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SO, questions for character gen:

-- Does my character have to be Marked? Can he/she be from a distant land outside of Orewyn?

-- Should I play a male or female?

-- How crazy does the fantastical stuff get? Tempted to play an underground explorer/archaeologist and/or wanderer from some strange cavern-dwelling nation.
Name: Kenshin Tanaka
Age: 23
Gender: Male

A tall, thin man of narrow jaw and short dark hair. He dresses in smart, modest clothing that's primarily blue, brown or beige. He is entirely unremarkable, and vanishes into a crowd with almost superhuman ease.

Personality: Calm, kind and focused. Normally a very polite, reserved and cautious person, Kenshin's personality becomes much bolder in dangerous situations - his keen mind is ever vigilant and observant of the smallest details, picking apart the world around him an array of perception that most can't seem to decipher.
--- Eyes of Modest Truth: Seeing the world through mortal eyes and a mortal form that none-the-less focuses on the unusual and prenatural, Kenshin is able to quickly pick up on and discover things that most would fail to notice. With great cunning his eyes dart about as if possessed, the fragments coming together into an elaborate picture.
--- Silver Tongue: While not generally dishonest, Kenshin knows a thing or too about holding people's attention - even if it means the occasional spark of nonsense or redacting the less favourable aspects of a situation.
--- Moderate Income: Through living in a cheap, low-quality apartment and having a relatively steady part-time job on the side, Kenshin has resources that most high schoolers could only dream of.

--- A Nice Hat: Pictured alongside him, it's really very nice. It's also just the right size to obscure his face without making it seem obvious, if that's something he needs to do.
Brief History:

Growing up in a small and uneventful family, the son of a couple who ran a corner shop in their cozy seaside town, Kenshin rarely aspired to greatness. He had many natural talents, and the world seemed good. While he had few friends, he and his sister would tell each other everything, and they often stood up for each other - he'd help her with homework, she'd help him to overcome his shyness and make friends. When it came to bullies, they always had each other's backs...

And then one day a fairy came to town, and the bond grew distant.

She left for greener pastures, metaphorically speaking. No longer happy with her small town life, small town friends, small town dreams...

Small town brother.




Cat Name: Kurumi
Cat Appearance:

Cat Personality: Kurumi has a lovable personality when she's not murdering smaller animals and bringing them to Kenshin as gifts. She loves nothing more than eating tuna, snuggling by the fire, and sneering at her pet human or interfering in his work at the worst possible times.
Handily, though, she's got an even better eye for the strange and unusual than Kenshin does...


Theme Song:
I think the "vigilante with criminal contacts because he envied his sister" part's still a bit far on the edgy side.

Hmm... a good point. The vigilante part was more along the lines of 'but what if he needs to fight??' but, like, the whole point of a character like that is that he... doesn't, I guess. He's also supposed to be an optimist rather than moody - not acting so much out of resentment (though there's a little bit of it there) or 'angst' (he's probably not a teenager any more) but rather out a kind of...

"I don't get super powers but that doesn't mean I can't still do some good in this world."

...Although, come to think of it, that's actually probably how a teenager given PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER and told to be a selfless hero would react, so that's actually kind of funny.


So perhaps by lampshading the edginess and having her not necessarily be taken as a serious threat? Perhaps because her powers are fueled by negative emotions she's not actually that strong in comparison to the others and has to try and learn the virtues of 'not being shortsighted' and 'focusing every waking moment on being a force for change is just going to burn you out and make you more miserable'...
So, after reading through the existing characters sheets, I'm tempted to apply as either:

1) A slightly strange girl filled with rage at the world - the Magical Girls are guardians of the world, protecting it from chaos... yet the world is generally a bad place that stifles the hopes and dreams of people through apathy, greed, ignorance, misplaced pride and selfish hate. Adopted by a renegade Fairy, she sees her role as a bringer of hope to be one of destruction, because only by extinguishing the light of the old order can a gentler, more equal world be born...

Light brings shadow and thus the haves and have-nots. The darkness alone, though... everyone is equal.


2) A young man with no powers (obviously) who dreamed of becoming a hero as a child. After his sister became a Magical Girl he desperately sought to find a way to make a difference in the world and be something more than he otherwise could, realizing that even without powers he still possessed one of the greatest gifts in the universe - a clever mind and the power to mould his own fate.

Dedicating himself to self-improvement and becoming a master in many fields, he has become something of a freelance investigator, detective and occasional vigilante. He works closely with the Magical Girl community, using his contacts in the criminal underworld to help provide anonymous tips regarding the more supernatural threats that often plague the world.

A place where the dead come back...

The false-faced would-be, a lowly Elsen less valuable than an office drone. The other Elsens seemed to respond to him and follow his lead, but the Batter couldn't help but feel... uneasy was the wrong term. The Batter's emotions were not so simplistic, but the comment of coming back from the dead...

Was this 'Handsome Jack' a Spectre? He certainly didn't look like one, and he was intelligent.

The Batter felt deep within himself, but kept his bat held low. No need for violence just yet; he knew from experience that fighting an opponent on their home turf could often end disastrously when you weren't prepared.

The cattle-rustling Elsen seemed surprisingly eager for the mission, stating his intentions of 'democracy'. These Elsen seemed far more involved and competent than the ones he was used to - Elsen relied on their Guardians for everything because they were so incapable of anything except the most meaningless tasks, like that shriveled blue creature which still lingered by the entrance. On the Zones, the idea of Elsens leading themselves was idiotic, but in this chaotic new world...

"I do not mind which direction we go in; I will simply eliminate the obstacles along the road. A holy path is not defined by the ground you walk on."

And so he followed, not acknowledging the others at all - save for the purple-skinned, bug-limbed Elsen. He kept a cautious distance from her - she reminded him a little too much of the Burnt Elsen from Zone 3, and those were always tricky to purify even when he held greater power and a more powerful bat...


Oh boy, rang his thoughts, I guess it's back to the desert, then...

Honestly, Abe wasn't sure he still wanted to be on this mission - safety was something he had been struggling to get used to over the past few weeks, but every time things started to settle down there was some new horrible crisis or evil corporation trying to enslave his people. Handsome Jack in particular made him shudder - he gave off that same sort of petty greed and short-sightedness as the Glukkons back home.

He even wore a suit a little like a Glukkon's, albeit he seemed to have more than two functioning limbs and didn't look like an angry, half-rotten raisin.

The cowboy - Marston? - soon stepped forwards and suggested they all move out, but something in Abe's heartbeat suggested he linger near the back. As the group slowly filtered out, one by one, he cautiously approached the short human dressed in dark clothes.

Out of everyone there, she seemed to least technologically focused or monstrous. While... Kerrigan? The purple bug creature, she reminded him a little too much of a Paramite or a Scrab. Very dangerous, an enemy of the machines and their creators, and important to the natural order, of course, but again... emphasis on the very dangerous.

"Howdy," his voice popping with a nasally, slightly dopey sort of accent, "Name's Abe. You seen any other guys like me? They'd probably be green, though. Probably fart real bad."

He raised his hand very slowly, his voice suddenly lowering as he whispered.

"You know if anyone's got somethin' to eat? They don't sell nothin' good here."
So, one thing I'm curious about - I'm open to suggestion on either front, but I'm assuming that the Batter is immune to Telepathy and other mental powers? Only on the basis that he's pretty expressly in-universe a kind of 'Embodiment of Nothing' who only sort of resembles a human being.

Since it never comes up in universe I'm fine with it if y'all want him to be vulnerable to psychic abilities like mind-reading and what have you, but personally I think he shouldn't be.
I probably wont post anything until tomorrow at this point due to work and time constraints, but tomorrow I will definitely post.

The Batter is probably gonna be aloof and generally avoid talking to people unless they approach him.

Abe is... hmm. Not sure yet.

I find myself tempted to sign up as more characters but it's just, like... too many. Way too many.
@FrozenEcstasy I'm going with the idea she's 'less human than before' as his reasoning IE she's made herself more monstrous and therefore less 'pure', though it's all relative
The endless scintilla. The stranger in the sports gear had wandered that desolate land for days upon days, and now here he stood.

Through a blizzard white mind he sees the ordinary people, simply Elsen with rounder faces and stranger clothes. The world is even further removed from its true state, and in that chaos they try to eke out an orderly pit, a place to call home.

Watching through eyes wide shut, he sees them milling about, their souls contained and their needs so basic. They are impure, but less so than the Spectres. To purify the world one at a time would be a thankless and eternal task. No, what he needed was something more... permanent. More widespread.

Something to turn the world OFF. But that something would be harder to find than before, of course.

Then the announcement came through the loudspeakers.

The would-be Guardian of this world, nothing more than an upstart Elsen himself. The Batter had seen him from a distance when he had arrived in this town before, the man with the false face. He remembered the salesman between Zones, the false faced Zacharie, and felt a similar sense of distaste... but at least Zacharie had helped him on his mission.

At least Zacharie hadn't been infested with this strange and myriad range of... 'colour', was the word he seemed to hear most for it.

But the world-be Guardian did seem to have a lot of authority in the fortress, so along the path the Batter went...


From his crouched position by the door, a single orange eye peering through a crack to see into the office, Abe trembled ever so slightly. This world was full of creatures and machines he'd never seen before, and it neither surprised him nor comforted him to know that of course an intelligent machine and its inventor would be murderous and arrogant. It didn't matter that they looked kind of like Mudokons - or at least closer to a Mudokon than a Slig - they were industrialists and warriors.

While 2Fort had seemed intimidating at first, he had mostly gotten used to it. Sure it wasn't Oddworld and the jungle still called to him, but until he could find a way back to his people, he was going to have to make do. The idea of helping with a scouting mission to improve life for the town had appealed to him, but now...

Would a bunch of weird giant guys even want to help?

"Move aside," spoke a voice from behind him, "I have business here."

Abe gave a loud yelp as he turned around, the tall and well-built figure gazing down at him with total disinterest in his... eyes? Abe wasn't sure if they were or not, but honestly, all humans seemed to have weirdly small eyes to him. It was super unnerving, honestly. This guy in particular, though...

Something didn't sit right with Abe, but he wasn't the sort of person to face things head on - and this guy seemed like the very opposite. So, slave routine kicking in, he just nodded and shuffled to the side.

"Oh, uh... sure thing."

As he stepped out of the way and the white-eyed stranger stepped into the office, he couldn't help but tremble, just a little bit. He was pretty sure their attentions would be focused on the weirdo, but he knew he'd stood out as a little bit of a sore thumb since he'd arrived, and he was pretty sure his neck wouldn't last as long as the lumpy purple thing had if the robot decided to take a lunge at him.


"I offer my services," echoed the Batter, his voice shimmering like a pebble dropped into a glassy smooth pond, "So long as there are Spectres to purify. That's all that matters."

The Harold Bat rested in his hands, lightly scuffing the ground, and he watched each of the assembled Elsen. His focus, of course, was clearly and visibly on the would-be with the false face, but the others were all visible to him as well. Everything was visible. It was an endless torrent, unwanted but unyielding.

The degenerate queen. The outcast. The cowering blue. The war machine and its master. The silent soldier and the girl with the empty heart...
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