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I like tacos.

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@Crimson Flame

I had an idea that I wanted to run by you. I was thinking of playing as a fighter or barbarian Ken. They could be a couple or best friends who look out for each other. Or we could have it so Ken went out to fight the Twisted by himself and Barbie is looking for him? Would you be down for something like that?
I might make my character a rogue or maybe a fighter if Crimson is going for Wizard Barbie.
@Dragonfly 9

Yeah, that makes sense, thank you.
@Dragonfly 9

Well, that's good to hear. I just have to decide what my character is gonna be like. I assume their gonna be a lot of body horror/ other toys suffering horribly?
@Dragonfly 9

Is the leader of the Unnatural some sort of ancient eldritch god? How easy would our character be able to die? I am just worried i might get too attached to my character, and be heartbroken if they do die.
@Dragonfly 9

If i'm playing either character i was thinking a bard or mage. I assume our characters are not safe from being killed. What is the sort of end game for the rp?
@Dragonfly 9

I'm very intersted in this. I was thinking of playing either a raggy Ann or Andy doll or a cutesy stuffed animal.

I would
@Red Wizard @Chrys @MrSkimobile


Azir put away the flask whether the woman took her offer or not. From the distance, she could hear the sound of battle going on. A small part of her wanted to join in so she could quench her bloodthirst. However, if she went alone, there was a chance she could be overwhelmed and killed, although she could use her “comrades” as a meat shield. Squinting her eyes, she saw a group of figures coming towards them and wondering what was coming towards them. However, she had a bad feeling about what was coming. As the figures approached the group, Azir could adequately see what it was. A part of her felt flushed when she saw a wyvern moving away from the parting sun. This was a creature besides giants and dragons that she wouldn’t mess with.

But her shock seemed to fade as the bloodlust was starting to fill her body. Letting her large club slam into the ground, making it tremble violently and covering her ears when the sickly woman screeched loudly. Looking at her, annoyed that she had to deal with that. Making a mental note to get earplugs for the next time she does that again. She picked up the club after placing her hands away from her ear and letting out a roar, although this one was not as loud as the undead woman. She swung her club around while still screaming, trying to scare off the incoming army approaching them. They would be in for a fight if they wanted to. Her eyes were focused on the incoming Wyvern that was coming towards them. She didn’t have anything to try to bring it down. However, she could try to throw her club at it. But she wasn't sure that wouldn't work. Glaring at Broin, finding it strange that he made himself go into unconsciousness. The ogre wondered what he was planning to do.

But she didn't have time to see what he was planning. The large ogre picked up the unconscious human, shaking him, hoping that would wake him up. "Wake up, little man. No time to sleep." She screamed near his face.
@Red Wizard

Good juju being send your way. I hope he gets better quick.
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