Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current You gotta beat the cycle with simultaneity: Write a collab about how the world of your RP shall look like. The cycle should make you run at 300% effectivity then.
20 days ago
There are indications of probable impending mass layoffs at the company I work for, or alternatively significant work time reduction. Let's see if I still have a job and can pay my bills soon.
26 days ago
If the cost of dying goes up to the point I can't afford it anymore, does this make me immortal ? And if I can't afford the cost of living either, do I turn undead ?
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26 days ago
Why not create one of your own, Poo ? Is this something only ordinary users are allowed to ? ;)
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1 mo ago
Can anybody confirm that the font (or its size) used for the tags beneath interest checks and roleplays has slightly changed ? I hope it's not just my eyes ;-)
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Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

You dwarvinist! :)
I have a couple of questions regarding the 'Tree Walk':

- Is it an ability so innate to every individual that one can do it perfectly from scratch or does it require extensive training?
- Is the illusion stationary or can one move with it?
- Is it only optical or does it involve other senses as well to some degree, such as touch for example?
- How long does it last at best?

Also... I read that comment about Dwarves being the best fantasy race in another OOC. How dare you!
@Greenie@Lauder Both are accepted! Just make sure you take out any GM's notes from me like
<Snipped quote>

Also Greenie, since your girl is a Ra'sheek, but she was in the north, let's say she fled north but was captured, since the land they live in is southeast of the Blood Coast.

Thanks for all the posts everyone! My next 3 posts are relatively well thought out and static, but true to the Grimdarkness of this RP, just keep in mind that once I post my next update, you'll have to make a decision that could lead to one of your deaths by the post after. Just FYI.

According to Faeril's plan Lorcan will be in the lead and everyone follows him in order to hide. Or in other words: I will have to post first and make a decision that can lead to Everyone's death.

Finally I have a cool job!
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

Faeril, foiled by his own density again!

Unless Lorcan would be stupid enough to set a foot onto his own trap I guess :)
For the last couple of minutes, or rather for as long as the 'debate' between Solange and Nora had unfolded, Skarsat had done nothing but to remain on his seat and to continue eating. Nora's unexpected appearance, her orders and the fact that Solange had managed to suck the poor woman into yet another bloody mess of her making had actually saved Solange from a quite sudden and ferocious reaction of the Tork man, but demoted the latter to the role of a mere observer. A three-front war was going on in his mind, all participants being different parts and schools of thinking of himself.

The first was the rational one: He had been given a clear instruction to wake up the others, so he should obey so not to make a bad first impression and to prove helpful for the party overall. Also, given how Nora had cornered Solange on a chair and her facial expression, it seemed that she was already getting things under control and would give that other woman a lecture well deserved.

The second was the curious one: Solange had done more things wrong in a matter of minutes than he could ever have imagined previously, so what would come next ? That part wanted to stay, even if that would mean having to eat even more than the flabbergasting amount he already had just to have some kind of pretense. Solange was just bound to screw things up even more and in some way it was so ridiculous it was even funny!

The third one was responsible for rage: It wanted to do the exact same thing as the second one, but not out of curiosity and a good laugh but because it hoped that Solange would turn her attention back towards him and just give that one, absolutely blatant, unmistakable, perfect reason for him to jump onto the table, run at and jump at her like a wild beast and ruin more than just this morning's hairstyle of hers!

Unfortunately none of those three parts had shown any sign of winning the conflict. On the contrary: none had achieved even the slightest bit of a goal so far! He was still sitting here and waiting for his very own decision making...


In a bold move, the rational part forged an uneasy alliance with rage: Maybe Nora would give Solange the lesson she derserved, but it would be Nora's lesson! So where was his lesson ? Could he really rely on Nora doing the dirty work for him and tell Solange that she had done wrong to him as well ? No, of course not! And if things went according to rage this Neh’miah would not need a personalized wakeup call after some special kind of Solange lesson anyway!

Skarsat got up and approached the two women, coming so close that probably at least Nora could feel the floorboards buckle beneath a pair of Tork feet. He looked down at Solange and some minor parts of his face twitched. Then the giant lowered himself so he could look her in the eyes more easily, letting go of a prolonged, albeit artificial, sigh. He folded his hands in front of his face and rubbed his nose. Like said... it was an uneasy alliance between rational and rage...

"Solange..." he started, rather calm at first. "So you think that handing someone a plate full of food because he asked for it equals 'feeding' that someone ? Or how did you suddenly get to this 'Shut up and feed me ?' thing." Quoting her, Skarsat also tried to mimic the voice of her words, but not without adding a lot of bitterness and personal disgust to his attempt. "Or, more generally asking... exactly what part of my drinking and chewing made you believe that I or anyone else in this room had actual interest in hearing your bedroom stories of personal superiority ?"

And now rage backstabbed the rational and took over, immediately commanding Skarsat's right hand to try and hit Solange's cheek hard while his left hand was given the order to approach her head from the other side to prevent her from just escaping in that direction. However even before he could see whether he'd hit her or miss her his speech continued. Now much, much louder:

"When we're in trouble, you run out of arrows and shout to me to hand you my quiver, will I then afterwards also just be one more petty man in the life of the great Solange who begged you to lie about the size of the thing between his legs ? You sound like you're the pinnacle of the world yet so far you've only spread doubt about your actual usefulness!

Oh and before your crazy mind even dares to think about it: You will never 'feed' me! Not with a spoon and not with your breast if that's what you're imagining! Your milk is spoiled by your arrogance!"
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

That's the beauty of it, Lorcan will be in the lead so we just follow his movements no matter what he does! No convincing required!

Did you hear of that secret Skayleigh technology ? It's called 'big hole with pointy poles at the bottom of it and covered by branches that only break upon 250 pounds or more of pressure'.

Should be safe for the party, except for Faeril!

Now all you gotta do is convince Lorcan of this plan!
There was a not so uncommon rumor that Skayleigh would meet Burrowfolk with disdain, but if things had gone Lorcan's way that kind of talk would have met firm resistance many years ago already. In his opinion hardly anything could be further from the truth and the only thing that kept this kind of malicious rumors alive had to be stubborn people with ossified brains that really thought that a massive height difference alone could make a deal.

The 'princess' however now started really not to impress him. Her being in the circus ring alongside him and them battling through arranged arguments full of foul speech so to entertain the audience was a fun imagination. Them drinking together backstage afterwards was even more so. Right now however that circus was a very long way away and, given their overall situation, the Skayleigh couldn't help but expect at least some tiny bit of decency from everyone. It was an expectation the tiniest member of them all had failed to meet at this point!

Luckily though the others appeared to be a less troublesome, though quite rough bunch. Who could blame them for that after this week of hell alone though ? Lorcan did not, at least not so far. He just once more reminded himself to be a tad careful when it came to people like Faeril. Had the dwarf noticed his stares ? Also there was no way to determine whether the human, Raddek, actually did know something about this region or just wanted to make himself appear important. They were quite a bit in the same boat though, so why should he talk absolute shit ?

Ultimately Lorcan convinced himself to follow suit without asking questions, but taking the time to obtain a wooden stick himself. To his misfortune the Skayleigh knew that in terms of an undetected approach he was a worst case, so he tried his best to... stay as low as possible. He also felt a bit of an uneasy tension raising: Just how likely was it to be released as an anonymous prisoner at a seemingly arbitrary location and to encounter a threat like the one he was thinking about within moments ? The idea of this being an elaborate trap appeared anything but far-fetched.

Lorcan ultimately found his own way of relieving some of his stress, even though he did it in a very low tone so not to betray their position earlier than his footsteps would. Thinking of poems and rhymes had always helped him a little in such tense situations and this party had made it pretty easy so far to find a subject:

So there she was, the princess
she'd just got off the wagon!
Her scent a big fat bloody mess,
so find a perfume flacon!

Her hands could almost touch her feet,
she didn't know she was a stub!
So to make a meet and greet,
she bowed into the mud!

Talk of wooden sticks and rotten dicks,
foul words there were with every breath!
Yet those around her were no lunatics,
so could she see impending death ?

Poor Skayleigh wants back north,
it must feel like ascension.
The Caelic Isles and so forth,
that's a whole other dimension!

Hopefully his tone also was low enough so a very distinct individual wouldn't hear it all too easily...
Why am I thinking of that Jurassic Park scene with the T-Rex eating the goat as a whole? Doesn't leave as much behind as chewing it, and with its jaws such a beast could pick up a body from the ground, too...

Just in case we don't manage to club our potential predator to death using nothing but manacles I'm thinking a roll on taming could be a last ditch option
I think we got an engineer in the party, so here's my suggestion: Let's take the key with us, so then upon encountering a more formidable foe, we can combine the five shackles into a chain by interlocking them with each other. Attached to one of the wooden clubs this could serve as a makeshift flail.

Maybe we could also combine them into a bola to throw at and immobilize an animal. If then we encountered some wild horses...

*mumble muble mumble, just imagine some additional useless trash talk here*
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