Avatar of Expendable


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current I got a notice from the 3-D Warehouse that someone liked my model of a prison cell desk. Whee.
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1 mo ago
@Someone 343 - try going to the Introduce Yourself forum (roleplayerguild.com/forums/…) and post a bit about yourself, the sort of games that interest you, etc.
2 mos ago
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy has an ordinary-looking MC that to the world he'd been Isekai'd to, the humans find him incredibly ugly.
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2 mos ago
I have the flu. Wheee.
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3 mos ago
Gkids did a special theater showing of My Neighbor Totoro, tonight was the last night. Pity.
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I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Deviceβ„’ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

Most Recent Posts

Text Color: FF00FF
Location: Havenwood
Participants: Expendable - Nine.

Nine sighs, waiting patiently at the rally point. Her dark uniform was going to soak up the sun when they left, but she didn't have anything else to wear. And the body armor underneath was just going to make it worse, but with this strange enemy out there, it made no sense to skip it. At least she had a good pair of boots that didn't fit anyone else.

She wondered just where Josiah was going to send them?

Hopefully somewhere where she could safely obtain the devices and materials she needed if she was going to survive in this surface world.

She glanced over at Maverick. At some point, she was going to need to start a family, How long before the contraceptives she ate daily all her life would wear out, she wondered?
Started on Kit.

I'm wondering what sort of enhancements would be forbidden?

Maximum of two characters, eight NPCs. hmmm.

How do you feel about this as inspiration?


Zeppelin #27, Gondola

Nikos spun the handwheel to unlock the mooring cone in its cup, afraid any moment he was going to be shot before it was free. When it suddenly fell off in his hand, he stares at it for a long moment in disbelief, then tossed it aside. Grabbing the quick release lever, he yanked it down, pushing the mooring cone up out of the cup.

"Wait for me!" he yelled, climbing frantically down the ladder and sprinting towards the gondola, his legs and arms pumping with adrenalin as the cool crisp air burned in his lungs.

"This is a stupid way to die!" he thought to himself as the gondola came closer and closer....

Sorry for the wait. We should figure out how we're going to proceed since Mini-Qaymu is in the vent as well.

I might write up the proper thread, soon kin. We already got some buzz. I'm down with your denizens of the house ideas. I am going to make character sheets needed though, I didn't say that in this IC because I'm used to it being standard MO, just a heads up beforehand. That cool with you two, kin?

I always expect character sheets, so sure.
Sounds fun.

I like housekeeping, it's mostly inside work with no heavy lifting.
Seares System

Primary: G0 V Yellow Main Sequence
I: Rock Planet (tidal locked)
II: Jovian Gas Giant (Planetary rings, 20 small moons, 13 large moons) - Orbital refinery.

IV: Rock Planet -
V: Ice Planet - Medical Manufacturing and Research
VI: Asteroid Belt - Mining operations
VII: Ice Planet - Isolated Labs
VIII: Ice Planet
IX: Ice Planet
X: Ice Planet
XI: Asteroid Belt - Mining Operations

Ooh, interaction! This should be fun!

Text Color: FF00FF
Location: Havenwood
Participants: Expendable - Nine, Nanny Jo.

"Ah, the young," Nanny Jo sighs, shaking her head in the torchlight. "A bit mad, he is. Or is he MAD?"
Nine turned to stare at Nanny Jo, her eyebrows furrowing. There was that strange emphasis the old woman used. "What do you mean?"
"I'm not... sure," she drawls, staring at the balcony Josiah had so recently occupied. "I just know it would be madness to try it."

After a long moment, Nanny Jo shook her head. "Anyway luv, you all set to go out with an expedition?"
"Am I ready to help pull my weight, you mean, Ma-am?"
"Land o' Goshen!" the old woman chuckled. "You sure have an interesting way to speak, child!"
"As do you," Nine replied. "I am in need of some supplies, even if I have to make them myself."
"To charge up your 'book'?"
"Yes, Ma-am."
"It's a strange thing to call a book, luv. It don't have any pages!"
"Pages take up too much room, so it just saves all the words."

Nanny Jo paused, her face knotting in confusion, then she pealed out in laughter. "Saves all the words! Oh my, child, that's cleverness, indeed!"
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