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Honestly, I am unsure how I feel about continuing this roleplay. I feel like I have done poorly DMing and keeping interest in the story. So I may cancel the RP idk.

We could have Qaymu meet Sam in the vents, and maybe help with capturing the gremlins.

Go ahead bud.
Finally posted something.

When Dotty started singing Taivas wished he had stayed on the island to be consumed by the darkness. The next stop would be getting earplugs so he doesn’t have to listen to her talk. “I think we’re in some sort of purgatory, and Dotty is our torturer.” He said, responding to Zen. Ignoring Dotty and trying to have a conversation with the storekeeper.

Cid glared at Taivas, not liking being called old. “Tsk, who are ya callin old man ya little punk.” He leaned over the counter while puffing on the cigarette in his mouth. Blowing some of the smoke in Tavias’ face. The blonde man is increasingly annoyed by Dotty’s singing and the smoke blowing in his face.

Whatever, look I’m just here looking to buy a ship. I gotta get out of here for some personal business. Do you have one in stock or not?” Taivas let out a sigh of relief when Dotty stopped talking and left the store. “Yeah, I’ll see ya later.” He said waving her off.

“Ya do huh, well it’s gonna cost ya they ain’t cheap ya know.” Cid responded, moving the cigarette away from his mouth.

How much is it gonna cost?” Taivas asked, having a bad feeling about what he would say next.

“Well, I’d estimate it’ll be around 1000 munny for the cheapest ship I got.” Cid’s answer made Taivas look quite shocked.

Damn? Maybe I can get a discount or something.” This comment made Cid laugh, shaking his head.

“Mmmm, I might be able to. What is this personal business you were talking about?” Cid said that Taivas then regaled him with his time on Destiny Island and left with Zac. And him trying to find his friends. Mentioning Adian and Xena by name. He even showed them the picture to see if he had seen him.

“Ya meet Zac, eh? Mmm, I saw the guy. He was asking around for someone named Taivas. I guess that person is you? He said he was heading to Olympus to see if you were there.” He said with a slight smile on his face. “I guess you're desperate to find these people. So how about I discount it to 500 since you are so keen on finding em.” Mentioning this still made Taivas annoyed but at least it was somewhat cheaper.

Alright, I’ll get the munny, and then I’ll be back for the ship.” He sure hoped those dogs could cough up enough for the ship. Leaving the shop and to the dalmaintine’s house. “So we got your kid back, what’s our reward?” He said curtly to the two of them.
How are we doing on posts guys?

Word Count: 835
Level: Lv: 6 EXP: (3/60)
Location: Dead Zone Hinterlands - Martira, Old Castle Town

Harry felt something touch his body, and a voice spoke to him, urging him to wake up. Harry slowly opened his eyes, noticing an older man standing above him. The man was wearing a dirty green shirt and equally dirty pants. He was kneeling beside him with a friendly smile on his face.

“Where am I? Is this Heaven?” Harry said feeling like he had been abducted or something. The man chuckled, shaking his head. The man helped Harry up onto his feet.

“Here, have some water; it’ll help. Are you okay?” The man said, offering him a flask of water. Harry took a sip from the flask, with the man holding Harry’s head to let him drink. Eventually Harry slowly got onto his feet again, asking him where he was. This didn’t look like Revachol to Harry.

From its appearance, it looks like a town. And judging from the buildings you must be in the old part of the city. And below you is some sort of stone tile with a strange symbol.” Perception said.

It looks like some sort of teleportation device. That must be how you got here.” Encyclopedia stated.

“But what city am I in? Where am I?” Harry said with the man quickly answering his question.

“You're in Martira, sir. Are you sure you are okay? You look like you’ve been through hell.” The man said

Harry smiled at this comment. It was true he had been through a rough couple of days. He wondered if Kim and the others were still in the city—or hoped so. The thought of losing them filled him with dread. “My name is Harry, Detective Harry Dubois. What’s yours?” He said, wiping off some dirt from his jacket.

“My name is Leonard Grosse. What’s a Detective?” The man asked while helping wipe off some dirt from Harry’s clothes.

“Nice to meet you, Leonard; mind if I call ya Leo? Thanks for the drink. A detective is a police officer of sorts. So where can I go for some work?” Harry thanked Leo, being reminded of Gaston Martin.

You're a decorated supercop, so why don't you go out there and start copping.” Authority stated and pushing Harry to start acting like a cop.

Speaking of drinks, you should get some firewater in your belly. You deserve it.” Electro-Chemistry chimed in. But Harry just disregarded this thought.

You feel something in the inside pocket of your jacket. Checking it you notice a bottle of red wine.” Physical Instrument mentioned with Harry checking the inside of his jacket pocket. When he noticed a wine bottle.

JACKPOT!!!” Electro-Chemistry exclaimed enthusiastically.

STOP!. You are better than this; you don’t need alcohol. I’m sure you’ll find Kim eventually.” Volition interrupted the two. Not wanting Harry to spiral and mess up his life like last time.

"Get a grip on yourself. This kind of self destruction is what got you in trouble in the first place." Composure said adding to the conversation.

“You could see Bardon; I’m sure he could have some work for you.” Leo said to which Harry thanked him for his kindness. Harry gave him back the flask. Leo then showed Jarry where Bardon was, giving him detailed instructions on how to get there. Enjoying the sights of the city. Feeling a sense of sorrow. Sorrow because he had lost his friends and colleagues. Again, he wondered if he would be able to see them again. He opened his jacket, noticing the bottle inside of the pocket. The thought of drinking and once again going down the rabbit hole of alcoholism came into his mind.

<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

You can play him. But keep him similar to how the others played him.

Okay. Or maybe Little Bird could play him again, if there okay with that.
And if Tavias is gonna do a song, i think it might be this one.
@King Kindred

Hi King do you mind playing Cid or maybe I should play him?
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