@mattmanganonTaivas was still in the middle of fighting the heartless around him. Being so consumed with battle, he hasn’t noticed Dotty yet. Slashing at the incoming heartless with his keyblade, making them disappear in a puff of smoke. He grabbed one of them, absorbing the darkness of the creature. “
Is that all you guys got. PATHETIC!!!!” Grinning while turning his attention towards some floating heartless. These particular heartless were shooting fire and ice balls at him. Taivas quickly dodged their attacks, cutting them in half with his keyblade. He turned around to see a group of armoured heartless coming towards him. Holding out his hand as it was soon engulfed in shadow. Shooting a rather large ball of made from this shadow towards them. The heartless vanished as the ball consumed them all, with the ball soon coming back towards Taivas. He caught the ball, consuming the darkness from the projectile.
The older man's voice echoed in his mind. “
Embrace the darkness deep inside of your heart. It will give you the power to protect yourself and those you hold dear.” Taivas kept moving out of the way of their attacks. He fired shadowy spears right back at the creatures. Finally, he noticed Dotty alongside her. “
Go ahead. Just stay out of my way.” He said this to the two of them while focusing on the heartless who were left. He didn’t understand what she said since he didn’t have a bow on him. Taivas noticed a large group of heartless coming towards him. Three large fat heartless, four fire and ice spewing heartless, and six armoured heartless. Taivas closed his eyes while standing still, his hands outstretched, and the darkness from his hands started surrounding his body. He opened his eyes before yelling out a command. “
PILLAR OF DESPAIR!!!” And with that, three large pillars of darkness came out of his body and towards the group of heartless. The army of heartless was consumed by the pillars. The pillars returned to Taivas, giving him a massive boost from consuming their darkness.