Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Who will be around during the weekend ?

Aside from that: I'm sorry for my recent rarity: I hope it will slowly fix itself over the course of the next few weeks.
Asmund Gjanarsson

The first thing Asmund noticed about Laurel's presence wasn't herself, but the smell of smoldering wood. It sent him on a profound search for its origin, annihilating the gifted's original plan to sit down and take a rest. He wasn't eager to be surprised by a developing bush fire he could have been able to stop if he had made the effort to do so at an earlier stage. However, he naturally didn't find anything, and the concentration he was inspecting the ground with actually prevented him from looking upwards and detect the real cause or to hear the growls. It wasn't until a wisp of smoke that refused to disperse quickly enough allowed him to backtrack things that he noticed the black leopard.

From almost directly below her, he tilted his head back and greeted her. "Oh... hi there. Almost missed you! How ya' doin' ?" He didn't really know her although they were in the same year, but her leopard form immediately grabbed his interest. It could be seen in his eyes that were literally scanning it, absorbing any detail from the long tail up to the fur. Aside from that, 'chesty' was a pure understatement for his voice, and if he considered the volume he was speaking with as normal - what he indeed did -, his shouting possbily could be heard easily across the entire lake.

The branch Laurel was lying on was too high to reach, so Asmund decided to go with his initial choice and sat down on one of the wooden benches that were distributed along the lake's banks, close enough for them to be able to continue any conversation with ease. The backrest was way too small for him, a good reason to stretch out on it like in a bed. It also spread his weight along the sagging boards, making it less likely that he would accidentally break the thing.

Madawc couldn't help but to try to snatch a quick glance onto the piece of parchment Xavier handed to the other man. He barely made it, able to roughly understand what was going on between the two. "Do you think we have the time to visit a show ?" he asked Xavier, not wanting to criticize him with that question. He had enough time, it was all about the mute's schedule.

"Oh, and... I think once again your armor is scaring people. You know what you had to do in that shop, right ?" he gave an amused hint, remembering how frightened the shop's owner had been for the same reason.
in collaboration with @SunsetRoses

"Meeting in the night"

Elizabeth tucked Lotte and Abby into bed, sitting by them and reading a book as they fell asleep eagerly. She looked outside one of the tower's windows, the moon had risen to its full height. It was time for her to get out. She carefully crept around, taking off her armor, and attaching her whip to her thick trousers.

After a final look at Lotte and Abby, Elizabeth closed the door to their personal tower and began walking. She had no need to be silent, explanations weren't to be given by her. She walked with purpose, her feet audibly pressing against the stone stairs. At the bottom of the staircase was her method of transportation, Bob.

Bob creaked a greeting, kneeling so she could properly mount him. Elizabeth held on to a scrap of his loose leathery hide, where bone met skin. He made a musical impersonation of a whinny, rearing up to get a muffled giggle out of Liz, and heading off into the night. They ran through the castle depths, a woman with blonde hair whipping around atop a ghastly beast. Once She broke the castle walls, Elizabeth yipped, and Bob charged the rest of the journey.

A whiplashed Elizabeth dismounted before a bright bonfire. Bo flattered her with a cheshire grin, claws wrapped around the neck of a bottle, his eyes flashing in the light of the fire. Beebop stood beside Butch, in a chugging contest to see who could drain their bottles faster. Butch took the lead, the mouth on his hip chewing away at the bottle he had completed.

Bob pranced around, a festive music coming from the depths of his throat. Elizabeth couldn't have been happier. She let the worries of the day fade away as she was handed a bottle, which was uncorked and drained almost immediately. She enjoyed the buzz, something she hadn't let herself do in a long time.

Beebop strolled over to her, his uneven horns creating dancing shadows in the flames. He held out a giant hand, his strange jaw contorting into a grin via the crunch of a few dry muscles. “Lizzie...dance? He croaked, his voice broken and gravely.

Elizabeth grinned, taking his hand and nodding. “Of course, Beebop.” She said, leading the large demon in a fast waltz around the fire. Bob would change the pace or tone of the music, making them shift their feet and switch dances midstep, as a game they had devised during one of the slow days of meetings.

Andri's day had been very busy. After having made sure that Rebecca would receive the casing for her phylactery, there had been no real excuse left for not re-reading the instructions package again and heading out. His job was to patrol the larger area around the castle, detect any hunters approaching it and spy upon them - hopefully not with him being spotted himself. It was a task that required keeping a low profile, so he had decided to do it on foot. He couldn't just engage the enchantment Lorelai had told him about and walk around freely, because there was only a very limited time before it would have to regenerate for the next day or so. He had to spare it for a real emergency or any situation that could not be solved otherwise. What he could and even had to do however was to start training on how to use Khan as a gateway to access it. Another, though small and probably only temporary victory for that worm that already was cheered up to the brim.

The day went by, and most of it the giant had spent on climbing a number of trees that had seemed suitable to survey the area. It was way more effective than just walking around on the ground. Now it was dark, it became harder and harder for him to see anything. The moonlight could only barely reach the ground of this forest, so he hoped for any hunting group to use torches or the like that would announce their approach from far away.

Andri's shift was almost over, soon he would be able to return to his bed and have a nice sleep after a long, rather exhausting day. But then he spotted not only a torch, but a whole bonfire. He squinted his eyes: Were these hunters ? He couldn't clearly see, so he slid down the rope he had slung around one of the bigger branches and went investigating. His pace was very slow and almost halfway crouched so his silhouette would be smaller. A whole lot of small branches that would crack when anyone stepped on them made the job more difficult, but on the other hand there were plenty of trees providing cover and he was not being hit by much moonlight as well. Forests were a rather two-edged thing.

Coming closer, he could finally identify what was going on. This weren't hunters. But what was it ? Demons ? Very strange and unnnatural creatures he had not seen before. They had to come from the castle, that meant that in theory, he should not have a real reason to be afraid. But he was, because... who knew what such things did when they were alone ? It was a reason to continue sneaking until, to his relief and alarm at the same time, he spotted his general, Elizabeth. That's when he gave up his hiddenness and approached her and the creatures openly.

"Liz ?" He kept his voice low, because words could travel far. "May I ask what you are doing out here ? It's dangerous to lit a fire, everyone can see you."

The demons around Liz had noticed Andri’s presence before she. They had all stopped what they were doing, getting into offensive positions. Even Beebop, who knew Liz could defend herself, had taken up a crouch in front of her. They stared at Andri, until Liz started laughing.

“Guys, he's fine. This is Andri.” Elizabeth stepped before Beebop, and they all backed down. Bob started humming an abient tune, as if they were about to start a fight. Elizabeth curtsied before Andri, grinning.

“You could say it isn't the safest thing, but I hadn't heard from you about any troops, and the boys thought it would help my stress levels.” Elizabeth shrugged, craning her neck to stare at Andri.

Bo raised a meaty paw, ready to add a comment. “It's also a perfect place to practice possesions, something Elizabeth desperately needs to work on.” He puffed up his overcoat, which was tan and covered in claw marks.

“That's Bo,” Elizabeth stated, pointing at the giant cat. “Bob, Butch, and Beebop.” She pointed at the skeletal beast, the gargoyle, and the humanoid demon with the mismatched horns respectively.

"Help your stress levels ?" There was way more doubt in his tone that he had intended to be there. In fact, the uneven creatures had helped increasing his stress levels. Butch was just... well... he appeared to be up to his name. The assassin did notice the additional mouths and instinctively decided to keep a minimum distance to him. He liked cats, but Bo didn't look like as if Andri would enjoy it if he jumped into his bed, pressed himself against him as close as possible and started purring. Beebob was the one resembling an ordinary human most closely, a clear plus point for him, though it was still obvious that he was an otherworldy being. Bob - what was he ? Andri couldn't help but to think about the possibility of him being some kind of very strange horse. He had no idea that Bob indeed had become Liz' mount. And... music ? That had nothing to do with shredding someone into innocent pieces before chewing him up, so Bob was the unknowing winner.

"I can only assume that Lorelai has ordered them to serve you ? Corrent me if I'm wrong please." He didn't add anything to the bonfire matter, because Liz had made a point. Yet still he believed that it would have been way better not to have lit it, because him not having spotted anyone didn't necessarily mean that there really wasn't anyone out there. He was just too confused and astonished to stick to that topic right now.

Elizabeth recoiled at the use of the word serve, it demeaned them. She did ask for their assistance from time to time, but they usually romped around the castle and did as they pleased. She glanced back at them, all four were staring at her, wanting to know her answer. She cleared her throat and shook her head.

“They work alongside me, my closest confidants. Lorelai has given them to me, and I have freed them substantially.” Elizabeth scratched her arm, her hair falling around her face. “I personally consider them friends, that's why I'm having a bash with them.”

Her answer had appeased the demons, who went back to drinking and chatting. Bob strolled up to Elizabeth, pressing against her side. She stroked his leather hide, and he spoke up. “He thinks we're freaks. Big talk for the friendly giant in a skintight sex suit.” He croaked out, his voice a mixture of uneven strings.

Elizabeth held back a giggle, her cheeks turning red. “Speaking of which, I'm liking the suit.” She winked, and Bob cried a laugh.

Having the four creatures in the corner of his view, Andri could see how they reacted to their dialogue and how they were hanging on Liz's every word. It made him afraid of having said anything wrong, but luckily, the situation seemed to resolve itself pretty quickly. "Sorry to have put pressure on you. It seems that I've been the one to have said something strange."

And then there was the thing he had almost forgotten over his busy day outside the castle, but that had come back to haunt him right now. He couldn't understand anything of what Bob was saying, but Liz's reaction and subsequent statement gave room to suspicions. "Lorelai said that the design would help me to not get caught on branches or anything. I can clearly understand and appreciate that, but now the stares of others get caught on me." The giant sighed. "I'm feeling oddly in it and clinging to the hope that this feeling will subside some day. It has some other very interesting features though."

Elizabeth waved it off dismissively, his apology wasn't needed, but it was welcome. She snorted when he told her Lorelai’s opinion on his suit. “Whatever those interesting features are, I'm pretty sure I can still kick your ass in it.” She winked, shifting her weight between her feet.

“Ever fought someone possessed?” Liz’s lips curled up into a grin. It was probably the buzz talking, but she figured she could do with a possession right then. “Better question, have you ever seen someone become possessed? Best thrill of my life.”

It was quite obvious that Andri wasn't very pleased about someone telling him straight away how bad a fighter he was in many, if not most situations. Yet it was a truth he couldn't deny, even without being posessed Liz would likely not have that much of a problem dealing with him as long as she knew where he was and that he would come.

"You sound as if you would like to try it out right here. Do you think this is a good idea ?"

“Of course! There isn't a required ritual for full fledged demons.” Elizabeth brightened, smiling to ease Andri's nerves. She could tell he didn't like being called incapable, but any assassin had an advantage in the woods. She gestured towards her demons, as though she was showing off priceless artifacts.

“You can choose. I'll go fisticuffs and you can use anything you have on you. We'll turn out the fire as well.” Her voice was thick with excitement, Bob was bouncing on his legs. “Don't go easy on me, as long as you don't kill me I should be fine.”

Andri was quite a bit shocked. She would really do that, right here right now ? With the possibility of a bunch of hunters coming into range at any time ? But he had already raised his concerns, there would be no point in doing it again. He could just hope that Liz would not be consumed by her powers. That was what bothered him the most right now.

"Anything ? If you say so... I'll wait for you to be ready."
Khan ? You heard the lady. Get ready!
For sex ? Anything you have on you includes the thing between your legs. It's so big...
Stop being stupid!

Elizabeth nodded, moving to stand in front of Butch. She curtsied, and Butch bowed, wings sweeping the floor. She hadn't yet practiced with one of them, but Butch seemed quite capable. Bo was intelligent, but he wouldn't be useful in a fight. Elizabeth stood perfectly still, waiting for the possession to take place.

Butch became a black sludge, smelling obnoxiously of fumes. Elizabeth opened her mouth, her eyes wide. He entered her through those points, invading her mind. His power coursed through her body, making her tremble pleasurably. She turned back towards Andri, opening her mouth and allowing Butch to speak through her.

“Let's go, Andri. I want to see what that demon in your head can do.” He grumbled, his voice thick and deep like a batch of molasses. Elizabeth smiled, an action all her own, she was ready for the fight. Behind her, Bo, Beebop, and Bob were stomping out the fire. Once it was dark, their only light was the moonbeams.

To say that Andri felt uneasy was a bit of an understatement. Fighting with a friend was one thing, doing it with the friend posessing an intimidating demon was another. He pulled out his garotte out of one of the pockets and inspected it to make sure that it was in proper order. Then he took a few steps back so he wouldn't stand right in front of her. "I suggest any of us calling 'stop' in case things get too harsh." Then he vanished. It wasn't the darkness that consumed him, it was the armor. He was just too eager to try it out in a halfway real situation, even if it meant spending its limited resources on this. He tended to regard this as training for him.

However the cloak only made him disappear from one's eyesight, not from one's ears. He still had to sneak around or Liz would have a good guess at where he was. Teleporting would also cause some noise, because there was a lot of air that was displaced instantaneously at the point where he rematerialized, so he didn't use that. Instead, he walked around Liz in a wide arc, hoping that she would not turn her back just when he was ready.

‘You have to let me take over, kid. I know where he is.’ Butch pleaded, pressing his powers and trying to force Elizabeth's legs into action. Elizabeth, however, held her ground. ‘Let him have his moment, Butch. We can still pull through.’ She smiled, crouching defensively with her fists in a proper stance.

Butch strained against her, but Liz was far too stable for a worker demon such as him. ‘You're stubborn, kid. He's right behind you, once he gets the drop on you we're out of this fight.’ Elizabeth rolled her eyes, still waiting. ‘Don't doubt us, Butch. We just have to wait.’

Andri was approaching his target while Khan kept silent. Being a demon himself, he could have known better, but why should he issue a warning to his host ? As long as he would survive everything was fine! After all it was fun to watch for the worm.

Then he was in range, holding his breath so Liz would not feel him in the last moments of his approach while he would be already and invisibly lowering his garotte over her head.

‘He's right behind you, attack now or forever hold your peace. Butch said, his thick voice a sing-song. Elizabeth growled, turning on her heel to find...nothing. Through the confusion, she launched her attack. It was a solid right hook, made worse because of the power thrown into it by Butch. She had no idea where it would land, or if it would land at all. She couldn't see him, but Butch seemed more than adamant about this.

The fist had no chance to hit anywhere near his face, given the immense difference in height between Liz and him. However it diving into his belly wasn't a nice thing either. It made Andri loose the air in his lungs and holding his stomach while he was stumbling to one side, dropping the cloak.
You know... I knew this was coming. Demons can feel each other. Didn't you know that ? Oh of course you didn't, silly! Khan was chuckling.
The assassin would have wanted to be able to vomit Khan out of his body, but he couldn't no matter how close to vomiting he actually was. "Can we end this right now ? This duel is so far away from any circumstances I ensure to be met before starting a fight... And I've got the point that I'm no match for you, okay ?" If one listened closely, one could hear a huff in his tone. If it was directed to Khan or to her - he didn't tell.

Elizabeth heard his tone, and turned sheepish. She turned away from him, letting Butch’s sludge flow out of her mouth and eyesockets. “Take the others home, would you? I think Andri has had enough of demonic company for the night.” She chewed on her lip, her gaze casting downwards.

Butch nodded, stepped towards Elizabeth and giving her a pat on the back. “You did good, kid.” He stated, turning to Andri and grimacing. “You too,” he muttered, taking to the air.
They could both hear the collective sound of demons trudging through the forest, a somber melody being played by Bob.

Elizabeth sighed, turning back to Andri and holding out a hand. “Sorry, I got in over my head. You shouldn't feel bad, I have an unfair advantage.” The word tasted vile on Liz’s tongue, but she said it to boost Andri's ego. Demons were so much easier to deal with, they understood what she had to go through to get those powers. She had seen so much death, and in her sleep she could still feel Lady Nocticula’s tentacles reaching for her. “Would you like to stick around? Just you, me, and Khan?”

"Stop talking about Khan! He's a damn asshole!" Andri replied, enraged and trying to calm down.
"I'd really like to leave him out of the equation, but that's not possible. So... what would you like to do now ?" He swallowed the 'together with a sucker like me' part shortly before he would have spoken it out.

The demons left and Andri's facial expression was asking Liz why she had told them to do so. "You know I have demonic company all the time ?" The somber melody Bob was playing didn't fade past a certain point. Apparently he refused to leave and after a short time it made the assassin feel quite a bit sorry for him. "Hey... Bob. Come back if you want to." He inspected Liz's countenance if she did agree with his words or not.

“Someone's got demon issues. What a sap, tell him to grow a pair, would you?” Bob screeched as he strutted out into the clearing, flicking his head proudly. Elizabeth avoided his gaze, refusing to acknowledge his rudeness. Sometimes, she wished she hadn't learned his language. He usually chided others, with a temper that could outlast any other. He used the fact that few could understand him to his advantage.

“I understand that, but you have to live with...him. My demons are optional, may as well take that stress off your back.” Elizabeth's gaze wandered over to Bob, and she brightened with a small idea. “Come and ride with me, we can talk as we stroll.”

Bob stared at her, it was obvious that he didn't want Andri to ride him. As evident as that was, he kneeled, allowing them to mount with ease. Elizabeth sat down, riding with her face pointed at Bob's hind. She patted his leather hide gently, an offer towards Andri. “He can take your weight.”

“That doesn't mean I want to.” Bob grumbled, his demeanor shifting slightly when Elizabeth reached back and scratched his skeletal head.

Again, Andri had no idea what the large demon was talking about. In this case however it was probably the better thing. Getting told to 'grow a pair' would have certainly motivated Khan to interpret this words in his own way - and he already was really pissed off of that worm.

He walked over to Bob who was kneeling down. For the giant it was like sitting on a chair, but before he did that he inspected Bob's appearance more closely. It was somewhat fascinating, but not as fascinating as the fact that he apparently was addicted to playing music. Then he placed himself on the creatures back, making sure that he didn't deprive Liz of too much space.

‘God help me! He's huge!’ Bob cried, lifting up off the ground with ease. He hummed a tune, something easy and full of violin strings. They started moving towards a random area, the stroll more important than the destination.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, smiling up at Andri as they began moving. “Has everything been okay, Andri? Is it just the war...or are there other problems?” She asked him, wondering if he would confide in her. She had no idea how he was adjusting, if there were any romantic interests in his life. The only thing she did know was that he was having trouble with his mood, and with Khan.

The ex-hunter sighed. Apparently Liz was concerned about the harshness of his most recent words. "Sorry... I'm not angry at you. How could I ? It's just... things have been moving faster than I am able to catch up with them for some time now. Just a few weeks ago, I was a perfectly ordinary human and a hunter. Now I'm infested with a pervy demon, considered a traitor by my former colleagues, have not achieved anything on the long-term scale as a war between this coven and the hunters is rising, am walking around in an unkown type of leather that makes other poeple stare at me even more than they did before and I have just found out that I probably should start learning another type of self-defense in case the one I have does not suit the situation but I don't know what that could be or how to fit it into my schedule. And I don't understand what Bob is talking about."

He noticed that they had started moving. Probably this was one of the only chances in his life to share a ride with another person, because a normal horse was already struggling carrying him alone. Where would Bob take them to ? Hopefully there weren't any hunters around...

Elizabeth nodded, she understood what he was experiencing. Obviously, he was taking the integration more severely than she had. “I know what you mean, Andri. I was planted here by a demon, taken in by Lorelai Von’Strauss, someone I was supposed to hate.” She sighed, folding her hands before her. “I lost many friends, by accepting my stay here. Now, demons are my friends, and even some witches hate me because I was once affiliated with hunters.”

“If you need a teacher, I'm capable. We can share our issues while we punch each other.” Elizabeth laughed, but it was pained by their combined stress.

"And now you're the general... I don't feel like I could hold up the stress this position must bring with it. You know..." Andri's face started to go red, but it couldn't be seen from outside because it was mostly covered by the Nightstalker hide. "I'm admiring you a bit. Not for what you're in, but for what you're capable of. I don't even have an idea of what type of training would suit me best. The guys from the military tried to solve that problem, but perhaps they didn't have the right idea."

Elizabeth beamed, reaching up an arm and patting his shoulder. “Thank you, Andri.” Her eyes wandered over his stature, a silent giant. “You need some form of training in hand-to-hand contact. Once you learn that, I can train you in weaponry. A longsword, maybe my chain whip. Just to cover some bases.” She winked, tapping the whip that swung slowly on her hip. She unlatched it, handing it to him so he could look over its advanced craftmanship.

Bob crouched, telling them it was time to get off. Elizabeth swung her legs over his hide, sliding off of him and landing in a crouch on the floor of the clearing. It was plain, a simple break in the trees. There was little they could make out in the moonlight, but wildflowers sprouted her and there. Bob curled up in the corner, humming still. Elizabeth laid down in the grass, clenching it in her fingers. She waited for Andri to take a seat next to her, thinking.

Andri looked around. This seemed to be a quite ordinary clearing in the woods. No hunters to be seen, at least not yet. He relieved Bob of his weight and sat down next to Liz, her whip still in his hands. The quality of it clearly was Lenny's signature. He inspected the chain. "I'm afraid the first thing I would hit with that would be myself."

Bob was cute in some way, it lured a slight smile onto the hunter's face how he was lying there, curled and still a melody he took care about. "That longsword would probably be really long..."

“I could give you a blunt one, something that won't hurt quite as bad. If that's not enough, I'll tie a red flag around the dart.” Elizabeth took in the moon for a moment, before sitting up and resting besides Andri. The cool breeze nipped at her palm, and she tucked her hands into her sleeves.

“What are you going to do, Andri? After this war, will you stay?” Her tone became hushed, as she brought up the topic. If he left the coven, where would he be able to go? They would both be ruled as criminals of war, treason of the highest account. Even if he did stay, things would never quite be the same. First of all, her friends were demons, a species he would grow to hate if Khan stayed in his head. Secondly, Elizabeth was immortal now, bound to never grow old. She would be watching him as he died, a shriveled husk.

Andri pulled back the hood, but he did not turn around to look at her. His stare was fixed at the mixture of grass and wild flowers that was between his outstretched legs. He had forgotten to mention that question before. In fact, he had not had the time to consider it before, but now there was no way of evading it. The conclusions came in one after another and each of them hit hard. He didn't feel like he would have to tell Liz any of them, she most likely knew about the implications of his new existence herself perfectly. Mentally drawing the bottom line beneath all of them caused tears to roll down from his eyes and his voice become full of sorrow.

"I don't know. Do you ?"

Elizabeth picked at the grass, doing all she could to keep her eyes off of Andri. “Oh.” She muttered, glancing at him involuntarily. Her eyes caught on the tears running down his cheeks. She reached out, rubbing his back through his tight leather cloak. Her mind ran in circles, trying to think of a good answer that would appease them both. There weren't any. “I don't. For all my stress, I have no fear of the future. I take days as they come, and drown myself in work where I would usually prefer liquor. My optimism is blind, because I have so many people to reassure.”

"You know... You have a lot of time when you're out there, looking for things to come. I don't have the luxury of drowning myself." He could feel her fingers on his back. The leather was so conforming that it did allow for that feeling to pass through to his skin. Andri tried to suppress another volley of tears, but failed. "I can't even drown myself in liquor anymore, because of what's coming. Perhaps it would be better if I didn't survive it. People would just forget me, I would not have to hide for the rest of my life, in vain because everyone can recognize me."

“I'd never let you walk out there with the intent of dying.” Elizabeth's resolve was heavy in her voice. It made her upset to see Andri in this state, him wanting to leave was one thing. Wanting to die was another. She continued to rub his back, trying to soothe him. “I wouldn't forget you, Andri. Without you, none of this would be happening. Of course, Maxim’s escape threatened us with the possibility of a full scale attack, but we wouldn't have figured it would happen so soon. Now we're ready, and a big thanks falls to you.”

The hunter sobbed. "When I arrived in Lorelai's office, she already knew what happened. I asked her about what she was aware of before I gave any information. What I've effectively done is having gotten you out of Seren's Folley in front of everyone, yet I will be regarded a traitor for both things." He turned his head towards Liz for the first time, his eyes red-rimmed pools of salty liquid that were leaking in the direction of gravity. "I have to stay here forever. I've selected it this way, haven't I ?"

Elizabeth flinched, he looked so disappointed at the prospect. “M-maybe not, maybe we'll all get what we want? I can take my rightful inheritance, set you up with enough money to get you out of here. You won't have to stay.” She blanched, looking away as tears began to pour from her eyes. She wanted him to stay, for her. She was being greedy, she knew. If he stayed he would be miserable, surrounded by witches that he could never relate to, Khan or no.

"Money ?" He chortled. "No amount of damn money could solve these problems. I don't want to be some sort of rich fucker that solves problems with the people he is among with by throwing a sufficient amount of money at them. It's not that I wouldn't enjoy being here, but... Would they ever and truly accept me ? I've nothing to do with witchcraft. I even would nothing have to do with it if I didn't come from the opposite direction of it." He had noted that Liz had flinched. Did she want him to stay or was it just because of his devastated mood ? "Perhaps I can travel back and forth between here and some sort of more remote location where noone knows me. Somewhere far away."

Elizabeth nodded, there was a possibility that she could accept that, if nothing else. “They would accept you, Andri. You're true to what you do.” She reached up, patting his cheek and giving him a strained smile. “If you would prefer to leave, I will let you leave in peace. There will be no backlash, you will not be tracked down. There are witches that can place wards around your new home, if you are concerned.” Her voice broke, and she sat there in silence, staring at the forest floor.

"I don't know what to do, like I said. I'm lacking the necessary foresight to properly decide this in advance. However... I don't see anything that could put my current estimates about my future at fault. Of course, I could be wrong about this as well, given my lack of knowledge..."

It was terrible to see Liz in the state she currently was in. He slowly put his giant arm around her shoulders, but failed to truly smile at her. "So far I would never suspect anyone of the coven to be eager to track me down, except for a good reason."

Elizabeth fell against him, letting her tears fall down his resistant armor. Once her eyes had dried, she pulled herself away and spoke up. “We can discuss these matters later, I didn't come out to spend my night crying.” She sniffled, and fell back against the grass. It acted as a cool, slightly damp blanket.

Bob, who had been mostly silent during their entire discussion, crept over. He fell down on top of Elizabeth’s legs, surprisingly light for a being that could carry so much. His feathery underbelly was warm, and his light humming made Elizabeth smile. She twisted to stare at Andri, supporting her head with an elbow.

“Anything good about your stay at the castle? A beautiful girl, maybe? Did you have fun meeting Lenny for the first time? I've been debating whether or not I should give him back his truename, I think he's dedicated to his work.” Their previous conversation still weighed in her mind and spirit, but she hoped to ignore it.

Somewhat astonished he watched the demon place himself upon Elizabeth's legs and continuing his everlasting melody. Apparently, Bob was way better at cheering her up then he was. Andri felt sorry for pulling down her mood so much, despite the fact that his own one was nothing but honest.

"I've met a witch named Triss. She helped me." Should he tell the details ? How would Liz react and would Triss be okay with his decision to tell her if he did ? "It's not the first time my spirit has collapsed. Lenny is... impressive. And I'm not talking just about his size, but about his craftmanship. Never seen such before." A very big part of him was eager to touch Bob instead of just having sat on him, to find some gratifying distraction from his state. However, given how unhappy Bob had seemed to be about the latter thing, he was very hesitant, bending forward only very slowly. "His true name ? Isn't Lenny his name ?"

Bob stared at Andri’s hand, tempted to growl. Instead, he picked himself up and stretched out on both of their laps. It was an endearing gesture, one of trust. He didn't necessarily like Andri, but both the humans were upset and he figured he could share the love. “He better not take anything from this.” Bob squeaked. His voice humming against Liz’s lap.

Elizabeth smiled, scratching Bob’s gead. “Triss helped me out as well.” She acknowledged, wondering if there was a bigger story in Andri’s case. “Yes, Lenny is his truename. Once I give him his name, he is free. His craftsmanship is amazing, and I trust that he will continue working once he is freed.”

Triss helped her ? Now that raised an interesting question: Did Triss help Liz the same way she helped him and did Liz, in consequence, not tell him this detail for the very same reason he did not tell her about it ? It was tempting to break up this mutual interlock of some sort, but doing so could possibly put his relationship with the witch into jeopardy - and, if he was honest, he needed her. Yet Andri's deception wasn't entirely perfect, someone with a very good eye for body language in the face could see that there was more he could tell, but didn't tell.

Again, Bob was saying something he had no chance of understanding. It was something his curiosity couldn't stand any longer. "Would you like to translate me what Bob's saying ? I have the feeling that he dislikes me for some reason." He gently touched the creature and started stroking him, not being sure if Bob wouldn't suddenly catch his hand and bite him.

Elizabeth watched him, but she couldn't pick up on anything extra. If she wanted answers to sate her curiosity, she would just have to ask him personally. She could use Bob’s translation as a bribe, which was exactly what she would do. She grinned wickedly, a gesture Bob picked up on and coupled with a sickeningly high pitched laugh. Elizabeth was used to the noise, but she wasn't sure how it would effect Andri's ears.

“I'll tell you what Bob is saying, I'll even teach you his language. You, however, have to tell me just how Triss helped you. Do you have something going with her?” Elizabeth poked his side, grinning ear to ear.

Andri gnarled, yet it was playful and not meant serious.
She's got you! Trapped like a poor litte mouse! However her trap is not spring-loaded, so it won't break your neck. That you'll do by yourself if you don't get fed with what you desire, won't you ? Your job is about gathering information, but this time, you have to buy it.
Another gnarl, though this time it was mental, directed towards Khan and certainly not playful.
"You got me... I will tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't peddle around with this story." He made a brief pause. "She 'went' into my brain, the night after I got myself filled up with liquor to the brim. She... shifted emotions it seems. I felt way better after it and she offered to help me. Triss knows about my current instability." Now he really expected her to tell him everything what Bob had said so far.

Elizabeth smiled, it wasn't what she wanted to hear but it was what she asked for. “Interesting, and good to know. I won't peddle, there's no point in that.” She grinned, knowing that he wanted to get her translation on everything Bob had said so far...but that wasn't exactly what she had agreed to.

Bob chortled, burying his head in Liz’s chest. She knew he wanted to retort, but he would have to wait for a little while longer. “From here on out, I'll tell you what Bob is saying. We'll also conduct lessons until you get a good grasp on his speech.” She smirked, biting her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing.

The assasssin started to grin as well shortly after Liz's words had ended. There was some indiciation that she didn't want to tell him what he was eager to hear. However he had not yet any real idea on how to get her to tell him.
"Given that you stated that she helped you as well, am I correct with the assumption that she did the same thing to you ? And you could tell me what Bob has said so far. It can't be anything serious, can it ?" He batted his eyelashes.

Elizabeth let loose a string of giggles when Andri batted his eyelashes. The cutesy gesture was so strange on the giant, rugged man. “If by help you mean her coming in, messing with my mind a bit then leaving, yes we had the same procedure done. Something tells me that isn't what you mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows, trying to get a confession. “As far as what Bob said prior to our agreement, my lips are sealed. There is nothing you can do to pry it out of me!”

"So it is something serious ? Because otherwise there would be no point in hiding it, thereby making me just even more curious, would there ?" Then it came to his mind that, inadvertently or not, Liz might have provided him with a fallback. "Why do you think that this could not be what I really mean ? Is there something additional Triss and you did that makes you suppose that there was more between me and her ?" He would not confess anything until he really had to, not after his defeat with what Bob had been talking about. He returned the gesture of wiggling eyebrows.

Elizabeth feigned shock, pushing the situation with Bob away as something she could fall back on later. She was enjoying their small game of wit and sharp tongues, one she knew she could win. “Why, Andri, would you think such a thing? I got treatment from Triss on the same night as you, and after my short visit with her I spent the night with Lorelai.” Her eyes burned bright, she had her would-be victory on the tip of her tongue.

“Is there something additional you did with Triss, that would lead you to assume I did something additional with her? That is what I'm proposing, and from your defensive stance on the subject I believe it is true!” Elizabeth laughed haughtily, her body shaking with pride. ”Truly, you should just confess. I have won this game of ours, unless you have a substantial offer.” She cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to spill. He had nothing that could squelch her intrigue, as far as she knew.

"So there was nothing additional ? Well... I'm seeing myself in an advantage here. I've had a really nice night together with her in my giant's bed. And yes, it was well below Khan standards, what I find to be a really good thing!" He tried to emphasize the positive side of his defeat with a grin, and that meant making sure Liz knew that he and Triss had apparently had more fun together than Liz and Triss.

"And now tell me why Bob appears to dislike me a bit. I could ask him himself later on, but you could tell me now. I'm asking myself if I've done something wrong."

“I'm sure that was all well and good, but I had an even better night with Lorelai. Who is, by the way, a Dragon. In my mind, that tops your night a million times over.” Elizabeth grinned, taking in her victory. The things Andri said would be kept private. She wouldn't spread stories of his private time around the castle, no matter how tempting it could be.

Bob looked up when addressed by Andri, tilting his head as he thought up an answer. “Tell him I don't hate him...but that he shouldn't push his luck with me. I usually never hang out around mortals, demonic infestations be damned. If he treats me nice, I could make an exception.” Bob flicked his head, ever prideful. “Starting with a belly rub.”

Elizabeth laughed as he flipped over, exposing his belly to Andri. “He doesn't hate you, and he says that if you treat him well enough he could accept you as a friend.” She took Andri's giant hand and led it down to the fluff of Bob’s belly. Andri would notice that beneath the thick layer of feathery fluff, was a paper thin layer of hide. Beneath that, he would feel Bob’s heart beating, in a fast paced rhythm that played like a drum.

"You know you make me feel like someone who can hardly achieve anything ?" He didn't express it in a serious way, but inside him, it was. Additionally, Liz's recent demonstration of power towards him, or no, her desire to demonstrate it towards him, had destroyed the 100 percent number of his certainty about her capability of handling her gains properly. He wasn't eager to tell, but it had started drilling in his mind like Khan did. He most likely would never be able to align entirely with his new surroundings.

He would have liked to say something to Bob directly, but he had to use Liz as a relay. "I want to ask him what he understands by 'treating him well'." Andri was afraid that the answer would be blunt and consist of a simple 'Don't come close to me ever again.' after this belly rub was over. He could feel Bob's heart, but aside from that he didn't dare to put any more but the slightest amount of pressure on his skin. It seemed so fragile.

Elizabeth paused, pursing her lips and staring at him. He didn't say it like it was anything serious, but the words made her sober. “I apologize for my approach.” She told him, not daring to press further. Her eyes drifted down towards his hand, which moved softly, like Bob was a fragile being. To show he was anything but, Elizabeth took a finger and jabbed it at Bob’s stomach, light enough that it wouldn't hurt him, but strong enough to prove her point.

Bob's hide held, acting like an elastic, taking her finger momentarily and bouncing it back with just as much force. Bob stared at Elizabeth, wondering briefly why she had poked him. “Tell him I used to be quite infamous on the streets of the pit, and my idea of good treatment is the same as any human's.”

Elizabeth continued to stare at Bob, even while she addressed Andri. “Bob and the others used to be in a street gang in the pits, quite a tough one too. Bob was treated with a fearful respect, and he wants a sort of respect from you. No reigns, or saddles. Basically, he prefers to be treated as a human, rather than a demonic horse.” She paused, smiling with half the excitement she had previously. “With some exceptions, such as belly rubs and scratches on the head.”

Momentarily, the hunter was shocked about how Liz punched into what one could expect to be Bob's more delicate parts. If he had tried this he possibly would not have any hand on that arm anymore he thought. "Street gang ? We could join together to build another one, because the street is one of the more probable possibilities I could end up in." Again, there was a pit between how he was saying things and how he felt about them. "Tell him I don't intend to ride him, because I can teleport and an ordinary horse can do the job for the remainder."

Bob flipped back onto his feet, lifting himself up and stretching with the crack of a hundred bones audibly popping. He stared at Andri, before opening his maw to speak. “He does know I can understand him, right? Anyways, I don't haunt mortal streets, and he couldn't last a day in the abyss. Also there's no way in hell he could ride a normal horse without breaking its back.”

Elizabeth folded her legs and buried her hands there. “He rides a shire, Bob.” She turned her attention to Andri, who was probably expecting a translation. “He said he doesn't work on mortal streets, and that you probably shouldn't travel to the abyss.” The thought of Andri on the streets was far too real a prospect, and she shook it out of her head as quickly as possible. “You won't end up on the streets either way, so don't make plans for it.”

"I'm afraid that going to the abyss or not is not my decision." He bit on his lips, knowing that he had just given Khan another idea of what to do with his host. "I don't make plans for this, but its something that could become reality." He turned back towards Bob who had started to stare at him. "He thinks of me as an animal tormentor, doesn't he ?" Liz's objecting words towards the demon were some sort of indication. "I can't understand him, but can he understand me ?"

“Well, if he rides ponies just to see them strain against his weight, then yes. Otherwise no, he's just too fat for most horses.” Bob creaked, prancing freely through the grass. ”I’d say I'm the perfect size for him, but I'd much rather have you be my rider. Beggars can't be choosers though, can we?”

Elizabeth shrugged, watching Bob prance about. “Yes, he can understand you. He understands human speech perfectly fine. As far as you being an animal tormentor, he doesn't think so, he just argues that you're too big for most horses.” She sighed, swiveling her head to look at Andri. “You can always use him as a steed for places you haven't yet explored...he lasts much longer than a normal horse. He can also defend himself.”

He slowly nodded towards Bob, though he was unsure if this had been the musical demon's own offer or Liz's. "I thank you." Then he got to his own feet, his spine demaning for another posture. "You two know that I was very afraid of me growing larger and larger when I was a boy ? It came in waves and there was no way to stop it - and since then I have the weak feeling that it could occur again at any time. It was a painful thing and I have to live with all the consequences, most of them being negative. At least it appears to be so for me."

Elizabeth stood as well, capsized in the presence of Andri. She figured he had problems growing so tall throughout his life, what with all the teasing and everyday difficulties he had faced. She doubted he would continue to grow, but she wondered just how much he feared it. “I see, I’m sure you won't continue growing though. Doesn't that stop when you reach a proper age?” She shrugged, coming leaves and bits of grass out of her long hair.

"It should. However in my case I wouldn't be sure about anything. After all, it could be some sort of hideous disease. I'm trying not to think about it." With himself wanting to cancel this topic, he tried to find another thing they could speak about. Preferably something more delightful. Luckily, there was one they had not really finished before, and though there was a very serious matter behind it, it also would mean that he would have the opportunity to spend more time with her. "As I'm sure you are aware of, my schedule is very packed and I'm sure yours is as well. But given that we both find a proper gap, would you really be willing to train me ? I'm a horribly oversized crab." He still wasn't convinced about using a whip. For him, it seemed just too unpredictable.

Elizabeth perked up, training Andri would be a ball. As horrible as it sounded, she wanted to have bloody sparring matches with him. A punch and a kick here and there wasn't very excited, but if she could train him to get level they could go at each other for hours. Coupling that with demonic possession and teleportation, and they would be great partners. “Of course, I'd love to train you. Soon enough we'll be going after each other with whips and swords.”

Andri's voice became a bit sheepish. "I would prefer a sword, or let an expert make the decision for me." His facial expression was like That doesn't exclude you. "But you know that this armor could become a lot tighter over the course of such an endeavour ?" Of course, he was aware that the guys from the military already had tried to make him useful, but the more that laid in the past, the more he got the feeling that they had been scrooges lacking creativity, unwilling to think outside the box they had gotten used to behind their desks. Yet still he absolutely wasn't convinced about himself.

Elizabeth chuckled, whips weren't meant for many. Her father -who was a great whip user- was rather lithe for a man. “Yes, I think you should stick to a sword. Or maybe you could use a bow, or even throwing knives. Or throwing stars, something precise, silent and long-ranged. As of now, you need to get up close and personal to your targets. Something that could horribly backfire if they outdo you in close quarter combat.” Her eyes twinkled. “We'll find something you're comfortable with. Ever thought of a bolas, maybe? I don't know… I'm not the expert.”

"I've already been using throwing knifes, but if the target wears some kind of armor, they lack the power. You can still choke most people wearing such things though, because one's throat is difficult to protect with purely rigid armor as would be required against a garotte." He started thinking, occasionally glancing over to Bob who was still around. "Doesn't Lenny have a whole vault of weapon's around him ? There must be something, even if we have to try out every single item in there." Which, given the size of this vault, could take a very considerable amount of time...

“He does, yes. It's full of unique weaponry. Some of it is decorative, overly so, but once we sample it I'll put your version of the weapon in on top priority.” Elizabeth brightened, a trip to Lenny was always fun. He always filled her with joy, usually because of his big booming laugh that filled the room. “While it's being crafted, we'll get to work on your form.”

"My form ? What do you have in mind ?"
Something was telling him that half the castle would get ample opportunities to stand, watch and snicker about him, at least at the beginning. Something else made him suppose that it would only be a matter of time until Khan would come up with a personal solution for mocking at him. And a third thought was about certainly having forgotten something important.

“Well, how do you stand when you're about to fight?” Elizabeth asked, fishing through her pockets for a ribbon. Once found, she began braiding her hair, watching Andri impishly. Once her hair was done and tied, she waited patiently for Andri to take up a stance. “Do you have balance problems?”

"Erm... pretty much the way you saw it when we were fighting that undead beast in that damn cathedral." Where he had acquired the worm... "I try to sneak upon my opponent from behind, get my garotte around his throat and then either just pull until he hits my torso and continue doing so until he's dead, or I stem my foot into his neck and hold my arms loose so my leg can act as the acting force. Aside from that, erm..." He stopped. There was just nothing more he could really say. He didn't have a stance for another type of weapon, except ones that didn't really require a complicated stance like throwing knifes. One could easily see in his face that he was noticeably embarrassed.

Elizabeth wanted to reach up and pinch his cheek, it was cute to see him embarrassed. “Yes, that's clear. I have a fair idea of your stance with a garotte. What I'd like to know is your stance when you're about to play fists.” She took up a quick stance, before easing herself and gesturing towards him. “Now you, do what you would if you were in a barfight.” She chuckled, staring past him at Bob and giving the demon cues with her eyes.

Andri blinked briefly. He got the feeling that Liz wanted to tell Bob something with her eyes, and after what he had experienced so far this night this could hardly be a good sign for him. Nevertheless, he did what he was asked to and changed his posture so that he was standing with his legs apart, one half a step in front of the other. His upper body was tilted forwards as if he was an old man, but he knew the only reason for him to do this was because otherwise he would hit nothing but the air above other people's heads. His hands were fists ready to strike and he was staring down at Liz.

Elizabeth watched Andri take his stance, hunched over like an old man. “Nice, except for the strain on your back. You could remove some of the stress by focusing on sweeping the legs and pinning someone. I'm not a qualified trainer, so that's just a thought.” She took a few mental notes, before looking around him at Bob. She nodded slightly, and Bob charged.

Bob made no noise, charging on Andri. He pointed his maw downwards, angling towards his knees. He relinquished a bit of the power, trying to match the force of a good punch. Elizabeth stood still, wondering what Andri would do.

If one had posessed the ability to see things in slow motion, one would have been able to spot how the assassin's eyes opened widely and his face adapted the expression of surprise and shock, then how he slammed his left foot into the ground in an attempt to move his huge frame out of the way, apparently not accelerating fast enough to cover the required distance in a short enough span of time, and finally him being consumed by an eerie rift in space that seemed to originate from inside his body. It spit him out again behind Bob, where he continued his sidewards fall, hitting the ground hard.
I've just saved your knee, you know ?!

Bob halted at a speed that would have been breakneck for someone with the proper tendons. He growled, turning and staring at Andri with his blank eyes. “Teleportation? How is that fair? All I wanted to do was get him on the ground.” He prepared to charge again, this time much more serious. He let out a hideous roar, showing off his mouth full of fangs. An oily liquid frothed out between his teeth, spilling onto the floor and emanating a putrid smell.

Elizabeth walked up to him, patting his hide. He stayed angry, but held fast for the time being. “Well, that's not what I would have done...but it works. I suppose you can work that into your fighting, since it is a part of you now. Good job Andri, as far as your normal reaction time...it was a little faulty.”

"That wasn't me... Khan did this on his own. For me it felt not like a reaction time too long but like a movement too slow." But who was he to correct someone ? He tried not to wrinke his nose because he thought that this could make Bob even more aggressive. That... spittle of him was just disgusting, as if the demon was in need of a really ugly counterpart for his beautiful music. He didn't ask for the translation, he could estimate it, given Bob's current appearance. "Something tells me that I'll disgrace myself once we've started training in the castle." The former hunter got up to his feet again.

Elizabeth took Bob’s head and began stroking it until his spittle had stopped dripping, and his snarls had ceased. He pressed his body against her, sitting awkwardly on his haunches. When raised this way, he was just taller than her. Elizabeth smiled up at Andri, nodding. “Yes, you're right.” Shex blushed, realizing she had yet to elaborate. “Not about making a fool of yourself, but your movements. You'll be fine, I can't take you out if I can't hit you.”

“Tell his demon to come out immediately, so I can trample it.” Bob snarled, still pressing against Liz. Elizabeth craned her neck and planted a kiss on his horn, shaking her head. “It doesn't work that way, Khan is… Different.”

"I'm feeling like teleportation in rapid succession will make me sick. And I won't be able to hit you with this method either." It was this moment that he remembered what Lorelai had told him: That there were six other worms somewhere out there, and it could be possible that there was something yet to be identified about him that attracted them. Andri tried to suppress that horrifying thought. "So should we start tomorrow with a visit to Lenny's vault ? And... what did Bob say ?"

“He was...asking about Khan.” Elizabeth laughed dismissively, wrapping an arm around Bob. “Meet me in my room tomorrow morning, would you? Then we can meet up with Lenny and get you a secondary weapon.” She smiled, Bob lowered on all fours, and she mounted him easily. “Do you need a ride, Andri, or do you have transport down?”

"As comfortable as teleporting might be, I'm not eager to give Khan the satisfaction of me asking him a favor. And..." The assassin started smiling. "...riding with you is much more enjoyable." With these words he carefully approached Bob, knowing the demon's opinion about him.

Bob allowed Andri to mount him, ignoring the man entirely. It wasn't Andri that angered him, but his demonic parasite. If it ever revealed itself, he would send it back to the abyss faster than it could ever teleport. Once they were both comfortable, he began walking at a meager lace, humming a hollow tune.

Elizabeth had reseated herself, so she could face Andri. She smiled at him, letting waves of exhaustion roll over her. “You're a great fighter, you know? I'm just getting used to being the big, bad general. Makes me awkward. Hanging out around demons doesn't help either.”

"To be honest... I've noticed that. But now I try to look at the matter the following way: You and I will have a lot to do together the next weeks, possibly months, or even much longer. This gives me a chance to warn you if I feel that things are going the wrong way. I'm a bad enough fighter for this training to require a long time. The thing I'm good at is roaming around unnoticed, but even if I manage to approach someone that way, I'm still depending om him not being able to just overpower me. And both the likelihood of being able to do this in the first place and then meeting someone who does not have this ability seem to have decreased, given my new circumstances."

He smiled back, feeling his long thighs touching her knees and exchanging warmth while Bob was carrying them.

“Yes, we'll definitely be sharing time together. I'll make a loudmouthed warrior of you yet.” Elizabeth winked, playfully punching him in the chest. “You may have to take that armor off when we train, I don't want to soil it with my weapons before you can even take it out into the field.” She smirked, renewing her depleted energy as they talked. She didn't appear to notice their physical contact, whether it be the wool coating on the inside of her trousers or her lack of concern, she couldn't say.

“Do you prefer blunted blades? I like to practice with real weaponry, it's more fun that way. Break a few bones here and there, spill a few drops of blood, all in the joy of a good spar.” Her eyes twinkled, but the statement made Bob laugh. “He doesn't heal like you, Lizzie. You can't have him dying. My body hiding days are long since past.”

"You would require one of the witches to patch me together. Do you really want to spend valuable resources on my training if they could help one of the solider witches ?" He responded to Liz's twinkle with smirking. "I think we should keep things as realistic as possible, but still I'd prefer blunt weapons to begin with. And who knows.. perhaps it will turn out that I'm the blunt warhammer guy anyway, though currently I could hardly imagine that."

“I've seen a warhammer in action, bludgeoning your enemy to death looks nice but you run out of energy far too soon.” Elizabeth giggled, poking Andri in the mouth to eliminate his smirk. “There's this healing witch, Elina. I wouldn't mind putting her to work on you. As far as your ego, you can always have Triss boost that for you!” She winked, smiling gayly.

"I'd prefer boosting my ego by success and not by making my mind dependend on some kind of medicine, however beautiful looking that medicine might be." With his smirk poked away by Liz, he now put on a ginger smile. "I'll leave that up to your decision. You're the general. Just don't cut off any of my limbs, okay ?" he gave in. "Speaking of which... how are things going ? Were there any reports yet ?"

Elizabeth shook her head, straightening herself. It was time to talk business, at least for a few minutes. “The green witches are doing fine work on the gardens, the food stock should be plentiful once properly sealed away. The soldier witches are well, prepping for battle almost constantly in the training grounds. We're managing traps, Medusa and I have that covered.” She pursed her lips like she had eaten something sour. “What I really want to know is how the others are doing, the ones that have gone away on trips. No letters, scrys, however they communicate in the witch world...nothing. I just need them to check in.”

He could see that Liz was worried. If he had been her, he would have done the same thing. However he wasn't. He could feel happy about not being exposed to the highly demanding job of being the general, let alone the fact that it was her lover and patroness that was on one of these 'road trips' as well. What an understating expression for what they were doing as far as he knew. Of course, Andri didn't mention this thought towards her, but he had to be honest. "I'm afraid I can't do much about that, or am I wrong ?"

Elizabeth shook her head. There wasn't anything he could do, he wasn't even able to go to the pits. She imagined Andri in hell, the thought was simply hilarious. She was sure he could manage physically, but the place was full of demons. His reaction towards her personal crew of demons spoke numbers as to how he would react in hell. “No, nothing you can do. Thanks for the offer though.”

Andri lowered his head, though he had expected exactly this answer. Bob crossed the gates of Castle Bloodrose and took them to the gardens, a cloudless sky full of stars above and fresh, cold air carrying a steady stream of chirping around them. The demon kneeled down so they could dismount easily. "Thanks for the ride, Bob." With Khan he would already be sleeping in his bed, but this had been so much better. "We have to repeat that sometimes. That is... if I can still walk after that workout you probably have in store for me." He smiled at her.

Elizabeth grinned, she stayed on Bob long enough to playfully punch Andri’s shoulder. “You'll make it, you have thick skin.” She dismounted from Bob, and gave Andri a small hug. Her arms weren't able to wrap around the man, so it was slightly awkward, but she found the sentiment in the embrace. “I'll see you tomorrow, probably have a demon escort you if you don't mind.” She mounted her demonic horse, and they rode off together, a strange sight that found its place in Castle Bloodrose.

Andri waved at Liz from behind until she was out of his sight, then lazily set out for his chamber. At so late an hour the hallways were calm, so he could get in and lock the door without being seen. It was the first time after a long and rather exhausting day that his lungs didn't have to fight the tightness of the armor anymore but could suck in air freely. The assassin stretched out on his enormous bed, but it took long for him to fall asleep: The next day seemed to have so much potential for surprise that it kept his mind busy even before it had started.

"Her knight and the apprentice"

The night was calm - at least in that chamber of Castle Bloodrose that Andri could call his own. As in most of the times since his arrival, he had left the window open a fairly bit, enjoying the fresh air coming in. For an assassin an open window, even if it was multiple stories up in the air, was an invitation, but he didn't expect the hunters being so far already and since he had been a hunter himself not so long ago, he could tell that their ranks hardly featured any members of his own kind.

When he opened his eyes, he was hit by the beam of early morning light that he himself had allowed to intrude the room. Knowing his schedule today was almost as tight as this new, black acquisition of him, he got himself into it quickly after his hairs had made a pitstop in a bucket of clean, cold water. Not really caring about them still losing remains of it down his shoulders, he headed out for Lorelai's office. Liz wasn't one it was wise to keep waiting, not in these times.

Elizabeth sat waiting in her office. Her head was thrown back as she explained every gritty detail to Bo, on how he would handle things while she was absent. He understood it all, and while she was happy to have him around to take care of things, she was reluctant to leave her post. She had no idea how bad it could get. Some things were not appropriate to be handled by a demon, and she knew just how much Bo loved to use his claws when he was irritated. If it weren't Andri, she would have canceled.

“Lizzie? Andri…is here.” Beebop croaked, peeking his head into a door partially cracked. “Let him?” He asked, stretching his jaw with a sound louder than Bob cracking his neck.

“Yeah, Beebop, let him in.” Elizabeth responded with a smile, she could feel her body rejuvenate itself in preparation. She felt much better than when she was leaning over a bucket just moments ago.

Beebop nodded, looking down the hall at Andri. “You can come.” He told the giant, voice much less strained now that his jaw was popped. When Andri neared the door, Beebop clutched his arm and squeezed it, putting some of his might behind the motion. “Hurt her, I hurt you.” He snarled, a small guttural noise.

Andri didn't have the time to tell the demon that he did not intend to do such things, at least not without Liz's explicit approval. His arm disappeared out of Beebop's clutch and reappeared a few meters forward along with the rest of his body, in front of Liz's desk. Almost instinctively, Andri turned his head to have a look on Bob. He knew what he thought of Khan and his rather unique properties...
This pesky servant doesn't have the tools to hold me... the worm snarled mentally, but his host didn't respond to him. "Sorry..." Andri said in a low voice, unable to tell it both to Liz and Beebop simultaneously, since now they were in front and behind of him. And he didn't exactly approve such a welcome, rubbing his arm to overlay the pain with something else. "Hello Liz. I see you've started into the day even earlier than I have ?"

Bob stared at the teleportation trick, but his vacant eyes gave off no emotion. If ever given the chance, he would kill that worm. The less of his kind there were, the better. He was standing beside Elizabeth, still trying to secretly bite her belly. He knew there was a chance that it could kill the baby, but the damned thing was going to be so cute and he just wanted to nibble on it.

Elizabeth smiled at Andri, standing up from her chair. She noticed he was rubbing his arm, but didn't know how he had injured it. If she knew Beebop had done it, she would have made the demon write him an apology. Her stack of parchment had nearly diminished because of him. “Yeah, I've been getting up earlier. Morning sickness.” She said with a wink, wondering if he would understand what she was saying.

The assassin lacked the necessary context to correctly interpret Liz's statement about a 'morning sickness'. "I hope you didn't catch a cold yesterday." He replied, not knowing where she had gone to after Bob had dropped him off in the castle gardens. "Could you please remove me from Beebop's target list ? Or I'll have to talk to Lenny about something like hidden spikes that shoot outwards when someone bites onto their trigger, or just teleport in everytime now." He didn't sound disgruntled, but he didn't sound amused either.

Elizabeth's face fell when he didn't get her quip about morning sickness, it fell even further when she realized Beebop had threatened him. That was where his arm injury had come from, how pleasant. “Yeah, consider yourself off.” She said simply, waving it off with a hand. Beebop meant well, he really did. She just had to find a way to control his outbursts. She thought they were endearing and others thought they were downright abnormal. It was that way with all of her demons.

“To the training grounds, shall we?” She asked him, after telling her demons to stay put until she was back. She went around her desk, and moved towards him. “You know where it is, right? I want to try teleporting...it has to be better when I'm not fighting for my life.” She opened her arms to wrap them around him.

Liz didn't seem very pleased. Had he said something wrong, perhaps exaggerated his own position in this Beebop issue ? Or was it something else that was pulling her down ? He didn't know, and fearing that drilling into that topic could make things even worse, he decided to delay further action until he would, perhaps, have gotten more clues about it.
Khan ? You heard it.
You're keeping me busy, my little host. You know I want something in return somewhen ?
Teleportation went along in multiple stages. First, a rift to that strange, otherworldy dimension opened inside her bodies. It consumed them inside out at an extremely fast, yet finite speed. A part of them already was in that other world while the yet unaffected remainder was still here. The rift's expansion almost had the speed of nerves propagating pain because their bodies were cut into two pieces. An instant before the rift reached their heads, the signals reached them, resulting in excrutiating pain that disappeared that very instant later when they were back in one piece in... Whatever that was. It was completely dark and there seemed to be nothing around them. No matter, no light could be seen, not even gravity be felt. There was no time to catch anything else than an extremely brief glimpse of it before they had apparently reached the correct point for re-entry into the mortal plane, where the rift opened again. Rescued from it before their blood could start to boil because of the lack of air pressure, they now stood in the training hall.
"Please don't ask me what that is. Khan hasn't told me yet. And it doesn't seem that anyone would be able to survive in there."

Teleportation...was not fun. At least, the little being in her stomach didn't think so. Elizabeth doubled over, retching. There was hardly anything left in her stomach, but the bile that did manage to stay in her during her last bout now found it's own special place on the ground. Elizabeth cursed, cleansing her mouth with the handkerchief that sat in her pocket. The soldier-witches around them -that weren't in intense battles- stopped to glance at her, some snickering under their breath.

Elizabeth wanted to pounce on them, or say something sharp, but she didn't. Instead she straightened her posture and walked towards an empty platform. “Come along, Andri. Let's fight.”

"Is everything alright ?" What a question! Of course it wasn't! But that was the next stupidest thing Andri was able to word after having seen Liz puking onto the floor. He knew that Khan's teleportation was a very strange feeling, but he hadn't vomited after the first time and he had expected Liz to be at least as resilient as himself. The assassin stepped towards the platform. "You sure you wanna fight ? You seem to be seriously ill. Perhaps one of the witches can fix this." He looked around towards the witches staring at them to see if any of them had something to do with healing magic and would step forward. Those he saw snickering were hit by a glance that could tell something: Stop or I'll put my boot onto your neck and crush you!

“I'm fine, Andri. Don't worry about me.” Elizabeth begged, drawing his attention back to her. There were no healer witches present, they were all off collecting proper materials for their spells. Even if there were healers, Elizabeth would never let them work on her. She was stronger than the sadistic presence in her body. She was it's mother, and she would not let it take advantage of her. She would rather die than be bedridden. The sudden lurch of her stomach seemed to be the baby's response.

“Come on, attack me.” Elizabeth stated, taking a defensive stance. The soldier witches gathered around, wanting to see just how well their General could fight. Most wanted to see her stumble, and cheers for Andri erupted in small parts of the gathering crowd.

The last time she wanted you to attack her she was infested with a demon and knew where you were, remember ? She fooled you!
The last time I tried to attack her you knew everything and didn't tell me! And this isn't like last time! Andri turned his attention back to the other witches: "Stop cheering me, please!" It made him feel uncomfortable, but if he told them that they would probably do it even harder. Andri was very hesitant to launch an all out attack on Liz, not only because of her apparently impaired health, but also because he didn't want to get another fist into his belly. But... he had to do something. Anything! Finally, he made a decision and went for an attempt to hit her shoulder with a strike of his left fist, conducted out of a rather quick movement towards her.

Elizabeth saw the punch, but even her enhanced speed wasn't able to detect the full force of it. She took the blow to the shoulder, a small pop could be heard as the giant man swung his fist into her. He had plenty of power, but in the moments of her attack the pain had begun easing. She was built for this, her blood was pumping with the essence of the inferno. She darted to the left, aiming a strong sweep of her leg at the crook of his knee.

At least he had succeeded hitting the target, but Andri was a bit disappointed of the magnitude of the effect. But, after all, she was Lorelai's Dragon Knight. What did he expect ? Well... what he didn't expect was his knee collapsing because of being hit into its back. With one leg still standing straight he basically sent himself spiraling sideways onto the floor. Quickly getting up to his feet, it came to his mind that this kind of attack of his own would likely be of no further use. Now he approached her with seemingly having no attack in mind at all. In fact, that was the truth. He wanted to lure a reaction out of her first.

Elizabeth watched him fall, smile bright on her face. She looked at the others around her, seeing their surprise. Suddenly she understood how amazing it felt, to win. Of course she had known that before, but now it was something special. She wanted to be big because of something, not just because she was Lorelai’s Dragon Knight. She could use her new boons to her advantage, fighting could be her new passion, even with a baby.

When Andri got up, her excitement took over. He didn't seem like he was going to attack, but she sure as hell was. She crouched, sweeping out another foot to try for his ankle.

Knowing he would take another hit, her crouching in front of him was a welcome sight. She hit him, causing a significant amount of pain that made him moan. However, in the meantime, he had raised his own, other foot and slammed it down onto her back, retracting it immediately after the impact had taken place. He then bent forwards in an attempt to tackle her before she could do more damage to himself.

Elizabeth knew she had made contact, but as she completed her sweep she heard no thud on the ground behind her. She hadn't made him fall. She had to get up, she couldn't stay where she was. The realization of this came seconds before a boot slammed into her back. She yelped, the impact forcing her to the ground. She tucked in her arms to protect them, her face tilted to the side. It was a throbbing pain in her back, but her first instinct was to protect her stomach. She rolled to the side, but before she could get to her feet she was toppled upon.

She wished she hadn't been on her stomach, all of his weight was pressing down upon her. She drew up her knees, attempting to create enough space between them to move, to attack. Instinct shot her arms up, wrapping them around his neck as a distraction. It wasn't the best move but she was panicked, she wanted him off of her, if only for the baby. If only she had Beebop, she knew she could do it with him possessing her.

Andri's expertise with choking other people by various methods told him that it was very far from a good idea to ignore Liz's arms wrapping around his neck. What she - without his knowledge, of course - merely considered as being a distraction was a dangerous thing if one knew what to do now. For his own safety he had to assume just that and abort his current move. He grabbed her arms with his hands, trying to get his fingers between them and his skin so he had a good handle to try and pull them away.

Elizabeth knew she had struck a cord, he abandoned his previous move to direct his hands to his throat. She squeezed, a vice grip. She wasn't the best at suffocating, she found it morally wrong, but she had all but forgotten they were in the middle of training. The shouts and jeers around them faded away, a primal need kicking in instead. Finally his hands broke through the cracks, but it took plenty of time to do so. Elizabeth reared back a fist, aiming it at his throat.

Andri saw her fist taking aim and accelerating, but the time he broke his own hands free from their position between himself and Liz's arms, it was too late for effective countermeasures. The giant hobbled backwards, inspecting his throat with his fingertips while he was choking for several seconds. Did Liz knew how dangerous it could be to hit one's throat with a fist strike ? Anyway, he was the one who had come here to get trained. Liz's attack triggered the decision to drop the 'Mr. Nice Guy'-attitude - or what was left of it - for the rest of the fight. Right now, that suit was starting to annoy him. Sure, it was of a damn high quality and had incredible magic properties, but it wasn't fun to start sweating in it because one started to dive into extensive fighting that was highly atypical for an assassin who's primary intention it was to get jobs done fast and in silence.

The obvious solution ? Get it off. Trusting Liz that she would see what he was doing and not attack while he was busy he opened the fasteners and put the upper part of his armor down onto a nearby chair. His upper body featured quite a share of muscle, but for what he was doing here he would liked to have a bit more. Did he razor down his hairiness on a regular basis or had it just been the armor's tightness shearing off all of it ? Not the time to talk about such things now. He launched himself forwards with the intent of hitting Liz with as much momentum as he could get, putting her down to the floor in the best case.

When Andri backed off, Elizabeth did the smart thing and got up. She watched him peel down the upper half of his suit. With a shrug, she did the same. It was quite refreshing, the breeze hit her brassiere and set her nerves on fire. She hadn't realized how much sweating she had done, but it was obvious now because of the fine sheen covering her body. She tossed her shirt to the side, where it fell to the ground and no one bothered to pick it up. There were whoops and whistles from their crowd, as they looked over both Andri's, and Elizabeth's body.

Elizabeth had no time to smirk, an arrow of muscle was shooting towards her at full speed. She was faster, all she had to do was shift to the right. His attack whizzed past her, and as he was caught by the momentum, she threw a kick to his back.

Now he knew that his straightforward approach had been too daring, too full of anger and last but not least too simple to have any success against Liz. His only solace was the facial expression of the witch standing in his way. It went from amusement and hidden laughter about him to a Does this guy manage to stop before he hits me ? Andri did, but rather barely. One could see that his back hurt, but it wasn't yet bad enough so that he would have to abort training. A strange idea came to his mind... perhaps he could fool Liz into thinking he would be stupid, inexperienced or just infuriated enough to try the same thing twice. He accelerated towards her again, but this time he himself diverted to the left shortly before her and then jumping off in a manner that rotated his body into a more horizontal orientation while he was flying over the ground. The length Liz would have to dodge across now wasn't the width of his shoulders, but his height.

Elizabeth watched him lift up off the ground, moving towards her horizontally. She couldn't clear four feet in a single dash, and he was far too low to crouch beneath. So, instead of working around it, she planted her feet and raised a fist in preparation. Things moved in slow motion, his body was centimeters away from her hand. She pulled it back, and slammed it forwards. It hit him hard, but she could feel the bones as they snapped in her hand. Intense pain shot through her body and though the adrenaline numbed it, she coughed out a scream.

She could do nothing, he impacted her. She was forced to the ground in her moment of pain. Her right hand was useless, but as he mounted her she sent a flurry of fists towards his face. Her right hand was already injured, how much worse could it get?

Andri's method of stopping people from being able to dodge him had one flaw: It also meant that there was no chance that the body of the one to be hit could soften the inevitable impact across his entire body. Some parts of him just had to slam into the ground, and he had to decide if he wanted to use his hands to protect those areas or if he wanted to use them for defending himself against Liz's hammering fists. He opted for the former, saving his head from hitting the platform.

He could feel blood starting to seep into his stomach. Spatting some of it both on the ground and onto Liz's legs, he retreated backwards on all fours, trying to escape her onslaught. Doing so, he spotted her right hand: It seemed to have absorbed the brunt of his momentum in a rather self-destructive way. Andri became aware that it must have been one of his ribs that had made up the other side of this collission. Was it broken ? He didn't know, but even if not: It hurt so badly just by moving that he didn't want to know what happened when it took another hit. He stationed his left elbow in front of it as a means of protection, focusing Liz's still functioning left hand with his eyes.

Elizabeth picked herself up, letting out a snarl. Both of her hands were bruised, but her right hand was bloodied and something white popped out of her knuckle. The witches around them considered ending the battle, but no one stepped forwards to put a stop to it. Elizabeth watched him, he was protecting his ribcage. That's where she would have to strike, but he would never let her get that close. She needed him to give her an opening, not the other way around. She stood where she was, waiting for his attack. She squeezed her right hand squeezed, that was now dripping blood.

Andri slowly lifted himself back onto his feet, looking at Liz and breathing heavily. It made the pain even worse, so he kept his left arm in front of his rib and only used his right one to engage her with a series of fist strikes of his own. He also tried to place a few kicks on her thighs. Liz had already vomited this morning, hitting anywhere near her stomach certainly wouldn't help, so he tried to avoid her belly altogether.

Elizabeth's tactic was to avoid any hits to the stomach, but he didn't try to strike there. He was going easy on her to make sure she wasn't hurt, she wouldn't give him the same luxury. She took his blows with screams and gasps, one to the shoulder. A pop told her that left shoulder was dislocated, and it hung limp by her side. Another blow to the right elbow, something cracked but she could care less. She moved away before he could swing at her thighs.

Their brief moment of separation was enough for Liz to pop her arm back into place. The pain was extreme, but she relished in it. She didn't fear loss, she could heal from it. Her breaths were thin and quick, the pain in her hand had begun reducing but it was still prominent every time she moved. Her elbow was shifted in an odd angle, hanging motionless at her side. She knew too much more of this abuse would be her end, but she would stay this way for hours if it meant victory. She made a grab for the arm that was protecting his ribcage, attempting to break it by bending it the wrong way.

The giant released a scream of agony. It were these times when he really hated having such enormously long bones. It provided Liz with a lot of lever arm to apply torque onto the joint. He tried to hold tight for several seconds, but then the exhausted assassin gave way to the Dragon Knight's strength. His rib was sitting ducks and he knew what that meant. Liz didn't seem to intend to go soft with him and he wanted to make a last, at least not entirely humiliating stand. Andri used his still intact right arm to twist around hers. That imminent hit onto his rib would take him down, he was absolutely sure about it, but when he fell he wanted to take her already damaged right arm with him.

Elizabeth brought up her left arm, and punched him in the chest. It made a rough cracking noise, and she knew she had broken it. The grin on her face was malicious, as they fell together. The force of his body bringing down her right arm was enough to decimate it. Elizabeth let out a final raspy scream as the bone shot through her skin. She had won, but she didn't seem to comprehend that fact. She mounted him, weight digging into his ribs. She took her working fist and pounded it into his face. Her vision went red with rage. She wanted him to be ended, that was the only way to trul-

“Elizabeth get off of him!” Someone screamed, pulling the Dragon Knight off of Andri. It was a soldier-witch, who had finally stepped in.

Elizabeth wrenched her way out of the woman's arms, going back in to take Andri down. Another pair of arms grabbed her, and another, and another. She screamed her wrath, trying desperately to work her way out. They held her back, until she slowly returned to her normal state. She huffed, looking at the blood. Blood everywhere, chips of bone. Her arm, oh god her arm. She collapsed, falling onto her knees. Everything hurt, her body was broken. Where was Andri? “Andri?” She croaked, ignoring all the shocked faces.

"What the hell are you doing ?" He didn't scream at the witches. He screamed at Liz, appreciating that they kept her away from him. There it was again, that bad feeling about her power. "Is this rage a part of your Dragon Knight being as well ?" he shouted, blood streaming both out of his nose and his ears. "Get rid of it!" His voice made clear that he would hardly accept a no as an answer. He leaned back down flat onto the floor, hardly being able to breathe.

Elizabeth winced as Andri yelled at her. That had to have been the worst hit she had taken. How could she get rid of something that felt so good? She had enjoyed seeing him bloodied, but it was hard to admit that to herself. That rage was a part of her now. She whistled with the remnants of her hoarse voice. The witches backed off as Bo, Beebop, Bob, and Butch took their place. The saw Andri, but all four went to Liz first. Bo decided to tend to her himself, he knew she would heal, but he had to cautiously put all the bones back into place, otherwise they wouldn't set correctly.

Beebop looked pissed, even though his face was naturally gruff he looked even worse. He lifted a foot up over Andri's chest, prepared to stomp on him until the life faded out of him. He was pushed back by Butch, and the two wrestled each other for dominance over the situation.

Butch won, and he forced Beebop to heal Andri. The hulking demon but a chunk out of his arm, and reluctantly walked over to Andri. He held the arm over Andri's mouth, a downpour of blood streaming onto the giant's face. He cracked his jaw in preparation to speak. “Drink, so I can kill you myself.” His blood tasted marvelous, actually. Like something sweet with a hint of spice. It didn't match his figure at all, but that couldn't be judged. It would heal slower than Sousiel’s blood, but in the long run it would be just as effective.

From a mental point of view, Andri was pretty much done for. Stony he was gaping at Beebop, still being shocked by the demon having seemed to have put him back onto his killing list. He sealed his mouth against Beebop 's blood. How could somebody drink this ? He started to severely doubt that this entire idea had been such a good one after all. Than the first leak occured by accident and a bit of it found its way onto his tongue. He couldn't help but admire the way it tasted, but still every bit of his mind refused to actually start drinking it. He thought about healing by more conventional means. Weren't there witches around that could do this ? Did it really have to be a demon's blood ?
Don't be stupid! You have a demon in your head. Not only some magic representation, but a real infestation with a real physical being residing inside your brain! That blood won't hurt...

Elizabeth picked herself up, she had drained a large amount of blood from Bo’s arm to speed up her healing process. The skin her Bones had popped out of was already starting to mesh. Soon she would be able to move her right arm again, and it would be like nothing had happened...to her at least. She stood over Andri, eyes soft and jaw tightened. His was the look of regret, hers a mixture so diluted it could not be estimated. “Drink it, Andri. It'll make you feel better.”

Khan didn't wait for his host to finally make a decision on his own. The worm started zapping his brain until his mouth was convulsed in a wide open position, allowing every bit of the stream to flow right down his throat and leaving Andri no other choice but to swallow it out of reflex.
Ohhhh.. that feels sooo good...
The effects were almost immediate. The assassin could feel the pain give way to something much better. Groaning, he lifted his torso in an upward position and looked up to Liz. "Something tells me that I'll be someone else after a few months of this..." He tried to find out what Liz was thinking by looking at her, but didn't come to a conclusion.

Elizabeth smiled, sitting down next to him and burying her hands in crossed legs. “Drinking demon blood won't make you a new person. Or are you talking about the training?” She examined his chest, an inky purple blotch that was starting to slowly reduce. Feeling returned to her own elbow. It was a great sensation, but it also meant she could feel her bones stitch themselves together. “I'm sorry for what happened. Just...don't blame my Knighthood. It's not the problem.”

"I'm talking about the psychological effects of getting severly injured and then patched up again in rapid succession for a prolonged amount of time and of the physical effects. And... not your Knighthood ?" He squinted at her. "What is it then ?" He hoped that this would not be an inherent property of her person that he had not yet discovered... That would be... disappointing...

“Oh, yeah. Well, your mental health is up to Triss.” Elizabeth fumbled, rubbing her stomach to soothe herself. It hadn't suffered any injuries, so she was sure the baby was safe. What was she supposed to say? Now that she had infernal blood in her veins she was battle crazy? Would he blame that on Lorelai? She wanted to be honest with him. “It just makes me take things too far. I don't realize it,” she lied with surprising gusto. “Until it's too late, and people get hurt.”

Andri didn't really need words to tell her what he wanted to tell her. His stare at her basically said it all: Either you really don't realize it or you are lying to me. Both possibilities are a huge problem. However he didn't realize what his eyes were telling without him wanting to speak it. "As you can see I'm not that proficient at hurting people outside my normal scope of work. At least not now..." Given that any of his two different thoughs was true: Was he that different ? In fact, he was looking forward to becoming much more effective at this...

Elizabeth met his gaze, telling him the truth with a small flash in her eyes. She did know, she did enjoy it. Was it really so criminal? By the abyss, he was an assassin. He killed people for a living. What if she wanted that too? What if she did want to do it openly? Did that make it any worse? “You did pretty good, my arm's never been quite as mangled. I think we'll make good sparring partners, I don't know if anyone else would have made it with me.” She grinned, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

He was partly shocked by what she told him, partly relieved by the very fact she told him. "I'm worried because killing rage is something I'm totally unfamiliar with. And I don't want to be familiar with it. I have to keep things under total control. Everything else is unacceptable for me, do you understand ? There is hurting people and hurting people..." He coughed, spitting out bits of halfway coagulated blood. Minutes ago his broken rib would have made him scream for this, now it only hurt. "I'm a huge lot of a man. That was all that saved me from much earlier and complete destruction I think. No skill."

Elizabeth wanted to tell him bloodlust was fun, that if she had killed him she didn't know whether or not she would've been upset. She didn't though, because a large chunk of her swatted that away. The inferno was a part of her, but she was so much more than that. She was sure she didn't hate herself, but that was because she had seen demons in action before. Those very demons were the ones who cuddled with her each night. She wanted to be in that same balance, and of course there would be some that didn't understand. She wouldn't alienate Andri because he had a strong moral code. Her own had been stomped upon the night she faced Lady Nocticula.

Liz wiped his blood off of her cheek, wiping it off onto their platform. The thing was covered in blood and bone chips anyways, so it didn't matter much. “I understand, killing is killing. I'll keep it under control.” She didn't want to keep discussing it, it only meant she would have to lie more. Bringing up the newest light in her life was an obvious distraction. “I also wanted to tell you something else...you didn't catch my hint earlier.” She took his hand and guided it to her stomach. “I'm having a baby.”

Andri slightly blushed when Liz herself made his hand touch her belly. "You're kidding me ? Really ? Hell that's great!" He had to cough again. "Seems to have been a good idea not to hit you there. But... let me guess... it can't be any of the ordinary witches here, can it ? So... either one of the hunters while you were one yourself, or... Lorelai ? Somehow ?" He had no idea how, but something told him that it would be better not to entirely exclude this possibility. However there was a grin on his face that told Liz that he didn't take himself too serious about it.

Elizabeth laughed, but soon her eyes began to water with joy and she had to close her mouth lest the tears fall. “Yeah, it's Lorelai's.” She stated proudly, looking down at her stomach like it was an award. “I don't really know how to do...babies. And it fusses a lot in my belly, but I think I'm in love with it.” She cooed, hoping it hadn't died or gotten injured during their sparring match. Maybe it was immortal? “Lorelai doesn't know yet. I'm telling her when she comes back.”

"I could imagine her not being surprised at all. She's cunning." He himself was very far away from thoughts about children, although Khan did his worst to change that. "Wouldn't it be a shame if you were not in love with it ?" He smiled. "Seems I have to stay careful during training."

Elizabeth blushed. “Oh, yeah. It would. I'm just not good at this whole mother thing. It just happened, you know? Like magic.” She wiggled her fingers, laughing. “Don't you dare go easy on me, Axel is a strong little guy. He's been beating the shit out of my insides, so I wouldn't doubt him.” She challenged, patting her stomach lightly. If Andri went easy on her, their matches wouldn't be as fun. He would likely lose more, too, because she was not going to go easy on him. This was training, not play wrestling.

"Okay... I promise... I won't." Or at least he would try. "Axel ? You've decided to give your child a name without the other parent ?" He arched an eyebrow.

Elizabeth blushed furiously, tapping her stomach. “Well, yeah. No. I just don't think he wants to be called ‘it' all the time. I don't know if he is a he. I want him to be though, not many boys around here.” She smiled, staring down Andri’s chest. The bruise had receded amazingly well. “What do you think I should name him?”

"Hmm..." Andri started thinking. What could be an appropriate and creative name for a child that probably would have to do a lot with magic and dragons ? "You have already made a decision for the case it will be a boy. Alex sounds good. And... I'm afraid I'm the wrong person to ask for a name for a girl, but isn't Alexina the feminine form of Alex ?"

Alex sounded nice, and so did Alexina. She was pretty sure the female version of Alex was Alexis. That being said, there were plenty of different ways it could be configured. “That's a cute name. I don't know, Lorelai may want to name him after someone. Like a grandfather, or her mother. My father's name is Archibald. I don't think he would want to be named that.” She grinned. “So, other than babies, what's new? Have you checked in with Triss?”

Archibald... that was an interesting name, and a very rare one as well, but Liz seemed to have gone past that topic already. "No, not yet. I haven't had time today yet. I've come home late, you remember ?" He grinned. "And the first thing I did this morning was to fight you. I should pay her a visit, probably."

Elizabeth chuckled, a visit to Triss would be beneficial for him. Likely in more ways than one. “I remember, yes.” She confirmed, thinking about their delightful evening. They would have to do more things like that, if given the chance. “You should probably go visit her, while the day is still young. Night brings about business, for you at least.”

"And it will be more dangerous with every night..." Andri sighed. The hunters were approaching, they had to be. "So... before I go... when do you think would be a good time for the next training session ?"

Elizabeth tilted her head in consideration of the question. “Whenever you're ready for another round, meet me in my office. I'll clear some space for you in my ever busy schedule.” She exaggerated the last line by pressing a hand to her forehead, sighing miserably. Then, she laughed. She picked herself up, and walked away. Bo, Bob, Beebop, and Butch followed behind her.


The gargoyle had picked up a facial expression that looked pretty disappointed - about himself. While all of the other members of the team were doing their job, he was told to take a break. It felt far from satisfying, and so was the prospect of experiencing this every bloody day to come. Especially now when he was suddenly experiencing a particular need to go on and continue as if someome had injected him with pure inspiration that was attempting to form itself into a concrete idea.

"I'll be over there in the snow if you need me. Shouldn't be hard to miss me." he replied in a sadly tone towards Charles and Rozalind.

He stepped out of the main hall in the direction it was currently throwing its shadow at and chose a location that would allow him to remain in it for several hours before the sun would have travelled far enough to resume shining on him. Lying down, he wrapped his wings around himself. Not that he needed a blanket to protect him from the snow he had sunken deeply into, but it helped keeping the diffuse light away from him.
@Ellion I'm in.

"He's a mute." Madawc told the men. "You have to be a bit patient so he can give you a written answer." He made his own horse get a bit closer to Xavier's - just in case something went wrong and he had to provide assistance... "I don't think we need anything, but like said, let him answer, please."
in collaboration with @Shagranoz and @Meiyuki

"An Insurance Policy"

Studying formulae was tough work. Every detail had to be absolutely accurate, or the necromantic energy wouldn't flow where you wanted to. In short, practicing magic was as much about learning how to paint as anything else, and Rebecca's fingers were exhausted. She needed to take a break and relax for a little bit.

The castle seemed unnaturally quiet today. Not surprising, since so many of the witches were out and about on various missions. A huge, hulking giant of a man came into her view. It had to be Andri. He was at least a foot taller than anyone in the castle.

"Greetings, Andri. How are you this fine and wondrous day?"

Andri really would had liked to try out the enchanted properties of this Nightstalker armor he had received as a gift from Lorelai, but there were two major obstacles: The first one was that there was no ounce of magic in him, so he could not access them directly. The second one was that he had indeed come across a large mirror. What he had seen in there had been very much to Khan's amusement and to his own shock: It really was tight, brutally tight. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to put off this thing and safely lock it away in his room, as much as he would have liked to, because he had received a clear assignment.

He felt like a walking provocation, and because of that he deviated from the main routes of the castle as often as possible. Yet he had to notice that Rebecca had spotted him. Khan was making bets on how long it would take the dialogue to hit the topic that Andri felt embarrassed for.

"Hello Rebecca. I've been assigned to the espionage team, so I'm afraid I won't have a lot of time to enjoy the weather. How are things ?"

"Oh, you too? I've always been amazed at how a great big man like you could be so quiet. All the size of an elk mixed with the silence of a mouse. Dangerous combination."

Rebecca tried and failed to work a knot out of her wrists. "Pretty good. Spent the day trying and failing to figure out how to draw some symbols. Still, better than being out doing fieldwork. I'm a bit of a homebody in that respect."

"I have to admit that a lot of people are wondering how I do this. If you ask me, it has to do mainly with control over your body and brainwork. You must be able to predict how the ground you plan to walk on will react to the added weight. I had really good teachers - if I had not sucked so hard at normal combat I would have never met them." The giant chuckled.

"So, you're trying to think about other things before going out there, too ? I appreciate that. Would you like to tell me a bit about your work ? I'm interested - because I know nothing."

"You were terrible in combat? I'm shocked. A guy like you, shouldn't you be able to just overpower anyone you face?"

She sighed. "I've been in the library trying to work out the sigils for a spell to resurrect a whole bunch of corpses at once. The idea is to create individual threads of energy to each zombie from a central point. But the symbols... I can't work out how to get them to not overlap each other. I just don't have the coordination."

"Being one and a half foot taller than the average combatant means that you have a huge lot of additional weight to move around that doesn't add a bit to the amount of strength you have as a reserve to move around a weapon. It only adds to the amount of muscle your body develops just by having to carry itself. On the other hand however you're a much larger target, dodging is more difficult because you occupy so much space. When you're sneaking, the ability to evade attacks is irrelevant, and a garotte is a weapon you don't move around violently. While you're choking somebody you don't have to accelerate anything, not even yourself, so almost all of the strength and weight is exclusively available for damaging your enemy. So far my instructor's theory."

Hmm... zombies. Sounds delicious for you, doesn't it ?
Andri didn't respond to Khan. "The last thing I've fought was something undead. I have to say it was horrible. But... every war is horrible, isn't it ?" The assassin was hoping that Rebecca would give him a confirmation on this thought.

"Yes. It is horrible. Haven't seen an actual battle, though. Just the aftermath, and that was bad enough. My gods, the stench, the screams of wounded... I hoped to never see its like again. That's why I came to Seren's Folly. I'm a necromancer, and an undead one at that, who loves life and hates suffering. Ironic, isn't it?"

A thought hit Rebecca like a thunderbolt. Oh, how she hoped it wouldn't come to pass, but on the eve of battle... "Andri, would you come up to my room, please? There's something I need to show you, in private."

"And now we're here, preparing for just the thing we both have put hopes and effort in avoiding. That's even more ironic." Andri flicked away a small piece of dirt that happened to sit on a small, decorative wall, and followed it with his eyes as if it was an interesting thing. It wasn't. It was just less gruesome than allowing his mind to focus on imaginations of what was to come.

"In private ? Okay..." The last word came a bit delayed and with slightly arched eyebrows. Khan ? Whatever you're thinking about now, and I'm sure I know what you're thinking about: Stop it! Lorelai might not be in her office but I am sure I will find her or be able to call for her if I have to! Calm down... I'm totally fine. You're looking like a head cheese... that will suffice for several days. The demon chuckled while Andri hurried to follow Rebecca.

Rebecca opened her door and sat down on her bed. She slipped her upper body out of her robes, displaying her pallid, decaying skin. As always, the most notable feaure of her chest was the massive, stitched-together wound. Rebecca took her knife, undid the stitches, and peeled back the skin.

A section of ribcage had been cut out, right above where her heart would be. Instead of a heart, she had a crystal embedded in the back of her abdominal cavity, pulsing with a dingy gray light. "This is what I needed to show you."

Seeing this was tough. Seeing this without showing off a totally disgusted grimace was even tougher. The only thing the hunter could do was to try and not do just that. When the crystal appeared, it was more of a relief than anything else: A rotting, beating heart dangling in an artificial cavity looked more displeasant in Andri's imaginations than a piece of anorganic, though obviously magic piece of matter emitting light.

The assassin became curious and bent down a bit to inspect it more closely. "May I ask what this is ?"

"This is my soul crystal. My mind, my soul, everything that makes me... me. Making one is part and parcel of becoming a lich, but it needs to be kept secret and safe. If anything happened to it, well."

Rebecca shook a kink out of her shoulders. "I needed a hiding place for it, and there was one place I knew nobody would ever look. Andri, I want you to swear something to me. Swear that if my body is damaged beyond what the healers can repair, you will take that soul crystal and shatter it."

This explanation was more than a bit beyond what Andri had expected. It took him a noticeable while to realize what the lich was telling him, or more, what Rebecca was asking him.

"How can such a vow be done ?" Of course he knew how to swear something, but he didn't know if the rules or ordinary humans were still applicable among witches. Aside from that, there were questions building up. A lot. "And how to shatter it ? I'm sorry, but I must ask this beforehand. Does it require any special procedure ? If yes, don't tell me. So I won't be able to do it entirely on my own so easy."

"Andri, I am trusting you, quite literally, with my life. You could have attacked me that day we first met in Seren's Folly, when I was desperate for aid. Instead, you listened to me. You helped me save my coven from tearing itself to shreds. Your word is enough for me. And you don't need anything special to do it. Just take a hammer and give it a big whack."

The lich grimaced at the thought of Andri attacking her. Without undead minions to guard her, the little waif would never be able to stop him. "I- I can't stay here as half a body, Andri. And I know I'm going to the pit. Heaven has no place for someone who has profaned nature like I have. So I shall have no afterlife at all. No heaven, and no hell, just the endless darkness. I just want you to understand what I am asking you to do, when and if it should be needed."

"I... see your point." Somehow he felt that this wording was inappropriate, but it was the best he could come up with. Rebecca's face was contorting and he wondered why until she continued speaking. "You know you're going to the pit ? How ? I don't know much about magic, but you didn't create it. It was there as a part of nature since the very first day. So how can nature profane itself ? This doesn't seem fair." Deep inside him however the admission started to spread that nature was, or at least appeared to be unfair, very often.

There was a pause of several seconds during which Andri was just looking at the lich. "I accept the commitment."

"There's a reason necromancy is frowned upon, even among witches. The very idea of bringing the dead back to life disturbs many, and playing with spirits rips apart one's sanity far more often than not. Life becomes death, and death stays itself. To make death become life. That's the profanity and perversion I was talking about."

Rebecca smiled. "You're right. It isn't fair that I was born with the powers that I have, that I am punished for using them. But if it is a choice between using them for good or not using them at all; that's no decision at all for me."

Andri had been about to ask just why she had chosen this type of magic when Rebecca answered the question herself. It made things just look even more unfair. So far, Rebecca had proven not to be a bad witch.

"Isn't there some sort of way around this ? Could you not just ask if someone would be willing to offer his or her body for the greater good voluntarily after he has died ? This might sound strange, but... that's how it is done in the world I come from. Examining dead bodies is considered desecration, but not if the dead agreed to it when he was living."

"That might work. But the battle is coming soon, Andri, and like I said, even here, necromancy is considered especially blasphemous. There might be someone who would agree, but personally, I doubt it." Rebecca reached for a needle to start sewing her chest up again. "Besides, I've seen things both more wonderful and more terrible in my few years on this earth than I ever thought I would. I've lived my life the best I could. If I am to end, I'm content with that."

The giant sighed. He had a glimpse of an idea about what to say, but it was far from potent enough to form a real answer. However, as he saw Rebecca sealing off the crystal again, another thing struck his mind. "Wait a minute... is it possible to temporarily detach the crystal from your physical body ? There's someone in this castle who might help making it less fragile on the battlefield..." He was thinking about Lenny. A small metal box around it, with a thick internal lining consisting of cloth. Perhaps with a lock on it so he could open it in case the time would come for him to have to fulfill his vow - something that hopefully would never occur.

"Yes. It is possible, but I won't be able to manipulate my body well, and I cannot see or hear. If you hold it, though, I can communicate with your mind. Have you ever seen one of those children's shows, with the puppets on strings? It would be something like that." A curious eyebrow raised almost all the way to Rebecca's hairlines. "Why, what are you thinking of?"

"I'm thinking about an arrow, a dagger or a small sword easily being able to penetrate your skin and, if not outright destroying the crystal, chipping it. I don't want you to partially leave this plane. If the blacksmith I've got this armor from is as competent in realizing my idea of small casing for your crystal as he was in realizing this piece of Nightstalker hide, you won't have to be deprived of your senses for long until you have at least some additional protection for it."

"So, like a suit of armor or something? An excellent idea! It will need an opening in the back so the crystal can still be fixed to my flesh for proper control, but I've still got my ribs back there." The little lich wore an ear to ear grin. "Is there anything I can do to repay you, Andri?"

"I have not done much, but..." He started thinking, a process which was quite obvious. "Perhaps there's something that you can inject into my mouth that will get me repaired after I've emptied the castle's liquor supply again. I have a bad habit... I think we can sell the short delay we will have to make for visiting Lenny and adding this thing to his to-do-list towards Liz as improving combat efficiency or the like."

Rebecca giggled. "Yes, I've seen you drink. It's... awe-inspiring. I think I have a recipe for an anti-hangover potion somewhere. It just needs to simmer for a couple hours, so don't go on a spree today. Tomorrow's fine, though."

With that, Rebecca lifted herself off the bed. "Shall we?"

"We both have to head out soon. I can't allow myself to get intoxicated today, or basically any of the days to come - yet my desire for doing so appears to be greater than ever, given the situation we're in..."

The assassin was rising to his full height again which got him dangerously close to the ceiling. "Yep, let's go. I think I can remember the way..."

"I haven't been down here yet. I take it this where Medusa keeps the thralls and undesirables?" A little shiver slipped through Rebecca's arms. The darkness and damp were uncomfortable. "Who is this guy? Some dwarf Medusa managed to coerce into working for her?"

From a certain point onwards, it really wasn't hard to get a hunch on where to go now in order to locate Lenny. Did he ever stop his metalworking ? When Rebecca suspected him being some sort of dwarf, Andri had to chuckle. "No... put the dwarf in the denominator and do the math, then you know what he is. Lenny is the far opposite of a dwarf, but see yourself." With these words, he pulled open the gate to his workspace.

"Lenny ?" he shouted, trying to drown out Lenny's hammer. "Rebecca and I have a small request for you."

"No, he's definitely not a dwarf." Rebecca craned her neck upwards to see Lenny's face. "So, you're Lenny. I'm Rebecca. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Lenny turned toward the comparatively demure pair. "So Lenny's me'name huh? Lorelai tore it from me when she enslaved me, 'tis a fine name I suppose." The room shook with his chuckles. "Well met Rebecca, and good ta see ya again Andri."

"I ain't seen a lich in ages... or was that ever." The giant was lost in thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "No matter, this can't be anythin' but interestin' right? What can I do for ya?"

"You've already hit the nail, Lenny." Andri replied. "I had the idea of a small casing for protecting her phylactery. It would have to be... attachable... to..." He looked at Rebecca, his eyes telling her that he needed assistance with the details of the specification.

"It needs to stick to the back of my ribs, and have an opening in the back so the crystal can properly interact with the flesh." Rebecca shuffled forward and opened her chest. "I've got it in here. You can see the spot it has to fit in, so that should give you an idea of the dimensions."

"Oi, I can do that for ya. 'Course, I dunno why you don't get yerself a golem body. Provided your phylactery is detachable." Lenny mused as he stooped to examine the strange crystal. It was tiny, especially to his immense sensibilities. Little more than a human thumb of a white crystal, opal-esque in hue, with a queer, gray radiance. "Looks like ya got plenty o' space in there. I should be able to work somethin up. Unless you'd like me to forge ya a new body, of flame and steel. Might be more reliable that the fragile human vessel."

"Fragile it may be, but I've grown attached to it over the years." Rebecca laid down on a table, allowing Lenny easy access to her chest. "Now, don't get any ideas, Khan." She took the crystal out of her body, and her eyes glazed over as her flesh went still.

What ideas should I have ? Sex with Rebecca in front of Lenny ? I'd never do that...
No khan. I would never do that. You would, but you can't! Andri responded, putting some delight into the "can't". He stood a few steps away from her and watched the scene with a lot of interest. "It needs some soft material in it too in order to dampen any shocks." he added, not being sure if Lenny already was aware of that. He probably was.

"Oi," The giant nodded. "And light enough not ta cause to much loss in mobility too. A job fer mithril me'thinks."

He plucked the crystal from Rebecca's still hand gingerly. "I've got this handled, Andri." He smiled at the man. "Why don't ya find somethin' to do while I work? Should be done in a day or so."

"I've visiting Triss on my schedule. And then... going to work." There was significantly less enthusiasm in his latter few words. Before leaving, he turned towards Rebecca. "I hope the thing will make you happy. Don't forget that anti-intoxication potion." he grinned, not meaning it seriously.


"You seem fascinated." Madawc asked Xavier. The demon had noticed the stare in his eyes towards the persons and caravans that were accompanying them. He himself felt nothing special for them. His own youth had been a very uneventful thing that had taken place in a small village, far away from any place where a circus would go. And then the demon had come on that battlefield where he had fought. From then on he had had other things to worry - or not worry - about in his life. However, that didn't mean that he could not understand the word 'amusement' anymore. "We could visit a circus, if you want."
Asmund Gjanarsson

Apartment 305 was a spacious thing to have. There was a large window on one side, a number of small lamps hidden behind decorative, opal glass mounted along the walls, the door on the other side and - most important of all - a high ceiling. Aside from that, Asmund had found it holding nothing but void. There was no trace whatsoever of a roommate. This was unusual, but if numbers were uneven, someone had to pick it. It meant that he wouldn't have someone to talk to when he felt lonely and didn't want to go out. On the other hand, it also meant that he would have the whole room for himself.

The gifted was looking at himself via a huge mirror that featured a massive frame plated with silver that was leaning against the wall. It was ornate and gave the impression of being really old, maybe antique, but its owner knew it wasn't that valuable. Yet it was in better shape than the clothing of the man it was reflecting. Asmund's white shirt was clean, but he couldn't deny the fact that it was worn out and had become thin. The same thing went for his black shorts. Much to his excuse, it had to be said that it was difficult and expensive to get clothing for someone who was close to nine feet and had arms thicker than most men's thighs.

He turned around, inspecting the mess he had filled the once empty room with: The mirror, a cabinet that seemed to stem from the same era, a large, baroque writing table and a set of two chairs that perfectly fit to it. They were meant for visitors, for himself he had brought an enlarged, reinforced version that failed to completely mimic the style of the others. The bed was standing close to the window, and seeing this he asked himself if he should rearrange things and tidy up or just pick the other option: Do nothing and start living with things as they were until you got so used to them that the desire to rearrange and clean up would finally subside.

He decided for the latter and left 305, locking the door behind him. This morning's sun was just too attractive for not going out. Unbeknown to him, his slow trip through the gardens around the lake led him closer and closer to Laurel's location. Asmund's walk was the far opposite of her silence, his shoes were like ships flattening a lot of grass and grinding the ground below it with each step he made.
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