Avatar of Expllo


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6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Keina kept her distance since it seemed like getting close wasn't exactly a good thing with all the attacks being thrown at it....Did that dog just...? She shook her head and pointed her palm forward and spoke, "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado #31 Shakkahō!" The red orb of death fired forward colliding with the hollow the same time as the other Kido, melee attack, and the fucking tree which should have been in a category of it's own! Once all the attacks hit it caused a large amount of dust to kick up around them. Haruka would notice half a tree flying towards her face that was almost certain to hit, that was until Hikari appeared in front of her and sliced upwards causing the tree to slice in half and fly past them, one of the halves flying towards Sinai.

As the dust cleared the spider hollow was revealed to still be alive yet heavily battle damaged, yet it moved as if it hadn't been at all. "Shitty old man, this mission was way too high leveled for you all and he knew it," Hikari said as he stared over at Hype, even further back at Keina. The spider hollow bent over and sent a thousand eggs flying towards the two. Keina's eyes widened and she jumped down the tree she was from, landing on Hype's head before jumping off and running away. The eggs closed in on Hype before they cracked and a thousand baby spiders popped out soon exploding in a wave of acid that rained towards him. The hollow then shot towards Hikari, Haruka, and Sinai before suddenly stopping and turning around sending eggs towards them. "I want to rebuild my clan but on second thought I'm not ready to be a father!" Hikari said before quickly turning around and shunpo'ing away from the area completely, leaving the four alone again.
I forgot to put it back.

I will be just like that!
No e3e
AbigailTenshi said
Lol, I can make like some Clan banners if you want? xD Then Kenra can be in a banner! :o Lemme know if you want me to ^_^ I'll do one for every Clan we have that's known (Hari, Oda, Shugeki and Shinrai(and later I'll do future Clans when they're revealed)) xP

Nah, I'm joking o.o

I already have...Shinrai stuff xD
Might just end it soon if Aeron doesn't reply, I'll speak to her about it and see what's up.
"As hard as it is to believe, he's dead," Kenta said then listened to the next part of what she was saying. He put his arm up to his face as she began shaking her hair water everywhere. He mumbled something before he went behind her and gently took her hair, pushing it all back before giving a squeeze letting the water pour out onto the ground. He let go of her hair then shook his hands a little bit, letting the water fly and drip off almost immediately. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her around towards him, "It can work...I mean, you have me. I can put in a good word for you to a few people...I know you aren't bad. If anything you can explain it was because of your clan. I'm sure if I'm forgiven you could be too..."
"I see, does this mean they forgave you for what you did? And what squad were you planning on joining?" He heard her ask both questions. He gave a small shrug before backing up a little bit, giving her some room as he looked down at her as she looked up at him. "Well that's the thing, I haven't addressed anyone about that yet. I hope to speak to the Juki about it, and I know one Captain who'll atleast speak in my favor. Not to mention Captain Kuchiki spoke about me in his last words," Kenta looked away for a bit before looking back at Takara, "...So maybe that'll help my case a little bit. As for which Squad I'm not sure, but I'll find one...And maybe one day you can come back as well." Kenta extended a hand to try and help her up.
Zane620 said
Being lifted out of the water she was flicked in the head when made her face frown when he began speaking, opening her eyes and pouting at him. "Hey now, lie about more believable things. I'll have you know I have the best hips. Also why are you here? I was sleeping with the fishes. Its the only way to see if they sleep, and that they simply don't fool us into thinking they don't sleep. So what were you doing? Did you go see Rio while you were gone?"

"You were doing what? Know what, I don't even care," Kenta said as he walked further onto land while holding onto Takara still. He would ignore the comment about her hips being the best, it was whatever she thought. He dropped her onto the ground and hovered over her while sticking his hands into his pockets. "I did go see Rio, but that ain't why I left," Kenta replied as he rubbed the back of his head, "Let's just say I left to go get information about some things, and let's just say through certain events I decided to try and join the Gotei 13 again."

Phobos said
Hirako grinned at what she said "You can't be sure until you try, it's apparent she has one major weakness, I'm not too sure since your shikai blocked my view. But I'm guessing it has something to do with her mentally correct?" He asked, genuinely interested since he knew they would end up fighting in the future. But before Scarlett could answer, Hirako raised his hand "Actually, don't answer that. It'll be more of a challenge to find out myself" He said with a confident smirk. He chuckled at Scarlett's idea "That does make sense, but id out Squad 2 would allow such a thing. But I think I would need a recommendation to help out, care to test me?" He turned to Scarlett, his eyes attempting to meet theirs.

When Hirako asked his question Scarlett opened their mouth to say something but closed it once he told them not to answer the question, and it'd be more of a challenge to find out themselves. When did they agree to that? Scarlett was also getting tired of not being able to say much, or always being cut off before they could. As Hirako asked if Scarlett could test them, they covered their nose and replied, "Sure, but you should really wash that egg smell away later." Their eyes traveled in any direction that was away from his.
"Well someone is confident, not very bright though," Kenta spoke as Touzo walked away from him and Takara. Cocky bastard thinking he was an easy kill, he would have allot to learn if he actually thought that. Kenta scowled before walking over to Takara and grabbing the back of her shirt lifting her out of the water before flicking her head with his free hand. "Alright, wake up shitty hips," Kenta said as he shook her a bit.
Phobos said
Hirako was surprised and slightly off put when the person stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. He didn't expect it from this person to do that or to even say "Nyah!". This person didn't really seem the type to do any of that. Hirako chuckled, calming down and his eyes returning back to their aloof state. It was obvious this person wasn't taking it serious nor did they want to fight "I suppose you're right, I wonder how things would differ if she were serious. The name's Hirako, I'm looking to join Squad 2 as well but it seems like the Lieutenant left. Any suggestions?" He asked.

"If she was serious then I wouldn't stand a chance, she isn't a Lieutenant for no reason. Don't know why'd you even ask that," Scarlett replied as they took a step away from Hirako. They didn't like being as close as they were, even if it wasn't that close. This guy smelled of testosterone and eggs, both being very common if thought about. "The name's Hirako, I'm looking to join Squad 2 as well but it seems like the Lieutenant left. Any suggestions?" As the boy introduced himself and expressed his problem Scarlett shrugged, "I'm Scarlett, and I guess you just have to go find the Captain then. Or do what I'd do and consider yourself a member unless stated otherwise. I don't think I heard the Lieutenant or Captain say you weren't apart of the Squad!"

Zane620 said
"You could say a leader of brats. Or a man, that really dislikes children not giving their names first. Its common courtesy to do so. Also not giving dirty looks is also common courtesy. Seriously what do they teach you children at that academy?" The man then stood up and looked directly at Kenta. "But if you must know I am Touzo. Now what is your name shirtless metal man?" He asked while Takara was still sleeping with all the water pouring on her head, which caused him to look at her and sigh in shame.

"My apologizes, common courtesy never really was my strong suit," Kenta replied nonchalantly as if what was said about him didn't affect him at all, which was true, it didn't. Kenta watched closely as the man stood up and looked directly over at him, the most analyzing he could do was his body. He didn't look like he was ready to attack or anything, just...On his own guard probably. Kenta usually went off of facial expression though, and wearing a mask was clever for multiple reasons, something Kenta would keep in mind. "But if you must know I am Touzo. Now what is your name shirtless metal man?" Kenta smirked, "I like shirtless metal man allot, maybe I should just switch it to that," Kenta said as he began walking forward a bit while keeping one arm behind his back, "It's Kenta...Dumb asshole also works. Tae really likes that one." Kenta's attention then focused on Takara, wondering what relations this man had with her. Was this the leader of her clan?
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