freed Duke Willowsteel. And riding atop the dragon was another Sparrow. The guards immediately turned face, and the schling of swords drawn from their sheaths broke the air.

The Wizard Queen stood from her chair. “Guards, apprehend them!”

The guards began to rush the execution platform, giving space to Duke Rhinecliff as they attempted to ground Raiden and pin Islara and Sev. One guard cast a spider web net wide and high, hoping to cover all four of them in a sticky, strong net.

Ghost Corp Hierarchy:

High Captain

Congrats on the promotion, @SporkoBug!

So we have a bit of an ambush situation going on! Let me know if anyone has questions or ideas. :)
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