Lorcan saw, but he did not like what he saw: From the perspective of the opposing leader it probably was perfectly reasonable to send not one, but two of his men to investigate the turmoil the Skayleigh had created. From the latter's perspective however comitting two individuals was very borderline to what he felt could be handled. On the plus side it meant that the others would have to deal with less.
Lorcan's view focused on the men as they were approaching, the corner of the halfway ruined building they had just come around still behind their backs. His grip tightened around his shackles as if that would make them a more proper weapon, but of course they remained exactly the cold lump of metal they were. He'd have to press them into service as a tool for skull bashing anyway. Tension inside him only increased, but still the oddity of him just standing there and watching the two men while they still were completely oblivious of his presence was palpable. Had he ever used the tree shape for this kind of move before ?
The two men were thugs who, judging by their visual appearance, might not have been the most clever ones. Unfortunately they didn't seem to be the most visually interested beings either for they didn't keep looking at Emmaline's curves, but started their search instead and so even with haste. Lorcan could hear complaints about prisoners being executed with them being unable to watch. What a miserable bunch of petty idiots!
The Skayleigh had to pick a target without even having the possibility to silently exchange some glances with Rey as no matter how intensively he stared at the man, Rey would only see a tree! So without any exchange of information and coordination he decided to go for the bigger looking individual, caring little whether it was actually muscle or just fat hiding beneath the thug's clothes. As the latter's search pattern finally lead him close to the fake tree, Lorcan wound up to make use of the chain that connected the two heavy parts of his manacles.
He aimed at the bandit's head from behind without warning, but also with a very makeshift weapon he had not used before.