Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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The power of my ancient legacy Servimg account holds.
I shall wait and see how some of these other folks’ characters come in before I continue thinking through my potential secondary character; more folks have chimed in than I originally realized :)
@HylianRose Upon rereading the 0th post regarding the agenda of the Underground and Esme’s sheet, I have to point out that if this group knows anything at all about the Imperial Japanese House that even Himari has a massive potential target on her forehead for the same reasons. Her dad makes the sun rise, after all. I’m sure nefarious goons would be just as interested in testing her magical spark as ol’ mumsy was.
I shall certainly develop a list of sneaky shenanigans that the resident divine ninja princess will get into once we get things going.
I, for one, am rooting for them. Let the fan clubs commence.
Himari has also received her uniform in the mail and will be joining the roster today. Huzzah.
@Izurich I also, as of now, have pitched a loose knight concept to the boss and thus have one of those cooking as well.
I have been struck by inspiration for a ‘Knight’, I shall posit the concept once it has solidified within my mind and been run by the boss.
@Crowvette 10/10 drawing. Love it. No issues on mobile :)
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