Alex Ravilious
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He/him |
The Ravager/Mafia Description: Alex has been around almost as long as Matteo, and was part of the crew that was snuck into Nocturnia in the beginning days of the Thorned Roses rise to power. He likes to think his love of all things goth, the darkness and depression, helped manifest his gyft: control over voids.
Now he's a heavy hitter. To Vincent's delight, Alex is up there with Matteo, stringing along kills like popcorn. He enjoys his work, and he has the utmost faith in Vincent.
When he's particularly mad at someone, he enjoys creating a small black hole in front of them with just enough gravitational pressure to cause the person to teeter on being sucked in, which quickly causes them to shut up about whatever it was they were going on about.
Gyft: Black Holes
Alex is able to break down his gyft into different applications.
Standard Black HoleHe is able to create a black hole that begins small, gaining power and width up to one foot in diameter. As they grow, they increase in their ability to suck in objects. However, because they're unstable, and to avoid taking in huge chunks of earth in a runaway black hole, they always collapse after a few seconds.
It is in this collapse where the magic of Alex's black holes begins. As they collapse, they do so quickly, creating a powerful shockwave. This shockwave has the ability to crush bones if someone is one or two feet within the blast radius. And if someone is in the five to six foot radius, they will be flung violently.
Black holes are created and moved telekinetically, without limit on number. His creation distance is about sixty feet in diameter.
Barrier Black HolesFor a few seconds, Alex can create rows upon rows of black holes that can act like a shield, absorbing anything from bullets to energy, to light. Then these black holes collapse. So they can only be used as a quick, short defense.
Anti-gravity Black HolesThis requires a great deal of finesse, but Alex is able to, say if he were to leap from a building. He could let loose a blackhole above him to suck him up a little, slowing his fall. He would then cause the black hole to move upward, out of range as it collapsed, and he would land rather smoothly on the ground.
If he needed to get higher in the air, he could do the reverse, have a black hole suck him up into the sky, and move it out of the way as it collapsed. He could technically do this on end to move haphazardly through the air.