Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Can't wait to see these new upbeat characters, definitely need that role filled out more

@Zeroth Take all the time you need, friend. Your safety and livelihood are first priority.

<Snipped quote by Expllo>

It was fun :D Blood for the combat junkies and muscles for whoever wants to ogle? I see what you're doing XD

girl you know i got a cold heart, if i would give it to you would you tear that shit apart?

Damn, that's brutal.

I love meathead activities
IC post up, finally

@Sylvan It's the beginning of the exam, so I would imagine this would be a great spot to jump in story-wise. Not a GM however, just giving my unasked for two-cents.
Ox-Boy Tahada

Hikari kept his eyes fixated on the Captains as they emerged. He would try not to judge them based on their appearance, as he knew they were ten times as powerful as him, but he would still try to capture as much of their personalities as possible. He wanted to see what they reacted to, or who, if given any reactions at all. The pirate and his theatrics stood out, however. The priest caught his attention as well. He met a few priests, and attended a few sermons alongside Vander and Triss. He wondered what kind of power he obtained and what achievements led him to becoming a Captain. The Witch stood out, for obvious reasons. Hikari used to hear bedtime stories about witches, but he didn’t know the facts from fiction. He would be interested in learning more. It wasn’t, however, until the person clad head to toe in armor appeared that Hikari felt an instant surge of inspiration. He looked down at his hands, imagining himself clad head to toe in armor made of steam. ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I need.’

The elderly announcer snapped him out of his train of thought and he paid attention as the event was explained, and demonstrated. This first test wasn’t best suited for him. His magic was suited for utility and close-range attacks, and as such focused more on that than his magic bullets. That didn’t demoralize him, tests were meant to see what you were capable of so he knew his time would come. “Good luck, little one. I’ll see ya’ when we become magic knights.” Hikari directed the statement to Kohra, while his eyes scanned the room and laid eyes upon the red haired boy from earlier. His eyes then shifted to the woman from earlier, and the girl who pulled the prank that got a chuckle out of him.

The test would begin, and Hikari would thoroughly watch each contestant, while trying to survey the captains to gauge any reactions. His name would be called and he would step up to the platform. His hand reached down and pulled the grimoire from off his hip, a rather dingy looking black book with what resembled a cloud or puff of steam at the center, it was hard to tell from a distance. This was irritating, both the ranged test and the examiner re-explaining as if he wasn’t listening the first time. Since he had already adopted the role of brute, he was inclined to speak his mind.

“Yeah, yeah! I fuckin get it! Let’s just get this shit over with already!” Without hesitation, his grimoire flew open with a light silver glow. Magic bullets began flying wildly before the targets even popped up. That’s when the surrounding chatter flooded his ears from both the crowd and his peers, mainly comments on if he had a brain at all and asking what was wrong with him.

Hikari only had one minute and halfway through, his wild shots were missing or hitting targets with not enough power. He began receiving boos from the crowd, probably the first booing of the day. It didn’t matter. Finally, Hikari decided to begin trying, only to give the captains a glimpse of something and to not totally fail. He stopped flinging his bullets wildly and began one at a time. He didn’t care how the crowd or his peers received him, maybe if it were a tournament for the people but it wasn’t. A magic bullet slammed into the left side of a target, destroying it and leaving wisps of steam in the air. He missed his next one before narrowing his eyes and focusing. Three magic bullets were sent out one after the other, hitting the dead center of their targets, before the next two hit the sides of the targets. Six targets in one minute, he shrugged. Maybe he could have done better had he tried from the beginning, or perhaps not. It didn’t concern him as he had nothing to show range-wise anyway.

He began walking towards the next event. His eyes were locked on the pillar, anger boiling up inside of him. It was anger that only showed in his eyes. The page of his grimoire flipped as he muttered a spell under his breath, steam arising from his hands that rose more and more into the air. The heat was building up and intense as it was charging before he even reached the pillar.


“But… I’m scared of getting hurt.”

Vander stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Hikari, a young boy already of a grown man height and weight. They were in the backyard of the hideout, open grassland leading to a forest. There were two other mages in the background, to help create structures to train. Vander pulled back his arm then shot forward, his fist colliding with a boulder and sending it shattering into a thousand pieces. Hikari stood there amazed.

“Pain comes with life. You’re going to be hurt physically and emotionally,” Vander rubbed his knuckles, “but the only way to fight is to not fear it, but to embrace it. It can only make you stronger.”

Hikari smiled.

“Unless it fuckin’ kills you, like ima do if you don’t hit the damn boulder Hikari!” Vander pointed forward as the other member in the distance summoned a boulder.

Hikari in a similar, albeit more sloppy, fashion as Vander cocked his fists back and let it fly. His fist instantly bounced off the rock with a crunching sound accompanying it. “MOTHERFU-”


“BE A BETTER FUCKIN INFLUENCE!” Hikari shook his hand with a frown.

Vander shrugged. “Fair enough. Let’s go get ya’ hand healed, kid, then you’re punching it twice as hard for complaining.”


“FUCK THAT RANGE SHIT! I’M TEARING THIS BITCH APART!” Hikari shouted at the top of his lungs before he shot forward, leaving two trails of steam in his wake. His speed was by no means super-sonic, but definitely faster than someone his size would normally move. It was enough to garner a few gasps from the crowd. “Well, we know what happens when a bull gets upset so are we really surprised?”

The heat surrounding his hands was intense, burning his own flesh from the overcharge of the ability. Closing in on the pillar, Hikari struck downwards with a strong right. His fist slammed into the pillar, making a minor indent sending steam and dust flying through the air. He felt the blood begin trickling down his knuckles before it would evaporate away. In no means was this punch impressive by itself, if it weren’t for his left arm swinging into an uppercut with the same momentum. Hikari pumped all the steam he had built up into the rock, with his initial right hit. The steam spread throughout the inside of the pillar. The second pump of steam, from his left hand, is what caused the explosion as it was impossible for the pillar to hold it all. Steam erupted from the back and top of the pillar like a geyser. The crowd gasps as the arena filled with steam and smoke for a brief second. Once the scene cleared, it revealed a pillar still standing, although riddled with cracks. Hikari was still sliding backwards from the explosion, planting his hand firmly in the ground as he skidded to a halt. “FUCK THAT! I'M NOT DONE!” The crowd cheered, a mixture of people telling him to smash it to pieces, calling him ox-boy and bull-boy. ‘This heat is getting really fuckin’ intense…like really fuckin’ intense.’

Hikari let out a scream that was more resembling a monster roaring, he resembled a wild beast as his shaggy hair fell forward and began covering his eyes. His hands began burning to the point he would have a couple permanent scars to remind him of this day. Regardless, he wore a smile that just wasn’t quite right. He was foregoing showing off his skills, at this point wanting to burn off a year’s worth of anger. He could finally lash out like he wanted, without risk of drawing attention or causing unnecessary collateral. He charged forward once more, his hands out in front of him in an ‘x’ formation. He slammed right into the left side of the superheated pillar, and although he was able to slam a chunk off, the pillar was still insanely durable. Hikari was in a daze, his head ringing and vision blurry. He blinked to regain focus, smelling the crimson that ran down his forehead before he felt it. The magic in his hands flickered away, the same crimson that was getting evaporated away began running down his knuckles in between his fingers. His body stung all throughout, but he didn’t fear it.

Hikari looked back at the pillar as the steam and dust settled, smiling at the chunk he was actually able to knock off. That’s when the crowd cheering settled back into his ears. Presumably at his willingness to sacrifice his body, instead of his display of magical skill. Hikari looked up at the crowd, grabbed the hem of his tattered shirt before ripping it off and throwing his hands in the air. His muscular body was riddled in scars and burns from training. He screamed to the crowd; “MY NAME IS OX-BOY AND DON’T YOU FUCKIN’ FORGET IT!” He began laughing wildly, mainly to suppress his tears and hide the pain in his face. ‘Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Where’s a healing mage when you need one?'

My God-Sons go home today so I'll have more free time to get a post up today.

blue lil pill restore the peace
This is probably the best time of year to Instacart. Everybody wants everything, nobody wants to go out especially if it's as hot as it is here in Chicago.
Fun excersise, though I don't think I'll partake in it. Don't wanna risk making commentary or forming opinions on characters with my toon outside the IC. Never know if it'll spill over and lead to unintentional meta-gaming.

Poor Milla, she doesn't even get sympathy for surving through her entire family and household being massacred. That Hikari such a heroic guy~ ;)

I do enjoy Hikari's hypocrisy when commenting on Kreszenz. Just goes to show that Camilla's opinion on the ambitious is correct. 8D

The hero who goes around saying he's going to 'purge' this world she would definitely get sympathy in a real interaction though

Yup, definitely a look in the mirror moment. Glad someone picked up on that.

@ExplloI like that exercise, I've done similar things in the past as well as participated in some RPs where there were New Vegas-like "Reputations" between different characters and factions. Might do something for Tristan once he's actually met everyone, showing his first impressions without the narrative to hide his "real" thoughts, lol.

Funny enough, that's where I started doing it. I was in a Fallout RP before Guildfall (if anyone remembers that) and it took off from there.

Heh, fun to see this arrogant bastard's (read fondly) thoughts. Good luck to him on convincing the cast to follow him, I guess :p

Less follow him, more of let me help you help me. But yes, very arrogant and would be narcissistic if he didn't have insecurities.

Anyway, enough OOC clutter from me. I'll have an IC post tomorrow or the following day. This should be fun.
@Agunimon welcome back
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