I'll put down some tentative interest. Are we expected to fight each other?
Potentially? Most likely not - the players are all Novices (commoners) in service to a Master (in the feudal-esque system of their society, equivalent to a lesser noble or landed knight) on a single mission and thus have few political reasons to fight each other,
however... on an individual basis, of course, there can always be reasons for conflict...
slightly interested but very confused.
also, the word Eidelon sounds familiar.
Glad to hear! :D
'Eidolon' is probably familiar from a couple of the Final Fantasy games, where it's usually another word for 'Summon'. The word itself is an alternate term for 'Phantom', 'Illusion', 'Avatar' etc.
Say, if I was gonna create some sort of fancy banner art for this, do I just ask about it in another thread...?