Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current Depression's in full swing again, sadly.
14 days ago
There's no such thing as feline overconfidence. There is only lack of confidence into them by humans (who also falsely believe they'd be the ones in control).
1 mo ago
I'm still knocked out by an infernal cold and all the ongoing activities during this time of the year. Apologies to everybody who's waiting for me.
2 mos ago
How about black hole day instead of black friday ? The entire marketing and advertisement industry obsessed with selling us even more shit can just go and be hidden behind a one-way path to oblivion.
3 mos ago
I've got an infinite number of favourite colours somewhere between 580 and 590 nm. I call them all 'yellow' because I can't keep that many names in my head.


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts


Týfurkh's heartbeat was skyrocketing. This whole plan was breaking apart even far, far, far sooner than he had expected in his worst thoughts. There probably would not have been any earlier point in time for this to happen at all, and when the soldier decided to draw the crystal jade candle, but then even failed to smash the thing properly, it just added up to the whole... if it had not been about both their lives he could have happily called it 'disappointment'!

Yet at least this issue could be fixed on the spot. Týfurkh made sure his teeth were aligned properly and right on top of each other with his tongue safely out of the way the instant before he lifted his foot and stomped onto the halfway broken candle the hardest he could. Even without armor this was extremely hard, not only causing a loud thud but more importantly crushing the jade candle much more thoroughly. What felt like a few splinters dug their way into the thick layer of skin lining the underside of Týfurkh's feet so he'd have to try and avoid using these areas until he could pull them out at least, but more importantly now the energy contained in the material could roam freely.

A burst emanated from underneath his foot, pushing it away and surging towards Sightless Talne's greedy tentacles and face as Týfurkh tried to use the opportunity and lept to the side. They needed the others, now! And he needed to find his gear, or any gear at least even if didn't fit properly. However he already started to feel that being that close to a full-blown jade candle explosion apparently did more than just bury a few splinters of its glass housing in one's skin. His foot felt hot like a torch!
Meanwhile, me in my selfmade starship enterprise, leaving boring control of warp drive, phasers, shields and torpedos to the computer while spending my time in the turbolifts listening to this:

He should have seen that coming, right ? Or no -- he actually had seen that coming! The structure that looked as if hewn out of one giant block of solidified volcanic output and subsequently adorned with mysterious looking carvings and etchings exhibited such an eerily similarity to a few things Quavanir had seen in his dreams that the one word he had liked to debate about just a moment ago, 'coincidence', was out of the question immediately.

The Altmer had regarded the whole endeavour of coming here as quite a bit of an experiment, an experiment about whether this would help getting rid of his dreams or at least finding out something about them or whether he'd have to search for their source somewhere else. Yet if this kind of view was correct, then... this was success happening here. This was what the dreams had predicted and it happened right where they had guided him to. All doubts eliminated instantly, any fears of any expenses having been in vain rendered irrelevant all at once!

However the definition of 'success' in this case was a very cruel one as it obviously already included the death of quite a bunch of individuals not related to any of this. Also even if Quavanir had been a completely cold blooded, purely analytic and reckless mind far beyond any reasonable bounds, he still would have had to acknowledge one important detail: he had no real answer about what to do in case of that 'success'. The great folly of so many experimenters! Those dreams had been quite motivating in terms of getting here, but also quite lacking any clue about how to properly act against a monstrosity like the one down in the arena. That thing didn't have some magical lever he could telekinetically pull in order to trigger an emergency shutdown, did it ?

"I suggest we leave this place!" Quavanir shouted to the others, firmly convinced that what had happened to the seats on the other side could still happen with their own ones as well at any moment. No matter how one looked at things: Still being in the spectator's position would not help anyone he thought.
In case I'm still alive by the time weekend has arrived you can expect a post by me at that time. In case my work kills me within the next three days I hope that at least my malicious, ravaging entity of the afterlife will be powerful enough to perform such a profound and stylish overkill against a certain project I have to do that the whole world will go down with it so nobody has to witness me breaking my promise that way either!
I should be able to get a second contribution to the collab up tomorrow at the latest, hopefully. As you can probably guess things are going haywire on my side again, as usual :)
Being quite busy this workweek, my first contribution to the collab should be up on Saturday.
@MacabreFox We will make a collab for everyone except Shu and Tabby. Shu is at the temple, and Tabby will need to go there. But yee!

One joined collab or a GM-driven collab for each character individually ? Just asking ahead out of interest :)

It was safe to say that a not so gentle wave of frost crept up Týfurkh's spine when he heard the words 'Jade Candle'. However, upon second thought, it could not come as that much of a surprise at all. If there were no other blind spots in one's vision the one that was there was pretty easy to see, wasn't it ?

It did not seem that the Sightless had any idea about the soldiers though, otherwise he would not have asked for one of them to take the candle off him but delegated the task to some other person. This way the probably most valuable asset they had in their hands stayed just there, just at a bit of a different position but that did not necessarily have to be a bad thing. For an instant Týfurkh considered using his magic to whisper something back, but then recalled that him moving his lips while nothing could be heard could just be even more suspicious.

So, trying to communicate without saying a word, Týfurkh did nothing to even try and stop the soldier from reaching into his pocket. They had to continue playing the game, attacking right now as a duo with one of them not having weapons was rather suicidal, but at least not making the best out of the moment of surprise they still might have. Maybe the Sightless could find him to be suspicious somehow, but even so he could still not blame his own men -- that it reality were not his own men at all -- for not noticing the same. As long as the soldiers in disguise were allowed to stay here playing the game would have proven worth it still.

"Oh that thing. I found it in a depot of the army while searching for anything useful before my, well, 'departure'. It looked quite precious so I took it with me." Of course that was a complete lie, but he had to present some continuation to his own cover story...


So far it seemed the plan had worked out. Neither the Sightless nor any of the many subordinates around here seemed to have noticed that the soldiers accompanying him had only dressed themselves up as Wall Guards. Well... if those cultists thought that it would be a good thing to 'employ' an entirely anonymous workforce instead of dedicatedly hiring people and getting to know their faces... their problem!

Another biggie roamed around in the Pactmaker's might though: What if anyone would recognize him ? After all there had been an encounter in a now somewhat ruined clocktower and how many other people even remotely matching his appearance were roaming around here ? His cover story of being a defector would fall apart the moment anyone of the Sightless' people would notice that discrepancy and speak up, so better noone of those be here!

Despite the severity of the situation and the fact that he, by now, was completely disarmed, the Sightless' question made Týfurkh chuckle slightly: "Well, as you might have noticed, the army has been outside the city walls for the vast majority of the time. It has only happened very recently that the gates have opened and I actually had the chance to slip in and surrender."

The overall talk did not interest Týfurkh very much. What was of much greater importance to him was where they would lead him to. A prison cell ? An interrogation chamber to see whether he could betray any important secrets ? Or would they send him right towards the marching columns of cultists on their way out of the city, if such even existed ? If his role here was to have any influence a place somewhere above ground would be good, preferably with a window no matter how small so he could 'talk' to the outside world.

And where did his weapons and armor go ?
People could be so vastly different even within a small area of space, time, or just family relationships. There were those who only wanted to go through a commoner's existence while others seemed to cling to the hope of becoming some sort of war hero from the very beginning no matter how remote of a possibility that was for them. There were greedy men who wanted to accumulate as many coins as possible while others detested the very concept of virtualizing value and hoping that everyone would be willing to convert a circular lump of metal back into something actually useful at any time. There were people worshipping gods, others believing in nothing but the hidden insights propelled by skooma, and others again considering both other factions to be idiots.

Yet if one sought anything that was close to a common denominator among all people of Tamriel, then many good candidates could still be found particularly if one thought about what could possibly instigate their fear. A very realistic depiction of utter destruction that went far beyond anything a mere drawing or tale could achieve for example. Or stealing some poor individual's good sleep and depriving them of their privacy by replacing their usual dreams with something else for another example. Or, abeit not without a lot of irony to it, just by giving some good reason to believe that all the worshipping might have actually paid out and a divine being had actually cared to get into direct contact with the mortal worshipper.

The latter point did not exactly hold true for Quavanir, but that didn't matter much for this 'vision' had actually managed to hit the other two scenarios simultaneously with pinpoint precision. Would he have decided to make the journey even if it had been a mere beggar repeatedly telling him that his face looked ugly if not washed with some water from Kvatch's temple at least once a decade ? Probably yes, simply because such a method of exchanging information taking place in his dreams was disturbing enough on its own and asking for some sort of investigation.

So it was with a mixed bag of feelings when the Altmer crossed the main gates into the city. Maybe all of this would prove to be an utter waste of time, but maybe there was a lot more to it. Quavanir simply considered not even trying to find out what was true to be the most dangerous of options even if that meant a lot of effort, a pair of aching feet and significantly less coin than usual in his pocket because, of course, he could not attend to his regular job for the time being.

All of these more theoretical considerations however were completely unsuited to spare Quavanir from any sort of practical issues. The first of them was that he, to put it frankly, had not much of an idea about Kvatch's layout. Maybe he should have bothered to learn more about that before departure instead of completely relying on just-in-time reconnaissance ? The latter could prove a little more difficult than anticipated for it was very loud here and no less packed with people who, quite obviously, had more joyful things in mind than answering questions only a complete stranger could ask like where to find the temple.

Quavanir did not even dare to ask for a good inn or the like, but instead opted to find out himself which of the places here wasn't fully booked yet and not blatantly exploiting the high demand by raising prices. He meandered along the crowded streets with his mind focused on finding a good place to rest first, then seeing how much time was left to actually start working on the real reason for coming here before the day's end. The longer he did though the more difficult it became not to get distracted by the festivities around him himself.

Indulging in some of the vices around him had not been forbidden by any kind of vision, right ?

Maybe it was simply because the arena happened to be one of the largest buildings in the quarter why Quavanir ended up there, but soon he found himself trying to peek through any gap in the wall he could find to see what was going inside. It seemed worth actually paying to see the full thing, but the Altmer did not even have to reach for his coin purse to already know that it had become a little too slim for his gusto.

Yet, upon looking around a bit further, it seemed that the overall hiring process for the actual fighters inside was anything but completed. On the contrary it seemed to be much more of an ongoing thing on purpose, and when a bunch of children behind Quavanir made abundantly clear that they did not want the big pointy-eared man he was to occupy the best hole in the wall all for himself he also found himself standing around idly again. Should he not care about this being a bit much of a deviation of his actual goals and actually try ?
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