Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Most Recent Posts

For those lurking or considering characters, Exit has let me know that they need to bow out and rescind their interest; the Kin of Du’Eld slot is available once more.
For those lurking or who have missed the OOC link above, Exit has let me know that they need to bow out and rescind their interest; the Kin of Du’Eld slot is available once more.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

In the interest of me maintaining a flow, I’m gonna set a soft deadline for the 11th for people to express interest, and the 14th will be a hard deadline for completed characters. The game will begin properly shortly after that.
@Goldmarblefeel free to join us in the Ooc I linked here;


Here we are, everyone. Welcome aboard. Everyone who's posted a CS so far may post it in the Character Sheets tab, just make sure to read the Character Expectations post and give me the info I request.

If anyone else is interested in the game shoot me a PM or come say hi in the OOC; 6 was my soft cap, but I may allow more! I’m on the fence a out it but it’s always possible :)
If anyone needs any additional information or has questions feel free to let me know, I’m in the process of cementing my notes on the early game.
Alright I’m all caught up! Excellent stuff all around. I’ll have something up within a few days, likely before the weekend if my current lack of sleep schedule maintains; 3 AM has been a productive time of day for me lately.
No rush, I’m more interested in everyone having a good time and proper game and character discussions than folks being speedy.
For those of you just joining the discussion or reading along, so far the current cast and considerations are…

@XxFellsingxX playing a Behemoth Paladin
@Vertigo Playing a Noctem Wizard
@Guardian Angel Haruki playing a Wooden One Druid
@karamonnom Playing a Zephyrite Monk
@Exit Considering a Du’Eld!


@Goldmarble Showed interest in a Forge Cleric Human! Noffe is pleased!

Anyone else who comes by to peruse should still PM me or say hi in the OOC, I might allow more than the 6 here- but it’s still a debate for me at this time.

edit 2:

@Neianna86 Is a newbie and expressed interest to me, I'll be working with them to help them join us!

Here we are, everyone. Welcome aboard. Everyone who's posted a CS so far may post it in the Character Sheets tab, just make sure to read the Character Expectations post and give me the info I request.
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