Skarsat found himself more than just slightly baffled to see someone who at least came somewhat close to his own stature, but at the same time he was not unhappy about it. Now any kind of big guy jokes would have to be evenly distributed among at least two persons, hitting each of them with only half of their previous strength... The thought did not experience anything like longevity in his mind though for he still was in the process of handing over a dead body he would have preferred not to exist. One could not rant at a dead person for the obvious mistakes one thought they had done, but one could dishonour them by just not caring. The latter was what Skarsat felt the others were on the verge of doing right now and he didn't want to take part in that.
Yet there still was a pressing issue, pressing because the Tork lacked the trust necessary to think about it more relaxedly. It was the pouch of coin whose weight now felt uncomfortably heavy for it was only an indication of how much money would have to be distributed fairly among everyone. He needed to preserve it until the moment was right. Maybe at an upcoming dinner ? That was the only moment Skarsat expected everyone to be at the same place.
The vessel he found himself on did not hold back its potential for surprise. It was clean. Well, not perfectly clean but certainly a lot more tidy and well maintained than Skarsat would have expected for a ship whose sole purpose probably was to be employed in the misdeeds of some criminal mastermind like Vargas. Thinking about the latter... What would Vargas do once learning about the little incident at the docks ? An open shootout with the sheriff's men including some casualties and even the demolishing of a belltower probably was not what he had had in mind for their undocking procedure! The Tork man experienced an uneasy feeling going through his stomach the more he let his mind have a crack at the whole affair.
He wanted this sea journey to be over rather sooner than later. It would be easier to run away on land than it would be on sea and there were only so many cannonballs and other things they could shoot any anyone going behind them. And what if Gerranti was given the authority to do so ? It wasn't like the list of valid accusations against their little party had not grown at a frightening pace over the last few... minutes ?
Skarsat didn't even step into the small cabin presented to them once having learned that he was to sleep elsewhere. It wasn't even so much about the small size for he would have been alright with sleeping on the floor if necessary, but it was a lot about the prospect of sharing such a limited space with people like Solange whom he still held a big grudge against. And, just maybe, also about the fact that Y'Vanna was so blatantly eager to get herself drunk yet again at the earliest moment possible. Hell if only those beverages in this part of the world had tasted properly!
One deck further down one could tell that one was close to the waterline. The ship's hull -- down there it was more visible than anywhere else for there were less additional walls blocking one's view -- did not exhibit any obvious flaws of course, but there was no way of ignoring the fact that any condensing water following the flow of gravity found a dead end in the ship's bilge. The comparative vastness of space still was highly preferable to that cramped place higher up, so Skarsat happily found himself an empty corner to put down the small pile that was his equipment and lay down in the adjacent hammock.
He was not directly below the quarter shown to them but on the other side of the ship, right ? Otherwise he could only hope that the deck planks were proof against some serious influx of puke and wouldn't allow it to come dripping down. Just in case his extrapolation of what he had seen beginning up there would prove to be correct...