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@Dragonfly 9

I'm very intersted in this. I was thinking of playing either a raggy Ann or Andy doll or a cutesy stuffed animal.

I would
@Red Wizard @Chrys @MrSkimobile


Azir put away the flask whether the woman took her offer or not. From the distance, she could hear the sound of battle going on. A small part of her wanted to join in so she could quench her bloodthirst. However, if she went alone, there was a chance she could be overwhelmed and killed, although she could use her “comrades” as a meat shield. Squinting her eyes, she saw a group of figures coming towards them and wondering what was coming towards them. However, she had a bad feeling about what was coming. As the figures approached the group, Azir could adequately see what it was. A part of her felt flushed when she saw a wyvern moving away from the parting sun. This was a creature besides giants and dragons that she wouldn’t mess with.

But her shock seemed to fade as the bloodlust was starting to fill her body. Letting her large club slam into the ground, making it tremble violently and covering her ears when the sickly woman screeched loudly. Looking at her, annoyed that she had to deal with that. Making a mental note to get earplugs for the next time she does that again. She picked up the club after placing her hands away from her ear and letting out a roar, although this one was not as loud as the undead woman. She swung her club around while still screaming, trying to scare off the incoming army approaching them. They would be in for a fight if they wanted to. Her eyes were focused on the incoming Wyvern that was coming towards them. She didn’t have anything to try to bring it down. However, she could try to throw her club at it. But she wasn't sure that wouldn't work. Glaring at Broin, finding it strange that he made himself go into unconsciousness. The ogre wondered what he was planning to do.

But she didn't have time to see what he was planning. The large ogre picked up the unconscious human, shaking him, hoping that would wake him up. "Wake up, little man. No time to sleep." She screamed near his face.
@Red Wizard

Good juju being send your way. I hope he gets better quick.
Posted, sorry it took so long.
@Randomguy @Bounce @Adamastor

𝓔𝓵𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓵

Elizabeth stopped where she was as Raph was blocking the door. At first, she wanted to push him aside but only stared at him. Her eyes were intense, and she stared at the other vampire with a fierce look. She seemed focused on getting past Raph but didn’t move a muscle for some reason. Instead, she looked over at Raph before looking at the door behind him. Part of her wanted to rush into the room behind him. However, she didn’t want to break the plan they had agreed on. They were so close to saving Ludwig that she didn’t want to lose this opportunity.

Her long arms slowly started returning to normal as she took deep, haggard breaths. “Sorry…” She looked at her other siblings. Enzo suggested they bring in one of the freshly risen thugs to go through the door. An idea she could get behind. It would save her from being ripped up like Raph and standing down and starting to walk away while the zombie thugs shuffled towards the door. As the zombies opened the door, they were blasted apart by gunfire. She was glad she was stopped by her siblings before she was turned into Swiss cheese.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Elizabeth jumped into the room and attacked the first thug near the door. She was ripping into the flesh of his neck with her teeth. She could see Ludwig inside a cage from the corner of her eye. He looked pretty beaten up and entirely starved. Being chained, and his hands staked to the walls. The other thugs were firing or trying to fire on Elizabeth. Unbeknownst to them, someone was hiding in the shadows of their room. The others would get the opportunity to follow her into the room to try and free Ludwig.


Each time she stepped, the whole ground would shake. One would wonder how the ogre was not falling straight into the ground. The one named Ricon seemed to know the area, which was nice since she didn’t know this place that well. The large ogre didn’t think he would be very effective in a fight. She didn’t think much of most of the group’s fighting capacity. The only ones she thought could be helpful in a fight would be the ice giant and the sickly-looking woman. She was eyeing the one named Viktor. “Why bring back when you can eat em?” She seemed confused by his statement. Usually, she would eat the bodies of the dead. Speaking of bodies, she was starting to get quite hungry. She was sure she could hunt for food for herself and maybe her comrades. While they were walking, she would be looking for any prey.

Azir looked a little annoyed at Ricon, and his constant talking started getting on her nerves. Fighting these Reavers could provide some results. All of those dead bodies would provide for a good meal. But fighting them could prove her with something better than bodies. “Me am fine fighting Reavers; they may have good loot. But we can’t delay going to Sufrey. Whatever group wants me game.” Azir spoke with a shrug of her large shoulders. The ogre would be fine with either option.

Turning around to the voice that was speaking to her. “No problem, me no mind. Me no like sun either.” She again shrugged her large shoulders. Looking back at the fire-welding maniac before looking at Omiku. “Me no like fire that much either.” Speaking a whisper if that was possible for her. Looking down at the shadow with a curious look on her face. “What you? You ain’t anything me met before?” She asked before getting the flask from between her cleavage. Taking a sip before offering it to the strange woman (Sariel). “Humans probably no want ogre in their city, so i don’t know how me and others will get in.” A point that would make the other groups think about how to get into the city. She doesn't care to give out her name as she doesn't know that well yet.

@MrSkimobile@Thunder999999@BigPapaBelial@Lurking Shadow@Abstract Proxy
Sure we could do that.
I'm gonna start work on a post, hopefully i can get it done this week.
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