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I like tacos.

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@Dragonfly 9

What were you thinking for this new RP?
@Dragonfly 9

It's going good so far.

My apologies. Sam had asked them for help, but since they didn't want to help he kept going on the hunt. The two were chasing the gremlins out of the cafetria down a hallway and into the vents.


Tavias had an annoyed look on his face. He felt disappointed and angry because the place he wanted to go to was blocked off. “Thanks for nothing, old man.” The young man sneered before walking out of the building. Now he was wondering how he would get out of this place. He assumed Zac was in another world and didn’t know how to contact him. So, relying on him was out of the question.

Tavias kicked a rock into the water looking letting out a deep sigh. Heading back inside, wanting to talk to Dotty before heading off to find some transport. “Hi, meet me at the dalmatian’s place. I’m gonna try to find a ship or something so we can get out of here.” He looked over at Lucian, nodding and being glad to see him again before leaving properly.

He started his journey back to the first district. Going from shop to shop asking where he could buy a ship. Eventually, he stopped at a shop where a blonde man with goggles on his forehead stood behind the counter. “Hi, old man do you know where I can get a ship? I gotta get out of here.

I am sad to see you go. But i respect your choice. If you ever want to cime back the door is always open.

Probally the Tarzan world.

I wish I could have had Taivas do this when Dotty started singing. Oh well maybe next time.

SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

Location: Building 1 Cafeteria/Hallway/ Ventilation Shaft
Interactions: @Xaltwind (Miyuki), @CitrusArms (Yumeiko), @Expendable (Larry,Curly, and Moe)
Time: Late Afternoon

Sam again apologized to both Miyuki and Yumeiko for disturbing their lunch. Although he was disappointed, they didn’t accept his offer of help. He stood up and wiped off some of the food that had landed on his body. Jumping off the table and following Azir, who was sprinting towards the gremlins by this point. “Wait for me.” Sam yelled while Azir stomped in the hallway. Azir, meanwhile, was screaming and cursing, trying to catch up to the gremlin but was having no luck trying to catch the gremlin.

The two were behind the gremlins, but Sam was gaining ahead of Azir. The gremlins were zig-zagging, trying to avoid Sam. Both of them ran into an air vent where they thought they would be safe from the two of them. Of course, Sam followed, using his abilities so he could fit inside. One of them looked worried that they would be caught. The other was flung towards him when three other gremlins hit him.

Ow, watch where you're going.” The first gremlin said, rubbing his head. The other looks equally angry. It rubbed its head, looking behind its shoulder.

You gotta help; we’re being chased by some clown and a big red woman.” The second gremlin said he had a dreadful feeling something terrible would happen to him. “Do you know how to get out of these vents?” Added while hearing something thumping behind them.

Azir, meanwhile, was stomping around following the thumping Sam was making inside the vent. Occasionally slapping the vents in hopes that he was hitting the gremlins. But was hitting Sam, who was being slammed into the top of the vent.
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