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Just whacking this up for now, currently writing the sample post but just in case I don't get it done tonight, at least this still shows I'm making some progress and not forgotten about this:

Since it seems like the people playing mutants/X-Men are not part of this RP anymore, I changed my first post slightly to pivot away from the 'mutant storyline' for the time being. Though I am still mentioning it.

For now, I will focus on the FF and Parker Industries' potential collaboration and the growing global criticism of Latveria.

@Pirouette@Ezekiel@Sep@Master EffeX

I also wanted to point out that if you are still deciding on a character and wanted to integrate them into an 'ongoing plot', the Future Foundation is something of a 'superhero training' organization, so any young heroes or 'year one' type heroes would be a good fit, or even just heroes who have been going it solo for too long and want a team to work with, or who want better PR and legitimacy if they have been skirting the line of public opinion.

Sorry for the delay in reply!

I've been toying with the idea of a very early into her story version of Captain Marvel so this could work well for that, especially as the blurring of her military career and hero activities would be very relevant to the character.

Unease filled the air of the command post at the western edge of the Rub Al’Khali. The Sigilites had been ever busy as the fortunes of war shifted among the siege lines. Reinforcements here, supplies there, a fresh unit rotated out, the most maddened Thunder Warriors brought in. Victory in war was in many ways the tallying of death and despair, a balance of sorrows where the triumphant was simply the least overwhelmed. Some of the keenest individuals in the galaxy were pouring over those measures, and they all realized the same thing.

Memphos was about to fall.

The nature of the Dynast Cities ensured that this would be the most brutal phase of the fighting, and only skill at arms and strength of will would determine if it was the swiftest conquest or the most sluggish siege. The Emperor’s forces had seen the first layer of defenses scattered like chaff before the wind, and now it was time for those seeking refuge in their fortresses to be terrified by his storm. But only a fool would think they would go gently. The wealth of the Dynast-Kings including a great panoply, mighty arms and stout armor, forbidden relics of a bygone age, charges of the Sigilites that they had failed to safeguard.

Each and every scribe knew of the horrors that could be unleashed, none more so than the head of their order. Malcador stared intently at a hololithic tank, an artifact from the era of his birth now worth a king’s ransom many times over, the flickering runes updated by a haphazard combination of IFF feeds and couriers relaying positional updates. A great front at the Northern Bulwark was a snarl of such icons, a contingent of Thunder Warriors pressing forward under the banner of a lone Custodian.

And then suddenly a rune flickered upon the other side of the great defensive line.

Champions of the Emperor were due rewards, and despite the intensity of the moment there would be no shirking their due. “Aristagoras shall henceforth be granted the glory of being known as Borethensipulas,” Malcador said softly, a dozen scribes recording the earning of a name. An ancient hand remained gripped tight about his staff even as he spoke, the man’s thoughts consumed by the question of what the Dynast-Kings would do next.

He had need not wait long for the answer.

A bolt of baleful flame sprang to life in the west, its fury demanding that even the distant scribes bear witness. For but a moment all pens and cogitators were put down, the Order giving the witchfire its measure of due respect. But only for a moment. With a glance from Malcador, they at once returned to their work, a lone robed figure sprinting away after meeting eyes with the Master and sharing a single, knowing glance.

Moments later and the Sigilite was racing beyond the field tent, seated within an ancient hovercraft that bore him effortlessly above the shifting sands. His personal guard lounged alongside him, veterans of the subjugation of the Himalayzans equipped with the most exotic and destructive of weapons. They passed the border into Gyptus proper like the wind itself, marching columns of Imperial soldiers with camels and mules catching only a glance of the twin banners of the lightning bolt and sigil that marked his personage.

Picking up a baroque device with a strange grill upon its face, Malcador began to speak. At once, a voice was heard upon the lines of the advancing Imperial forces, ancient and distorted, but carrying true nonetheless.

“To all those who fight beneath the banner of the Master of Mankind, know this. Your Emperor has sought to overthrow the reigns of butchers and the tyranny of witches. Your foes fight to defend the former, and they have now sought the might of the latter. I shall not lie to you, my conquerors, you shall be tested in this battle. What terrors they have unleashed, I cannot yet say, but know this. I am coming, and I bear with me the full might of your lord’s will. Humanity shall and must topple the spires of craven sorcerers, and the wrath of the Sigilite is with you.”

The words of the Sigilite were almost lost by the surge of chatter cascading over the vox as Aristagoras moved. While he was clad in plate that would swallow a lesser man, he was but a blur to mortal senses. As easily as he crossed ground, he slew. Living and breathing foes of the Emperor, or the twisted abominations that now arose alongside them, it did not matter to him. The precise killing strike required to keep such a foe down no additional challenge to his superhuman nature. Other servants of the Emperor were not so fortunate, and it was for their benefit he now pushed for decisive action.

“My lord, this is — we’re under h —- unceasing foe —- won’t stay d — permission to fall back —“

Whatever foul sorcery the enemy had wreathed was playing havoc with communications as much as it was the city, but even still, the motivation was clear. It was given with the clipped professionalism of the more disciplined soldiers beneath the Emperor’s authority, but still, the hint of dread lingered in the words.

“Denied, fight on, the line is drawn, the enemy is desperate, we push on. We ride to you, fight on.” He had no confirmation in return that his order was even received, but still he pounded the stone of the roadway to dust beneath the speed of his tread. Should the mortals fight on, he was determined they would not fall without sight of the Emperor’s wrath in their name. Should they falter, he would be there to deliver it in turn.

The powerfield surrounding his blade spat ionised flesh into the air as it rent through another foe. One of countless that had already fallen, made only of note to the giant who wielded it by the crackle of dimming power as the blade shorted out, overused and with no rest between blows, its power cells had finally given up on him. No matter, it was still a blade.

The Custodian felt the hand of another at play in this matter, the wretched plot of the enemy was sure to bring a heavy toll on the forces of the Emperor, pushing them to take the city faster and more costly than they would have wished, but could it hope to truly rebuff them? Unlikely. This was the masterstroke of someone wishing to sell Memphos dearly, which its Dynasts kings, self serving as they were, would not have orchestrated.

“Honoured Sigilite, I am approaching the Square of Kempfar, join me, and we shall push upon the Citadel.” The priority line to the Emperor’s closest adviser was more secure from the ravages of the warp craft, but not entirely so, a distressing observation. One that was put aside for the moment as Aristagoras finally reached the square, encountering only the burned out ruins of the Imperium’s forces and their hastily erected defences, now swarming with the risen dead. They had fought to a man, and he had failed them.

As the surge of dead things pressed towards the Custodian, he exhaled steadily, feeling the righteous anger suffuse his genecrafted being, before his blade was raised.

“Come then, hellspawn, become the first to earn the honour of being slain twice by Aristagorous.”

Malcador cursed as the Custodian spoke to him, not of anger at the message but at the foul corruption despoiling the aetherics. His chosen companions went about their business with the grim disregard that they did most everything, performing final checks upon their arcane armories. The champions of the Sigilite were equipped with the rarest and most horrific weapons ever crafted by human hands, for rarely did he feel the need to march to war himself. Disintegration guns, stasis grenades, graviton pistols, Kjaroskuro lasers, Quill blasters, a motley array of power and monomolecular arms, and sundry more were held ready by the men and women who had followed him this far.

“The Square of Kempfar,” Malcador ordered, after a slight delay as he let sentimentality take control of him for a cursed moment. He had opened his vaults for them, and they had volunteered to do their duty. It would not do to spoil their devotion to this cause with undue emotion. “Make haste, our foe grows in strength, and this is a ritual we can ill afford to let finish.”

The dead rose across the ancient sands, and the Sigilite followed. Onwards they pressed, towards fire and war, shadow and death. The cracked outer defenses of the once grand city flew underneath them, the haggard soldiers of the nascent Imperial Army cheering their salvation as they saw the speck of metal that marked his coming.

Baleful light erupted from the front of the ancient transport as it crossed into the lands of the dead, subatomic beamers dissolving the first ranks of the Warp-risen abominations into elementary particles. Within its confines, Malcador and his companions made ready for what was to come in their own manner, be it in thought or prayer or jest, in food or in drink, or in one particular case a last moment of restful slumber.

Kempfar approached, and with it the first strands of the horrid destiny that Malcador had foreseen for those few he had dared call friends.

Lieutenant Alexiou cursed under his breath at the turn of their fortunes. They had been advancing steadily behind those beasts of men, the Emperor’s Thunder Warriors and his patrician Custodians, stepping over the carnage they left in their wake and moving from house to house like clockwork. It had been simple work, clearing that which the feral men had deemed unworthy of their attention. A shop of overturned spices here, a coffee hall there, a residential down the road. All of it, so simple. The occupants had been seen as beneath the Emperor’s most capable servants, and had been left to Imperial Army units, like Alexiou’s. But despite its simplicity, it was dirty work.

The shopkeeper and his staff, or at least that’s who Alexiou assumed they were, had come at his men with exotic tools he had discerned were used in the sorting of the spices. Finely made things, with razor thin blades that had cut up one of his troopers bad enough to warrant sending him to the rear. But other than the initial surprise of them they had been simple to dispatch. No armor, no formal training. They had been road bumps. Just as the other occupants of every building they’d swept through that decided to stand futilely before the Emperor’s army had been to Alexiou and his troopers.

But that time had come to an end far too soon. As quickly as they had cleared ten blocks the tide of the fighting changed around them. The sky had darkened, taking on a sickly glow, and the first signs of trouble had been the confusion over the vox. Then the maimed and stricken in the streets had risen around the Lieutenant and his platoon, and hell made its way to the land of the living. That had been nearly thirty minutes ago.

“Vox orders are unclear, aetherics are playing hell with the signal… I think they have ordered a general withdrawal to reinstate the lines and continue the push, but…” the vox operator hesitated a moment, “there was a Custodes, he was calling the Sigillite, I didn’t catch much more.”

“A Custodes? Figure his location, quickly,” Alexiou told his vox operator calmly as he turned back to the remains of his platoon, “Check your charge packs, and get ready to move,” his troopers gave no answer, and he didn’t need one. They had been ready to move since they’d first secured the holdout they sheltered in, and simply been waiting on Alexiou to make the decision on what came next.

They exited the holdout and fanned out down a wide thoroughfare, bypassing the butchered remains of Imperial troopers and Memphos guard with casual disregard as they approached the relative location the vox had returned for the Custodian Guard.

They swept through a blockhouse without a word and exited through a massive rent in the wall to find themselves spilling down a pile of rubble directly into an otherworldly onslaught. The Custodian, magnificent in his golden armor, was a blur of motion ahead of them. The ghastly creatures, those not long ago lost to this world, crashed into the Emperor’s chosen like the waves against the breakwaters of the acid lakes of Hive Ischian and, just like the acid waves, the abominations stood no chance of overcoming the patrician guardian of the Emperor.

His men spread out into the square without the need for a command, their jet black carapace armor a stark contrast to the dirtied yet still impressive gold of the Custodian. Where the Custodian was a blur of movement and the crackling of his guardian spear, his troopers were a clumsy hammer, their lasrifles spitting iridescent bolts into the surging wave of the dead.

“Firstborn, I am Lieutenant Alexiou of the Lucifer Blacks,” he stated over the common close-range vox shared by all Imperial units from within his enclosed carapace helmet, “my platoon is at your command,” he finished quickly as he took the head off a once dead thing with a flick of his saber.


“Greetings, Alexiou, fear ye not, there is glory here aplenty for us all.” Aristagoras spoke as he slew, even the act of battle not altering the cadence of his voice, the damnable distortion caused by the foul work of the enemy, the only factor which caused any change had the two men not been discussing the same matter side by side. “We must clear the square if we are to proceed, allow me to hold their attention, nothing they wield can break the Emperor’s work.” His words were, thus far, evidently true. The Custodian moved too fast and struck with too great a force to allow the sorcery twisted monstrosities to hold him down with weight of numbers, and the scrabble of hands on his armour may well have been leaves falling from Terra’s long dead forests. The threat to the Imperial Army was another matter, and now with their survival to consider, the Custodian pushed deeper into the swarm, seeking to hold the focus of the tide as much as possible. It was successful to an extent, but whatever foul false intelligence still blazed in the risen began to seek easier prey, as the edges of the tide pushed on past to seek the mortals. The Horde would meet wave after wave of disciplined fire, but would it be enough?

“I believe whatever foul acts are at work here are simply a distraction to hold us in place for an even greater evil, Lieutenant, we must cut through swiftly.” He spoke again, weighing the cost of an approach that would be safer for the mortals, but finding the delay unacceptable. “Advance in my wake.”

Alexiou, a seasoned military man, found himself dumbfounded at the casual ease with which the Emperor’s chosen addressed him. Within his helmet he sputtered a moment, grateful that his vox amplifier had decided not to pick up the failed attempt at language before he could rein in his own mind.

“As you command,” he replied as simply as he could, a single runic symbol flickering in his helmet’s display transmitted to the remains of his platoon spurring their actions forward into the mass of the undead things. A dozen grenades flew from bandoliers, the arks tracked on Alexiou’s display before they were lost in the mass of writhing flesh. The hollow thumps of the detonations signaled his platoon forward, lasrifles tearing limbs from bodies and vibroblades laying low the foul creatures effortlessly. Though disciplined and well trained, Alexiou noted the lifesign readings in the corner of his display on two of his troopers run wild before nothing returned.

The process was swift, with the icebreaking point of the Custodian taking on the bulk of the monstrosities ire, the mortal warriors were free to exact a heavy toll on the possessed corpses, even if the pace put more of them at risk than would be ideal. For all that the enemy had summoned to halt them, now they moved in concert, with full view of the threat they faced, they could not stand before the forces of the Emperor. Despite this clear sign of impending victory, Aristagoras felt uneasy. The pulsing wave of foul energy emanating from the core of the city continued unabated. He had little technical knowledge of such things, but this felt more a prelude than the final act.

“Onwards, men of the Imperium, let us claim this c-” The words were suddenly cut dead, in both vox and reality, as a crushing wave struck the Custodian. Exhaustion and strain wracked his form, a feeling he had not experienced since the grueling days of his trials, mortal lifetimes ago. A vast force pushed down on him, and invisible enemy that forced him to his knees, even among the teeming, but thinning, horde of the undead creatures. He tried to call a warning to the soldiers following in his wake, but even this he found beyond him, as he was steadily driven into the ground.

In a fleeting moment of herculean strength, he raised his head, the gleaming optic eyes of his helm flashing as they drew in tactical information, a moment before the glass itself cracked under the strain of withstanding the false-force upon him. As his eyes themselves swam with blood from the pressure, his focus fell upon one figure, standing amidst the soulless shambling tide.

“Wyrd.” He spat, a moment before the force redoubled, and even the ground beneath him began to crack. With the Custodian temporarily neutralised, there was nothing to prevent the bulk of the horde now turning on the Imperial Army scant meters behind him.

A cry went up over the short range vox, so uncharacteristic of a Lucifer Black even as they fell to gunfire, blade or foul creature was it that Alexiou turned in the direction that his helmet indicated the transmission had come from. He breathed for a moment as he watched one of his Sergeants reach out for the Custodes as he fell to his knees, unsure what could have lain such a being as low as this in battle. The thought vanished as his Sergeant simply ceased to exist, the area where he had once stood reaching for the Firstborn a mess of meat and matter pressed into the paving stones of the square with such force that a fine mist ejected in all directions for several meters.

He turned, his helmet barking a motion warning, and blasted the head off one of the undead creatures with a well placed pistol shot. The Lieutenant keyed his vox and barked a warning as he followed the Custodian’s gaze to the source of his trouble, “Sorcerer front, engage.”

A number of the Lucifer’s turned from the closer threats to their lives and began to let loose with salvos of lasfire on the deadliest foe they’d seen since entering the city. An iridescent haze of laser fire criss-crossed around the Sorcerer, the bolts of pure energy bending and snapping off in random directions as the foul powers of the tainted man rendered their shots moot.

Within his hovercraft, those sworn to the Sigilite finished their preparations. Meters vanished beneath the venerable vehicle, as all who stood in its way were rendered into something far finer than ash. Ancient ruins and new monuments yearning to replicate their glory were covered in soot and gore, the bodies of the shiftless dead and the forces charged with sending them to their final rest indistinguishable now under the force of the weapons that had torn them asunder. The sound of gruesome war was constant, but it was no mere sound that stirred Malcador from his ruminations.

A ripple of foulness worked its way through the Immaterium, the taste of vomit assailing the psyker through no mere mundane sense of the flesh. Restraining the urge to gag, Malcador slowly shook his head as he recovered from the aetheric putrescence before summoning forth a hololith of the cityscape below them.

“Livia,” the Sigilite said softly, his voice carrying through to the pilot, “We will disembark here, at the edge of the square,” he continued, stabbing his finger at a section of the city where shops gave way to residences - all now stained by war. “Low hover, then you shall ascend and keep avenues of approach clear for us.. As for the rest of you,” ordered, turning his attention to those warriors who followed him this far, “you shall relieve the Army assets currently pinned down. I shall see to my master’s sons.”

He paused as he was given curt nods of acknowledgement, the silence stretching for a moment too long as he stole a glance at a gaunt face half-hidden by shadows. “Xenophon.”

“My lord?” he asked, voice half a rasp.

“Today is the day,” Malcador whispered. “The hour approaches.”

“As all must,” the man said with a shrug, patting his conversion beamer as he gave it a final once over. “I need no song.”

“For yours is every song you have saved,” the ancient man said with a sigh. He turned his head to face the others in the vehicle’s cramped compartment, his staff held tightly in a gnarled hand. “There is warpwork about. We shall not tolerate it,” he cried as the back hatch slowly opened, revealing a hail of las bolts and shambling corpses - and the unmistakable form of a sorcerer. “The Order endures, our charge is the legacy of Mankind,” he shouted, a fire appearing in his eyes with more power in it than mere will. “To you I have given the fury of the ages, use them well.”

A chorus of “My lord's" followed, the words barely loud enough to be heard over the whipping wind as the hovercraft lowered itself into its final position, and his companions did as they were bid. Gravity inverted, superhot streams of metal shot forth at impossible speeds, and matter simply unmade as they charged forward into the breach, the legions of restless dead nothing in the face of the Dark Age’s surviving relics. The Sigilite himself followed, the psyker floating sedately as he advanced towards his foe, but the Sorcerer was not the sole focus of his attentions.

“Aristagoras,” Malcador said in a chiding tone, extending his empty hands towards the Custode, “such a sight does not befit you. Rise, Borethensipulas, and acquit yourself of your Name,” he commanded, a surge of power flooding through the one and into the other. The works of the enemy clashed against his will, a calming light extending from the Sigilite as his strength set itself to root out corruption. It was not enough to merely kill this man, this profanity, not for one who had sworn himself to his charge so fully. He was possessed of a need to undo all the ills that this Sorcerer had wrought, to see his works thrown down and his power revealed to be the farce it was. Only then did he deserve death.

“The Sigilite stands with you this day,” he roared, his voice carrying upon more than mere wind. “And I shall accept no corruption within my sight,” Malcador spat, the Sorcerer’s defenses visibly wavering, las blasts creeping closer and closer, as he poured his will into unweaving the strands of power that his foe had dredged forth from the Warp.

“I am his wrath.” The words the Custodes spoke were quiet, strained, as every muscle in his superhuman body screamed with strain. The psychic might of the Sigilite had pulled the great portion of the enemies attentions away from him, but it was still as if a great force was thrust upon him. It would not be enough to stop him, however, as once more the Custodian forced himself to his feet.

“Well met, Sigilite, you will find there is still some glory to share.” Aristagoras returned the vox call, before with the grinding force still straining across his armour, he surged forwards. The dead were little before him, the twisted warp-risen beings smashed aside simply by the force of form. The Wyrd’s attentions were forced on his mental battle with Malcador, and that proved a fatal distraction.

“You will sully the champions of Mankind no further,” The vox system on his armour turning the voice into an outward boom, a sonic shock as powerful as a grenade blasting over the Gyptian witch. Stunned and reeling, the human had no time to react before the long blade of the Custodian’s glaive burst through the human’s chest, impaling the man and lifting him into the air. Gesting with the same weapon, the wyrd still hanging from the blade, Aristagoras called out;

“Onwards! Warriors of the Emperor! We take the Citadel!”
Been dealing with some stuff IRL which has slowed my writing to a crawl, but I am still trying to decide who I want to write. Given the smaller group, probably a character(s) related to existing stuff as opposed to splitting off on my own arc.
Not that I've joined yet but I'd obviously like the rp to continue!
Hey! Interested in writing for this, not sure of as who yet though but thought I'd say hi.

“Do you see the land around us? The depth of the frost, and darkness of the sky?” Some time had passed, she was not sure how much, but the beating warmth which radiated from Crowfather brought thought and feeling steadily back to her, the child he carried in his arms. She did not speak in turn, untill he offered further. “Can you tell what is wrong here?”

“It is all the same?” She offered, the words coming to her in much the same way that she seemed to understand some of what she encountered innately. Her voice was rasping from the cold, but it was still clear.

“No, child. The flaw is that it is always changing, every moment, into something new.” The look of confusion that writ her features brought a kind smile to the wizened man’s features, before he explained, “You remember, when you arrived, your pod remained in place, until it was claimed by the Frost. It was too static for this realm, it was the same for more than a moment, so the everchanging frost claimed it.” She began to understand the logic of what Crowfather spoke to her, if not the spirit, and she nodded against his hot, beating, chest. She did not interrupt him as he continued. “There can be no progress here, for each moment, the individual shards of frost, the cloud of darkness upon us, must be cast into turmoil. Change is the only aim, and with that, the Realm remains as this.”

She frowned as he spoke. The words tracked, but the meaning did not. While the land before them held the character of change, it had embraced it so fully that it could not attain its own aim. The concept was frustrating, and flawed. The principle was appeased, but not the reality.

“There are places, in this great expanse, which do not obey such rules. Some are holdouts, some are those which have bowed to rule of this land and earned a reprieve.”

“Bowed to who?” She felt again, with the words of Crowfather beating through her senses, that something was wrong. We should all bow to one. Which one was that? She did not know, but she knew it was not one who would condemn the world to ever changing stagnation.

“To the great evil that rules these lands.” Crowfather spoke with a tone which seemd to bring discomfort to his kindly features, a flash of realtity which showed to her how there was weakness beneath this aged form. “To the Great Changer.”

“He rules this land?”

“He does, long ago there were many, but now it is him, who has confined the realm to this existence.”

“You want us to stop him together.” It was not a question, but it had doubts. She had seen the ease with which Crowfather had dispatched the twisted forms of the hunters when they assailed her. She did not know why some one such as him could require her aid for anything.

“Yes child, we will defeath the Great Changer, and you will find your home.”

The wrath of the gods fell upon Fenris.

As a star blazed down from the sky, a roaring scream across the heavens, countless eyes turned to regard it and felt only fear. A blazing baleful eye to those who beheld it, it was a sure a sign of any to most that the Time of Fire was upon them, the onset of the great floods of meltwater. It had come too soon, the twins seasons of Fenris measured in years not months, none would be prepared.

The comet fell lower and lower in the sky, a great boom of force signaling the objects collission with the lower atmosphere, not that the tribesmen upon the savage world would know it to be so. To them, it was a thunderous warcry, loosed from the lips of a vengeful god. Many took up the cry, screaming savage chants back at the blazing light, seeking to show their cosmic foe there would be no easy victory.

The sight carried on, however, regardless of their roars of battle. A blazing corona burst into life around it, the air itself igniting on contact with the streaking object, punching through from the outer atmosphere to the rich air of the habitable planet.The wrath of the planet did not rise up to contest the comet’s inferno, the great ice wreathed volcanos remaining dormant as they would for much time hence. Instead blazing form surged onwards, pulled towards the might of the greatest peak. It impacted The Fang with a force that rolled down from pinnacle to base, a cascade of rockfalls and avalanches that would eradicate countless settlements dwelling within the mountain’s shadow. The force was such that the sharp peak of the Fang shattered, the comet plunging within its volcanic depths.

The frozen mountain gave way to the miasma of heat and sorcerous energies within it, the shining surface of the extraterrestrial object pushing deeper within the rock, until that rock gave way to something not of the material plane. With a shattering boom, the wrath of the heavens plunged into the realms of the Great Dark.


All she knew was cold.

As she pulled herself free of the wreckage, a blazing but dying inferno around her, the wind howled in a biting torrent. She knew little, her mind racing to form the barest of thoughts. She felt as if she should hold memories, but instead all she could recall were these fleeting moments. She knew as well that the licking flames around her should have raged with heat, but they did not. The corona of orange barely punctured into the great depths of night. Only the cold white of the ground and the colder dark of the sky marked the landscape before her, even as she continued to drag herself along the ground, the landscape worked to remove the only interruption in its surface. The flames were dying, and the shattered remains of what she had arrived in steadily being covered, a creeping sheen taking hold of whatever it had been.

Dragging herself along, she noted the very same about herself. The white of the ground began leeching up from her contact with it, a chill even greater than the cascade of the wind shuddering through her where ever the moisture seeemed to attach to her, then harden.


The word came to her mind even as she began to brush herself down, ridding herself of a layer before in the next moment it began to form again.

Stand, she had to stand. Another thought came to her without warning or precedence. How did she know to think this? To do this? This eluded her, but still she did it, wavering limbs that had never done so, but somehow could, pushing her first to her knees and then to stand. The frost still clung to her, the chill still leeched into her bones, but it had at least slowed the process. In the same manner as she knew these words and actions without knowing ‘how’ she too was aware that something was amiss. In her mind and heart she knew that such things as cold and chill should not matter to one such as her,

For all the hidden knowledge she seemed to hold, she knew nothing of this place. The horizon, where frost met sky, was an unending and even line in the far distance. The only landmark was behind her, the disappearing shape of the pod behind her.


Another word, but that one had less inherent meaning to her. Perhaps a name?

For the first time the half-formed knowledge within her came into conflict. Information that had been granted to her to ensure survival and prosperity. No, it was more than that.

To ensure victory.

Yes, that was it. A word that meant little to her yet, another name? All the same, that knowledge spoke to her. In the absence of any notable features in an unknown landscape, venturing away from her one guide was incorrect. She should remain.

Something more primal, however, raged in her head, pushing her on.

They are coming.

The frustrating half truthes that her mind gave her were even more nebulous on this matter. She did not know who they were, just that it was not something she should seek out. Quite the opposite, in the first moments of her life she knew true dread.

She pushed on. Even her fast racing mind, another thing she innately knew should be easy to her, could not calculate how far she had moved. Still, she did not stop. Her flesh cracked and bled, then froze again. She knew this would be the death of most, even when she didn’t know what ‘most’ could mean or be. She knew that it would kill even her eventually.

However fast she moved, it was not fast enough. Soon the unbroken line of the horizons around her began to break with flicking shapes, the silouhettes of unknown beings flashing across her vision. Her mind raced for a means to prepare, to find anything, that might defend herself.

Victory, Victory, Victory.

The thought pulsed in her head, even more than the sense of dread at the approaching figures, but it was an ineffective pulse. She had nothing. Suddenly a new emotion was born within her. The heat that the fire had not provided her could not rival the sudden surge of fury. If she could not have this victory, she would not grant it to whatever followed her either. Her broken and cracked lips drew back, a motion she immediately knew to be one of hostility. A snarl.

In response to her growl, howls beat back in the air around her. Not the howls of the wind, but a warbling, mocking cry, as they finally showed themselves.

They were monsters, twisted things. She did not know what they had been twisted from, but the smoothness of their skin suddenly giving way to a coarse fur coat around their limbs and heads marked them as hybrid things. They howled and laughed at her, drawing closer, hunger in their eyes.

She roared and howled back at them as they drew close, sounds which seemed to bring them further amusement, but for now the presence of ‘fight’ seemed to halt them. She knew that the moment she went quiet, they would strike. The cold was not helping, however, as more and more clung to her, her movement ceased to confront the encircling creatures, it leeched her strength, and already her voice wrasped with exhaustion. She was struck with the sudden sense of her impending doom, of potential not met, and the rage of that gave her strength for a few further moments, before she slumped to her knees, her defiance little more than a whisper.

Her prediction had been correct, as she did so, they drew closer, the mocking howls growing louder and louder, a hideous noise that scraped at her mind.

Then a new noise joined the cascade, a distant, continous…


“Away, Away!” Another voice cut through the night, and suddenly before her was another figure. She knew, innately, as she had with everything else, that this was the form of a man. He was withered with age, but stood straight and defiant. Heavy robes clung to his form, decorated with strange other fibres.


It seemed ludicrous, the hybrid forms were much larger, more powerful, than this single man, yet he gave them pause. Their mocking howls became growls of anger and confusion. Much as she knew she was not of this place, she felt the same for this man, and the hybrids knew it to.

“Away!” He snapped again. One of the hybrids attempted to bound for him, but the man raised one hand. There was a flash of baleful light, and suddenly the Hybird convulsed in mid air. The torrent of wind suddenly seem to bite so much more harshly at the figure, peeling flesh from bone. With a howl of pain, the hybird slumped to the frost, and never rose. That was enough for the others, with yelps of surprise and snarls of rage they bounded back into the darkness.

The man approached her, stooping to lift her from the frost. For the first time she felt warmth, a sensation that washed over her from him, especially from his hands that were uncovered from his robes, a beating heat that she clung to.

“..W…Who?” She rasped, burrying her face against the carpet of robes and feathers.

“Sweet child, you may call me Crowfather. Come, let us get you to safety.”

Collab with @Vanq

A Pleasant Jaunt

The Kingswood

A few days of travel with the Baratheon host had done little to quell the Stars. For most of them it was shown in quiet glares, or the way they accepted rations only to seclude themselves in small whispering groups. Ellyn spent much of the day riding with Rogar, though she found his manners irksome. He owed his position, his power, everything, to the same people who had caused her to lose everything. And he had no idea, surely would dispute it if pointed out. She remained quiet unless direct questions were asked of her. And most of the time, even that seemed to be done to raise a round of laughs. But as each morning broke, she still found herself riding up to join him. Punishment for her sins, she told herself to submit to it again each day.

They had stopped for the day again, the forest pressing against them. Night fell quickly and yet she laid on her cot, having refused any offers of more suitable tents, wide awake. She stared blankly, wishing for sleep that would not return to her. Her heart beat too loudly, too quickly, her hands clenched and released as she tried to ground herself again in reality. It had seemed too real just moments ago. The knights that had led them not to allies in the Reach but to enemies in Dorne. How had she not recognized the Marches, or the Boneway? Men draped in the purple and cream of House Dayne who ambushed them only to have Rogar pull her from her horse, with that smug smile and laughter as he tossed her to her family’s knights. Dawn, ripped from her hands, smashed into a million pieces that glittered and glowed one last time before dying in the sand, scattered to the winds.

Her senses returned but unable to close her eyes without seeing it play out again, she dressed and left her tent to try and find peace in the coolness of a spring night. Ellyn knew that Baratheon men would be on guard, but at least they kept their distance from her tent. To her right, she knew she could find Septon Mal, but this night she couldn’t bear to wake and burden him again. She walked past him, few others out in the night beyond the few armsmen she passed. Her steps held no purpose, no known path, just one in front of the other until she found herself at the outskirts of their camp. There was something dreadful about this forest. The way it loomed and imposed itself all around them, the same sense of being unwelcome, unwanted, that had followed her her entire life. A chill ran down her back and she hugged her arms around her body though the warmth did little to quiet it.

One of his men drew near, perhaps it was the natural path of his patrol or perhaps he sought to disturb her quiet reflection. Regardless, Ellyn broke the silence first. “A quiet night.” She didn’t turn to look at the man. “Where is Ser Rogar, does he sleep unperturbed or is he somewhere out here, keeping watch with you?” She wasn’t sure why she had asked, perhaps nothing more than to get the image from her dream out of her head. When the answer came that he could be found on the opposite side of camp, her feet seemed to again move her on their own accord.

The cool night air was as refreshing as any drink that could be provided on the march like this, and whenever either was available, Rogar had little struggle staying awake. While he often remained awake to spend time more socially with his men, for now Ellyn’s later suggestion was correct, the young noble standing watch alongside a small gathering of sentries, keeping an eye on the forest line behind them. Unbeknownst to the men of the faith they shepherd, Rogar and some of his more keen eyed men-at-arms had found some of those who had fled rather than be taken into Baratheon custody. Far from a successful escape, they had instead been discovered shot through with arrows, slain by someone far less forgiving than either Lord Baratheon or his son, it would seem. The small Baratheon host now erred on the side of caution, that this may be someone hostile to both groups, such as a new bandit lord who had little love for either the faith or nobility. Either way, it gave them an outward threat to keep sharp again, and helped maintain discipline.

“Sorry, mi’lord, that’s all threes,” A voice that had all the enjoyment of not being sorry at all carried across to Ellyn as she approached, followed shortly by an overacted sigh of exasperation from Rogar.

“I am quite sure you’ve weighted these, you know.” It was the kind of accusation made in jest though, and with a laugh and shake of his head, the Baratheon heir handed a few coins over to one of his men, who stooped low towards the ground evidently rolling a set of dice in a space cleared among the long grass. The sound of someone approaching from within the camp didn’t stir the man with the dice, nor the other two official sentires who’s eyes didn’t waiver from their task, but Rogar did turn, a smile of amusement crossing his features.

“Ah, my lady of many colours, how do you fare this evening? Put in a good word with the Seven for us yet?”

Her brow creased as she glanced from the man rolling dice and back up to Rogar. Exactly where she was told he would be, doing his duty and still finding a way for the first words out of his mouth to rankle. Seven. Still, much to her own surprise, a soft noise close to a chuckle escaped her. “You’d be better asking Septon Mal for that favor, he believes redemption is possible for all.” Her hands ran along the edges of her bodice, sturdy fabric, if worn and faded. “It’s lady of prisms,” Ellyn’s voice was quiet in embarrassment over the vanity of needing to correct him, “that my people call me.” Her eyes snapped to one of the nearby men who had either coughed or stifled a laugh. Her cheeks reddened, though she prayed that in the darkness it wasn’t noticeable.

“I’ll leave you to your games.” Ellyn pulled her hands away from fidgeting and clasped them in front of her. “Unless you’d like to join me in walking the rest of the perimeter?” Foolish woman. She chided herself instantly at the suggestion and willed herself to walk away before he could answer. But even she could grow tired of only hearing passages from the Seven Pointed Star in answer to her loneliness and fears.

"Ah well, my lady, you have quite taken the suggestion out of my own mouth, I was about to leave these miscreants to themselves and see about the rest of the camp." Rogar smiled, sharp but mostly kind eyes catching the blush on the woman's cheeks even if the other men present were a little too focused on their duty or their games to do the same. The young noble lent down to smack the shoulder of the arms man knelt beside him, "That means you have to start doing your job, Hanald." Which after only a brief grumble, was an order otherwise followed swiftly.

"Come along then, Lady of Prisms, let us make sure there are no demons or grumpkins nestling in the shadows." With a smile Rogar drew closer, before denoting with a sweep of his hand the direction they should take, before setting off himself, pausing only to allow her to fall in step with him, taking a path only just within the flickering sentry lights of the camp.

"I don't think I have much hope with your Septon, he doesn't seem to like me." Rogar spoke in a hushed tone as they walked so as to not startle any of the sentries they passed near, but it hardly seemed to check the easy confidence with which he spoke. "So you may have to start believing in my redemption for me to have a chance."

There was something pleasing in the way he so easily managed his men, how quickly they responded. Her family name had done little to endear people to her; she led in spite of it. She assumed that his men followed him because of his name. Perhaps she had been hasty in her assumption. “I wouldn’t say that, he just finds you unnecessarily sure of yourself.” Mal had not exactly shared that with her, but he had not disagreed with her assessment when she had complained to the septon. Ellyn turned her head enough to watch for his reaction.

“And I think you underestimate us - me.” Her eyes were somber again, her voice hushed. “You wouldn’t be the first. Maybe you can start to redeem yourself by changing that.” Her lips flicked upwards, barely. “Is it that I’m a woman, or that I’m Dornish that bothers you more?”

“My grandfather had great respect for the Dornish, even when he hated you. My mother was the last Storm Queen, she might even have lasted a while, had her own men had more mettle. Believe me, my Lady, if I underestimate anything about your merry band it is not on account of yourself.” Rogar’s tone did not change even as his words were serious, ever leaving it open if he was being truthful, as they continued to walk the perimeter. He had not been lying to his Marshall when he spoke positively of her appearance, but much as he would rather be watching her than the rather more tiresome expanses of dark treeline, he did his duty all the same. Rogar hadn’t been able to shake the idea the party was being stalked, and while he doubted the Faithful knew either, he couldn’t entirely discount they were aligned with whoever it might be.

“What is there to be unsure of, my lady? My grandfather was a bastard born, he died the lord of a Kingdom. My father’s lords expected him to be weak, and in his first month as Lord of the Stormlands, he crushed a Dornish and rebel host more than three times larger than that which he commanded. Neither men let their doubts hold them back from changing the world. I don’t plan on being the exception.” It was a legacy that many would feel great pressure for, perhaps even chafe against, or crumble beneath. Rogar seemed to wear it with ease, and despite keeping his eyes on the treeline, he still smiled with an expression no doubt meant for her. “What more proof of the Seven’s Blessings do I need?”

She shook her head, a hard, crisp movement that nevertheless sent some strands of raven locks tumbling. One day she’d take shears to it, but for now she combed her fingers through her hair, pulling and pushing them back into place. “Your grandmother should have, could have, ruled in her own right as her ancestors had done for countless generations.” Ellyn stopped herself from fully verbalizing what was still whispered in some places. “My home did not bend the knee and yet I still carry my father’s shame in a way few others can understand.” What a burden it had been for him, fleeting moments of happiness upended by reminders everywhere the dragonfire that had destroyed their home and place in the world. “You are lucky so far, Ser Rogar. With age and battles of your own, maybe you will see if it is the Seven’s Blessings...or just that luck.” She spoke with a dry wryness, an attempt at lifting the weight from her words through the bitterness she felt.

It was better to not dwell on things that only raised her ire or that would threaten the uneasy peace between them. “This forest is like none I’ve ever seen.” Ellyn stared ahead, into the darkness of the forest, barely able to see beyond the initial treeline. It was spooky, unsettling, though she had refused to admit that to any but Septon Mal. “Some of my scouts had found bodies further into the forest, when we first made our way through here. Villagers refused to discuss it when we asked. Grumpkins, or bandits I wonder?”

“She could not, something many devout in the Faith would argue, but not for those reasons. None can lead without loyalty, for then you are master of nothing but yourself.” Rogar mused, an element of severity to his tone as there was movement among the trees, his hand drifting to the hand axe strapped to his waist with no sudden movement. Then the foliage rustled again, and he was convinced it was nothing but the activity of nocturnal creatures of the wilds. “These are mystical woods they say, where the royal stags of old first blessed the Stormlands with the majesty of the White Hart.” His tone did not rise as he discussed these matters of the past, clearly a man, for all his jovial nature, took his studies and history seriously. Even then, before he spoke again, a smirk turned his lips, and his vision flickered to her in full, “Although now I suppose the only Crowned Stag in these woods is me, and I do so hope you’re not planning to mount me on a wall.”

The north’s feelings about women leading was an unending annoyance. Ellyn had little love remaining for her homeland, but at least her sex wasn’t the reason she could never return. The sting of rejection still hurt, all this time later, and now she would return to them and surely they would justify themselves with her failure. Her companion’s jest landed while she wallowed in self-pity and doubt. The damnable smirk across his lips that she stared at with sad eyes a second too long before turning away from him, from the mystical forest, from whatever stories that had filled her head. This had done nothing to quiet her mind for sleep.

“No, not yet. Perhaps when you’ve matured more, you’d be worthy to mount.” She left him behind to finish his watch on his own. The sun would rise soon enough, another day too long spent in the saddle, and only foolish words to ring in her head.
The Meeting of the Alliance
Jaina and Tandred Proudmoore

Those few present that represented Kul Tiras seemed, in their own ways, each receptive to the idea of restoring the Alliance. The smile on Tandred's face was more muted than that of his sister's but both were charming in their own right.

"Kul Tiras will stand with the Alliance, as we have in the past, as we will for all time." Tandred spoke, representing his father's voice in such affairs, the footmen in Kul Tiran livery behind him coming to attention at the proclamation, the plated fists of their armour held before the sigil of the Admiralty on their chests. Despite their historic dedication to the Alliance, the concessions of fleet rights were accepted with appreciative nods all the same. "Although my father has instructed me to remind those present that the true foe of the Alliance remains at large across the Sea, and will expect aid on those shores once the taint of the Scourge has been defeated." Such words from Tandred, even given as they were with a lack of true enthusiasm from Tandred, brought a slight frown to Jaina's features, although she didn't allow it to linger, instead focusing as she was on the spellwork shown by the Dalaran delegation, already musing with her previous peers as to how best to see it enacted.

The attentions of all, however, were drawn in by the arrival of the Gilnean King, or at least, the being they presumed to be him.

Jaina had known King Greymane well enough, while she had spent relatively little time in Gilneas next to Lordaeron, Gilneas had been the closest nation of the Alliance to Kul Tiras, in both cultural and geographical terms. She had enjoyed the company of their Prince, if only in the terms of a childhood friendship, during such visits. She consider that was likely another effort between two of the ruling families of Alliance nations to secure such bonds in marriage, but by the time both of them were older the political strains between their nations had widened. While she might have been thankful at the time, she supposed as the years had gone by, perhaps a marriage not founded in love would have been better for her, and the world, than what had occured.

All of this history flew through her mind as she regarded the worgen king. While she couldn't quite entirely suppress the reaction many would feel, she had spent much time with beings of other, even wilder, races on Kalimdor, and so quickly recovered with a smile and brief curtsey to the man.

"King Greymane, I am sure we are all glad you could attend, that we might put the past aside and go forwards together to defeat the evil which threatens us all."
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