Manald Halung
Manald could feel a weird sensation crawling up first along the lines of his lower arm, then through his upper arm and shoulder before it started to disperse along his body and, to his fortune, became less and less noticeable. The lycanthrope hoped for it to be nothing but an imagined side effect of the poison, but it could very well be otherwise and now that stuff would be floating around in his blood for who knew how long! What would it cause ? He could not know. Manald could only hope and pay attention to the signals of his own body for the next hours and maybe even days to come.
After all, at this point, the beastman was still completely oblivious to the fact that the prince himself had fallen victim to the assassins and thus had no reference for their poison's effects. He did have a reference for one of the assassins themselves though and knew what he wanted to do with the nasty, hideous man.
And that definitely was not to bite into his body and having to maintain a delicate act of balance between enough force to drag him along and enough gentleness not to eat right through him! Manald was a lycanthrope, not a cat! And this wannabe killer was not his kitten that needed to be carried along in a very cat-like way! Aside from that Manald's jaws were quite a tad smaller than Merik's, at least while not in his true werewolf shape. The latter on the other hand would not have been appropriate for a task like this... there was no need to frighten the cities inhabitants in the middle of the night.
So the assassin whose name Manald never felt the need to ask for was inspected thoroughly. He had little hesitation to not only look through the man's pockets and let his hands pat along his clothes, but to also use his nose and sniff along his skin. No more poison to be smelled, just the clear signs of growing anxiety. But anxious for what reason ? Manald's infernal vice grip was probably harmless compared to what could come in the castle they were now headed for!
And, to Manald's slight surprise, they did not encounter the broken apart remains of Merik's cargo because the latter had failed to control his jaws with enough delicacy. Dragging the assassin along behind him, the beastman walked towards one of the guards.
"Would you mind taking care of his individual ? He's tried to killed me and has poisoned me. Don't worry... the only weapon he has left is his piss!"