Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current You gotta beat the cycle with simultaneity: Write a collab about how the world of your RP shall look like. The cycle should make you run at 300% effectivity then.
23 days ago
There are indications of probable impending mass layoffs at the company I work for, or alternatively significant work time reduction. Let's see if I still have a job and can pay my bills soon.
28 days ago
If the cost of dying goes up to the point I can't afford it anymore, does this make me immortal ? And if I can't afford the cost of living either, do I turn undead ?
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29 days ago
Why not create one of your own, Poo ? Is this something only ordinary users are allowed to ? ;)
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1 mo ago
Can anybody confirm that the font (or its size) used for the tags beneath interest checks and roleplays has slightly changed ? I hope it's not just my eyes ;-)
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Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

I do not have any random facts for you. All properties that my existence is comprised of are causally deterministic.

Wait... There is quantum mechanics.
So far all information Manald had got about what they were going to face were Orcs, so the appearance of goblins had come quite a bit as a surprise. However the lycanthrope had soon found himself less worried about the petty, ugly looking fighters and much more about what kind of creature they were riding on: wolves. It had hurt to see those wonderful beasts being abused by these dirty, pesky little things with all of their miserable intentions, but the prospect of having to kill them had done so even more.

Or did he ? For what had been a fraction of a second in reality, but what had felt like a cruel series of moments, Manald had considered not steering his horse into the direction of the harrased caravan. In the heat of battle there would have been plenty of ways to explain his way out into pretty much any direction he wanted, but in the end it would still have been disobedience even if only a harmless one due to the fact that there would have been more then enough cavalry men left to deal with the goblin threat. As he had pushed the best possible speed out of his horse in order to keep up with the others, Manald had considered alternative options.

What he had ended up with was an attempt. The first thing that had come from him and which had hurt the goblins had neither been his mace nor his shield, but his voice. A scream that had made those riding next to him wince in their saddles, one even almost falling off his horse. An outburst of unintelligible gibberish that made no sense to an untrained human ear, but which told a message to any wolf listening: I am the alpha male, the leader of the pack. Obey me.

Unfortunately a battleground being littered with blood at an astonishing rate was anything but ideal terrain for even a wolf to pick up the distinct scent coming of Manald that would have given some proof to his claim. It had seemed to work on the nearest goblin, his mount stopping so abruptly that its rider was jettisoned into a forward direction, only to be crushed beneath the hooves of Manald's horse as he was charging in. He could have transformed, thereby greatly amplifying his strength before repeating the shout, but having done so while there had been fighting all around him would have posed too much of a danger. So the lycanthrope had fought on by conventional means, which in his case meant broken skulls and crushd ribcages with priority given towards the goblins and not the wolves.

By the time he rode into the city at a slow trot his horse was done. Not only looked it as if it was on the verge of collapsing, but one could also clearly see that Manald preferred using his right hand for holding his weapon... It simply was the side covered in the larger amount of spattered blood and other remains one wouldn't want to identify. Both it and its rider were in obvious need for a decent wash. Manald handed over his mount to the very next person he believed could do the job for him, then attended to himself for a proper cleanup before all of the blood would have dried and become one ugly mess of a crust.

While his leaders appeared to be discussing things on their own and several pounds of water were still clinging to his now tidy fur, Manald took an investigative stroll through the city. Now that the cannons were silent it was a good moment to take a curious look at them himself. They had to be fascinating pieces of craftsmanship, but the wolf also wondered about the toll the siege so far must have taken on their stock of ammunitions. He had enough experience to know that hauling big weaponry over long distance and on short notice like it had happened here was enough of a challenge by itself. Doing so with a large stock of projectiles was another. Hopefully they had thought about the latter as well...

Also, while the Orcs and Goblins didn't have cannons, they still could have fire. A spark finding its way into the stockpile of propellant for these things might blast a hole in the city wall faster than any catapult or ram could do.
Cannons ? Oh what brutal instruments of death those dwarves could develop! Death for his sensitive lycanthropic hearing that was... If he found the sound of those things deafing while still a fair bit way of them what would happen once they'd be next to them ? It was not a bright outlook Manald found, but hopefully those things would do more damage to their enemies than they did to their own troops. One could never know for sure with such inventions...

When Manald heard Leonidas giving the order that involved him in leading the cavalry units he knew what to do: Make preparations. He needed not only to retrieve his shield and weapon from his tent, but also his second armor that was more suited to his alter ego -- the one that only came out on rather rare occasions and for a rather short amount of time. Five minutes was not much time for grabbing all things, putting those needed immediately on, then walking back through an entire camp of people all doing the same thing at the same time to the stables and getting one's mount ready.

Still Manald was not in the mood for shoving aside those not making way for him, even in the hurry given. It was important to treat people with at least a certain degree of respect or bad things would come crashing down upon oneself one day. So what everybody caring to look would be able to see was Manald getting his fur dirty as he compensated for any necessary evasive maneuver by walking even faster, thereby transporting a fair degree of mud from his feet to other regions of his body.

He barely made it in time, making his appearance in the makeshift stables while breathing considerably heavier then before. "Leonidas ? I hope your majesty is aware of the fact that horses and I are not best friends." He knew what he was talking about. Horses were sensitive beings and felt that there was something very, very predatory in Manald even if it was not directed at them in any way. And then there was the fact that the wolf-man was just very bloody heavy.
Arden sighed, not very intensively but sitll enough for anyone in his vicinity to notice. All that week long of meandering through the density of the woods and all they'd end up with would be a stay in the stable. If the Skayleigh was honest to himself he wasn't sure if he should be surprised about the local tavern already having so many guests or not: On one hand Berute, with its at best mediocre looking farmland and rocks that probably did not hide any precious minerals, did not seem like anyone's dream come true. On the other hand if one's stomach was just as empty as one's waterskin and belt pouch pretty much any settlement was welcome. Still... there had to be something about this calm village which kept it going well, but which at least he had not yet figured out.

Arden darted a glance towards his companion, trying to read the small woman's thoughts just by looking at her face only to discover once again that he was no good at it. Then he made the decision he thought she'd agree with: "We'll take the barn. Are there any distinct times when food is served or are things handled one a basis of come and get it ?" the Skayleigh replied to the raven-haired local with a friendly, but dark voice. He tried to look at it from the plus side of things: The barn was for free -- and given that he had a horse that was in need of some kind of stay as well he could look at their sleeping place this night as some kind of permanent watch over one of his more valuable possessions in an unfamiliar environment. A fresh stack of hay couldn't be any more uncomfortable or dirtier than the bare forest floor, could it ?

In the meantime, the events to his rear did not entirely slip past Arden's attention. That harsh tone gave him a hint about the species of those behind him even before a quick turn of his head could provide any visual confirmation: Dwarves... definitely not his favorites, but even if they'd have demanded for the melody to stop by kneeling in front of the elf and kissing his feet: the demand itself just was utterly wrong! If the elf would pay brief attention to Arden's presence he'd be able to notice a brief occurrence of commiseration in the Skayleigh's facial expression before the latter directed his attention back towards the tavern's owner. Seeing the workers had given him an urgent reminder about another pouch being close to empty -- the one containing the little remainder of his money.

"Excuse me if this request might appear a little... direct, but do you know of any work for our kind ? Like some kind of seasonal work or such ? Pretty much anything that comes to your mind ?" Mercenary stuff was not what Arden would like to do most at the moment, but a realistic onlook on reality dictated that such was to be expected more often than not.
Manald was not amused. In his mindset, 'varying reports' was a quite shameless euphemism for one's system of intelligence having either broken down or been successfully deceived by the enemy. It shouldn't be that hard to keep track of a horde of Orcs marching straight for one of the more important settlements humanity had, should it ? Being outnumbered was one thing, but not even knowing whether it would be one to four or one to twenty if one only counted the soldiers around the prince himself was another.

Setting up camp here was a gamble. If it had been his own decision he had not stopped just 5 miles before the destination after days of marching, but pushed the troops harder so they would have arrived earlier, reducing the enemy's chances to do so before them. The big downside of this idea ? The possibility that the Orcs might already have reached the city even before that, resulting in 50 soldiers who had not been given any opportunity to rest running right into them. Manald could have made an argument out of that, but he held himself back. In his opinion they all had been thrown into a situation that had already been a dilemma, caused by others. He'd really liked to have a serious word with Leonidas' master of spies instead...

As the beastman meandered around the camp at a sluggish pace he could almost feel many of the soldiers turn their heads towards him behind his back. At least some of those had to be new people, not part of the gang that knew him already. Another item on today's negative list... just knowing that the men around oneself were good was much better than merely hoping for it. And then he heard the splashing sound of someone falling into the mud. Or, given the intensity of the noise, maybe one should even say 'having been dumped into it' ?

Out of sheer curiosity, Manald took the detour around the bunch of tents to investigate. What he saw made him cross his paws in front of his enormous chest: "Already starting the fighting before the fight, are we ? The lycan chuckled.
Needs stress relief
First of all I have to apologize for the delay in my character's creation. I hope it's okay ?

I have height vertigo (not to be confused with fear of heights).

As a child I had allergies against a large nummber of plants and other substances that made me suffocate without medication. Today I hardly have any allergies left, never did anything against it and just waited.
I'm quite intrigued by this and am wondering if there's still room for another applicant ?

If so I'd like to ask what kind of beasts a beastman can be aligned with: Are it 'only' real-world animals such like cats, dogs, bears etc.. or do some of the more fantastical species of this setting come in question as well ?
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