Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

my friends have convinced me to try to play Final Fantasy XIV Online again

what have they done

You can never escape the cats.

I just assume everyone makes cats except me.

To most people, the sound of loose change rattling around in the pocket was a mild annoyance which is why many people preferred to pay with plastic instead of cash, but for Riley Quinn the sound of loose change was musical and, most importantly, it meant she could afford to pop into a corner store and buy a store-brand bag of pork rinds for six quarters. On some days she was even able to get a slushie. Until earlier that day, Riley had never been in an airplane and, as it turned out, she still hadn't. Despite her Christmas gift being an 'all expenses paid' trip to a camp she didn't even know existed or why - seriously who wanted to willingly go to camp during the cold months - the 'expenses' didn't cover a plane ticket because campers were expected to provide their own transportation to a specific airport where busses would do the rest of the work. Most campers, she figured, didn't see this as a hindrance. The kind of people who could afford to send a kid to a fancy snow-camp in Washington were the kind of people who would see a family of five holding a sign outside a mini-mall and then flip a coin to see if their reaction was "Oh, how unfortunate for them" before speeding off or "It's probably a lie" before also speeding off - in both cases no doubt about to spend triple digit figures on shit that'll last a week or two at most.

Fortunately, Riley was able to charter a bus from her home to the airport - because she was going to make the camp do some amount of work - and she was well aware that taking a bus to an airport just to get on another bus was a lot like going to a foreign country and only ever eating McDonald's. But what other option did she have? It was too late to refund her camp fees so not going would be a slap in the face of what was, all considered, a fairly thoughtful gift. The bus ride to the airport was ten hours long and Riley spent most of it listening to someone on the phone who was clearly having an affair because no one in a serious relationship at his age used terms like 'honey bunny' and 'I can't wait to feel inside you' which was not only inappropriate for a phone call but also really fucking gross. At least a little past the halfway point the phone flirter got off - probably not the first time he would that day - and one of the new pick ups was an older man who noticed Riley's guitar case and told her stories of how he roadied for Queen. Their conversation came to an awkward end when Riley admitted that she found Queen overrated.

At least he gave her half of his turkey sandwich beforehand.

When the bus arrived at the airport it was still dark out, morning was an hour away and Riley had more than a little time to kill. What she didn't have was spending cash to kill time at an airport coffee shop or something but if her life had taught her anything it was that if you entertained the drooling masses for a little bit, at least one of them will realize that it's polite to give them a little bit of thanks. Airports were a busy place and while most had a no loitering and no soliciting restriction, Riley was never exactly one for caring much about the rule of law. Society as a whole had decided she wasn't worth caring about so why should she care about what society told her to follow? Her political views aside, as Riley stepped off her first bus of the day she stretched her limbs out and proceeded to find an empty bit of sidewalk with a lot of foot traffic coming and going.

Busking was nothing new for Riley, she even had a little sign inside her case that said 'TIPS APPRECIATED, NEVER MANDATORY (OTHER THAN IN RESTAURANTS)' which she displayed in her case. She didn't begin to play right away, it was always better to wait until the sun was actually up, so while she had her spot scoped out, Riley dipped into the airport and blended in with the crowd as she made her way towards a coffee shop. A little life hack she learned was that if you ask for water they give it to you for free - and yet people pay like five dollars for a bottle of it at a grocery store. While she wasn't a paying customer, she knew how to make a free cup of water last an unusually long amount of time and most airport eateries didn't have people wanting to stay in them for long periods of time anyway since they typically had planes to catch. Another hack she knew about was the habit of coffee shops to dispose of the day old baked goods that didn't sell and that's how Riley had a breakfast of water and a croissant. Not bad. Bit hard, but still flaky enough.

By the time she finished her breakfast, and also the crossword in the paper someone left behind, it was promptly two hours before the camp busses were supposed to arrive. Two hours was enough time to earn some pork rinds, as she liked to say. Back outside, the Washington winter breeze was a bit less hostile than she thought, but the best thing about colder weather is that some people took bigger amounts of pity on those who were busking. Some.

Riley unzipped the only thing she cared about in the world other than her family. and set up her sign while making sure she could be heard if she strummed a string. After that brief sound check she played a rather familiar melody, albeit with more emphasis on the bassline. She even sang along, because people were more entertained by entertainers who used their voices too. Or at least their mouths. "Come...as you are...as you were...as I want you to be...As a friend...as a friend...as an old enemy..."

By the time she reached the solo, she had about four people listening, one of whom was mouthing along to the words. By the time she got to the third song of her impromptu set she had a decent gathering and a few people who were in a hurry who just dropped some change or singles in the case as they passed. By the time she got to her penultimate song she had earned enough to buy a fresh croissant and some tea instead of just water, not that she intended to do so.

After she finished, to applause from those who were still there, she thanked everyone, wished them a safe flight and happy holidays, and began packing her bass up. Counting the tips she had made seventy five dollars and eighty eight cents which...was pretty damn good for a two hour busking session outside an airport at some of the busiest time of the year.

Riley was the first one on the bus to camp and she found a seat near the back, kept her head down, and barely interacted with anyone at all until finally she, like everyone else on the bus (though in her case there was hardly any enthusiasm at all), stepped off and stepped onto the ground of Second Horizons. Riley let out a long sigh and looked around. She didn't know anyone nor did she particularly feel motivated to get to know them right then and there. Riley must have been standing by herself for a long time because someone came up next to her and startled her out of her observational phase.

"Are you new here too?"

Harper Davenport had never seen snow before in her life. Sure, she'd seen movies that prominently featured snow but for all she knew that was just fake snow like they use for school plays. As she traveled northward from the comforts of her small Texas town, fellow Texan Kayden traveling with her - much to her surprise, but clearly the lord heard her prayer and delivered so that she wouldn't be completely alone at this camp - and finally saw snow in person her first thoughts were disappointment. She didn't expect snow to have so much...brown and black dirty bits in it. Snow on the side of the road or even the snow still stuck to the asphalt was hardly the pristine sheet of beautiful white that all the winter movies portrayed it as. If she made a snowman out of this snow and put a magic hat on it, the thing would wish for death because its blood was half motor oil and piss.

Fortunately, she was able to recognize that the snow on the main roads was different to the snow that fell on grassy fields and yards, otherwise her enthusiasm for the camp would have been quashed before even stepping foot on the grounds. She was nervous the entire trip up, not even listening to her favorite band could fully calm her nerves and no number of prayers could either, though prayer did help her settle and look forward to the good times ahead rather than worry about the bad ones. Even if no one liked her by the end of camp, she was never truly alone. Of course she wanted people to like her and befriend her, but she figured a lot of the campers would be more...city kid types. They were rumored to have short fuses but deep pockets and while she didn't want to stereotype...it was a thought she had lingering in the back of her head all the same.

But Harper had an ace up her sleeve.

Harper brought four bags: two suitcases with wheels, a backpack, and a carry on bag slung across her shoulder. Only one of her bags had her clothes and essentials. The other three were her offerings to her cabin mates and, indeed, people outside her cabin if they asked politely. Rice krispy squares, homemade beef jerky, brownies with and without nuts, homemade trail mix with and without raisins, and even donuts she made herself, glazed only. If the saying was the quickest way to a man's heart was his stomach than the quickest way to make friends with strangers had to be the same method. She might've gone overboard, but if she learned anything from organizing church functions and prayer circles it was that if you offered refreshments then more people tended to show up even if only for the free food. Church functions had that in common with support groups.

As Harper arrived at Second Horizons, telling Kayden that she'd talk to him later - he probably had friends of his own to greet given that he wasn't a newbie like her - she took a deep breath and tasted the difference in the air. It was...well it just didn't have the same feel as the warm Texas air she was used to, probably because more cars were in this area code than her entire county back home, but there was still that unmistakably winter twinge to the air that was paired nicely with the sounds of people talking, greeting, meeting, and everything inbetween. Harper smiled, closed her eyes a moment, and said a quick prayer before opening her eyes and taking her first step onto the camp grounds.

She spotted someone who she could tell was like her, a first timer, though with how they were just standing there, not moving, Harper assumed they were nervous. Like she had been. God had given her a potential friend within seconds of arriving, truly He was good.

"Are you new here too?"

"Whatthefuck." The silver haired girl looked like she had seen a ghost and reacted accordingly by jolting to the side. Harper just smiled, knowing that if she laughed it might be taken the wrong way. "You can't do that to people, man." What was curious about this silver haired girl, Harper thought, was her voice. She sounded...well she didn't know how to say it politely, but she sounded like what 'dames' in old gangster movies sounded like, but with a rougher brogue. Husky, rough, but unmistakably young still. She sounded like someone who had lived two lifetimes already but she couldn't be older than seventeen and what kid had a difficult life these days?

"I'm Harper. I'm new here too!" There was a pause as the silver haired girl looked at Harper like Harper was speaking gibberish.

"Should I give a fuck?" Harper's smile was fading fast. City kids sure were...different. "Where's that accent from, Georgia?" Before she left, Harper's boss, Brad Whittaker the town butcher, had told her that her accent would be seen as cute in camp, that people loved a southern drawl, and that she shouldn't try to hide it. Maybe Brad was on to something.

"Texas, actually."


"No, but I've-" Harper didn't even get a chance to finish her thought because as soon as she said she wasn't from Austin, the silver haired girl was walking away. Undeterred, Harper waved to the silver girl's retreating back. "It was nice meeting you!" That could've gone worse. Sure, it could've gone better too but Harper wasn't going to focus on the negative. She tightened the hold on her bags and followed the signs and bodies deeper into camp.

Good things surely lay ahead.

It was cold. It was always cold. But the cold never stopped a hero from doing what needed to be done, and this time the hero was Mike Carter, Red Counselor. Carter knew that some of his fellow counselors weren't exactly enthused, but not him. Not Mike Carter. He was built different, and he didn't just mean in the sense that his t-shirts felt a bit tight thanks to his gym membership, but he was built different because he was on a mission to guarantee that this winter was the best experience those under his care were going to have. Of that he was absolutely certain. How certain? Well, while other counselors were waiting at the North Pole - he was too, of course - shivering and questioning their life choices, Mikey had a surprise in store.

Now that he could see campers arriving and making their way towards their respective counselors, he had a job to do. Mike Carter came equipped with a megaphone and he was now standing on top of a table, megaphone in hand. There was no way his campers would get lost. Not on his watch. He pressed the button down and suddenly his voice was being broadcast like he was speaking on a P.A. system at school.

"RED SQUAD, COME FORTH. RED SQUAD, TODAY YOU WILL BECOME Z-WARRIORS. RED SQUAD, OVER HERE! THE WORLD NEEDS HEROES LIKE YOU! RED SQUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" He repeated the message, louder the second time. If there wasn't enthusiasm then Mike Carter would be enthusiastic enough for the entire damn camp.

It remained to be seen if people would love him or hate him, but regardless he'd always have his pride.

Conker's Bad Fur Day is a cult classic in my book. Bit dated but funny all the same.

Any game that opens with a reference to A Clockwork Orange is okay in my book
It could be because I bought Saints Row 3 Remastered but I really hope they make a Saints Row 5 one day. I hope Agents of Mayhem didn't kill them.
Immortals Fenyx Rising is a really good podcast game both because of its structure as a big explorable BOTW-esque open world and because if I'm listening to a podcast I don't have to hear the fucking terrible dialog. Seriously the narration is like someone saw Seth McFarlane Rick and Morty and went "What if we did that but even worse"
Personally I like the RPG style of the current Creed but I know that makes me something of an outlier in the fandom but I like what I like. For me the biggest failings of the new games is Layla Hassan is undercooked but at least so far Valhalla seems to finally be having that aspect of the story matter whereas Odyssey had the coolest fucking reveal and did fuckall with it.

That said if they wanted to go back to smaller areas with more defined characters and assassination 'puzzles' like the older games I wouldn't complain.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
Man, I didn't even want to leave Norway because the game was just so unimpressive to me from the get. I have to force myself to play that game and I couldn't peel myself away from Odyssey. Biggest disappointment of 2020... video games-wise... for me.

I don't hate it so far but someone on the dev team really fucked up the stealth and that seems like something you shouldn't fuck up in Assassin's Creed. Like fuck I didn't know people in the old days could detect me from across the goddamn map.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
I've only 100%'d a few """modern""" games in recent memory. The Tomb Raider reboot (still trying to for it with their sequels), nearly Ghost of Tsushima (missing flags and fireflies iirc), and a few others. I tried to do a completionist run with Dragon Age: Inquisition and I still ended up missing stuff in my codex.

I have a crippling problem with open world games where I have to, like, do everything I can in an area nd the main story be damned. Like it took me about 9 hours to get out of Norway in Valhalla because I had to get everything. I don't even go for 100 percent completion in most things but something about seeing shit on a map has me like 'Well I gotta do that, it's probably important' and it never is.
What are some games you actively have enjoyed but after you've beaten it once you have no desire to return to it despite liking it a great deal?

Breath of the Wild

Granted I did every shrine like a crazy person so that's probably why
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
And that defeats the entire purpose of a MMO which is to force you to socialize and than make said socialization fun.

This is like saying the entire purpose of Call of Duty is shit talking minors just because it's an element of the game. You're never forced to socialize in an MMO. You're incentivized to join a guild be it for XP buffs or whatever is on offer but you're not forced to do so. You could queue for random dungeons and never say a goddamn word to the others you're running content with. MMOs have come a long way since the days when everything was obtuse and grindy to disguise the lack of shit to do at max level. Back then maybe yeah you'd have a point where the social interaction was a bit more vital, but these days? Not at all.
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