Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Like the character Expllo.

Name: Cole Johnson

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cole stands at six feet, one inch with a muscular build. His spiky hair is a light shade of black and eyes the color of walnuts. He has a single mole above his right eyebrow, near his temple. He has two tattoos. One on his right arm that bears a random symbol and one on his abdomen that reads “The good stuff here.” With an arrow pointing downwards…long story. Cole can always be seen wearing a single necklace with a cross on it. His clothing style on the other hand is rather simple. Jeans and T-Shirt do it for him.

Parents: Maria Johnson x Hades

Years attended CHB: Three - Four

Affiliation: Zeus – Believes the whole thing is petty, and would rather Zeus just remain king and let things remain as is. Only reason he’s getting involved is to make sure one of the few people he genuinely cares about is alright.

Skills: Given his muscular build and history of fighting, Cole is rather strong and fast, as well as experienced with street fighting. Put with being trained at camp, he’s a rather capable fighter, one that doesn’t always play fair. He’s knowledgeable when it comes to herbs, but most are almost always in the form of an addictive drug. Addictive drugs are a thing he knows a bit too well. It seems he hardly has any skills relating to his father, although he seems knowledgeable when it comes to ferocious monsters.

Powers: Cole has powers similar to that of his father.

Necromancy – While this ability is not on the level of his father’s, Cole can sense when someone nearby is dying. As well, he’s trained enough that he can call forth six dead from the underworld at a time to fight for him.

Osteokinesis – Like his father and half-siblings, Cole has the ability to control bones. He has managed to get control of this ability to the point he can control the bones of others. While not good enough to control a person, he can make them stop moving temporarily, or twist a bone to redirect certain movement.

Dark Pyrokinesis – Cole can manage to spark a few flames of hellfire from his finger tips and can shoot a few flames from his palms. While limited, therefore not able to turn things into liquid, the flames give a nasty burn more so than average fire.

Umbrakinesis: Cole has a light version of shadow manipulation. He can shadow travel across a large area, though the further he goes the more fatigue he becomes. As well, he can absorb and dissipate shadows. Not to mention begin to surround people in pitch darkness that can be escaped given they don’t freak out first.

Monster Lordship: While not exactly lordship, Cole can manage to control a few monsters native to the realm of his father. Three is his limit at once, and the more he controls the less time he can control them. He can control one monster up to an hour.

Personality: By first impressions Cole usually comes off as the serious, stoic type of guy. And while that is kind of true, he jokes around and even becomes playful once comfortable around someone. He’s known to have been a big flirter and even a bit more than that, but it has died down in recent times due to his relationship with Blake. He still has to stop himself from being flirty from time to time as it’s become a bit of a habit, but he’s been doing well thus far. Cole has shown to have a bit of love for animals, but if it isn’t towards animals or Blake then don’t expect to see him all mushy and whatnot. Cole isn’t very emotive in public due to being used to not having anyone to talk to, although now he has a few. But he mostly expresses his emotions in private.

History: Cole never knew what it meant to “have a childhood” as most of his childhood he had to play the role of adult. From one to five, Cole always had his mother, Maria, to look after him. That was until she fell into depression after an event Cole didn’t know about, and still doesn’t until this day. His mother began drinking when he was five, but it wasn’t a problem. It became a problem when he was six as she would often stay up late to drink, and most of the day she would be too out of it to really do anything. He started becoming independent then, mostly learning how to cook his own food. As the years went on his mother would fall deeper into alcoholism and drugs, while Cole would struggle to find a way to support them both. He managed to do it, all the while seeing things someone as young as him shouldn’t have. Cole would constantly get into fights at school, and at fourteen would be told who his father was in Maria’s drunken state. He didn’t believe her until he was taken to camp-half blood one day, in a rare state of soberness from his mother. She then left him there. It was better for him that way, but he never thought it was good that she was left alone.

As the years passed, Cole would visit his mother every so often to check how she was doing. She had begun recovering, but Cole didn’t know what led her down that path. He didn’t care that much, only cared that she was getting better. And while he would check to see if she was alright, no one really checked to see if he was. Not that he showed anything was wrong, he mostly got his emotions out due to…lady favors, and the occasional cigarette that he knew well enough not to have often. But it helped, and it seemed to be the only form of reliefs that he was comfortable with, even if a bit unhealthy.

Cole had made few friends at camp-half blood, one being a somewhat-friendly Hellhound he nicknamed Chubbs. They grew a bond, although Cole was bit once trying to control him. Another friend was Blake who he got along with after a while. He used to jokingly call her his sister due to her shadow manipulation, which looking back is a bit awkward considering their current… passionate, relationship.

Generic coding is generic.
Oh yaay! Someone acknowledged Syl! She won't be standing alone in the rain anymore :D

We'll see who'll be standing in the rain alone once one of them dies of hypothermia.
Yes, you're correct. Main ability is healing with self-regeneration being an application of his healing ability. Self-regeneration most likely will not develop further than it's current level.

He's black, born in America.

As stated, "Women and blacks were needed to replace men who had gone off to war." and since he didn't go to war with other blacks who were allowed to, he just filled the role of a doctor (Even though realistically most black people took up industrial jobs). After the war nothing really affected him, atleast for the worse. He was a doctor, and possibly part of the small black middle class that was known to emerge after the war. As for who recruited him, he isn't recruited yet. I have an idea of who will though.
I was told to join or die, so here ;_;

Name: Robert Robins

Age: 21

Alias: Doc


Costume: No capes, no tights, no costume.

Abilities: Healing – “The user can manipulate healing and healing process, speeding any or all aspects of healing to the point of regenerating, or slowing and blocking healing. They can sense the health of anyone and the causes of wounds, diseases or injuries, the health history and possibly even genetic weaknesses and predispositions.”

With ease he can swiftly heal minor wounds and close fatal wounds such as lost limbs, damaged nerves, and internal organs. With more concentration can he heal external wounds like broken bones and deep burns, and heal minor damage to internal organs. Requiring absolute focus he can completely heal internal organs, and heal damaged nerves to a certain extent, as well can regenerate critically fatal damaged cells. Though whatever requires his absolute focus causes him pain as/after he heals. So he really does encourage people to stay out of danger. He cannot heal long term wounds.

Alternatively, he himself has an advanced regeneration process. Not of the likes of Logan, but fast enough that he can quickly come back from punches and kicks without feeling much pain from them. As well he’s more likely to survive fatal attacks than the average mutant, though he’s still pretty vulnerable and should not try to take bullets and blades like they’re nothing. He can speed up his regeneration process by absorbing the health of others which may cause them to become ill or die, but Robert doesn’t like using the ability even on people he doesn’t like.

Skills: Sharpness – Robert was always the type to hang back and watch others. His eye tends to notice how people stand and move now. Due to this, and given his medical knowledge, he tends to notice weak points in certain areas of the body. As well, by standing back and watching he can tell if something is off about a certain situation or person faster than the average person would.

Stealth – Due to his nature of standing back and watching Robert has learned how to stay out of the attention of others. He generally goes unnoticed in a room unless he speaks or is the center of attention, but let him stop speaking and have others turn their attention elsewhere it would seem as if he was never there in the first place.

Fighting – The extent of Robert’s combat ability comes from street fighting, so while he has no real fighting training he can throw a hard punch or two, and he isn’t afraid to play dirty. With his sharpness and stealthy nature he understands how to jump away from an attack and strike at the best moment.

Personality Traits: Robert comes off as someone who is quiet and distant when in fact he’s just work focused or lost in thought. He’s actually outgoing as he will speak whatever is on his mind no matter what it is, and when he speaks it’s usually something to add to the situation or something that shows his deadpan snarker nature. Although he is cynical he is very kind and can be playful, though mostly only playful with children.

Backstory: Robert grew up with both of his hardworking parents. They worked most of the time so Robert never got to spend much time with them, but he knew they worked as much as their racist environment would allow just for him, so he never had any sort of resentment towards his parents for the lack of attention. He was raised to be respectful and kind, and was encouraged to keep his studies up in the poor environment. He would read non-fiction whenever he would get the chance, though in their state would end reading the same books continuously. Robert had only three friends growing up in which all of their parents were friends, so they stuck together because of their parent’s affiliation. By time he was a teenager the toll of lynching had been reducing, but his parents, as well as the parents of his friends, had been lynched after one night of hearing marching outside. That was around the time Robert had found out about his ability. As he hugged the corpse of his mother and father their wounds began closing up. Very few people noticed, those few being his friends.

Skip to the present and Robert now works as a doctor due to filling in as one as men went to war. He secretly uses his mutant abilities to help those in need. He was so good at his work that he was one of the people who hadn't gotten their job taken away when the war was over.

Other: He is fit and stands at six feet. Black American.

Notes: For things I didn't touch much upon in the bio, it was intentional. I would rather it be learned in the IC.
AbigailTenshi said
I'd say she is so go ahead and post as her ^_^
Clever girl, Tabo thought with a smirk as he watched Haruka flash step towards the ice and use it as a bunker. The explosion destroyed most of the ice and sent many pieces flying through the air, but nonetheless kept Haruka from harm. Before he gave her a chance to recover Tabo shunpo'ed in front of her and pointed a finger at her shoulder, "Hadō #4, Byakurai," he said as he kept his smirk up. The lightning charging up on his fingertip before shooting to pierce her. I've given you enough time to escape, so will you? Or will you take the shot in order to get one off on me? Tabo thought.
KabenSaal said
We are now in Screwception. We have to go deeper.

I was never inside.
KabenSaal said
That's why I said screw you, and not screw me.

Of course I'm not gonna screw you, but I'm not gonna let you screw me either.
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