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@Dyelli Beybi @Tesserach @Half Pint

Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

He woke up to the sound of his alarm on his phone going off. Helmut stumbled, sitting up in his bed. He had a deep desire to go back to sleep but couldn’t go back to sleep. Checking his phone, not being surprised that he had no new emails. He checked the various dating sites and grimaced when he saw no new matches or messages. Putting his phone away before getting ready and doing his morning routine. While preparing, he listened to his favourite song. He didn’t know what he was doing today; he could start work on one of his many art projects. But perhaps he could do that later in the evening. For now, he wanted to go to the standard room to work on some sketching. He was overthinking many things, which made him quite anxious. Grabbing his, which had his pencils and sketchbook, heading out of his room. Sitting down on one of the many crusty chairs, not caring that he could be sitting on unsavoury stains.

He took out his sketchbook and one of the pencils and sketched the common area, including the students living there. He sketched some students putting up posters, not noticing that one of his toys was inside his backpack. The toy itself was a Raggedy Andy doll. He had this doll since he was three years old, and it would be surprising because of how well-kept it was. Stopping for a moment to get something to drink. He closed his sketchbook and placed it into his backpack, surprised to see the Raggedy Andy doll in his backpack. He was walking over to the vending machines beside the people putting up the poster. Picking an energy drink before going back to the couch. Having not noticed, he was now sitting near a group of people. Drinking his energy drink while people watching.
Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski

Benjamin watched as Stefania gave him all the information about her missing son, empathizing with her because he had lost custody of his daughter. Having written down what she was saying, he felt he had a good lead on what to find. This Mary person could be an excellent place to start his investigation. “Mrs.Parker, I promise I will find your son; I will call you if I find any information on your son’s whereabouts.” He smiled and placed his hand over the desk for the woman to hold. He squeezed her hand gently before leading her out of her office. Saying goodbye to her before closing the door and taking a deep breath. “Fuck.” Muttering under his breath, he walked over to his desk. He made himself a drink by grabbing a glass and a bottle of whiskey from his desk drawers. He knew that today was going to be a long one. After finishing his drink, he went outside his office and to his car.

He had gotten Mary's house address from Stefania. He was driving to her home while listening to one of his favourite song. He parked his car in the street before getting out. He smiled and nodded towards some kids playing in the street. He knocked on the door while whistling softly. The door opened, and a middle-aged African American woman stood behind it.

“Hello, who are you?” She asked meekly while staring at Benjamin. She looked pretty afraid, and Ben was curious why that was.

I am Benjamin Zebroski, a private investigator looking for a lost boy.” he said, showing the picture of Stefania’s missing son. Mary seemed to recognize this and looked quite surprised. She opened the door a bit more with a smile on her face.

“Oh, are you the one looking for Stefania’s son?” Ben answered this question by smiling and nodding his head.

Yes, ma’am. May I come in? I have some questions for you.” he asked, and he was happy to do so. He was seated on the woman’s couch. The woman offered him some coffee to drink, which he gladly accepted. During their conversation, the man she described sounded similar to what Stefania had mentioned. “Was there anything like what the man in the green coat looked like?” He asked while sipping his coffee.

“I only saw a bit of the guy's face; all I could tell was that he was Asian and had a big birthmark on his cheek. I also noticed he had a ring with a strange symbol.” Mary then drew the symbol on a piece of paper. He handed it to Ben, who took a moment to study it. It was a strange symbol, something he had never seen before.

Was there anything else you noticed during the kidnapping?” He asked her to, and she nodded softly.

“No, that is all I noticed about the guy. “She shook her head, feeling terrible that she could not give him more information. But Ben resolved her doubt by reassuring her that it was a good start. He thanked her for the coffee before leaving the house to speak to his contact, who is a symbologist.


Action: Option 2 (No Rolls) | FP: 0 | Stress: Tick 0 | Consequences: None (0)

Posted to the CS thread, i'm gonna start work on my post.

@Dyelli Beybi

Thanks, i'm gonna take a moment to make it look better before posting it on the CS.
@Dyelli Beybi

Let me know if I need to change anything.
@Dyelli Beybi

That's fair. Do you mind if i DM you some ideas for signature spells for my character?
@Dyelli Beybi

I'd be intersted in joining this roleplay; I was just wondering If something like Necromancy would be forbidden or taboo to practice. Some other ideas I had for unique spells were blood magic or being able to speak to ghosts.
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