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@AwesomeZero5 @Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah

The jester frowned at the group primarily because of the constant insults. He hoped they would make this encounter more exciting. A fight would have prevented them from giving up the artifact so easily. In his eyes, the fight would have tested their skills against a more lethal opponent. Like with the last group that had spoken to him so rudely, he would need to punish them for their insolence. The jester moved like a flash towards the group. He made Howitzer his first target. Goibniu’s message to the GM didn’t go though. Someone or something was interrupted. It was likely the jester intercepting, so the GM did not interfere.

The ranger’s back was turned towards the jester. He felt a hot, stinging feeling in his chest. Looking down, he noticed a dagger running through his chest. He couldn’t say anything; he could only reach out to the group. His body disappeared while the jester closed the gap between himself and the group. Going after Uriel next, he quickly cut the dark knight in half. This left the other players to attack. Uriel’s scream would have alerted the others of what was going on.

The jester’s next target was Rath and Claudia. Making quick work of them, targeting Claudia’s legs to put salt in the wound. Finishing off the rest of the part with the group, they soon appear in Ocren’s capital city. The jester picked up the artifact with a smile on his face. “Who’s the asshole now.” He muttered before skipping away.

What the f- was that. We gotta call an admit or something; this is getting ridiculous.” Howitzer yelled out, stomping his feet on the ground. Uriel looked quite angry, even though it was hard to tell because of the helmet he was wearing.

Goibniu had sent one when we first encountered the jester. But he must’ve blocked it from going through. Maybe it would be best if we’re on our guard. And if we see him again, we will have to run like hell. Wait where is the artifact?” Uriel started panicking looking in his inventory. "That son of a B- took it."



Taivas dreamed of himself as a teenager speaking to an older man. The two of them were discussing whether Taivas had found the princess. Taivas reported that he had not but felt he was close. The older man looked annoyed but smiled at Taivas. “I would hope so, but you have not disappointed me before. So I have faith that you will find the princess.” The older man looked around before looking back at Taivas.

I’ll find her; you don’t have to worry about that.” Taivas shook his head before walking away. The older man soon disappeared into a shadowy portal, leaving Taivas alone. Walking further into the forest, he was stopped by a weird-looking cat smiling at him. His answer could have been more straightforward and understandable when asked where the princess was. Angrily, Taivas walked away, hoping he could find some sort of clue to her location. For a second, he thought he had seen the girl from the picture inside the locket.

Waking up from his dream, he looked at Zac and the others before leaving his chair. He could find some clues to who he was here. “I’ll keep that in mind." he said before leaving the ship. He felt a sense of deja vu being in this place. He was sure that he had been here before. Closing his eyes and trying to remember the reason he was here. An image of a woman in a black coat speaking to him about finding something, or was it someone. “Why the heck did I need to find a princess?” He muttered to himself while wandering the town. Quickly finding himself in the second district. Walking into a cozy-looking home. “Nice place.” He thought, walking through a door and noticing a pair of dogs lying on the ground.

Walking closer, one of the dogs lifted its head, looking up at Taivas. “Sorry to bother you. I was looking for someone and wondered if you had seen them.” He showed them the picture. The other dog opened its eyes, staring at Taivas.

“I think we saw the man in the picture before; he asked for someone tall with blonde hair.” The dog’s eyes scanned Taivas before smiling. Its voice was female. “We said we didn’t see someone like that, but you could check the third district or the town square. You might be able to catch him since he was here a few minutes ago.”

Thank you. I will check to see if he is there.” He turned around but was stopped by the male dog speaking.

“Before you go, Would you do us a favour? We have lost our children, and we cannot leave the house. If you see any of our children, would you please bring them back home? Your efforts will be rewarded greatly.” The male dog smiled, to which Taivas smiled back. He was lost too so he didn’t like the idea of helpless children being lost in hostile worlds.

I will do that. I appreciate your help. By the way, my name is Taivas.” Both dogs slowly got up to their feet.

“My name is Pongo, and this is my mate Perdita.” With that, Taivas made his way over to the third district. Standing in the square of the third district, the place was eerily quiet.

Adian Adian, where are you? It’s me, Taivas.” Yelled out loud, but his only response was the echo of his voice. Taking a deep breath before slamming his hand into a near by wall. Shadowy figures crawling towards him. Slowly coming out from the ground and starting to surround Taivas. “Not you guys again. Looks like you're back for round two.” Summoning his keyblade while holding out one hand. This extended hand becomes engulfed in shadowy darkness. The shadows moved towards his keyblade. Moving at inhuman speed, making quick work of the lowly, heartless. His eyes shone bright yellow as he was combating the heartless. A lone figure was standing on the rooftop watching Taivas.
Interested in joining as well.

Hi bud would you be able to edit the post to include a color to Tavias's dialogue, please and thank you.

Here is the color code- [color=00aeef] [/color]
It's gonna be posted up soon.
@Crimson Flame

Okay nvm then lol.
I might have Taivas go to Olympus or Wonderland after Traverse Town.

Also, I don't know if I asked this before: are Aqua, Terra, and Ventus around, or do they not exist like the Destiny Island trio?
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

If it helps could always have em attack first.

That's what I was thinking lol.

Weren't we hitting up Olympus after Traverse Town?
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