Avatar of FernStone


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Done with uni forever, whoo
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Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
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I actually have some time to roleplay, for once
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Character Archive

Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

The shower was just enough to get the stench of death and vomit off of his body. His clothing had done a fantastic job of keeping him relatively clean, leaving him morbidly satisfied with the addition of the polymer under-layer from the previous iteration. In the end, it was mostly sweat… He wished guilt and shame could wash off, but that wasn't something he could ask for.
In truth, he figured that penance meant sitting with this new weight on his chest.

He didn't expect such instant relief from hearing Trisha's voice again, however. He kept his Channeler close, White Lux enhancing his senses so that even as he showered from below, he could clearly hear her. Not to spy, just… Comfort. He did his best to drown out the concepts. Drown out the voice of the man on the other end that he could also hear.
He didn't blame the guy for being nervous: He was too. Especially now, knowing that something like what he'd just done could be asked of him at any time. The needless slaughter.

Casey hoped then that she'd had a good night. She had to have… Anything else was just a time bomb. Still, he tried to hold off heading up until she was done, but the enchanted loofah was just too good at its job. So, out and dry, a set of clothes from his locker, and he was up the stairs. He opened the front door quietly, stepping in and starting to move down the hall.

“Gotta go, boyfriend's home, I'll send you that honey—"

Casey heard Ezra's questioning voice on the other end before the line went dead. He didn't stop at the doorway to their den, rather turning and heading up the stairs to make way for the laundry hamper. Dirty, sweaty undergarments went in, and for a moment he sat frozen as he tried to get the look of abject sadness off his face. For her. Even though he felt a great deal of relief at her voice and the sight of his beloved Trisha, it was still gruelling. Painful to think about.

He only hoped she wouldn't ask.

It didn’t take long for Trisha to appear at the top of the stairs. The sweater of his that she was wearing practically swamped her, sleeves having unbundled so that her hands weren’t visible at all. It was obvious to her that whatever Casey had been doing either hadn’t gone well, or the job in the first place was shit. Temple business. She didn’t want to know - and she didn’t want to make him explain it. Especially not after all the things she’d already found out tonight… she didn’t want to think about it.

Hey,” she said softly, hesitating at first even though her feet shuffled towards him. She wanted to hug him, but she didn’t want to risk him pushing her away. Would he? She didn’t know where his head was at. But the bees didn’t share any of her reservations, a couple of them flying from in her hair and onto his shoulder. One was the one that had ‘defended’ her against her phone, wiggling its little body and letting off pheromones that were as close to bragging as a bee could get.

Not that Casey would understand them.
“I take it you’re all done? I just got off the phone with my brother- the oldest one, Ezra.” She stood right in front of him now, pushing away her worries to loosely wrap her arms around his shoulders. The bees scurried out of the way and onto his neck.
“It wasn’t as bad as I expected- aside from him calling me stupid a couple of times. Tansy told him about us… but as soon as he found out there might be some profit involved cause of the honey he seemed to accept everything. Not that he can make me do anything, but it was one of the few proper conversations I think I’ve had with him. Kind of funny now that I’m stepping away from my family.” Trisha offered up a brief summary of the phone call openly - none of what they’d talked about, aside from maybe Ezra’s insistence Casey was honey potting her, were things she didn’t want to tell him. And she kind of hoped by talking about it they could just… not talk about the meeting she’d attended just before.

She'd be able to see Casey's hand clutching his glove. The Channeler he so desperately wanted to put away forever. Whether the association between that and his magical senses would be made, he didn't know. The bee on his shoulder was something bright, and he turned his head to watch it crawl about slightly.

”He… Uh… Shit…”
He was about to try and comfort her about the situation, but there'd be no chance of her not knowing then. For a moment he was frozen stiff, his head slowly but surely turning down to look at the glove. It called back to him. His fist tightened before he flung it off the overhang of the loft, down into the area by the front door.

”God fucking dammit… Shut it off, fucking shut it off…”
Casey brought his empty hands up to his face, clasping and pulling the skin in frustration. Within a moment, he'd slid closer to the top of the stairs and stretched his arm out to scoop Trisha by the hips. He dragged her closer, onto the bed where they could intertwine and become one.

”Is he nervous? About… Us?”
Us could've been them as a couple, but it wasn't. Us was the Temple. The cult thing. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from her lips: To give her the chance to explain it herself, even though he expected her to avoid it.

Trisha rolled her eyes, though it wasn’t at Casey - it was at the question, and what her brother was actually worried about. She took a moment to answer as she cuddled in closer, suppressing the slight trembling in her limbs from his initial reaction. It hadn’t been at her, it was something else…
“Nervous for his reputation. He doesn’t actually care. He caught wind of the…” she trailed off, frowning. She didn’t really want to go into the details, about how Ezra had gone on and on about how he just wanted her for her name and money. Because there was that deep down anxiety that Casey didn’t actually love her - and she’d been wrong so many times before. But not this time. Definitely not this time.

“He knew about the cult stuff.” Thankfully for Casey, and not so much Trisha, there was still enough alcohol in her system for her to be a little more honest… or at least, a little less able to filter what was in her brain from coming out her mouth.
“He’s convinced I’m going to join and he’ll end up dealing with paparazzi questioning him about it during those stupid press conferences he holds. So yeah, I guess he’s nervous, but only cause he thinks I’m blind to it all and going to do something that’ll negatively affect him.”

”It isn't your fault our society is like that… Not everyone has magical foresight, or tolerance for things outside the norm. I empathize with his position.”
Maybe she wouldn't want to hear that. But Casey knew exactly what kind of risks came from doing business with the Temple.. So, how was he supposed to tell her that he didn’t think what he was asking for was a good idea without saying it?
”Little scandals can cost a lot of money… People go to Andrade’s restaurants at first because they just hear the press talking. Cult Chef this and Goat-Sacrificing Gourmand that. But then they taste the food, and they come back. The rich get a thrill from it. But, for him? What, he runs like… A conglomerate practically. Chairman of the board of whatever? People in his circles are always looking to bring one another down.”

He hugged her closer, partly because he could feel her tensing up but partly because he didn’t want her running from the moment. He needed her, and the distraction of a conversation that wasn’t about how work went. Trisha would be able to hear the disinterest in his voice turn to engagement.
”But, you also can’t tell him that we can cover him, can you? I’m sure he wouldn’t want that even if he did know. Or, maybe he would; I don’t really know him. Maybe magic would be everything he’s ever wished for.” he shrugged his shoulders, dislodging a bee from Trisha’s hair accidentally.

“He’d probably start looking for ways to profit from it,” Trisha snorted. The dislodged bee let out an annoyed buzz, but the consistent, low level comforting pheromones Trisha was giving out stopped it from taking any action beyond crawling back into her hair, nestling in deeper.
“I already know what scandals can do for his business- the ‘family’ business, whatever. Tansy’s caused plenty. It’s always been fine in the end.” Trisha herself had probably caused a few too, but thankfully smaller and more mundane than ‘being part of a cult.’

“I can’t tell him- and I won’t. He wouldn’t believe it… Especially not from me. But you can cover me, right? As long as nothing gets out about me then it’s fine. Ezra’s worries are solved, he doesn’t hear anything, it’s all fine.” It was a cut off, really, from the conversation going much further. She didn’t want to get into it - into the worries she now had, or how she really thought she needed some kind of contract for her business…

”Of course… Whatever you feel comfortable asking us to do, I’ll make sure it’s done. Press, Lawyers, Notaries… I want you to be confident that this isn’t just some crazy… Ploy. I know it probably sounds crazy even for me to say that, but-”
He cut himself off, letting his voice trail off as his head turned to look at her. He was doing his best to not sound like he expected her to react.

Trisha narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, lips pressed together. Why would he think she thought it was a ploy? Was he questioning her feelings- his feelings? No, no, it was just reassurance. She forced herself to push back down the irritation that was so ready to jump out. She just wanted to relax, and cuddle him, and feel fine for a while. It was fine.
“Just the Press. I have my own lawyer- as long as whoever is on the Temple side of the honey business is willing to sign contracts to do with it.” She tried to sound confident and like she knew what the fuck she was doing, and it wasn’t all just stuff Ezra had told her. She’d been too relaxed about it all…

“And I know it isn’t ‘some crazy ploy.’ If it was, you would’ve chosen a better Vanburen.” She continued, meeting his eyes with an almost… joking light in her own. A self deprecating joke, perhaps.

Casey couldn’t help but giggle, shaking his head.
”You’re the best Vanburen to me.”
His hands slowly slipped up to her face, both hands cradling her cheeks. He placed a tender kiss on her lips, letting his forehead rest against hers. When he finally pulled away, he looked at her with dreamy eyes and a slight smile.
”Coming home to you will always be worth the price of living in this nightmare world. You’re a blessing in my life.” he did his best not to break down.

For a moment, he saw Mary’s face. Her fury and rage. The face that nearly killed him… Because he hesitated. He gave himself up, because he hoped they’d run.
This nightmare world.
Clearing his throat, he turned his head into his own arm so he wouldn’t accidentally cough on her, then sniffled.
”B-but… Yeah. Contracts. I guess none of that ever got settled. I’ll call Elise tomorrow and we’ll schedule something. Negotiate or whatever. I doubt it’ll be too much of an issue.”

Thoughtlessly, the next question left his lips.
”Speaking of honey and bees and issues… Did you talk to Tamara and Dadonda?” he asked so innocently, as if he was a child who hadn’t set her up.

Trisha let out a light huff as the topic moved on from things she didn’t particularly want to talk about, to another she didn’t particularly want to talk about. But it was the one question she was alright to answer. The one good thing that came out of going to that meeting - aside from maybe the strange revelation that Layla wasn’t so awful.

“Yeah, I did. Gin was pretty insistent I talk to them to see if Dadonda could get the Queen to come out. It was almost like someone planned it all out.” She paused, tilting her head up and narrowing her eyes at him again. It was more teasing this time - because it was fine, he’d been doing something nice for her. It wasn’t his fault all that shit had happened in the run up to it. After forcing him to wait a little bit, just staring at him, she eventually relented.
“It worked. She came out for a bit as an extra big, ghost bee. She’s promised to help me more too… but no, she won’t come out now. I asked earlier. She’s gone back to sleep. She said that she’d help me with my magic too, so… that was nice. That went well.”

He was suddenly grinning from ear to ear.
”I fucking knew it! Who else but Dadonda!? Yessssss!” he subtly pumped his fist before pulling Trisha extra close. His body rocked back and forth slightly.
”God damn, I’m so fucking proud of you…”
And then he turned his head slightly to look at her chest, poking her in the sternum gently.
”And you! In there! Thanks for fuckin’ showing up, Lady! You made Trisha happy!”

Beaming, he started trying to pull away.
”This calls for fruit! Fruit party for the bees, come on! We’ll get to chopping, then bring it into the hive for them!”

“Babe, it’s the middle of the night. Most of them are asleep. We can do it tomorrow.” Trisha tried to say gently, because he was happy for her, but there was a hint of harshness in her tone that suggested she wouldn’t really take any arguments against it. At the same time, she enacted the Trisha special - arms and legs wrapping around him to prevent him from pulling away like he was trying to.
“And I’m tired too. I’ve had to deal with a lot today.”

Casey didn’t really hear Trisha when she said she had to deal with a lot. He felt a slight lurch in his brain that hung him up on a thousand questions… But he settled for one, because ultimately he couldn’t fathom what’d been so hard that she didn’t want to celebrate such a great thing.
”Like… What?”
The tone was all wrong, like he couldn’t keep the sensation of skepticism out of his voice.
”Did you kill someone today?”

“Do I need to kill someone to be tired?” Trisha went tense immediately, limbs around Casey loosening as they started to withdraw towards herself. She didn’t really get the implication there… had he forgotten what had happened that morning? Even without all the shit that happened at the meeting, it was still enough.
“I fought with Lila, remember? Then I had to deal with Leon being a dick- twice- and Alizée being a dick- also twice. So yeah, I’m tired, but you can go give the bees fruit yourself if you want.” Her tone and body language screamed bitterness and irritation now.

Casey felt her getting colder almost instantly. He tensed in return, not only in body, but in speech.
”Yeah, right Trisha. Like me, wanting to do something nice, is asking a lot of effort out of you. Christ, I figured you’d be game; you don’t even have to cut the fucking fruit.”
Swearing probably wasn’t the greatest method of de escalation. Pushing himself up, he sat with one leg pulled close and the other dangling off the bed.
”I know for a fact that the keylime you ate should’ve given you plenty of extra energy for the day… So why don’t you just come out and say that it was fucking horrible and that you never want to go again. Spare me the excitement that you maybe actually met people who you want to see again… And what about Leon, huh? What’d he say to you now that I need to make a fucking problem over? I know he’s still awake, I’ll fucking go and make it a problem right now if that’s what you want!”

Trisha sat up too, knees pulled in tight to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs. Her hidden hands clenched into the fabric covering them. She scowled at him, all that pent up agitation that had barely been taken out on Leon and Alizée coming right back up.
“It’s not the people at the meeting. They were fine!-” Bar Alizée and the weird Sycamore Fanfiction circle-
“-Yeah, it was fucking horrible, but not because of them. Do you really want to know what Leon said? Which one, the first or second time? Let’s start with the second time. Because yeah, I want to make that a problem- but not with him.”

As she spoke her voice got colder - though her tone didn’t get any louder. She wasn’t shouting like she had been with Leon. Her entire body was tight, and she was angry, but it was cold vitriol that came out of her lips.
“You’re eating the fucking food, Casey. He told me to keep you away from it when he knew you were eating it- and then used that to one up me and piss me off. Because I do what I want and- and you know what it does. Why are you eating it? Why do I get shit for not preventing it when I can’t.”

Casey’s whole torso reeled back slightly, surprise setting in on his face. His brow furrowed, and he tried to think about what that implied. That… Leon had told her to keep him away from…
”A fucking crescent roll is not going to kill me! Look, I get it, right? Fucking, yeah- Surveillance Cult! Sure! Everyone’s got eyes on everyone! But fuck that, how dare he try to make decisions for me, and how the fuck could you just play along with it!? Like, after dealing with the whole… Y’know, when you first met my folks? How you felt about people seeming to “know” you without ever asking anything in the first place?”

The irony wasn’t lost on him. It was a great big cycle of spy and be spied on, and it was almost endearing to see Trisha so easily slip into it when her interests were on the line.
”But you don’t even ask me? You don’t even think to question what my brother has to say, because you’re so willing to be skeptical about how we do things? Fuck that! Y’know-”
He stopped himself from saying something truly regrettable…
”-I just didn’t picture you being so hypocritical. The only thing I can think of is that you love me, and you’re worried, and you don’t want to see something happen to me. But I’m a big fucking boy, and I grew up eating this fucking food. It’s not a death sentence like they want you to think, Trisha. You can come clean of it, it’s just a matter of not being a fucking pussy like Leon is!”

“Then why did you go back to it?” Trisha hissed, breathing quickening as he managed to poke so many sore spots at once. She wasn’t a hypocrite, she didn’t quite love him yet- didn’t she?- it wasn’t the same.
“Yeah I’m worried, you think he told me and I jumped to do it cause it was Leon- or because I wanted to control you? I haven’t even stopped you from doing anything! I don’t care if it’s not a death sentence- I don’t want to eat it, I don’t want to see you trying to come clean of that shit. I don’t want to start finding black patches inside your mouth! If it’s hypocritical to care, then fine, I’m a hypocrite. Because me subtly making sure we eat takeaway and going to a normal fucking grocery store is the same level as finding out someone’s whole life story without ever talking to them. I’m just a controlling hypocrite who’s doing all of this for myself when I should just trust that everything’s fine.”

She let out a short, bitter laugh and tilted her head back.
“Sorry for being so skeptical about the fucking spying, oppressing cult.”

Oppressing… He trembled. A whole shot ran up and down his body, and every single face of death he’d seen that night crashed into him all at once.
”Oh… Oppressing. So that must’ve come up. How they feel wronged and put down, because we’d just as quickly eat their fucking caspers as we would put them to work doing useful shit? Don’t worry, none of them care when an Adept makes a problem for the upper crust just to have their entire families wiped out. They’d never tell you that we just kill, and kill, and kill up here; and how we do our absolute and ever-loving best to make sure that we don’t have packs of frothing Abcised monsters running around St. Portwell without culling them like rabid dogs!”

Casey stood now, taking a deep breath.
”Or that I’d be happy to let them all do it if it meant they’d shut the fuck up about it. Honestly, I mean congrats to you; you’re either-”
No. No. No.
”-I… I fucking love you. Goodnight, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He turned, made way for the stairs. He’d already said too much.

As Casey stood, Trisha had pushed herself back further onto the bed. Then, as he turned away, that harsh, acrid scent of her fear pheromones filled the air. They weren’t strong enough to get through his emotional field, but he’d felt them hitting up against it just as he smelt them.
“No, no- you’re not just allowed to leave,” Trisha grit out through the panic and anger clutching her at once. See you tomorrow always meant the same thing - a text the next morning ending everything. But it might be worse this time. Would he come back to end things with magical memory erasers and apparition suppression needles because he no longer-

She shot forward to the edge of the bed, hand reaching out to try and grab his wrist. The bees were buzzing agitatedly, clinging to her as her flight pheromones bombarded them. Just ask him to stay, apologise-
“Why didn’t you tell me about the fucking needles?! You think I care about anything else? I can’t lose them- was it so I wouldn’t know before it was too late?!”

Casey turned slowly, a look on his face that Trisha had only seen when he got particularly upset at Leon… When he learned that Leon was talking about her behind her back… The second day they even knew one another.
”Oh… So I could die a thousand deaths as long as you’ve got your bees? Nice… You could’ve said anything else, you could’ve asked me any other way… But that’s the qualifier you decide to make a big note of? You think I care about any- Yeah! Actually, I thought you cared about me, since you want to make a big fucking deal about the fact that I prefer eating bread because the sight and smell of cooked meat makes me fucking sick. And the only way I know I can get enough calories and micros in a day to keep myself in fighting condition without feeling like I want to rip my guts out is Andrade’s fucking bread!”

He didn’t leave… He just stood there, her hand still holding his wrist, and a more and more disgusted look formed. Waiting.

“I- I- I didn’t mean it like that!” Trisha choked out, the bitter smell in the air growing stronger. He hated her, he hated her, he hated-
“I didn’t know! Nobody tells me anything then they get pissed off when I find out and get upset!”

”Because you don’t ask questions, Trisha! You just fucking wait and then get upset at what you don’t know! So, fuck it! I didn’t tell you about the fucking spikes because I know for a fact that if anyone ever so much as got close to you with one of those, I would rip their fucking arms off and feed them to them!
His other hand gripped the one that was still clinging to him, prying it away before cupping it in both of his massive hands.
”I have zero patience for this right now. For you just assuming that you know how things are going to go… I can feel your anxiety and your nerves, and I understand that you’re under duress. But if you can’t accept the truth that I’m dedicated to you? Then I don’t know how I’m supposed to convince you. You said you didn’t want Temple information, so I don’t provide it. I don’t tell you, because you don’t want to know. You don’t ask questions, so I don’t answer them. I tell you to stay on a set path, you deviate and you get into a fight with some fucking stray pigeon!”

He got real close, crouching next to the bed and leaning in.
”I. Love. You. Nobody is going to hurt you on my watch. But I cannot deal with this right now, because maybe you had a tough night? But I’ve killed to come back home and be excited with you. And you throw it in my fucking face like doing something together isn’t worth the effort. So, congratulations: You started a fight, now you’ve earned the consequence.”

He let her hand go, standing back up.
”Now, am I allowed to go to a different part of the house we share? Or do I have to stand here like you tell me to? Because I’m a fucking moron, and I will just stand here.”

As Casey had gotten close to her, Trisha flinched back slightly- automatically- and her eyes squeezed shut. She heard everything he was saying without really hearing it. He loved her, he wanted to protect her, but he was still leaving- of course he was leaving. All because she’d wanted to just cuddle in bed rather than drag herself back out. Unlike Casey, Trisha didn’t quite have the luxury of an emotional field that protected against her pheromones - in an enclosed space like this she just hit herself with them over and over again.

But he’d let go, he was leaving- no, not leaving, going somewhere else in the house. Or just standing there. But she couldn’t make him do that, no matter how pissed off she was, or how scared she was that he’d leave and come back only to kick her out. But if she made him stay he’d only get more upset at her. It’d just make things worse- weren’t things already at a point of no return? She didn’t know how to explain to him that her believing him and accepting it were two different things. It’d been proved time and time again how unloveable she was. People said one thing, and did another.

“I- I’m not going to control you,” she managed to whisper, opening her eyes again and forcing herself to look at him. She raised a hand to push away the tears that had started to form in her eyes, rubbing at them as if to stop it. She didn’t like crying when it was real.
“You can do what you want.”

Seeing her like this made him want to stay. To sit and resolve it and work things out. But at the same time, he wasn’t sure how he was going to come back from some of the things he said. He wasn’t sure if it was just a matter of time before-
”I wanted to go and chop up fruit and have a nice night with you. But it feels like that was asking a lot, so I’ll make this short and sweet: Do you want to be up here where there’s nothing but you and your thoughts? Or are you going back downstairs to the den where at least you can entertain yourself?”

Trisha sat and stared at him for a moment, as if the question wasn’t directed at her. Her hands were still at her eyes, fighting a losing battle of trying to block a biological function. She’d wanted a nice night too, here. She didn’t understand why that had been such a problem. Why did people always think she just never wanted to put the effort in?
“Downstairs. I have some research to do on my laptop.” An unnecessary explanation to show she wasn’t just going to be having fun or anything. She slowly uncurled her legs to stand up, gaze dropping to the floor.

Casey stepped to the side. He desperately tried to force himself statuesque, but he could feel her pain. Every ache radiating from her half-shattered morale made him feel like he was stuffing the nails into the coffin with his bare hands. So, he simply couldn’t.
His arm reached out, scooped her by the bicep of one arm into his embrace, and held her tightly. Not aggressively tightly, but enough that she couldn’t just sprint away from him.
”I. Love. You. One day you’ll trust me, and you won’t have to ask fucking questions… But it’s important to cool off. Please, think about what you want to really say when we talk again. I’ll think about how I can apologize too… Because we’re not over.”

Trisha trembled lightly in his arms. She couldn’t stop herself from crying now - her hands were at her side, so the tears flowed freely. And she hated it. She was so scared, so attached. She’d done it again, she’d fallen in so deeply that she’d drown before she could crawl out. We’re not over, we’re not over, we’re not over, we’re not over. She repeated it herself, like a mantra to stop herself from lashing out again or just completely breaking.
“Okay.” All that she was able to get out was one quiet word of agreement.

He softened his hold until his hands were just barely touching hers.
”Go on… I’ll get the pillows and blankets.”
It helped him to care… To make sure that it didn’t end with angry shouting. That’s how he’d always seen it end… Angry shouting, then a calm week after. Never resolution. He wondered if his Father had been this way, or if their relationship’s dynamic was different… He’d have died to ask.

Interactions: Elara @NoriWasHere, Varnan @Blizz
Bill's Tattoo Shop, Raven's Rest

It wasn't that long of a walk to Bill's. Bryn drove them from the church to her own place - a tiny house in surprisingly good condition for the wood it was made of. Having a magical woodsman really helped... But from there it was just easier to go on foot. Nothing in town wasn't walkable, and finding a place to park her ancient (truck) was a nightmare. She even made time to quickly change out of her work overalls, replacing them with brown cargo pants and a thicker jacket... Plush a side bag full of ash.

"I gotta bad feelin' about this," she said to Elara as they approached Bill's shop. This wasn't just Bill - it was all the shit that was happening. She was worried it meant a second cataclysm... Or something much worse. They'd been taught that there were many ancient spirits in the mountains, but anything dangerous should be sleeping. But what if they were waking up? There was no information about what and no elders to teach them now. "Whatever it was might still be about. We gotta be careful."

Without waiting for a response, because she trusted Elara - it was an implicit trust that came from years of friendship and working together. They had each other's backs... Though hopefully they wouldn't need to.

"Hey, Bill! Y'there? It's Bryn and Elara, just checkin' on you after last ni-" Bryn shoved in the door, cutting herself off when she noticed someone else already inside the small shop. Her head tilted up, eyes narrowing into a squint. She vaguely recognised him from the Cataclysm - but she couldn't put a name to the face. Someone there during the fight, so Paranormal. There'd been too many people to remember any but the ones that stood out, or that the Grove retained ties with afterwards.

"Here for Bill too? If it's for a tat he's full," Bryn threw a thumb towards Elara. Her posture wasn't aggressive towards Varnan, but it certainly wasn't friendly. It was a lack of trust towards an outsider - city folk coming in and sticking their nose where it didn't belong, making a mess of things. She'd seen it many times before. Sure, they were going to talk to some of the people they knew in the city... But there were agreements there. Someone coming into their town? She didn't like that.

"And if you're here for somethin' else, we got it handled. Bill's one of ours."

On the way to the Kingdom, there were no spider ghosts.

Thank God for that.

They marched closer and closer to the Kingdom, and Lisa was surprised they didn’t get attacked by a monster yet. She looked around, it was just plains, rocky, rocky, plains. Same as before, but in the distance there were mountains that the chains holding the Kingdom down (?) were attached to. She could vaguely see something else in the distance, but Lisa just shrugged as she walked.

”So what else-” Lisa tried to say, before a distant buzzing cut her off. She turned her head to see a group of massive freakish insect things approaching.

”… Get ready,” Yoko said, unsheathing the Yokai Killer.

"Ew," Ella whispered, pulling out the Ice Scepter and pulling it in front of her.

Saskia rolled their eyes, slicing their hand open. Blood coated their body, crawling up to form their blood tendril. "Now would be the perfect time for some fire, Ella."

"Oh yeah!" Ella quickly formed a massive fireball in her free hand and launched it at the insect-creatures. It burned a few but didn’t make a difference in the onslaught. The Yokai Killer extended as Yoko held it behind her until they got close, and swiped it, cutting through several of them as they rotted away into nothing.

”We’re going to need more fire than that!” Yoko shouted as the Yokai Killer went back to its default length. ”Disciple! Come here! Turner, Otten! Cover me!”

There was a slight dread in Lisa, but she gave Yoko the benefit of the doubt. However, Lisa opened her mouth, aiming it at the center of the creature swarm and projectile vomitted spiders into it. They exploded, sending acid and chitin fragments in all directions.

"Cover you for what," Saskia muttered. They battered away a few of the creatures with their tendril, a fist coming up into ones face and a bone spear immediately shoving through its brain. At the same time, their wings started to push out their back.

"What do you need me to do?!" Ella shouted as she ran over to Yoko.

The Yokai Killer shrunk into the hilt, and she threw it into her hip pouch and pulled out paper scraps and a marker. ”Just hold still!” Yoko shouted as she scribbled kanji and chanted… before jamming it into Ella’s chest to boost her abstraction.

"WHY THE TITS?!" Ella shouted as her abstraction was boosted. But she didn’t pause much more before turning around. "Watch out!"

She pushed out both hands to let out a massive burst of flames towards the creatures. It spread out in front of her, continuous and much further reaching than normal. Which burned through a majority of them, while Lisa kept vomiting spiders onto them.

”Next time I’ll smack you on the ass with it!” Yoko shouted as she unsheathed the Yokai Killer, with a flick it went to full length. ”You don’t have much time! Fight!”

"What do you think I’m doing?!" Ella shouted back. The burst of flames ceased for a moment - there were less now, so she swapped to quickly shot targeted fire balls. Strong enough to engulf each creature hit in fire as she threw them at as many left as she could. Lisa begun to connect several of them together by spider webs to make the whole process easier while Yoko was extending the Yokai Killer to slice them to pieces.

As the fight raged on, the ground suddenly trembled. Lisa looked up, confused, just in time to spot a massive burning projectile soaring right. It crashed into the swarm of insects, scattering them in every direction. Chunks of dirt and insect remains flew, covering the group in a rain of debris.

“What the hell was that?!” Yoko shouted, before pausing to scan the horizon.

Before anyone could respond, another massive burning boulder hurtled toward them. It crashed down only a few meters away, sending a shockwave that nearly knocked everyone off balance. Yoko pointed towards the edge of the plains.

”Autoknights!” Yoko shouted.

"Shit- they'll kill us before they capture us!" Ella shouted, barely keeping her balance. "What do we do?"

”Pretend to fight, at least," Saskia hissed, raising a hand to shoot off a blood bullet without much care for where it went. They looked towards Yoko. "This is going great already."

Ella nodded, grabbing the Ice Scepter again. She pointed it towards the sky, planning to freeze and stop the next boulder thrown at them. It froze, but did not stop - it was sliced in half by Yoko, both bolders, carried by their momentum, landed at both sides of the group.

”At this distance, fighting them is not viable!” Yoko shouted, ”We have to go!”

”Where?!” Lisa shouted.

”Somewhere!” Yoko shouted back.

"Maybe if we lie flat they won’t see us," Saskia intoned.

"LET’S JUST GO!" Ella grabbed both Lisa and Saskia, holding them under her arms as she started to run… vaguely towards the kingdom but in a strange zig zag motion. Yoko was right behind them, however, she sheathed the Yokai Killer and pulled out the Dragon’s Wisdom.

”I have an idea!” Yoko shouted as a storm formed. ”I’m going to create a rainstorm for cover!”

"Oh, great idea- maybe I can make it a thunderstorm!" Ella shouted.

"Don’t fucking do that!" Saskia shouted back.

"... Well, is there anywhere we can hide?" Ella looked around. "Maybe I can punch a hole in the ground?!"

”Use your dumbass-” Lisa tried to say before another burning projectile landed some distance away and shook the ground - which was already saturated with rain water. Lisa looked up and saw several more bolders covered in pitch coming at them.

One was sliced in half by Yoko, and the other two landed away from them. However, the rain was making it hard to see the encampment in the distance.

"Well they can clearly still see us," Saskia hissed.

"I’ll do it! I’ll make us a hole to hide in!" Ella shouted, dropping Lisa and Saskia and starting to punch the ground with enhanced fists. Creating a small crater, which Lisa hopped into followed by Yoko, and both of them made a splash when they fell in.

The rain didn’t let up, slowly filling the crater as a few more bolders hit - shattering the earth- before abruptly stopping. Lisa looked around as the water soaked her clothes, and sighed.

”… It’s hard to tell through the rain,” Yoko said, ruining the moment of peace. ”But I believe they are coming.”

"So we just sit tight till they come, put up a bit of resistance, and get captured?" Saskia shivered beside Lisa in the hole. Ella was doing her best to scoop water out of it with her hands.

"I’ll beat their metallic asses!" she shouted, stopping scooping water out of the hole to coat her legs in light in preparation.

”It would be more convincing if we took out a few,” Yoko nodded. ”So we’re going to wait until they get close, then attack them.”

"I'll prepare my spit then," Saskia intoned, pushing wet hair off their face.

Ella poked her head up out of the hole, letting out a gasp and shooting off a strong blast of ice into the distance. "They're close!"

”Maybe- forget it!” Yoko shouted as she hopped out of the hole, and disappeared in a burst of speed, distorting the rain in the process. There was the sound of metal crashing against the earth and rain as spider legs sprouted from Lisa’s back. She climbed out, and her glasses were drenched which made it more challenging to see in the rain.

Lisa saw the silhouettes of what had to be the Autoknights. She sighed, the ground rumbled, and spiders erupted out of the ground in a sickening and macabre geyser. Mid-air, she applied Gunk-Burst and they exploded, sending gunk in all directions and hoped it wouldn’t be washed away by the rain.

Lisa couldn’t tell, but several of the Autoknights stopped moving.

Saskia came out of the hole spitting. With the difficult conditions, she had to aim for the rough silhouette's and what looked like their heads.

Ella ran out last, sprinting past Saskia and Lisa to join Yoko in the fight. Glowing legs slammed into their metal bodies, while colour coated fists went for their… sort of faces.

As the storm continued to rage overhead, Yoko moved like a shadow, her blade flashing out to sever the joints and weak points of the Autoknights surrounding them. Several of them dropped to the ground, before Yoko gathered the water and launched it like a wave. It knocked over several, they fell in a cascade, before Yoko looked over her shoulder.

”Let’s go!” Yoko shouted, as the remaining Autoknights formed together.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Saskia muttered, turning on their heel and starting to run away.

Ella forcefully stopped her momentum, spinning around to follow Saskia… only to slip and fall ass first on the mud. She quickly scrambled up. Yoko led the formation while Lisa ran in the rear with her spider legs slowly retracting into her back. Lisa looked over her shoulder as she heard the Autoknights pursue after them. Each movement would have been heavy enough to shake the ground if it hadn’t been for the mud.

”Turner! We need a distraction!” Yoko shouted, her voice barely louder than the rain and thunder.

Lisa turned around, her glasses smeared from the raindrops, ”On it!” Lisa shouted, but the rain drowned her voice. Not that she was worried at all. She put her hands out as far as they could go before slowly raising them into the air as the ground shook. The spiders burst out of the ground, sending mud that landed on Lisa in all directions, angled directly at the Autoknights. When they reached their target, Lisa activated Gunk Burst, and they exploded, sending gunk that hardened around their joints and restricted their movements during the process.

Meanwhile, Yoko turned her attention to a distant group of Autoknights, their hulking forms barely visible through the downpour. She could see their catapults firing in the distance, their operators unrelenting even as the storm should have made targeting difficult.

”Good grief! We have to cut off their sight line!” Yoko hissed, grasping the Dragon’s Wisdom with both hands as she took a deep breath. The storm clouds were drawn closer until fog blanketed through the entire battlefield. She released before shouting, ”We have more cover now!”

"But we can't see either!" Ella wailed, squinting against the fog. She waved the ice Scepter behind her, blasting the soaked ground to create a dangerous ice path between them and the pursuing Autoknights.

”Just try not to trip!” Yoko shouted as she ran with the Dragon’s Wisdom low and ready.

Another loud crash sounded as a boulder from the catapult hit the muddy ground nearby, splattering Lisa (and others) with cold, wet earth as she ran.

Lisa’s heart pounded as she struggled to make sense of the chaos through the thick fog. She could barely see Yoko, let alone the Autoknights, but she knew they were out there. Her instincts screamed at her to turn and run, but something told her Yoko had a plan, even if it wasn’t clear.

Yoko was ahead, holding the Dragon’s Wisdom tightly in both hands. Eventually, they broke through the Fog. However, the sounds of those mechanical monsters marching were overpowering. Yoko turned on her heel and held the Dragon’s Wisdom parallel to her chest, and let out a slow but deep, breath.

”They’re still pushing through the fog,” Yoko said, ”When they push through the fog, hit them hard and fast. We’re going to create distance for our actual escape.”

"I thought we were trying to get captured," Saskia muttered under their breath.

Lisa swallowed, nodding, even though Yoko probably couldn’t see her. Lisa summoned her spiders through the mud and scattered them around to wait for any Autoknights to stumble into range. Lisa held her breath as she heard their heavy footsteps grow louder.

”... Just a little closer,” Lisa muttered to herself.

Their silhouettes became visible through the fog, and on cue, the first Autoknight stepped through the mist, wielding a large, metal spear…

Ella immediately jumped forward, rainbow light coating her leg as she swung it up to try knock the metal spear aside. Saskia let of two quick spits, aiming for the joints were it’s arms met its body. All of these hit, and the spear hit the ground with a clatter. Yoko charged forward and spun on her feet, using the momentum to slash at Autoknight’s leg joints. It sliced through it and severed it, causing it to hit the ground with a loud boom. Then Yoko raised the Dragon’s Wisdom overhead and drove it into the Autoknight’s head before slamming her foot onto the Autoknight’s head and using it as a brace to pull it out.

The rain kept pouring, and Lisa was soaked, but that was the least of her worries; she could see more of them coming as the three of them were handling that Autoknight. She narrowed her eyes as she saw them steadily march fo-

Then she heard the thunderclap of one of their muskets; she could feel the musket round whirl past her, and her eyes shot wide open. Lisa looked to the left and right as she shot both of her hands forward, and the spiders she had scattered around charged forward into the fog. Just as a few more rounds of musket fire whirled past them, she knew this was just a ploy…

As the Autoknights fired, they formed together in the fog; from what she saw, they had formed three rows… The front row had been kneeling and firing, while the rows behind reloaded their weapons and took their place.

”... We should go,” Lisa said.

"Shit- get back," Saskia hissed, blood coating their body, hardening to protect them. But it wasn’t as effective as normal thanks to the rain…

"They’re going to kill us- oh fuck!" Ella shouted as the next round of musket fire went off, a round slamming right into her arm. She seemed to ignore it as she grabbed Saskia around the waist to drag her back, towards Lisa, making to run.

Even though Lisa had suggested running, there was that feeling that there was nowhere to run to. They were in a flat plain, after all! And even though the Autoknights were slow, they had guns-

Lisa glanced over her shoulder.

A lightbulb went off in her head.

Lisa wrestled out of Ella’s grip and then turned on her heel. ”Yoko! Can you distract them for just a moment?” Lisa said.

”I can but what are you cooking, Turner?” Yoko asked.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at Saskia and Ella, and said,

”... Deathcrater.

Ella had hand pressed over the wound in her arm now, looking over at Lisa with a grim frown. Then she nodded.

"Let’s do it." Saskia pushed around Ella so they were next to Lisa, crouching down on the ground in preparation. Lisa joined her as the ground underneath the Autoknight’s feet began to shake. The web started to weave and stretch outwards; Saskia pumped it with corrosive blood. They just need more time… Lisa looked up at Yoko, who was marching towards them with her sword out. At the same time, the Autoknights were changing ranks, Yoko put herself front and center. They finished, and Yoko took a defensive position with the Dragon’s Wisdom parallel to her chest.

The musket fire barraged her, bouncing off her form, as Yoko remained steady. Lisa noticed many of them hitting her, but Yoko did not so much as flinch. However, Lisa focused on spreading this damn web far and wide as she physically could. Once it was complete, Lisa turned to Ella and nodded.

”Ella, now!”

"Yoko, get back!" Ella shouted - but she didn’t actually wait. She raised her hands, incredibly gay looking pastel pink lightning blasting the centre of the web.

Yoko grit her teeth, but did not so much as move while still barraged by the musket fire. ... I can take it! Yoko shouted.

The Deathcrater activated and exploded upwards in a monstrous boom. The acidic blood decimated the Autoknight formation as their remains fell into the crater that came afterward. Bits of acid sprayed outwards and hit Yoko, but she did not move as it sizzled on her clothing to the point where it exposed skin.

Lisa quickly ran over to Yoko and put her hands on her; the Healing-Spiders came from her pores and crawled onto Yoko to heal her wounds. ”... That was pretty ballsy there,” Lisa laughed. ”Surprised you survived.”

”You’ll need more than that to kill me, Turner,” Yoko nodded her head. ”Now-”

Distant humming caught their attention, Lisa knew what it was from before… She could barely see them through the storm, but it couldn’t be anything other than the Autoknight airships.

”Fuck,” Lisa said.

”... Those idiots,” Yoko laughed.


”My storm will make it difficult for them to fly,” Yoko said, ”However, they might just be dropping off reinforcements.”

”Let’s go then,” Lisa said as she stuck her hands out and created a spider that was wrapped around in a glowing cocoon. When it grew to full size, it burst out with wings. Lisa climbed on and gave the back a few pats. Yoko leaped through the air and hopped on after her. Saskia climbed up behind them.

"Yeah, let’s get out of here!" Ella hopped on last, still bleeding but not seeming bothered about it at all.

After everyone was on board, the spider took flight.

Interactions: Aislin @Estylwen, Sloane @Atrophy, Artifact Group
Elysium Island

Luca grimaced as they got on the island, already feeling the telltale aches across his body that this wasn’t going to be so easy for him. As Ruby said there wasn’t time for speeches, and some people went into them anyway, he pulled a couple of bottle of pills out of his backpack. He pulled down the black surgical mask he was wearing to knock a variety of painkillers back with the simple plastic water bottle he’d brought along too. He didn’t look much different from normal - dressed all in black, every bit of skin was covered by some clothing. Only his eyes were visible as he pushed the mask back up over his face.

”Aislin’s right, let’s go.” Unlike Aislin, Luca didn’t bother with trying to drag someone along. Instead he just started walking as quickly as was possible for him in the direction Ruby had pointed. They didn’t exactly have time to waste. Not only was there a ticking clock against all of them, but he knew there was one against him too. Even the hour between, which he’d mostly spent resting, hadn’t helped much with the crap state his body was currently in.

But he couldn’t sit this out because it would make things that much harder for them.

”I can probably get us through the vault doors, easily,” Luca said as he walked, trying not to sound out of breath already. ”Like Sloane said earlier, no doors are safe between us. Unless it's made of incredibly thick plastic I can rot through it. Even if it's enchanted it won’t be a problem - the Rot’s strong enough to get through that. If it's metal like I hope- like most vault doors are- I'll get through quickly and easily.”

He was serious, not quite the normal smiley Luca - he wanted to get this done, and for everyone to be kept safe. He was worried. ”As for the dog… I can erode marble too, but I think I should concentrate on the door. It will hurt me as much as I hurt it.”

Interactions: Artifact Team Leader (Presumably Sloane @Atrophy)
Cliff Overlooking Elysium Island

Once everyone teleported onto the island, it was only Anya and Lynn left on the cliffside where they’d met. While it wasn’t Anya’s preferred location for coordination, it kept things simple. They could see Elysium Island, and were definitely close enough for the radios to work.

Even not going on the island Anya had chosen to dress in a way that would make it more difficult to recognise her. A black hoodie with an embroidered rose design across one half, baggy black pants with chains hanging all across them, and somehow she’d managed to get all of her long, thick hair under a dark beanie hat. Combined with the much more intense makeup it didn’t look like her at all. Certainly not the refined image she always put on - but perhaps closer to how she’d been ten years ago. In her mind it was better to be safe than sorry. After all, she had vested interest in not being recognised by any members of the Elite.

”I know you don’t like me,” Anya said bluntly, as she unfolded two camping chairs she’d brought from her apartment. She sat in one and gestured towards the other for Lynn. At the same time she held out a radio to her. ”But let’s work together for the sake of the coven. Since there’s five radios on the island, let’s take two teams each, and whoever isn’t occupied answers Amara? Each is set to a different channel, but they should know which to use if they can’t go through us.”

“You’re right,” Lynn said in response to the plan, “we’re going to be the only thing standing between them and death more than likely. I can take the agro and support team. It’s easier to see the future I can actually see,” Lynn sighed as she sat down. “I am beyond worried about everyone down there,” Lynn confided as she sighed.

”As am I,” Anya responded after a moment. Of course, her worries were slightly different - worry of them failing, the resulting war it would cause, but there were the same worries as Lynn in there… for the few people Anya actually cared about. Sloane, Olivia, Jack (though she wasn’t as worried about him, that idiot was unkillable). ”Let’s hope the Elite are as incompetent as the rumours say. I’m just as concerned about infighting- especially the Artifact group. Britney, Sloane and Adora… Hopefully the cooler heads like Luca can keep things on track.”

“It’s the same as a decade ago. Hope for the teams to work together, but plan for infighting and chaos,” Lynn joked as she sighed. Lynn pulled out a chocolate bar and began to eat it. “I’m concerned about Lila. Her future is the most unclear,” Lynn confided. Sure, she hated everything that Anya stood for but she was also present when Lynn was at her most vulnerable.

”With the Maiden taking over?” Anya raised an eyebrow, once again rather blunt. It was the less carefully crafted Anya - the Anya that didn’t bother so much about coming across as a good person. Lynn already disliked her, and Anya didn’t care about changing that opinion. The people that did matter (namely Sloane) weren’t around right now. ”I’d be concerned. Her dreams are… chaotic to say the least. There’s a very real risk there won’t be a Lila at all with the way things seem to be going.”

Lynn shot a side eye Anya’s way. “Yeah, the future says she’s on the edge of a cliff. One misstep,” Lynn paused as she looked towards the city, “and we’ll have another city destroying threat on our hands. We’re lucky that she has a good head on her shoulders, anyone else,” Lynn’s eyes narrowed as they stared her point home to Anya, “and we’d be fighting the murder as we speak.”

Anya held up her hands, smiling at Lynn. It wasn't the normal fake one, or the rare genuine one, something more snide. ”I won't deny it. It's the same for many adjoined in our ranks - Lila, Luca, Leon… all a risk only kept contained by the willpower they all have.” Her gaze moved away from Lynn and towards the island. ”But threats we should all be preparing for in case their willpower fails.”

Lynn did not see Anya falling off the cliff ‘accidentally’ in the future but she’s been wrong before. This operation would prove to be the most difficult one yet. “Lila just needs our support. She’s got a good lock on the Maiden, as long as the fight is not too chaotic down there I know she’ll be fine. Luca as well. I don’t like using our adjoined like this though.”

”They’ve got support - Sloane, for one, has decided to take fixing everything upon herself.” Anya let out a genuine sigh, eyes moving back to Lynn, then down to the radio in her hand. She swapped the channels deftly to the artifact group's. ”They’re adults. I can't say I'm close to any, but would any of our adjoined sit out if asked? They're all… too good people for that. But I do agree, much as it may surprise you. They deal with much worse magical circumstances than Adepts like me.”

“Those of us who are cursed to bear the burden of these monsters always do,” Lynn said loudly, “at least they can do something about it,” she said softly.

Anya heard everything Lynn said, but didn't acknowledge it. She wasn't one to lie and try comfort her over it. Before she could say anything else, anyway, there was an explosion on the island. She shifted in her chair to look over there. ”Looks like it's starting.”

She pulled up her radio, holding down the button. ”Artifact team, what's your status? How far did you get? Over.”

Lynn saw the explosion and took a deep breath. Her eyes flashed green as she began to search for the answers to questions that were going to be asked very soon.
I present some Grove NPCS

The trip away from the Autoknights was relatively peaceful… for Pit’s standards. Over time, the rumbling of the Autoknight airships utterly disappeared. Yet, the Kingdom loomed over head. Yoko sighed in relief.

”… So how is everyone feeling?” Yoko asked, ”Do we need time to rest before we can devise a plan?”

"I need a bit of time to recover from blood loss," Saskia said, still looking pale. They didn't feel too bad but practicing the Death Crater a couple of times had taken it out of them… they'd need to rest a bit before doing anything. "But that's physical rest. We can devise a plan while doing it."

"I'm all good!" Ella said cheerfully.

Lisa gave Yoko the thumbs up, and the latter just nodded.

”So, um…” Yoko looked around, and as far as the eye could see were plans. There is zero cover whatsoever, and everything was painfully flat except for the mountains in the distance. ”I was hoping to find some cover, but I guess we’ll have to just deal with it.” She shrugged.

The spider stopped, and Lisa stretched out her body on its back. ”... You suggested we get captured, right?”

”Yes, but it has its risks and I’m not sure if you all would be comfortable with taking them,” Yoko replied.

"Take us through the risks, then," Saskia intoned, watching Yoko carefully. They were almost unnervingly staring at them. "Aside from the obvious of ‘could be killed or never escape.’"

Yoko just shrugged.

”The only thing that comes to mind is…” Yoko began. ”... We get tortured.”

”They are into that!”

"I am," Saskia agreed, with a completely straight face. "The last people who kidnapped me didn't deliver when it came to torturing… it was disappointing. But I don't want anyone else to get tortured."

"I can handle it," Ella declared. "Is it worse than anything we've already been through? Like when I cast for ages without a Channeler, or we all got melted by Lisa's acid, or when we were so horrible drunk we were throwing up everywhere?"

Yoko stared at Ella, ”What in the world did you three get into before we met down here?”

"Well we killed loads of evil creatures and we met this stripper Lupe who showed us how to drink!" Ella explained without really explaining.

"Between fighting the Society, experiencing adult activities we hadn’t before, and getting kidnapped by a shady group… a lot," Saskia shrugged. "There was never a peaceful moment."

”Sounds like you still have a lot more to experience!” Yoko said with a smile, before it went flat. She turned towards Ella, ”Disciple, I will teach you the Compact spell, then you will compact all of our channelers and stash them on our beings. Then we will be captured by the Autoknights, and break free. From there, we’ll try to find out where they have the Wayfinders… I know it’s loose, but I’m afraid we don’t have a lot of wiggle room there.” She shrugged.

Lisa raised her hand.

”... I have a question!”


”Stash them where? Lisa asked.

”On our beings,” Yoko facepalmed. ”Like I said.”

”But what if they strip search us?” Lisa asked.

”Then I…”

”I have the perfect solution!” Lisa said. ”We have two built-in pockets, after all!”

”... I knew you were going there, Turner,” Yoko facepalmed, before her hand moved from her face. ”You know what? I want to see you try that, Turner.”

...?...?...?... Wait, Yoko-

"That could be fun, but it'll make it difficult to jump on the first Autoknight cock we see," Saskia intoned, thinking about it. While it would be a way to get through a strip search… ”I bet I could easily open up my flesh and hide them inside my skin."

"Gross, no, let's just do what Yoko suggested!" Ella shouted.

”Actually…” Yoko tilted her head as she looked at Saskia. ”... Otten might be onto something. As Wilson would say ‘Let her cook.’

”I mean, what’s the difference between that and using our bootyholes!?” Lisa shouted.

”Because we would still have our rectal virginity… and our dignity,” Yoko then shrugged. ”Most importantly our dignity - if we have any left.

"It won’t be difficult, just need to force my skin to open and- wait." Saskia paused, staring at Yoko. "You lost your other virginity?"

”No, Otten,” Yoko said with a sigh, ”I’m asexual. The only reason why I would ever have sex is to reproduce or to make my partner happy.”

"Ah," Saskia said, before nodding. It was difficult to tell if they’d understood or not - they did. "Then we definitely need to do the flesh hiding. How small will the spell make our Channelers?"

Yoko stuck her hand out, then commanded, ”Give me your channelers.”

With a shrug, Lisa hooked her hand underneath the necklace band that acted as her channeler—then placed it into Yoko’s hand.

"I’ll need it back to do any flesh spells," Saskia said, handing her channeler over.

"Be careful, you can’t get these anymore!" Ella practically shouted as she put hers in Yoko’s hand. Saskia rolled their eyes.

All three channelers shrunk—Lisa’s orb-shaped amber necklace lost its rope and shrunk to the size of a marble ball, Saskia’s Death Note Bracelet compacted until it was simply a metal tube, and Ella’s Sailor Moon wand became a simple pink-colored handle.

”... This answer your question, Otten?” Yoko said, handing them back. Lisa quickly snatched her back. ”You should still be able to use them.”

Before Yoko turned towards Ella.

”Also I’m sure they are plentiful in other dimensions, Disciple.”

"But they wouldn’t be the same!" Ella said as she took hers back, holding it like it was the most precious treasure.

"That’s… impressive," Saskia intoned reluctantly, taking back their now tiny tube channeler. A bone spear shoved out of their arm to test it out. It really did work. "It’d be very easy to lose this."

As the bone spear pulled back in, they held out their arm. "If I put my channeler underneath my skin I’ll still be able to use it. Maybe I can try do it for everyone… I’ve never manipulated anyone else’s flesh. Lisa can probably do her own, Ella- no, you won’t be able to."

”I mean… I can just…” Lisa tried to say.

Please no, Turner, Yoko sighed, before turning to Saskia. ”We are short on time, so I place my faith - and all my faith - in you and your work, Otten…”

"Last time someone placed their faith in me I died," Saskia joked - though it came off very flat, like all of their jokes. Then they nodded. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Not a spell they’d used, but it was just a variation of the way they opened up their flesh for the bone spears without the bone.

Holding their channeler, the skin on their lower arm started to pull apart to reveal the muscle below. Saskia nonchalantly put her channeler into the gaping wound into her arm, before starting the reverse process. It was a bit more difficult- they weren’t used to pushing the skin back together. But after a couple of tries, it eventually closed back up with just a slight mark. Then they turned to Ella. "You’re first."

"No thank you! I can just- AH, NO!" Ella screamed as Saskia grabbed her arm, even though nothing happened. Saskia narrowed their eyes at her.

”Disciple!” Yoko shouted, ”Steel yourself! Are you trying to attract monsters?!”

"You need to consent. Emotionally. With your magic."

Ella frowned, looking at Yoko, then back at Saskia. Finally they nodded, and let Saskia ‘in.’ Saskia’s brow furrowed as they used their green lux to sense more than just their own body. But Ella’s wasn’t any different, and carefully opening a wound in her arm wasn’t much harder than in their own. It had to be bigger to fit the pink handle in it, but not so big that it was a problem. The whole process was done in about five minutes. Ella didn’t even cry, though she looked like she wanted to.

"See, that wasn’t so hard. Who’s next?"

Yoko stepped up, ”… I should have been more clear when I implied I wanted to go first, Otten,” Yoko sighed.

"Ah. You should've said, explicitly," Saskia intoned - they really hadn't gotten that from anything Yoko said. But it didn't matter now.

Saskia took Yoko's arm, concentrating again. It was easiest if they saw the other body as an extension of their own… slowly, painfully, the flesh on Yoko's arm opened up with a large enough gap for their Channeler. "There."

Yoko didn’t so much as flinch when Saskia peeled her flesh back. She huffed out sharply, before she dug her free hand into her bra, and pulled out the antique comb. It shrunk, until it was a quarter of its size. She slid it in with a sickening squish.

With a bit more effort, Saskia forced the flesh to push back together until it covered the comb completely and was practically as good as new. They were impressed by how well Yoko took it… perhaps a mark in her favour. "Done."

Lisa then silently presented her arm.. Saskia took it, going through the same process they had with Ella and Yoko - tearing open the skin of Lisa's arm until there was a gap big enough for her Channeler. Unlike Yoko, Lisa squirmed and whined as Saskia tore her skin apart… once it was open, Lisa simply dropped the marble ball sized channeler into her flesh.

”… Plop.”

Saskia let out a quiet, snorting laugh before carefully stitching Lisa's skin back together. "Done."

"What do we do about artifacts?" Ella asked, holding up the Ice Scepter. She winced slightly as she moved the arm with her Channeler in it. "Are we leaving them? Letting them take it?!"

Yoko facepalmed.

Lisa facepalmed.

”… Yes, Ella, we went through all the effort tothem in our arms so they can take them,” Lisa said.

”We should have some dummy channelers,” Yoko suggested. ”… In the event that they are aware we are Adepts.”

"I didn't mean the Channeler I meant our other artifacts," Ella said again, waving the Ice Scepter in Lisa and Yoko's face.

”Prison wallet!” Lisa shouted.

"NO WAY!" Ella shouted back, throwing her hand up. "Can't we shrink it too and… I'd rather have it… under my skin…"

"It's pretty big," Saskia pointed out.

”We may have to part ways with it to be more convincing,” Yoko sighed.

”What if we put it in her buttcheek?” Lisa shrugged.

Saskia took a step back, looking down at Ella’s ass. There was a lot of space there… but… "No. I don’t think we’ll be able to take it if something goes wrong. I’ll lose the will to live."

”You’re a Green-Lux user!” Yoko grabbed her head, ”You. Can Just. Fix it!

"If we let them take it then we might be able to get it back!" Ella said, clutching onto the scepter.

”I wouldn’t count on us getting it back,” Yoko said with a shrug. ”Now, is there anything else we need to go over? Do we need to train some more? Any other invasive questions on your collective minds?”

"Aren’t you sad you might lose all your swords?" Ella asked.

Yoko stared at Ella, ”… Long as I get my brother back, any price is worth it.” Then Yoko shrugged. ”I can make another Yokai Killer, and I am certain my ancestors will forgive me if I lose the Dragon’s Wisdom.”

Ella looked at Yoko for a moment, before nodding. Then, suddenly, she jumped forward and grabbed Yoko in a bone crushing hug. "You’ll get him back don’t worry!"

"Not if you kill her first," Saskia commented.

”… My SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE! Yoko screamed as her fucking spine loudly broke.

"Shit, sorry- Let me heal that!" Ella let go, Yoko hit the ground with each of her limbs pointing in a different direction, a beam of healing light shooting out of where her channeler was hiding to heal Yoko.

Saskia rolled their eyes. "Killing Yoko aside… I don’t think there’s anything else to go over. We might as well just get it over with."


Yoko said, withdrawing the Yokai Killer and valiantly raising it into the air.

”… To the Kingdom!”
Annnnnd my second and third character

One is a stripper as promise, unlike Atrophy who betrayed us all


By the time Trisha got home, the effects of the strong alcohol she’d had were beginning to lessen. Still tipsy enough to be even more blunt than normal, but not so drunk that her ability to think was hampered. It was pleasant, now, and she found herself relaxing as soon as she got across the roof and into their little space. Her home. A place that actually felt like home thanks to Casey, even when he wasn’t there.

It felt like she could just forget everything she’d learnt tonight for a little while. Relax, have some time to herself, and then a night of promised cuddling when he got back. It was late already but… she didn’t feel tired. She wouldn’t need to sleep for a while.

Thankfully she didn’t have to go out again. She was quick to get changed out of her dress and into more comfortable home clothes. She stole one of Casey's sweaters - the one he'd worn that day and left on their bed after he got changed into his work clothes. It still smelled like him... It gave her a bit of comfort as she hugged it around herself, even though it functioned more as a dress than a jumper on her. Pushing up the sleeves until she had arms that were practically just bundled fabric was a small price to pay for the warmth she felt wearing it. Like he was there without actually being there.

But that relaxed feeling left as Trisha grabbed some leftovers from lunch and made her way into their den, finally checking her phone to send a quick text to Casey letting him know she was home.

Ten missed calls, and ten voicemails.

They were all from Ezra’s assistant. The first was very polite, and normal, asking her to call ‘Mr Vanburen’ as soon as she could. By the fifth, she was incredibly insistent that Trisha pick up the phone or to just listen to one of the voicemails and call him. Almost panicked. The ninth she was just straight up frantically begging Trisha, and she was audibly sobbing by the tenth.

Trisha had no idea what was going on, but between the panic and the sobbing it must be something bad. Was Ezra dying? No, he definitely wouldn’t reach out to her. Were all of his businesses failing? That didn’t make sense either… unless he was so desperate for money that he needed some from Trisha. Maybe that was it. His assistant was sobbing because she was about to lose her job. It really couldn’t be anything else.

There was no point calling his assistant back - she’d just be redirected to Ezra anyway. So she went straight to him, as much as she really didn’t want to. Her interactions with him were always short, neither wanting to waste time on the other more than they had to. Hopefully this would be the same.

She lounged back on the large, green couch and switched her phone to speaker mode as it rang Ezra’s personal number. She didn’t even wait for him to say anything first when he picked up.

“What do you want, Ezra? If you’re going bankrupt I can’t return the allowance from a month ago, I already spent it.”

“Funny, allowances is what I wanted to talk to you about, Trisha,” said Ezra. His voice was stern and stoic, strange considering how long it had taken Trisha to get back to him as well as the alarm in his assistant’s messages. “But first, we haven’t spoken in a while. Is there something you would like to share with me?”

“We choose not to talk to each other." Trisha rolled her eyes - not that he could see it. Of course that was what he wanted to talk about. It was always about money with him. He clearly wasn't dying or going bankrupt, so she didn't really understand why it had been such an urgent call… and why he was bothering with the niceties. No, it didn't feel like niceties. It felt patronising. Like whenever her mother would call her and ask if she had anything to say to her, but had already decided she'd done something wrong. What could it be- oh.

“Tansy told you about my boyfriend, didn't she? Yeah, sure, I have a new boyfriend, I moved in with him last week- that's not really stuff you care about, is it? Why would I specifically tell you? Unless you're suddenly trying to replace dad and take an interest in my personal life- which I don't want."

Nor did Ezra. Out of his siblings, Ezra held Trisha with the highest amount of regard, an honor that was significantly less impressive the further someone was able to discern how much he truly cared about the other Vanburens. Not speaking to her was the highlight of his week. If giving a generous monthly allowance on top of what they already received from the family’s trust would keep the others from pestering him then he would’ve already done it. Unfortunately, Tansy would insist upon carrying on the family tradition of spending the holidays together, and for whatever reason some of his siblings liked pretending to tolerate one another, making the investment an impossibility.

At the very least Tansy would be able to serve as a scapegoat for where he got his information from, feeling that it was best for his other future investment to not reveal her as the source of his information. Wait, hold on, did Trisha just say…

“You already moved!?” said Ezra incredulously as the phone garbled what sounded like a loud smack. On the other end of the line, Ezra held his head in his hand. “Look, normally I don’t care what you do or who you choose to do it with. In fact, I love not knowing. You’re an adult. You can make your own choices. Now that said, this is the fucking stupidest thing you’ve ever done. Do you even know who this guy is?”

If there was one thing moving in with Casey was good for, it was getting a genuine emotional reaction out of her normally stoic or fake siblings. Trisha would rather not have to deal with it at all. Ezra not caring generally, along with the money he gave her, was one of the reasons she found him most tolerable. So she wasn't particularly happy that he was questioning her decisions now. Calling her stupid. Sure she knew the decision was fast- but it was her life! And honestly, it was one of the best she'd made.

“Yes I do, Ezra," Trisha snapped. She pulled herself up into a sitting position, hunched over her phone as all that earlier tension started to come back. “We went to highschool together. Had some classes together, were friendly enough. And his older brother was in that… summer group I was in ten years ago. So I do know him, even if we haven't dated long- not that it matters!"

Of course, that she and Casey knew each other in highschool was a lie. The exact same one she'd told her friends, but what was she going to say, the truth? That part of the decision was trying not to die to some insane magical serial killer, and a whole bunch of deeper issues she'd never tell anyone? “Why do you even care, stupid decision or not? One less burden for you if he kills me- which he won't. Or are you worried about your reputation? That's it, isn't it? It's not like you actually care. So just keep staying out of my life."

“You’re damn right I’m worried about my reputation. I’m worried about our whole family’s reputation,” said Ezra, not even bothering to hide his motives. Their name was more powerful than anything else the Vanburens had. “But what you should be worrying about is your reputation. You’re dating a cultist, Trisha, or at least you think you’re dating him. Have you never read a book? Watched a movie? Listened to a podcast? Come on, you’re smarter than this.”

“You’re being recruited. This is what these whacko cults do. They look for important, powerful people and try to indoctrinate them by having an attractive person lovebomb them so they can use them as a cash cow and give their stupid bullshit idea that everybody is made from light and stardust some fucking legitimacy. You’re being targeted because you’re a Vanburen. It’s just a goddamn honeypot. Let me guess, this guy was the one to suggest you live together?”

Trisha was silent for a moment. Casey had suggested they live together. But he'd been perfectly honest with her from the start with the cult. Mostly. He hadn't told her about the apparition suppressant. But most of it. She'd known about the spying, and Casey wasn't part of it again by choice… really. He was pressured into it by his mother.

“Yes he did- but I'm not being targeted for my fucking name or money. If I was he would've jumped to Tansy the moment she started flirting with him! I haven't bought anything since we've started dating. He won't let me! Worst honeypot ever if that it's. But it's not. Maybe his mother wants my name, but he doesn't." Trisha glared at her phone, voice raising. She was pissed now… again. After the day she'd already had she wasn't in the mood to deal with anything else.

“I know they're a cult, and I don't buy into their bullshit. I've told them that- he knows that. He doesn't even buy into the bullshit! I'm not stupid. I don't- and will never- believe any of that. I can date him without being involved… and we are dating. If you're right- which you're not- well fuck, you can tell me I told you so. Kick me when I'm down! But I don't give a fuck about my reputation because I finally have someone who actually likes me."

“Right, right, you definitely sound convinced. No history of putting blinders on,” said Ezra flatly. “So just out of curiosity, are you moving into an underground bunker or is there a campground that you all will stay at with the other new recruits?”

“Oh yeah, I'm in my tent right now, enjoying the outdoors," Trisha retorted sarcastically, rolling her eyes again. She couldn't deny that she was often wrong - but it wasn't the same this time. It really wasn't. She was wrong about how toxic people were, jumping into them too fast and- wasn't that what she was doing this time? No, it wasn't. And she really wasn't joining a cult.

“We live in a really nice rooftop apartment, just the two of us. There's even room for my beehive. You're welcome to come visit if you want- but that would be too much effort for you, wouldn't it? You just want me to agree and leave him."

“Please let’s not pretend like you’d actually want me to come visit,” said Ezra with a laugh. “And no, I don’t want you to leave him.”

Ezra shook his head on the other end of the line. It was of course a lie. It would be much less of a headache for him if Trisha wasn’t dating someone in a cult, no matter how much they claim to not be part of a cult. However, he knew well enough that if he forbade it she would only doubledown even harder on her latest flight of fancy, perhaps even fully indoctrinating herself in to the Temple not due to their manipulation but simply as a fuck you to Ezra. Wasn’t it a regular play of these new religious groups to try to separate someone from their family as soon as possible anyway?

“I just want you to be careful. Maybe you don’t care about your reputation, but I do. Specifically, I care about your reputation when I’ll be unable to attend a gala or get through a press conference without some fucking paparazzi asking me about my little sister singing Kumbaya around the Wicker Man. Remember the fucking PR nightmare after Tansy’s drunk driving incident? Do you know how much business opportunity the family lost just because she lightly tapped a kid on a bike? That was money out of your pocket too, Trisha. You want to be like her?” said Ezra.

“I’m nowhere near as stupid as Tansy," Trisha hissed, having gone from rolling her eyes at Ezra's overly annoying speech to pissed off in exactly the way he wanted her to be. Even the suggestion she'd be anything like Tansy was disgusting. Of course she remembered the incident - she'd made digs at Tansy about it for months. “You wouldn't catch me dead doing any of the cult shit. We barely go out anyway- and normally it's just us, no weird shit. He's been out of the cult for years. You're more likely to be asked why bee attacks keep happening around your sister."

The last bit was muttered, but not so quiet it wouldn't be picked up by the phone on speaker mode - along with the light buzzing that came with it as if the few bees with her were responding. Trisha forcefully silenced the bees with a command… Ezra didn't know about magic, after all. “I don't not care about my reputation, I just care about him more. I am starting my own business after all. There's no need to fucking worry anyway… No paparazzi will get near us."

Her last words, ominous as they were, were delivered nonchalantly. Casey had powerful White lux. He'd notice anyone watching them. As for why she bothered telling Ezra about the business? Mainly the alcohol still circling in her system.

The suspicious sound of buzzing bees was soon responded to with the equally suspicious sound of an office chair squeaking as Ezra sat up in sudden interest as if the smell of capital gain pulled him upright. “You’re starting your own business?”

Trisha let out a short, snorting laugh. Of course everything else went out the window as soon as she mentioned a business. She was surprised he didn't immediately scoff and say she could never do something like that. Assuming that would be the case was part of why she'd never even considered it earlier. “Yeah, I said that, didn't I?"

After her typical snide comment, she continued with an actual explanation. Did she have to explain it to him? No. But loathe as she was to admit it… she always wanted some kind of approval from someone in her family. Anyone. But preferably one of the ones she actually viewed as smart, even if she still didn't like them. She continued to speak in a way Ezra would've rarely heard - not quite excited, but actually engaged in something. “It’s selling my honey. Before you say the markets oversaturated and shit- yeah, I thought so too. Have you heard of the chef, Andrade? He has four restaurants in the city. Tansy dragged me to one once… he believes my honey is as valuable as this other honey he got from the Turkish mountains, worth like a thousand a jar. Some of its being used for mead, and it reached sixteen percent - rare in the mead market. So it's good."

“And locally sourced,” said Ezra almost in a whisper, as if he was planning the mass marketing already. Ezra couldn’t believe the beekeeping shit was paying off. And here he had assumed that Trisha had just gotten into it because it had been some lame internet trend.

“That license for selling is pretty expensive, and given how oversaturated the market is, the cost for materials has to be a bitch,” said Ezra. Unless she got a secret part-time job then he knew precisely how much money his sister had been taking in a month, and he couldn’t see Trisha busing tables or pouring coffee. “Doesn’t matter if you can sell a jar for a billion dollars if you go belly up before you reach market. How’s your financial plan looking?”

“Uhhhhh-" Trisha wasn't able to hold back the little noise of confusion. Was the cost for materials really that bad? What materials was he even talking about? She had everything for honey collection, she had her bees, they had a hive, they even had access to pollen year round. Fancy packaging? She was floundering a bit here, and hated it. She knew the bees, she knew the product, but she didn't know the business… and she didn't want to admit she'd been letting the Temple take care of that in the background.

“Technically I already ‘sold’ the honey I've been collecting for years. That funds the… materials… which I'm pretty sure I already have. There's bees, a hive, manual honey collection equipment, I bulk bought jars. The bees are low maintenance-" financially, at least, even if they were emotionally high maintenance. “I have some money saved from my last contracting job. Once the bees start producing honey again in a few weeks I'll be able to start selling- the chef I mentioned, Andrade, already wants more. I don't think I'll have to worry about customers. So, that's how it's looking."

“Wow. Almost sounds like you have some idea of what you’re doing,” said Ezra, the sarcasm lost in the fading of his voice as he shifted his phone from one ear to the other. “And you don’t find it…peculiar that the celebrity chef that is also the apparent sole customer of your business just happens to be a member of the same cult your boyfriend is in?”

How the fuck did Ezra know about Andrade being part of the Temple? Where they that fucking open about it. Trisha was silent for a moment, pressing her head into her hands as she tried to figure out how to explain this in a way that didn't make her appear stupid. Why did she even care about his opinion? Well… sadly this was one place where his opinion mattered. No matter how poor her opinion of him, Trisha wasn't petty enough to deny his business acumen. It just made it more frustrating. Good job, Trisha, failing before you even start.

“First customer, not sole customer. And it's not suspicious because they… technically… are involved in the business… working with it. But there's no contract, so I'm not sure what cut they're taking. Fuck, I should've got a contract." There was more background buzzing as Trisha tried to clamp down on her agitation. At this point, she might as well just be honest about what was happening with it. Or a bit more honest. “It’s part of my boyfriend's agreement for the apartment. The rooftop space allows expansion for my beehives."

“Your boyfriend’s agreement?” said Ezra in clarification, real sounding concern in his voice. “So you’re transferring your supply source to a property that you do not own? And none of this is protected by anything other than a handshake deal? No proper paperwork proving what is yours is yours?”

With each question from Ezra, Trisha pulled herself in tighter until her knees were close to her chest and she was a tense ball. There hadn't even been a handshake. Anxiety, barely suppressed normally, gripped her. If even Ezra sounded concerned… she'd really fucked up. She'd just trusted Casey and Andrade with it- not that she didn't trust Casey, but what happened when they broke up? If she'd grown her hive and didn't have her space? All her connections and new equipment would be gone. She needed some kind of paperwork. But she also didn't want to sign anything with the Temple.

“Yeah there's no paperwork but they can't take the bees." Trisha's anxiety came out as a sullen reply, taken out on the person she was talking to rather than admitting that he was right and that she'd fucked up. “They’ll sting anyone who tries. Everything else can be replaced- there's no business without them. And they just can't take them. It's not possible… and they lived in a property I didn't own before! I've never owned a property. But there's no fucking way they can take them unless they rip something out of me."

“Well, they lived on family property so it wasn’t really an ownership problem then. I could get my guy to draft up some pap—wait, what?” said Ezra, the bit about ripping something out of Trisha finally registering.

Trisha's brain stalled for a moment. How did she explain her magical bees to someone not magical without sounding crazy? Why had she let her agitation get to her enough to say that last bit? “My bees are special. They're extra attached to me- they won't produce honey without me, so there's no product without me, and they're basically like my children so it would be like ripping my soul out. Metaphorically."

Great job, Trisha, you managed to make yourself sound crazy anyway.

“Right.” There was a long pause before Ezra’s voice came back over the speaker. “I don’t think that’s how bees work. Whatever. Look, if you want I can give you the number to my lawyer to help draft up some contractual agreements to cover your ass, because right now Andrade or your boyfriend could just take all the profits from this bee sweatshop—sorry, family owned and operated hive—you’re running.”

“It's not a sweatshop, bees make honey naturally, and they get bored when they can't- it's annoying over winter normally. They're very happy- I can't tell," Trisha said before she could stop herself- doing an amazing job of not looking more crazy. It was that fucking alcohol Tamara gave her earlier! While she thought she'd mostly sobered up, obviously not enough to stop her from just spouting out shit she normally didn't want to.

“Yes. I'd like the number of your lawyer. I need something on paper." It was all said very tersely, compared to the strange enthusiasm she spoke about the bees with. It was, after all, close enough to admitting that Ezra was right and that she'd fucked up here. As she got more agitated the buzzing in the background of the call got a bit louder… and closer. One of the bees had decided the phone was the source of the problem, and was trying to intimidate it by getting really close and moving its wings rapidly at it. It made her next words muffled by buzzing. “You’re not going to want a cut, are you?"

“Technically, given that it was my money that funded this project I do qualify as an investor and I’m probably owed some backpay for my investment,” said Ezra matter-of-factly, before letting out a quiet chuckle. “I’m fucking with you. If you’re ever interested in expanding we could talk about becoming partners, but it sounds like this is something you want to do on your own. But let’s be real—it’s absolutely a nightmare working with family.”

The buzzing of the bee was met with a challenge from the phone as it chimed from receiving a text message.

“There’s the guy’s number. Some processing fees are involved with drawing up contracts, but your allowance should cover that,” said Ezra. “If you ever have any questions about running operations, or one of those Temple jerks tries to change up your business structure then don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

“Are you sure you're not dying or some shit? You'd actually pick up a call from me? You wouldn't make me make an appointment through your fucking assistant again?" Trisha found herself laughing, and relaxing somewhat. Maybe Ezra wasn't so bad… when talking about business. Like how she could be with the bees.

Even as Trisha relaxed, that one bee was really not having it with the phone. The bee continued buzzing, having skittered away at the chime that came from it. Then she boldly approached the phone, climbing right on top of Trisha's phone.

“But sure, I, uh, appreciate that. I do want to do it on my own- oh my fucking god, get your butt off my speaker-" Trisha herself and some very loud buzzing cut her off as she was speaking, reaching out to scoop up the bee that was sticking half its body right on the speaker of her phone, while being incredibly close to touching the hangup button. She switched her phone off speaker mode and brought it up to her ear with a frown. “Sorry, bees- I definitely don't want to work with family. No offence. So… don't tell Tansy. Or anyone else, but she's the one that can't keep her mouth shut."

Ezra furrowed his brow. He supposed he could screen his own calls from Trisha if it meant keeping a lifeline tied around Trisha so he could yank her out of the cult when she inevitably started to drink the kool-aid and avoid the nightmare that came with that.

“You’ve got my direct line,” said Ezra. “And I won’t tell Tansy.”

Not like that mattered. Tansy seemingly had her way of knowing what was going on with every Vanburen’s life no matter how private they were, always having her fingers covered in the latest dirt. It was like she had an army of paparazzi working for her. Hell, knowing her, she was the one who probably tipped them off anytime the family went anywhere. Unlike Ezra, Tansy didn’t believe in bad publicity.

“Just do me one favor,” said Ezra. Here it was. The other shoe, finally dropping. The static over the phone seemed to buzz a little louder in Trisha’s ear as Ezra let the anticipation build. Then, “Could you send me a jar of that honey? I got to know what a thousand dollar honey tastes like.”

Trisha had been preparing for something unreasonable. Like moving back out, or sending some kind of reports to Ezra, or even some extreme where he told her not to get pregnant out of fear she'd get trapped in a cult that way when that definitely wasn't a possibility- but it wasn't. Trisha let out an audible sigh of relief. Thankfully she'd kept a few jars for herself before handing almost all of it off to Andrade - while she ate so much she often got sick of it, she also craved it if she went too long without it… it was resistable, but why bother?

“Sure, that's easy, I have some unopened jars lying around still. I can just send it to your office?" Trisha frowned as she thought about it. Was the honey really that good? Confident as she could be talking about it, she still didn't really believe it. “I think it's better if you-"

Trisha stopped talking as she heard a click, and the telltale sounds of footsteps that echoed round their small home. She moved to lean over the couch, enough to look out the door and catch sight of Casey's face. He didn't look anything like normal. The opposite.

“Shit, he looks ready to kill someone," Trisha muttered under her breath - brain to mouth filter still not working well enough to keep it a thought, or think about how close her phone microphone was to her mouth. “Gotta go, boyfriend's home, I'll send you that honey—"

“—Wait, what?” Ezra’s voice was cut off as the call ended.

Tarantula Hawk: Casey Interlude Two | Worthurs Labs > Home

Casey’s wrist flicked up, his watch illuminating his eyes and causing them to shine. It’d been fifteen minutes since Clarissa entered the facility: A large ranch-style home spanning three wings and almost four-thousand square feet of living space, sitting atop three subterranean floors of some of the most caustic and dangerous magical machinery one could think of. There were machines actively relying on open portals to generate their own power, as well as transferring things without the use of conveyor belts in order to maximize the usable square footage of the facility.

Whatever they were making, or what significance the project had in relation to Eden, he had no clue. But he knew things were so intense on the bottom floor that only a select few Abberations were able to get down there to work. Those particulars were, he presumed, in attendance at the monthly meeting… Same place as Trisha… He hoped she wasn’t having an awful time, but he couldn’t linger on it. He couldn’t go soft now, not as the timer in his watch told him that work was starting.
”If I ain’t out in fifteen, assume we ain’t made a deal.”

He’d long since rotated to a more intelligent entrypoint than the front door, especially as he could feel a heavier waking concentration of people at the front of the house. He knew they’d all try and break for the Lab’s first floor once they realized what was happening… But for now, he’d pushed around the fence and into the garden in the rear of the facility. The gate code was his to know, leaving little in the way of resistance of entry.
There were people out here, of course, even with the sun gone and the cold air around them: Mary didn’t let people smoke inside. There were several sitting areas with heat lamps beaming down an orange-red light onto people puffing away.

At first, they didn’t notice him trudging through the flower beds toward them. Dragging his hand across the ground, he channeled an orange spell that echoed through the dirt and rock around him hunting for electric signals. Catching the wires of the heat lamps, there was a loud electric buzzing noise that indicated their overloading, followed by yelps of pain as the electronic heating elements arced with tiny bolts of lightning. Forcing the machines to draw as much power as they could, eventually they exploded into radiant fires that caused the people to scream and scatter away from the benched areas and into the dark.

Illuminated by flame, Casey had easy targets. The shotgun came up, and he took one last deep breath.
Thwack, thwack thwack thwack, thwack thwack, thwack, thwack thwack

There were screams. Confused screams as chests exploded and limbs turned into hot pink mist. Buckshot Plus, one of his favorite enchanted rounds, packed ten times the amount of double-aught buckshot pellets as a normal cartridge… It created a variable wall of pellets that ripped large portions of the target apart with the viciousness of a bomb blast, leaving little in the way of identifiable tissue.

Nine shots meant the tube was empty, and he had one left in the chamber. At the behest of its master, the holstered pistol ripped itself out, spinning on its axis and gunning the last runner down in a hail of silenced forty-five. A pulse of White Lux rushed across the outside property, revealing it was empty. He could feel a large presence of human heartbeats and Lux signatures under his feet, but he knew that was safe for now.
Moving forward, he slid the rear door of the house open into a communal space, loading the next ten shots into his magically silenced shotgun. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, the only sensation being recoil over and over again. In his mind, he kept counting.

A running count. He knew an exact number of people who were supposed to be in this facility, confirmed by both a staff census and the final security report of the day before his men cleared out. Out of fifty-four, twenty-eight had been slaughtered on the first floor as his deadly quiet rampage turned into a desperate struggle of the few who knew enough magic to defend themselves.
Of particular note, Casey found himself face to face with a friend from long ago: A Red-Purple Adept of some skill who was known for his mastery over telekinesis among his peers. Bullets didn’t work at first: He was far more skilled at creating barriers than actually fighting with his magic, and had managed to box Casey off in a room while the others tried to escape.

But Casey’s own mastery of Orange, and his creative if not sadistic mind, saw the use of the home’s constituent pieces as nothing more than part and parcel. His influence over objects and mechanical functions meant that standing near anything was bad news. The automatic vacuum machine, the little automated disk that cleaned the floors, zipped up next to the Adept, bumping into his leg to distract him before the lithium-ion battery inside violently erupted into a ball of fire that ignited him.
His focus turned to himself, removing the barrier holding Casey in place and covering himself to smother the flames.

Just enough time for Casey to load a very special shell: A Disruptor, which created a magical blast of Blue Lux that prevented Channelers from producing spells. The Adept’s barrier around himself failed, and only when he realized that he was magic-constipated did he cry out for mercy. He didn’t know it was Casey, as his face was fully covered, so there was no appeal to reason he could produce that would make a difference. But the fact that he had any time to plead at all gave Casey a terrible sensation of pain. A pain he had to kill… He lashed out with the gun like it was a club, striking the Adept in the face with the hardened metal barrel.
He tumbled to the floor in a heap, convulsing. Taking two steps, Casey felt the enhanced strength provided by his enchantment as his leg arched backward and sprung forward. Kicking his old friend in the face, he could hear the skull fracture into a hundred little pieces that shot out like shrapnel. Almost without his input, the holstered pistol loosed a shot of its own as it passed over the fresh corpse, ensuring that it was dead for good.

He didn’t think about him anymore… Only taking down the few he managed to help flee. But just like he suspected, they made their way deeper into the facility, rather than fleeing out into the night. He was getting to the heavily secured “basement” door just as it was sliding shut. They probably assumed they were safe, given the facility was well jammed against teleporting in. It had to be, or the thousands of portals running the machines would probably invite all sorts of demons and other horrors.
So, it was probably more of a nightmare to hear the gentle beeping of the keypad being opened with the override code. A nightmare to see that giant in black standing at the top of the stairs. A nightmare that ended quickly as they were washed away in bloody chunks.

“Miss Clarissa, please! Please, they’re coming, please don’t do this!”
Casey could hear a familiar voice pleading. Shrieking. Mary Worthurs, the leader of their coven and owner of the facility. As she screamed, she witnessed the torrent of pellets and blood tumbling down the stairs and into the main processing area of the facility where their offices were. She was slamming on a door, but quickly turned and screamed in bloody horror as her covenmates’ giblets coated the floor and wood in sticky red goo.
Casey’s boots, and the legs attached to them, were enough to drive her into a panic. Rather than stick around, she quickly turned and began to flee toward the ramp that led down to Basement Two, or B2, leaving the floor of B1 eerily silent. Looking up, Casey could see the silhouette of Clarissa in a window overlooking the loading area. She’d locked herself in the office…

He stood for a moment waiting for her to realize he was there, then he could see her come away, down, and open up the office door.
”Eight.” was the only thing she said to him. The door closed just as fast as it opened, and he added eight to his talley before turning and moving on. Casey wasn’t there at this point: Only a machine wearing his skin. A puppet master pulling the strings to make his flesh dance. It had to be… These were innocent people, their only crimes were being involved with a stubborn old woman, and not doing more internally to change her perception.

Mary Worthurs was to blame. This was Mary Worthers’ fault.
They fucking earned it. They fucking earned it. They fucking earned it.
As the facility drew on and on, there were an infinite number of places for people to hide. It became less of a chase, more of a hunt: A hunt that was becoming difficult to sustain as the machinery became more densely packed and complex. The signatures coming off of each machine affected the perception given to him by his White Lux. Finding those who weren’t Purple Adepts was far easier, as they didn’t match the machines. It was those technicians, the ones responsible for doing most of the maintenance and whose spells were almost certainly the origins of the portals running them, that gave him the most trouble. In times like these, scorched Earth would be the general plan, but the destruction that would be caused if he decided to start blowing machines apart could wind up catastrophic.

There were enough portals in small Lux-based fixtures that regulated their size and flow that if they were to crack open, who knows how big of a hole would be left in St. Portwell? So, the situation required a full adjustment on his part. Hunting for Lux was useless, thermal traces were useless, air displacement was less than useless…
Detecting direct biological function, as difficult as it was, wound up being his only option. Hearts beat: They only beat so fast before they just stop and you die… But even then, there was a not-zero chance that they’d be able to suppress the noise with some kind of Purple fuckery.

Mid-stride, like a malfunctioning machine, Casey ceased all movement. He was in the middle of a throughway between blocks of machines.
Why the fuck am I doing this? What the fuck is wrong with me; these people don’t fucking deserve this! I know them, I’ve seen their fucking faces, I’ve spoken to them as a friend- As family! I’ve helped these people, brought things to this place!
All at once, Casey felt a great upheaval in his stomach. The balaclava and mask both came up barely in time for his mouth to clear the cloth barrier. Vomit splattered across the floor as he heaved up everything he’d eaten that day until his knees were shaking.

Already slick with blood, the trail of bile left streaming down the front of his plate carrier wasn’t a concern. What was a concern was the force with which he was toppled and shoved into the pool on the floor. Hot, wet stomach acid and chunks of undigested pastries splashed like he hit a roadside puddle, and though he tried his hardest to get up, he felt himself pinned.
Purple Lux swirled all around him, and he realized what was going on quickly. Especially as multiple voices began to speak.

“Just keep it pinned!”
“Auntie, it’s… He’s-”
“I know! I know it’s hard, just… This is our only chance! Get the gun!”

No… No, no no… Idiots…
Struggling against the pressure of half a dozen low-power Adepts wasn’t fun… But they clearly didn’t want to kill him. They just wanted to be safe, right? Casey saw feet starting to shuffle around him, pressure pinning his torso to the ground like his plates were made of solid gold.

But they’d shown their hands.

His lips moved to the nozzle attached to the camelbak with the various magical substances in it. Healing wasn’t necessary yet, but if they did try to hurt him, it was best to have things in motion prior. What he was really after was the Pepper Jam- A spike in his Lux capacity meant more energy he could dump into a spell, or spells. At the same time, he could taste the mild sweetness of the banana custard mixing in. There was a slight tremble against his body, and suddenly the weight was gone. He wasn’t aware of it in the moment, but their telekinetic shackling was easily pushed back by a bolstered Emotional Field. Far enough that he could move freely again…

Only, he chose not to. He felt the relief on his chest and let himself take a deep breath.
”M-Mary!?” he growled, making it seem like he was still under pressure. The pudgy woman nearly shrieked as he spoke her name.
“O-oh… Oh my Stars… Casey!? Casey Richoux!?”
”Mary, please… J-just give it up! I don’t want to do this, Mary!” he warned with great concern in his voice.

There were a couple of sobs, some back and forth between those gathered to try and parse out what was happening. They were clearly confused about Casey’s participation…
“Why are you doing this, Casey!? You’re the Blade! The sword and the shield! Y-you’re… Supposed to save us from something like this! Why are you-”

”Mary!... Don’t be stupid! There’s still time for you to leave, I promise! Just go! Escape! Be anywhere but St. Portwell and I swear to our God that you’ll be left alone… I don’t want to hurt anyone, Mary!”
“Then why have you!? What in the hell have we done to deserve this!?”
”I’m so fucking sorry, Mary… I… You know what you’ve done! You know-”
“Because I wouldn’t hand over my life’s work to Clarissa fucking Natale!? Because I wouldn’t buckle to the whim of the Blade’s Consort!?”
”You. Went. To. Lynette…”

There was silence. It was cold silence. Dead silence… Then the noise of sobbing behind the cup of her hands as she pressed her face into them. Her words were muffled, but he could feel the weight lift off his Emotional Field. She’d told them to… Let off?
“Help him up…”
A few hands slipped under the back of his carrier, hoisting Casey’s massive frame up to his knees out of the pool of vomit. It leaked down the front of him, dripping back into itself on the floor.
“What the fuck were you doing, anyway?”
”Throwing up! You think I want to do this shit, hunting fucking innocent people like animals? You're all hiding, the adrenaline… I got sick to my stomach.”

Mary’s face was sullen, scared even. She was doing her best to cling to Casey’s shotgun, and now the barrel was pointed at him.
“Good… You can die regretting what you-”

There was a clapping sound maybe fifteen yards down the lane. Casey knew what a .38 sounded like, and he knew what’d happened instantly. Clarissa, watching the security cameras, had almost certainly seen the group starting to creep up on him as they let him get further on into the facility. Rather than tip them off and warn him over the intercoms, she simply used him as bait.
The .38 slug ripped through Mary’s arm, and Clarissa forced it to spin inside before rotating and coming out of the shoulder. The pain caused her to scream, scaring the others around her. He didn’t have time to think about what he was doing anymore…
The pistol on his hip came up shooting, one bullet flying into the concrete floor of the subterranean factory, followed by another that split the shin of the first target. By the third shot, he was aiming for the upper torsos.

Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack-

He was surrounded by corpses… Corpses, and a screaming Mary Worthurs. A cursing Mary Worthurs.
”A fucking plague on you! Plague, death- I hope your children burn to death, I pray you never see-”

Clarissa was already there, one foot sweeping out and driving a heavy, weighted boot into the side of Mary’s skull. She screamed again, moaned in pain, and could only sputter as Clarissa’s violence became far more personal. One leg swung over the woman so that Clarissa was situated overtop of her.
”How- Dare- You- Make- It- Lynette’s- Problem… You- Stupid-”
Each word was punctuated by Clarissa’s fist driving deeper and deeper into Mary’s face, bolstered by telekinetic assistance until the subject no longer screamed or squirmed. She punched until there was no head left.

As the horror unfolded, Casey looked about the area: There were still two… But they were standing not far off, watching as Clarissa did what she did. They’d come with her? He drew the pistol upward, aiming at them and letting two shots go. He was sure that Clarissa would’ve wanted that… He knew how she was.
Eventually she calmed down enough to draw back and take a hot, steaming breath of balmy air. With each technician gone, their spells were fading and machines were grinding to a halt. Catastrophic failure of machine parts, aggregate heat of metal grinding against metal without magical lubricant…

Her head turned to the two who had given up- the two who had traveled with her down to this level in the hopes that they’d have been allowed to continue under Clarissa, rather than stick with their loyalty to Mary. She started to laugh. Still, she had her back turned to Casey, who for a moment imagined what the world would be like with one less monster…
But a flood of his childhood rushed in. Nostalgia. White Lux bombed the area in a strong reactionary release…

And then he started to throw up again. It caught Clarissa so off guard that she spun on her heels.
”Oh my God! Casey, sweetheart, what’d they do to you!?” she was instantly the concerned Aunt again… She only loved her tribe. Only her closest. He didn’t push her away for fear of how she’d react, but as she wrapped her arms around him, he didn’t reciprocate.
”N-othing… Just… I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Clarissa didn’t hesitate. As per their agreement, the job was complete. Her last end of the bargain was getting him back home, which she promptly opened a portal into the hall of the hidden floor. The offices. Home. Checking the clock as they both walked into the office, Casey realized how late it’d really gotten. It was almost midnight…

Theo was sitting in the main seat, but quickly cleared out as the two of them came in. Clarissa didn’t have to verbalize what she wanted; Theo was used to scenes like this. His only job now was to bring Casey’s footlocker from the Black Room, so that he could divest himself of his filthy uniform.
Hardly worse for wear, Clarissa plopped him down in his chair and began to unbuckle the straps of his carrier for him. She pulled every bit of armor and kit he had off, all the while singing a lullaby from his childhood that would’ve put him to sleep had he been relaxed… But he wasn’t.

Finally, he mustered the energy to say what was on his mind.
”That… Was unnecessary.”
Clarissa paused for a moment, clearing her throat.
”That was a job well done. I know it hurts… But if an animal is terminal, you don’t let it suffer.”
Casey turned his head, shoving his face into his hand. It muffled him a little bit, but the sentiment was clear.
”Who decides what’s terminal Clarissa? You? Mom?”

”God determines.”

There was a longer pause as those words bounced around the little office. Clarissa’s eyes locked with Casey’s, and the two stared into one anothers’ souls for longer than they’d ever done. There was no Lux exchanged. There didn’t need to be. It was an unspoken conversation having to do with what they truly believed…
And it was then that Casey finally realized that some people really had come to enjoy the poisoned juice. Finally, she smiled deeply at him as she’d done a million times, and ran her hand gently through his hair.

”Now, go wash up. Enjoy the rest of your week. I’m sure Mummy will understand if you need to decompress. But, I promise you: It’ll get easier.”
And then she slipped through the floor in a portal, disappearing completely to leave Casey alone. Theo interrupted the rapt silence of Casey’s internal pain with the dragging of the locker, but taking one look at his boss’s face made him unwilling to stick around.

”U-uh.. I’m g-glad you’re home safe? Trisha made it back a little while ago; she’s upstairs safe and sound. She’s on the phone with some dude named Ezra? From the-
Casey’s face turned from abject horror and sadness to concentrated fury.
”What? What did I tell you both about monitoring upstairs?”

Theo’s blood ran cold.
”N-not… Not to worry about it while you’re here!?”
”I said don’t. Just that. Don’t. Fucking. Monitor. My. Apartment.”
”Y-yes Sir!”

Casey stood from the seat and started to unzip his jumpsuit, taking a deep breath.
”Now spy on someone else for fuck’s sake… I’m going to shower.”
And he was gone in a flash, slipping into the office bathroom. Theo could hear him vomiting for the next few minutes before the shower finally kicked on.
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