Avatar of Expendable


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4 days ago
Current I'm about to be banished for the good of the realm again. Where is the trust in this world, I ask you?
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7 mos ago
I'm sorry, you've reached his personal secretary, Department of Shrubbery, Floor 64, Desk 1024. How can we help you today?
9 mos ago
Or buy a van or a used rental truck. Something nobody would look twice at. You can put in a rack for the rope, duct tape, plastic sheeting, shovels....
9 mos ago
Never trust a car salesman - especially a used car salesman. Have a buddy park across the street and see how many stuffed body bags you can shove in there. Gotta have room for plastic sheeting, etc.
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9 mos ago
Neil Gaiman wrote in his Good Omens bio that he likes it when fans send him $50. (He read Terry Pratchett's bio and figured it wouldn't hurt.)


I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

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In Cowboy Bebop, they had developed hyperspace gates that allowed ships to travel between the terraformed planets and moons in the solar system in a matter of hours. Gates are a frequently used method of travel, which helped in system defense. It may be necessary to use a gate to get to a system, but you don't necessarily come out of the gate, just somewhere along the edge and spend the next week or so transiting in-system.

For Firefly, basically they terraformed many of the planets of a binary star system. You get the impression that the core worlds are those intermost to their primaries, while the frontier were the outer worlds. Thus a trip between neighboring planets took days, not centuries.

I like Traveller's jump drives. C.J. Cherryh had something similar, but ship crews and passengers would not be conscious during their jumps. They'd hang saline bags for IVs and make sure water and ration bars were nearby for when they regained consciousness days later. Their biggest surprise was to find out one of the races, the Kif, did not become unconscious during a ship jump. Cargo was also packed in drums and loaded into a sort of giant rack in the hold.

Alternately, you could have some sort of unique warp drive. I read one where the warp field is generated by cables that retract into the hull following a jump to protect them.

For one of my games, I came up with an Exotic Matter drive - basically dark matter is like an iceberg - we see 10% of it at the normal space level, but 90% of the mass is "submerged" in a form of subspace. Exotic matter drives work by taking a fragment of dark matter at the heart of the drive and using fields to push the dark matter further into subspace, dragging the rest of the ship with it, partially submerging the ship into subspace in a sort of interface layer, so you're able to move at greater than light speeds while still able to see normal space.

But you have to watch out for gravity shoals, the wells created by the stars and even the dimples of planets. As you move towards a gravity shoal, the dark matter starts getting pushed back into normal space. The last thing you want to do is have a drive failure where the field collapses and the dark matter rebounds, swelling within the drive casing until it bursts through, splitting the ship apart. And then it returns to subspace, dragging nearby fragments back into subspace with it.

I also developed a type 2 drive where additional coils allow the entire ship to be submerged in subspace and you navigate by detecting quasars as they pulse in both normal space and subspace. By finding the relative positions between two such quasars, you can navigate near enough to an edge of a planetary system, then spend the next two weeks going insystem to a planet, or if they have a way station, you travel to one of those to do your trades where someone takes your cargo to tran-ship to the planet, while you make arrangements to take on cargo shipment

However, not many have a type 2 drive.

Interstellar ansibles use the exotic matter drive to open a small portal into subspace so they can then transmit & receive, so you have near instant communications between systems. You could decide it still takes a week or more for the messages to be received. Also, ansibles are basically small space stations. Military ships can configure themselves to become ansibles, but they basically can't do much else while transmitting and waiting for a response.

So no alien races yet. Are furries here basically chimaera? A mixing of human and animal dna?
Jack Mallory, X.O.

"It's a mad-house... captain...!?!" the X.O. yelped as the leather cap was unceremoniously yanked off his head and carelessly tossed aside. His eyes darted to the back of her head as she went past, then behind him to find the cap - which was surprisingly warm. And possibly the only hat he'd have until they returned. And if they lost gravity, potential F.O.D. hazard.

Danny, Danny, Danny, he sighed shaking his head.What did I ever do to you?

Leaning forward over the radar plot, he took out his white wax pencil and marked out a plot. "Captain, recommend we come right seven and one-half degree for 600 yards, then left seven and one-half degree to resume our base course for 190 yards, then left three degrees for the next eight hundred yards.... What the...?"

There was six tracks coming up behind them....?

"Captain! We've got missiles coming up our butts!"

They had nothing at all back there but that kinetic shield - and he didn't think it was built to withstand that sort of blast.

25 days since he's been seen. hope they're okay?
@BigPapaBelial @EmiliaBaiYue

I hope to get a few more people interested in the comming days, after that start the ooc. If no additional interest shows up, we can always start with a few people and see if others join along the way.

@ExpendableYou have posted a few weeks ago in this topic. Considering the time passed, is it safe to assume you're no lonver interested?

Still interested, have no fear. Just working out what sort of character I would play in this.
J'eon the Blacksmith

"Thank you," J'eon pants as he is help up. Shirik was burning, yet was acting as though nothing unusual was happening. What was he? "I.. have a cart... back there... Chest, two blankets."

He paused, looking at the creature Shirik has slain. "We... should go... swiftly. Where... there is one... there will... be others."

It was more than pain that made him pant.

Jack Mallory, X.O.

"Aye aye, captain!" Jack nodded, turning towards the bridge.

After getting through the airlock, he cycled the bridge hatch and stepped inside, eyes turning towards the pilot at his console, then to the navigator's station on the left, ignoring the yammering of port controller over the radio.

Stepping over to it, he began keying in for all the local 'ports capable of handling the Jo, then forwarded the primary and alternate
flight plans to both the pilot and the captain's station.

"Pilot Janković," Jack sang out. "Two flight plans sent to you, confirm?"
Jester assassins could work, if done right. Jesters have access to the royal court, after all. Typically the role requires them to be both the wit and the punching bag of the court. But the only way it works is if there's just one or two killer jesters. Once it comes out that a jester, Giacomo, has openly assassinated someone of rank, all of the jesters become immediate suspect.

I'm sure a few kings would kill theirs on the spot, just to be safe (and they would be the lucky ones, as they wouldn't face the torturers). Should the jester Giacomo ever dare to show his face again, he's sure to be cut down.

Really, the issue with assassins is they have to hide, because there's no way they can face an army on equal terms. They're like the passive-aggressive of fighters, striking from the shadows, using poison, seeding bad intelligence, setting traps. Since they won't openly face a warrior, they're generally despised.

A race of assassins can't hide.

A race of warriors, on the other hand, doesn't need to. Because they fight openly, they can be respected - even by their enemies.

To be a lone assassin or even a clan of assassins, it's possible to hide among the others - as long as they don't do anything to expose themselves. Generally, it means working through intermediaries, poisons, disguises (not just for themselves, but for their weapons and the tools of their trade as well). So if someone drops off a letter for the unexposed Giacomo with a certain tavern owner, it's expected to reach the hand of the assassin within a day, if not the hour. A couple of meetings later, terms are discussed, partial payment made, and Giacomo is on the road with no one the wiser as to what he's about to do.

A fair point, to save both of us any grief. I was thinking of going with my original idea. And go with a faction/race that are mostly assassins or are skilled in covert ops. I was thinking their whole culture would be based around jesters and or clowns. I'm unsure If they should be knowledgeable in magic, or are more tech focused. But they could be other professions to try and fit into being part of the crew. So my character specifically could be the bartender or maybe part of security.

So basically ninjas. Why are they ninjas? Why aren't they soldiers? Why did they become ninjas? If the entire race is notorious for being assassins, wouldn't that put a target on any of them? Someone could decide simply to wipe out all members of that race.

A clan of jesters who are secretly assassins? Bad luck if some king turned against the jesters, wouldn't it?
J'eon the Blacksmith

Pressing a hand to their torso, The Glen known as J'eon, gasps and turns his head to face Kareet.

"I... live," he managed, haltingly, bowing his head. "I am... indebted... to you... and your... friend, for coming... to my... rescue."

"I am... J'eon... of Mythadia," J'eon swallowed, tasting the blood. "May... I ask... your names?"

From the pain radiating from its upper and lower torsos, he must have broken some bones there. Nor did he feel ready to stand just yet.
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The back room had shelves full of boxes, bags and cans, but tucked down the far end was a small kitchenette with security monitors, and an exit door. One of the camera images showed an ally, while the rest was different views in the store.

"Saul likes to keep an eye on things when he's back here," Jimmy shrugged. "You want some more milk?"
"Pl..please," Remy said, watching as the clerk opens a refrigerator door and emerge with a carton, handing it over.

"Thank you."
"So kid," Jimmy said as he watched Remy eating. "How long you've been on the streets?"
"I dunno, couple of years I guess," the boy managed between mouthfuls.
"Was it your parents?"
"You know...?"
"I don't remember them," Remy admitted. "I woke up in bandages, I think a hospital just kicked me out or something."
"Jeez, that's rough, kid. You got someplace safe?"

Remy paused, staring back at Jimmy.
"Yeah...." he said slowly.
"Just askin'," Jimmy replied, holding up his hands. "Ran away for a couple of months with this girl, thought we'd join a circus. Instead, we got suckered into a carnival and they bled us dry while running us ragged. Talk about embarrasin'."
"So you're a carny?"
"Naw, carny just wasn't for me."
Jack Mallory, X.O.

The universe must have been trying to tell him something.

"No," the guard said. "Crew only!"

"I am crew!" Jack scowled, presenting his identcard and waving the shopping bags of the various gift shops at the space port. "I'm the executive officer of the Jotunheim, and I had the captain's permission to do some last minute shopping because I'd lost my luggage! Now let me pass!"

The hell he lost his luggage. On the Pournelle, the king of the practical jokers had been Lt. Danny Bryce, his junior. Danny had never messed with him while they'd been aboard. Maybe it was because he was Danny's senior. Or possibly because he'd still been reeling from his divorce from Jackie and wanted to cheer him up? More likely was it the subpoenas his wife's attorney had slapped on him that revealed that he was a walking, talking camera.

Danny must have thought it was his last chance to play a prank on him, now he was a civilian and departing for a mission that would mean years outsystem. After all, he'd been the man who offered to 'help' him with his luggage for the flight to Norway. Not even his own garment bag had been safe, and he'd brought that on the plane with him! Or so he thought.

"You're crew?" the guard demanded, incredulously taking him in with the flight suit and the old leather "snoopy" flght cap.
"It's what I had that was warm!" Jack snapped.

The guard scowls, raising his walky-talky to his mouth when gunshots erupted on the far side of the hanger. The others around them panics, bowling the guard over.

"The hell with this," he scowls, then takes off running towards the ship. Only when he was at the airlock did he realize that others were there with him.

"Go back!" he yells. "Our next stop is years away! Get off the ship!"

The engines began to rumble. Swearing under his breath, Jack jammed his things into a locker, securing it with his finger print, then ran for the bridge.

"Captain," Jack called out as he saw her, then nodded at the man standing beside her. "Doctor."

"I was.. held up at the checkpoint," he sighed. "I'm sorry, if I'd been here, we wouldn't be stuck with a bunch of civilians on board. We can try for a patrol boat once we reach orbit to get them off...."

Assuming whoever was trying to get at the Jotunheim hadn't already planned for that.

"Your orders?" Jack Mallory asks, standing at attention with all the dignity he could muster.
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