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"In this week's chapter of the hit new shonen manga 'Melodramatic Mushrooms: I Can't Believe The Cake Is Pondering Its' Place In The Universe', would-be protagonist Krita is on the brink of defeat. Will Whispering Day-San catch up to him and force him to ponder his place in the universe??"

Were Krita's strange cake-heart not pounding in his chest like so much a frightened rat, perhaps he would've paused to think more on the situation. The red-hot potato-battery's surprising potency stinging his hands and chest, and with hindsight - were he to be so lucky as to have some - would probably have realized quite so many flaws with his actions.

Bobblings were not known for the quantity of their guts, but something could at times be said for the quality of them.

Don't look back, Krita mustn't look back - get the battery to Golby.

All around him the world itself seemed to be collapsing, but with surprising speed he could tell he was making progress, the shouts of the stranger in the chaos ringing out louder and louder. There, up ahead, a figure clad in red - and up the hill, a familiar if distant image, straight from the HOBO, was making its way to the same spot.

With the hope in his heart, he allowed himself to waver, just for a second, and turned his head.

He hadn't made a mistake so severe in a long time.

There, looming behind him, was the rapid march of the monstrous insect from before, no doubt having spotted a quick and easy snack. Behind it and to the side was another giant, a feline figure, crying out after the 'big fella', with something resembling hunger on her face. And as she shouted her warnings, far above them the sight of the god-snake loomed terrible and angry with hunger...

Well, admittedly, most giants - of all stripes and relative giant-ness - looked perpetually hungry. It seemed to be a curse of sorts. This was not surprising, and in a way was comforting. He hadn't made this daring run with the idea that he had a high chance of survival...

But in the midst of turning his head, he saw the frightful sight. As the waddling thing awkwardly stumbled to safety, a third giant - followed by some sort of ominous rock, quite a bit more ominous than the ordinary, gravity-affected rocks that were currently crashing down around them all. This third giant, otherwise unassuming by giant standards, was slowly but steadily pursuing the waddling thing.

And it was catching up.

His eyes widened as his chest burned tighter, the smell of burning mushroom meat slowly wafting behind him.

"What should... what should Krita do?? Krita did this for Krita's community, but-"


Something smaller and more inconspicuous than a Bobbling, something faint, fell out from under his stump-foot, and his weight - light as it was - gave out. The potato battery 'flew' through the air with all the force of a small damp rag, hitting the ground with the gentlest of thumps and rolling away from him towards the giant in red.

He himself tumbled awkwardly to the side like some sort of loose desert weed, a chunk of hefty rubble plummeting down to land with a crash between himself and the battery.

As his consciousness bounced throughout his form, he desperately watched the steady, imminent demise of everything he'd built.
Krita is the animu cake-goblin we all deserve.

Watch him dodge Stone's mouth Attack on Titan style.

The formation of a plan began to crack, the earth itself cutting through Krita's thoughts as the awakened beast roared and the world seemed to tumble out of control far quicker than he'd hoped for.

The earth sundered, the pillars folding and collapsing, the sun itself seemingly overwhelmed as the great serpent rose and the folding of the shadows forced the peaceful Dozing to awaken with an ancient, alien fury. The waddling thing, suddenly brought to its senses and panicking, side-stepped and awkwardly dodged its way around the chaos.

The Bobblings clung for dear life, a few of their kind with weaker arms falling and being crushed with equal certainty, the ground becoming stained with the muck of splattered eggs.

But Krita did not cower. Krita did not allow his fear to cloud his judgement, the ringing in his cap not preventing his will, his spirit, from finding the pace of the situation. Eyes narrowing, he watched as the stranger with a triangle for a face charged down the incline, screaming something about 'turning it on'.

Another voice, nearly lost amongst the mayhem, cried out for batteries. 'Anything that can hold electricity'?

"Golby the Biggs?"

He rubbed his grabbers together, the wind rushing through his scarf as he grabbed hold of the railing with his left hand, the waddling thing's panicked rampage proving more and more unstable with every step. The other giants, now reacting and scattering in their own ways to the unfolding chaos, were clearly distracted.

Was this his moment?

He sent a brief call through the community, a chirp that rang through the crowded waddling thing. As one the community nodded, rummaging through the chaos of the waddling thing, through their rooms and chambers.

"Come on, gibbit! Krita needs the Shocking Thing!"

"Right-o, right-o...!" the others mumbled in unison.

With a sudden heave, the tiny battery - essentially a bright-red potato hooked up to a light-bulb - flew through the air. Krita smiled, a quick thumbs up to his family, and as with one breath he leapt from the railing, snatching the battery and cushioning it against himself, hitting the ground with a soft and inaudible roll. Like a freshly baked muffin dropped at a picnic he came to a steady rest, and then, with only enough hesitation to pose dramatically, he charged into the chaos.

Agility was not his strong suit, but any giant could tell you that a Bobbling on a mission was a Bobbling in a hurry. With the spirit of a hero, Krita's stumpy legs carried his soft, delicious body across the field, dodging and weaving around the plummeting chaos.

The Bobblings would hold fast in his absence, the command simple - escape, and survive. Krita, No-Excuses-For-Realsies would give his life to stop this madness if need be.


First he just had to figure out what needed to be turned on.
I'm planning to write up my next post either tomorrow or Thursday

Assuming there's no other posts between now and then, it's time for Krita to do what Krita does best

Also apologies to @Girlie1Bomba that Krita failed to notice Lucky, he's *way* too distracted by the Whispered Day who stands out way more as 'a big scary dumb thing that will probably eat us all and wouldn't even know we taste bad??'

That said, I'm curious how good everyone else's sense of smell is? Bobblings 'special speech' is very difficult for 'biggs' to learn because it's not vocal and therefore does not make a good basis for abstract communication with non-Bobblings. That said, someone could easily 'get the feel' of what it means or implies with enough exposure.


[EDIT] Also @Mokley, is there a local community of Bobblings in Dozing? I would *assume* so since it's a relatively peaceful and out of the way spot.

The breeze was calming and carefree against the light of the sun, and for just a moment, Krita wondered if he could finish his quest right then and there. Dozing was a calm and rest-easy sort of place after all, a ruin to the failure of giants everywhere, and it put a soft grin on Krita's face.

Plenty of grass for the wandering beast that Krita's community had named their waddling thing, and soft soil for digging new holes. Everyone knew holes were the secret to a strong community, because within them was both the power of death and life. With each thunderous step through this happily broken place, Krita's mind was torn.

"Settle here? Keep going? Krita's community really smells bad, mmmmmm...! But Golby the Biggs is expecting Bobblings for his crew?? Krita is many things, but Krita isn't rude or dishonest, that would be just the worst."

The chittering smell of Krita's right-hand Bobbling, who Krita liked to call Right-Hand Bobbling for that exact reason, caught the leader off-guard. He hopped forwards, just a little, his stumpy beige limbs making a soft 'patter' against the metal flooring the community had installed over their carrier's head. With a sneer he carefully tried to save face, spinning around on the spot in such a way that the red scarf he always wore began to blow in the breeze (something Golby had once told him via the community's HOBO would make him look heroic and kingly).

Right-Hand Bobbling made a soft 'ooh' noise, and Krita was pleased.

"Krita the Best Boss Ever, No-Excuses-For-Realsies, the watchers have been smelling bad. It's upsetting the eggs. Two eggs just wilted."

Krita paused in his dramatic pose, the temporary halo caused by his especially shiny cap vanishing as he looked at Right-Hand right in the eyes. Right-Hand awkwardly shuffled backwards, skinny grabbers held close to his cylinder of a torso.

He never liked giving Krita bad news, because it always made Krita sad.

"Krita thought Krita told the nesters to be careful where nesters put the eggs? Krita picked the watchers for watching because watching means smelling bad so Krita's community don't get eaten even once more than needed? The eggs are important, Right-Hand! Krita's community needs to look after the eggs!"

"Right-Hand knows it No-Excuses-For-Realsies, but Krita's community has been walking for days with no sign of Golby the Biggs and the promised ship, thanks?? Too much stress and no room on the waddling thing so there's too many eggs and too many Bobblings and it smells really bad everywhere, No-Excuses-For-Realsies! All the community is asking for is a week off, so maybe Krita can maybe just tell Golby the Biggs to build the crew another time, thanks?? Please, No-Excuses-For-Realsies...?"

Krita tapped his chin, a handsome flap of meat that accentuated his charmingly spherical frog-face. With scarf billowing in the mild breeze, he had to confess that Right-Hand Bobbling had a point (though he would never admit it out loud).

They had been travelling non-stop for days, and the feedback from the rest of the community had been exceptionally less-positive than normal. Rations were running low, the rate of eggs eventually becoming egged was way too high, and with only one carrot left for their ride there were fears that they'd be forced to veer wildly off-course if it had to go looking for its own food.

That or walk, and Krita had grown used to striding across the world on a giant machine-beast of his own discovery, even if they had stolen it using their carrots. Which they had also stolen.

All in all, it was an awful situation, and Dozing was such a lovely place to doze...

But then Krita smelt it. Saw it. Felt it.

What had panicked the watchers, and what everyone else would be panicking about as well as soon as they could distinguish the scent amidst the noise. Just out of view besides his perch atop the waddling thing, just beyond a particularly conveniently shaped piece of rock that Krita would probably have put down to divine intervention if Bobblings were inclined to believe in gods beyond their own mind-blowing capacity for following simple instructions that made them the true inheritors of the world.

"REST THE WADDLING THING! REST IT, SO SAYS KRITA!" he screamed in the quiet language of his kind, and the entire community stopped their chattering and stinking with immediate effect. To a non-Bobbling, of course, the sound would be practically inaudible from any notable distance, but to the Bobblings it was really quite stunning.

The carrot team reared the carrot, and with awkward disappointment they failed to stop their carriage from effortlessly snatching it up to eat. It tended not to walk around for a while when it ate, though, so Krita was thankful.

He had bought them time, and maybe that would be enough to save their lives.

For there, just out of sight of the main body of the community's noble steed, in a wide open clearing, stood a pair of terrible giants. Krita desperately held in his breath, afraid of even daring to move for fear that they might be exposed.

"What... what is it Krita?"

"Right-Hand Bobbling, it's the biggest and most monstrous biggs any Bobbling has ever seen, like an ugly bug thing, except it probably wouldn't even taste good?? Krita is happy Krita discovered it and also Krita is preparing two dramatic speeches, one in case the waddling thing spends enough time eating for Krita to think of a clever and daring plan or Golby the Biggs shows up."

Right-Hand gulped, grabbers shaking.

"And, No-Excuses-For-Realsies, the other one?"

"Well, Right-Hand, Krita needs Right-Hand to pass on the message for Krita's community to prepare to run or burrow for every single life and egg as quietly as possible, because if the big dumb waddling thing does something big and dumb and loud or Krita's community does something not big but also dumb and loud, Krita's speech will be about how brave and dumb and fun every Bobbling was and hopes that the survivors find a new king who is the Second Best Boss Ever, No-Excuses-For-Realsies, to go and make the special Bobbling Kingdom in the special peaceful place, just like Krita promised, okay?"


Right-Hand just nodded, waddling off as fast as his stumps would let him to warn the others, and Krita stroked his chin.

The odds were not in his favour, but he had the beginnings of a plan...
@Mokley Thanks, I've posted Krita's character sheet on the character page with some notable edits and additions to match the things you suggested, if there's anything you're unsure of/unhappy with then please let me know and I will edit it immediately.

The 'waddling thing' doesn't have an image, yet, but it's probably one of these with the brain of a donkey.
Okay, sooo...!

The first (hopefully only?) version of the form is complete on the previous post.

Please let me know if you have any queries or conundrums before it's finished...!
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