Avatar of Expendable


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3 days ago
Current I'm about to be banished for the good of the realm again. Where is the trust in this world, I ask you?
1 like
7 mos ago
I'm sorry, you've reached his personal secretary, Department of Shrubbery, Floor 64, Desk 1024. How can we help you today?
9 mos ago
Or buy a van or a used rental truck. Something nobody would look twice at. You can put in a rack for the rope, duct tape, plastic sheeting, shovels....
9 mos ago
Never trust a car salesman - especially a used car salesman. Have a buddy park across the street and see how many stuffed body bags you can shove in there. Gotta have room for plastic sheeting, etc.
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9 mos ago
Neil Gaiman wrote in his Good Omens bio that he likes it when fans send him $50. (He read Terry Pratchett's bio and figured it wouldn't hurt.)


I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

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@Expendable Hmm tough decision. Maybe she was granted 'diplomatic' immunity because she collaborated and now works with/for the sneaky beakies (space CIA?) and now kinda filfils the role of a plainclothes Air Marshall?

That would be U.N. SPACY. Part colony service, part military defense force, part space police.
Enjoyed doing stuff with you before B)

Hmm, what would fit best:
Envirosuit liquid man alien refugee (possibly working with an extremist alien-rights group and plotting a possible terror attack?)
Rich bitch ex-space pirate captain lady (kinda on the run, but in rich comfort style.)

One of the rebels. Well, there were several groups. Still, it's been over forty years since they've been stranded. the ex-pirate might be interesting.

Might play an alien scientist originally stationed on bedlam to study a xenoanthropological mystery, but is now on a tangent checking out these newcomers.

I'm not sure what would have brought them to Bedlam, only to get stranded there with a bunch of refugees for forty-odd years, but I should point out the action will start on the ship. Certainly you can be a passenger returning to Bedlam after a trip to Earth to learn more about these humans.

My space-communist cell leader will find the mining colony a perfect base for workers agitation

Mining colony was closed shortly before the start of the PAX civil war, but your cell leader could have been one of the refugees stranded here for forty-odd years. But as the action will start on the cruise ship, it can be a while before we reach the planet.

There will be at least one alien NPC on board, Jun'kai. Looks like a blue-skinned centaur but with hand-like gripper paws instead of hooved feet. He'll be down in the brig, a prisoner being returned to Bedlam following a first contact event.
Unfurnished, Mia noted as she peered carefully past the others into the small room. She'd have to do some shopping then. Thankfully the university fees had been paid, but she might want to keep an eye on job openings.

She followed Bonnie to the end of the corridor, where the fourth door opened up to a spiral staircase lined with books and trinkets.

"Did your family find all this?" she asked.
Gregor and Savva turn towards the young man calling them, then Gregor nodded.

"I've got a clock for shipment," the clockmaker replied, "Do you know when the Milov will arrive?"

"What's that on your head?" The goblin lass asked, pointing. "Why does your hat have glass like that?
This is an interest check.

Sometime during the late 21st century, a breakthrough makes interstellar travel both fast and cheap. Probes outfitted with this new drive discover several world within range that are already suitable for colonization. The United Nations Space Agency (Or U.N. SPACY) built a handful of colony ships so that humanity can build new thriving colonies - except on Bedlam.

Civilian shipyards get into the act, and eventually there are space freighters, cruise ships, and even yachts visiting these worlds.

The Scorpio is one of the Astrology line of cruise ships - this fleet of twelve ships run a one-year circuit from Earth to each of the colony worlds before returning. There are long layovers at each colony and the ship itself is well-stocked with entertainments for the travel between worlds.

Some passengers get on at one world, then off at the next while waiting for a retrograde ship of the line to take them back, while others go around for a complete circuit.

This is important, because all the characters are going to be passengers, nobody will be a crew member.

  • Perhaps you're a singer doing a colony tour?
  • Scientists or academics on a sabbatical trip.
  • Aristocrats or the extremely wealthy on an extended holiday?
  • A company rep making the rounds of the colonial offices?
  • A spy collecting intelligence from one or more passengers on board?
  • A currier making their rounds to the Terran Embassy (or perhaps one of the other colonies)?
  • A fired employee whose settlement included a round trip ticket?
  • A Terran marshal who's picking up Earth tourists arrested for criminal behavior?
  • A con man making a living preying on the lonely wealthy patrons?
  • A P.I. who was hired to keep an eye on someone's wife or husband?
  • A U.N. SPACY officer traveling to their next duty station?

Or something else - just as long as we're clear they're a passenger.

Now, to no surprise, the cruise ship doesn't want passengers blasting holes through the hull. No bombs, battle suits, automatic weapons, armed drones, or combat lasers allowed.

Civilian slug throwers with sub-sonic ammunition and a license to carry, Zap pens, tasers, pepper spray ($$$ Cleaning fee $$$), and tangle grenades ($$$ Cleaning fee $$$) allowed.

Unruly passengers can find themselves in the ship's brig, or sedated and hibernating in one of the cold berths.

Aliens - yes, there are some alien races in this game - and they all live on Bedlam, a former mining world now a refugee for a few hundred races stranded there following a civil war, which we think might be over. We have launched interstellar probes to check out some of the alien home worlds. They didn't come back. A few yachts go missing each year, but we can't be sure they got hijacked by aliens.

Bedlam gets its name not only from the alien diversity, but from the fact there's at least two or more races celebrating every day of the Bedlam year as a holiday. A quiet night is seldom.

Only a few non-human characters will be accepted - mostly because few can afford such a trip, and they stick out like sore thumbs.

*NOTE: Aliens have been stranded on this remote mining planet for forty years, huddled around this desert spaceport rather than try for the greener areas. The canal feeding water to the city is about 38 years old. The being who helped push the construction of the canal and died during it is memorized as a statue under which his remains lies. He looks remarkably human.

It should also be noted that when the humans first arrived on the edge of the Bedlam system, concerned about all the debris from the wrecked warships and refugee ships that didn't make it down, one of the aliens recognized English and in very short order, the refugees knew it too, but it doesn't seem related to the guy who helped build the canal.

Yachts are very expensive and seldom found on a cruise ship simply because if you have a yacht, why are you on a cruise ship? However, there may be some personal shuttles (no interstellar drive) for those wealthy enough to have one.

So does this peak anyone's interest?
"Hello," Mia told Bonnie, her burlap bag over her shoulder, glancing down at the offered hand. It wouldn't do to poison her... landlord?

"Forgive me, I don't... shake hands," she managed, looking up. "No offense. My skin... reacts badly, to touch."

Or rather everyone else's hand reacted badly. Not that anyone's managed to drop dead, yet.

"And I wouldn't want to trouble you," she added, shaking the bag. "It's not that heavy. I'm Mia..., that is, Amelia Sutton. I wrote to you about something cheap, possibly in the attic?"

Attics were hot during the day, froze at night, but might have more room and convenient windows for night flights. Although she might have some competition for that....
J'eon the Blacksmith

"It's like a city made of metal! From the sky!" J'eon said in awe, taking it all in. These people knew grander secrets than even the guild!

"By what magic did it get there? Think of the wealth of knowledge of those aboard! I hope some survived!" the Glen wondered, turning to Kareet.

"But," J'eon went on, turning grim as he pointed at the stern. "There is damage that came from no fall from the sky. I think someone attacked them. They may have escaped, but for how long?"

"And what terrible weapons might their enemies unleash on us all?"

Jack Mallory, X.O.

Jack grinned and nodded his head at the captain's words, his face a poker mask.

Yes, the damage could be repaired. The ship might manage to get into space - but then what? Against all odds, they managed to do an instant transition to an inhabitable world. Not years, instant! So were they even in their own galaxy? Or might they have jumped to another reality all together? Better to keep that to themselves and give the others hope.

There were other problems, of course. Higher oxygen meant everything was more flammable, so the fires around them were burning hotter. Not to mention oxygen toxicity.

"All this excess oxygen may make people irritable," he pointed out. "Pain, dizziness, tunnel vision, convulsions are all possible. If you feel dizzy, or think you're seeing a hallucination, stop whatever you're doing and and tell someone at once!"

About the only thing worse would be if there was intelligent life on this alien planet, capable of breathing in this soup of an atmosphere that was poisoning them with every breath.

"Working parties will receive masks, but we want to limit your exposure to the outside atmosphere to prevent complications." Like dying.
Amelia lowers her hairbrush and carefully gazes at her reflection, folding her ears as she looks left and right, then nods ever so slightly.

"It'll have to do," she says to her reflection, which rudely stuck out its tongue, making her giggle. She slips the brush inside a burlap sack and ties it shut.

Next to the bag was her bright, yellow raincoat, which she put on carefully over her folded wings with just a slight rustle, and checked to make sure she was wearing her shoes.

All the other children were still in their beds when she creeped out into the hallway with her bag, only Ms. Stanley in her robe was waiting for her by the door.

"Sun's not even up yet, pet," the house mother said, sipping her tea. "Sure you're not peckish? I can get Henry to drive you over if you'd like."
"He'd just have to clean it afterward," Mia replied, a hint of blue highlighting her cheeks. "I can walk there in time."
"Best you be careful then, pet," Ms. Stanley sniffs, dropping two mandarin oranges into her hand before opening the front door for her. "Lots of dangerous people still about."
"None as dangerous as me," Mia sighs ruefully as she slips out into the chilled air.

The early morning train pulled into the station at six twenty-three A.M., fortunately it had only a few riders in her car. Fortunately, she didn't have to share a seat with anyone, everyone too groggy. Picking up her burlap sap, she got out of the car and headed towards the city map on the station wall, noting where the station was and her new loggings.

"This should be fun," Mia smiled wanly as she picked up her burlap sack.

The shop door was open as two big cases were just inside the door as large figures were helping up another girl from a pile of books. Part of Mia just wanted to dive in and start reading, but she needed to get her boarding room sorted out first.

Hmmm. [img]url[/img]

Okay, that worked.
Savva yawns, idly kicking her heels in the seat of the wagon.

"We've been here for hours," she moans, "When are they going to get here?"
"Soon," Gregor shrugs, stifling a yawn of his own.

"So," Savva drawls, leaning forward to stare at her boots, "Do you think they're hire me?"
"Well, the notice said they were looking for more crew, and I've trained you well."
"But I'm a goblin."
"Really, I hadn't noticed."
"Hah hah," the goblin girl scowls. "I know what the villagers think about me. What if the captain decides they don't want a goblin on board?"
"Well," Gregor points, "There's one over there. Perhaps he's looking for a job, too."

Savva looks in the direction Gregor was pointing, then sighs, resting her chin on her fist. "Oh, great. They're not going to want a boy and a girl goblin on board."
"Oh? Why not?"
"You know why not," the goblin grumbles. "They'll think we'll sneak off and be, you know...?"
"You know, what?" Gregor asks, glancing at her as her face became a darker shade of green.
"Doing boy-girl stuff," she huffs hotly, turning her head away. "Like those old biddies back in town say."
"You shouldn't listen to what they say...."
"They shouldn't be saying it!" Savva hisses.

"Savva," the clockmaker shakes his head, "Don't give up before they get here. You're a good mechanic and a good girl."
"But, I...."
"You were forced to do that, to protect me. The fault lies with them."
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