Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

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For a brief moment it appeared that the gargoyle had not noticed that the small man he had tried to save from the bitter cold had died. When Vaughtar did however, his eyes opened widely within a single moment. He launched the body into the air as if hit by an invisible, but large and very pointy needle in his giant back. A dead body lying on his breast! Everyone knew that things started rotting the moment they died! Well... yes... he had killed one or two snabbits my crushing them, but these things had lived at the moment of impact and most of their material had fallen off of him immediately. With disgust written on his face, Vaughtar rolled to the side while the body was in the air. Unfortunately though he hadn't taken into account all the things that lay in the path of his evasive maneuver before actually initiating it...

With a loud bang, the gargoyle slammed against the stone altar. Snow that still happened to hang over its edges fell off and given the loud noise, worries about the altar's base having been damaged were probably not too far away. Now the dead man returned to the ground, resuling in another barrage of cracking noises.

Vaughtar looked around: Shanon, Dimitri, the other operatives... What did they have to think now of him ? The thought occupied him so much that he didn't even notice the marines' ongoing quarrel. He was quite a bit afraid and there wasn't much of an effort he put into his voice in order to conceal this. "Oh dear... I've screwed up, haven't I ?"
The majority of the public session proved itself to be even more boring than Hatuum's anxiety had anticipated. Political discussions of the kind that was going on would not net him any new contract. What had he expected however ? A mercenary's life was no bed of roses, so what should an assassin's life be ? Yet the situation started to become more and more boring at an alarming rate.

The unnaturally pale man started to spend an increasing portion of his time on tasks other than paying attention to the words spoken down there. He heard the large entrance gates open and close multiple times and on almost every occasion, Hatuum turned his head around to look who's coming. Only very few were of real interest for him though - one of them being Amiartys. It had rather not been the man himself that had attracted Hatuum's attention, but the fact that he had gathered five guards around him - and... a boy ? Why would anyone bring a young kid in here ? Hatuum found his words rather erratic and being a clear indication of inexperience. However on the other hand there was some implication behind the mere circumstance that someone who appeared to be as important or at least well-situated like Amiartys was actually willing to have such a person around himself.

Hatuum was on his way making the decision to get up and approach him in a casual manner, but shortly before he was able to finalize his thoughts, things changed down where the elder was talking. So... Germans. He smirked. Why were historians still bothering about taking notes of their malicious activity ? Wouldn't it save a lot of parchment and memory if one started to mention peaceful times only ? His own life hardly covered any timespan worth being mentioned from a vampire's perspective, but he roughly knew what had happened over the course of the late last century. The question was... Was he willing to engage himself in open combat against them ? The thing was bound to earn him something, but it would be quite off his usual approach as well.

Hatuum decided to defer his decision. The issue would not run away from him. Most likely not even the ongoing debate would do since these were prone to last long. The man who many considered to be some sort of strange monster got up sluggishly, turned around and went up the stairs taking several of them at once with each step he made. The mercenary Amiartys was dead ahead and was now approached by him. Hatuum wasn't sure about what to say, but everything would be better than sitting around there and doing... nothing... until things cleared up.

"Hello there."
Continue making my character sheet ? You're confusing me...
Hold on, may I get up another post? I need to show what Alenios did during the siege of Prague via a memory.

You want me to wait ?
I hope I can get something up today.
Vekyzz looked at his hand and looked back up to see the animal run away at blazing speed. Then he focused in on his hand again just to recognize how bruised it had become in these fractions of a second. And then he looked back up to check for the horse again, but only to see the blue... whatever it was... again. Then the human he had just smashed to the ground put himself back into action by presenting Vekyzz the most sneering grin the demon had seen in weeks. He wasn't amused at all.

Wasn't somebody waving at him ? Grumbling and baring his teeth, Vekyzz stepped away from the man without looking back. He had to concentrate in order to locate the loud (and somewhat annoying) noise in the middle of the mess this 'parking area' was. Only a considerable number of seconds later Baxxink finally came into the demon's view and he adjusted his course.

"What's this ? A nutshell ? Couldn't you have picked something even smaller ?" Vekyzz volleyed his personal criticism towards the small goblin. The problem was that using a certain tone or wording too often could lead to others becoming resistant against it. This held true especially for friends - and such they were at least. The coach developed a massive list when Vekyzz placed himself next to the goblin. The demon was emitting a significant amount of warmth despite the fact that he'd hardly engaged physically. "I suggest we go." Of course this wasn't their couch, or was it ?
*waiting for the cloud of dust to shoot out from the dead guy when Vaughter squishes him

It seems that condition 1 (dead guy) is now fulfilled. However, unfortunately, I have to squeeze in another precondition before proceeding to the Vaughtar-panicks-because-he-suddenly-realizes-he's-trying-to-warm-a-corpse scene, and that is me not being ill anymore. Was bound to bed for the last two days and I'm only slowly picking up my pace again :(

Can't wait until Dimitri makes him totally drunk :o
Valeria was a wasteful place. Perhaps Gold-Notch-Alley wasn't the most appropriate place for getting an unbiased impression of the great city, but domes of noble metal visible up the mountain were reason enough to start thinking: Wouldn't the world, erm, Nocturne, be a bit of a better place if wealth would be a bit less concentrated ? It was an inherently unstable system that made it easier for those to accumulate more who already had much of it.

At least that was what Hatuum thought as he was walking along the streets. He wore a black dyed, thick and woolen cloak that reached from his shoulders down to almost his feet and was held in place by a no less black girdle spanning tightly around his huge waist. His hair of medium length was combed left and right, forming a neat parting in the middle. That would have to suffice for getting into the Council chambers. Since Valeria was basically on Hatuum's way back to the western provinces attending a public hearing couldn't hurt, could it ? Not that he was interesting in the palaver going on in there. It was the early acquired knowledge that words and official threats were not the only way a political dispute could be won. The fact of it being an open session would also mean that a lot of other rich and influential persons would be present. He could act as a silent lobbyist for himself by picking the right, subtle hints. Or, which was not that unlikely, just by getting recognized by someone with the right interests.

Hatuum felt the constant pressure of eyes staring at him from behind. Some people stepped sideways as he approached them, some others just stood there and turned their heads as he evaded them. It certainly was no new phenomenon, but he still felt better the moment the large doors closed behind him. Now where to sit ? In search for an adequate position, the man squeezed himself through the already rather densely packed crowd. Several persons grumbled as he temporarily blocked their vision, but he finally found a place where he wouldn't do so permanently - there just wasn't anyone around him. Still the bench gave a cracking noise when Hatuum sat down, his knees being situated so much higher than his bottom that he could rest his arms and head on them without bending too much.

He stared down towards Amelia. Seeing an Elder was a very rare sight for him.
@Eviledd1984 Madawc sighed and waved his hand in some sort of half-hearted apology. "Sorry... I'm just a bit sensitive today..." Of course it was a lie - he was always quite sensitive, but who was the king that he needed to know ? He tried out the next mount with the same result as before. "Don't you have anything stronger ?"

"What are you doing ?" Madawc got pretty annoyed by the workers trying to lend him a helping hand when mounting. It was completely unnecessary from his point of view. "Do you think I'm not able to get up there myself ? Do you want to see how strong and physically able I am ?" His words were directed partly at the workers themselves, but also partly at the king. After all he was the man who had the authority to give undeniable instructions here.
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