Just whacking this up for now, currently writing the sample post but just in case I don't get it done tonight, at least this still shows I'm making some progress and not forgotten about this:
Born Carol Susan Jane Danvers in Boston, Massachusetts, Carol's upbringing was much the same as any working-class family in the mid 60s. Her father was a hard man, particularly to his only daughter, although it would be inaccurate to say he doted on his sons either. Still, Carol grew up in the shadow of her half-brothers, at least in her father's eyes. The siblings themselves had little of the same concerns, Stevie and Joe both as likely to include Carol as each other in any of the various activities they might take part it, often comprising of various mischief which ranged from the amusingly childish to the uncomfortably dangerous. Marie, Carol's mother, equally looked after the three without any sense of bias for the fact Carol was her only direct daughter, and she was often a shield for them all from their father's more extreme behaviour. Despite clearly being the most capable of her family, when matters of funding prevented her family from supporting all of their children through school, the culture of the time and her father's nature resulted in her brother Stevie being supported through college, while Carol would ultimately be expected to settle down in the same sort of life her family currently had. Instead, Carol enlisted with the United States Airforce as soon as she was eighteen, a decision that annoyed her Ex-Navy father for a variety of reasons. Her contact with her family would remain sparse of the following years, beyond writing to her mother, she was far more likely to visit Stevie at College than she ever was to see the rest of her family.
Both siblings, however, would eventually become wrapped up in the Siancong War, Carol as a part of her dedicated military career and Stevie being drafted into the conflict. For Carol, this begun her upwards trajectory within the military, while the culture at the time still prohibited women from taking on fighter pilot roles, with the advent of the war she moved from a test flight capacity to working within Air Force Special Operations. This opportunity stretched beyond the war itself, involving postings throughout the Far East and Europe in the USA's escalating commitment to the region. Her first encounter with mutantkind occurred during this period, working alongside the Wolverine, Logan, for a number of missions which stretched the professional nature of their relationship. Her brother's fate during the war was less meteoric and far less positive, serving without note but admirably, as many draftees did, and ultimately dying during the conflict. The loss of her eldest brother did push Carol to rekindle contact with her family, although she never felt entirely welcomed back into the fold.
The passing connection to Logan proved to be the beginning of a chain of events that would lead to many revelations for Carol Danvers. With the pair involved in more work together within the domestic United States, she was at one point targeted by the Brotherhood of Mutants, in particular, the young Rogue. Caught in the crossfire between the two mutants, Carol was drained by Rogue for an extended period, enough to cause a significant attack of amnesia. More surprisingly, the drain of Rogue's mutation removed an unknown biological blocker placed upon the woman, unleashing her half-kree heritage even as she collapsed into unconsciousness. Before the battle could be concluded, or support from elsewhere could arrive, Carol Danvers was gone, abducted by the Empire she had not known she shared blood with. The Empire had no doubt still been hunting for her mother, but unable to detect her, they would accept the hybrid child she had while in exile.
Little is known about her time away, how she has now returned to Earth and recovered her memories, but since doing so she has thrown herself into the work of the now titled 'Captain Marvel.' A superpowered agent of the United States Government, she is seen as a patriotic hero by some, and mistrusted as an agent of an American Empire by others. Most notably she has been wielded as a weapon against the insidious forces of Hydra, having aided in the liberation of one Jessica Drew, who is perhaps her one close friend since her return to Earth.
My vision for Carol is to lean into some of the themes explored by more recent comic lines in the difficulty of her image and sense of self as a patriotic veteran, All American Hero, with the revelation of her half-Kree heritage. While much of her concept remains the same as her 616 self, I've decided to condense her timeline, increasing the importance and relevance of her military service in current events, while also taking some inspiration from her MCU representation for recent events.
Carol exemplifies both the ideals of service to a greater goal and those of individual drive and determination. It is true that as a Veteran of two militaries she has certainly given her fair share to protect her community and people, but her ability to succeed in such environments comes from a personal desire for improvement, not just a selfless desire to protect and serve. Growing up she wanted to prove her father wrong, in the Air Force she wanted to be the best in any role she took and then later wanted to achieve the greatest things she possibly could with the blessing of her powers. This drive survived her amnesia following her encounter with Rogue and abduction by the Kree, where it also drove her onwards to prove herself to the Great Intelligence. When her new life was exposed to her as at least partially a lie, this was the same drive that pushed her to find the truth and reclaim her old life and memories. Such a determined mind is now set against the conundrum of a nation and military that is no doubt happy to have someone of her capability and power back, but concerned as to what her years away may have meant for her state of mind and loyalty. The revelation of her heritage is a state secret for now, but it weighs heavily all the same.


C A R O L D A N V E R S ♦ U S A F C O L O N E L ♦ N E W Y O R K ♦ T H E W A R B I R D
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"I’m not gonna fight your war, I’m gonna end it."
Born Carol Susan Jane Danvers in Boston, Massachusetts, Carol's upbringing was much the same as any working-class family in the mid 60s. Her father was a hard man, particularly to his only daughter, although it would be inaccurate to say he doted on his sons either. Still, Carol grew up in the shadow of her half-brothers, at least in her father's eyes. The siblings themselves had little of the same concerns, Stevie and Joe both as likely to include Carol as each other in any of the various activities they might take part it, often comprising of various mischief which ranged from the amusingly childish to the uncomfortably dangerous. Marie, Carol's mother, equally looked after the three without any sense of bias for the fact Carol was her only direct daughter, and she was often a shield for them all from their father's more extreme behaviour. Despite clearly being the most capable of her family, when matters of funding prevented her family from supporting all of their children through school, the culture of the time and her father's nature resulted in her brother Stevie being supported through college, while Carol would ultimately be expected to settle down in the same sort of life her family currently had. Instead, Carol enlisted with the United States Airforce as soon as she was eighteen, a decision that annoyed her Ex-Navy father for a variety of reasons. Her contact with her family would remain sparse of the following years, beyond writing to her mother, she was far more likely to visit Stevie at College than she ever was to see the rest of her family.
Both siblings, however, would eventually become wrapped up in the Siancong War, Carol as a part of her dedicated military career and Stevie being drafted into the conflict. For Carol, this begun her upwards trajectory within the military, while the culture at the time still prohibited women from taking on fighter pilot roles, with the advent of the war she moved from a test flight capacity to working within Air Force Special Operations. This opportunity stretched beyond the war itself, involving postings throughout the Far East and Europe in the USA's escalating commitment to the region. Her first encounter with mutantkind occurred during this period, working alongside the Wolverine, Logan, for a number of missions which stretched the professional nature of their relationship. Her brother's fate during the war was less meteoric and far less positive, serving without note but admirably, as many draftees did, and ultimately dying during the conflict. The loss of her eldest brother did push Carol to rekindle contact with her family, although she never felt entirely welcomed back into the fold.
The passing connection to Logan proved to be the beginning of a chain of events that would lead to many revelations for Carol Danvers. With the pair involved in more work together within the domestic United States, she was at one point targeted by the Brotherhood of Mutants, in particular, the young Rogue. Caught in the crossfire between the two mutants, Carol was drained by Rogue for an extended period, enough to cause a significant attack of amnesia. More surprisingly, the drain of Rogue's mutation removed an unknown biological blocker placed upon the woman, unleashing her half-kree heritage even as she collapsed into unconsciousness. Before the battle could be concluded, or support from elsewhere could arrive, Carol Danvers was gone, abducted by the Empire she had not known she shared blood with. The Empire had no doubt still been hunting for her mother, but unable to detect her, they would accept the hybrid child she had while in exile.
Little is known about her time away, how she has now returned to Earth and recovered her memories, but since doing so she has thrown herself into the work of the now titled 'Captain Marvel.' A superpowered agent of the United States Government, she is seen as a patriotic hero by some, and mistrusted as an agent of an American Empire by others. Most notably she has been wielded as a weapon against the insidious forces of Hydra, having aided in the liberation of one Jessica Drew, who is perhaps her one close friend since her return to Earth.
My vision for Carol is to lean into some of the themes explored by more recent comic lines in the difficulty of her image and sense of self as a patriotic veteran, All American Hero, with the revelation of her half-Kree heritage. While much of her concept remains the same as her 616 self, I've decided to condense her timeline, increasing the importance and relevance of her military service in current events, while also taking some inspiration from her MCU representation for recent events.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
"Lets Rewrite Some History, Shall We?"
Carol exemplifies both the ideals of service to a greater goal and those of individual drive and determination. It is true that as a Veteran of two militaries she has certainly given her fair share to protect her community and people, but her ability to succeed in such environments comes from a personal desire for improvement, not just a selfless desire to protect and serve. Growing up she wanted to prove her father wrong, in the Air Force she wanted to be the best in any role she took and then later wanted to achieve the greatest things she possibly could with the blessing of her powers. This drive survived her amnesia following her encounter with Rogue and abduction by the Kree, where it also drove her onwards to prove herself to the Great Intelligence. When her new life was exposed to her as at least partially a lie, this was the same drive that pushed her to find the truth and reclaim her old life and memories. Such a determined mind is now set against the conundrum of a nation and military that is no doubt happy to have someone of her capability and power back, but concerned as to what her years away may have meant for her state of mind and loyalty. The revelation of her heritage is a state secret for now, but it weighs heavily all the same.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
S A M P L E P O S T:
A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.
P O S T C A T A L O G: