Avatar of Forsythe


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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Taraah - in front of TOM

"I am not scared, I am enraged!" The dragon roared fiercly. "However you came to posess it, someone either slain one of us or, even worse, robbed a grave!" She continued more calmly, but her face still looked serious. How dares someone disturb a body's rest! The soul remembers the body and mind when it reincarnates according to her kin's beliefs. Disturbing graves is a higher sacrilage than taking a trophy from a slain opponent, there at least the dragon died in battle, hopefully gloriously!

Once her anger abated a little, her brain registered the rest of what Thaddeus said. She carefully looked him over. She could not see his heart beating faster, sweat or anything that would betray he was lying. Did she dare take a chance on him? "I want to believe you. I desperately want to believe you." She finally said, her posture relaxing from 'ready to murder this entire town' to just 'ready to dodge a blade'. "But I will want to know more. If I am not satisfied with the answers, I will lay that bone to rest. And you along with it if need be. But let us find Shiina's friend first."
@Ozzy Cross@Zanavy

Taraah - Scaring patrons away from entering TOM

The dragoness briefly almost fell asleep. She could not help it - The skies was clear and the sun was caressing her scales, and the cobbles in the road were sooooo waaarm. She started to not off, her eyelids getting heavy, only for yet another loudmouth animal to make an appearance and noise. She raised her head, blinking the tiredness from her eyes and focused on the hawk thing, eyeridges creasing in a frown: "What in Bahamut's shiny scales is this town's deal? Your citizens are a menagerie of all races, yet everyone seems to hate dragons and wants to slay them on sight! Can you not see the irony here? You have neighbors who are as much danger as I am." she growled.

Thaddeus then mentioned that he has fought a dragon before, which gained Taraah's attention instantly, her head swinging to face the half Mesmer. "I can only conclude that it was either a friendly spar or that you did not have all wits about you at the time? You know, you being alive still and all. That or you ran into a dragon who for some bizzare reason took a pity on you and let you live?" She said, a bit more guarded now as she raised to her feet. She took a long whiff of the sea farer. Dragon eyes were their best sense, but their smell was also very keen. The scent of the sea was still fresh on him - he must have indeed arrived recently. But then, she took a step back, ready to pounce as she smelled something distinctly familiar: "Where. Did. You. Get. It."
Theres still other people in town, porkjob mayor with hooves likely can't even wield a weapon most likely, minnow won't go where Taraah does, we have gunner and the honey elf still in town, and lil bit further by the river is the gator, demon and talking cat.
Taraah - TOM

"Phahahaha haaaaaa~~~" roared the dragon's laughter upon seeing Yoshina in the maid getup, more smoke puffing from her nose, making the establishment a bit hazy as if it was more of an opium den rather than an inn. "Oh hime-chan, hime-chan! How far the nobles of the east have fallen!" Humans - they so silly. Shiina was trying to do more for her dignity than the princess herself, something Taraah admired the Firetail for - utterly futile as the effort was. She certainly failed to keep her sense of decorum - In fact, the believed she would never be able to look at Yoshina in the same light ever again.

Hearing Shiina announce that they would wait outside, she backed out of the Inn entrance, curling herself into a neat pretzel like a cat in the middle of the street. "So, how does this Guam character look like? I have eyes better than all of you combined, I can tell people apart from leagues up in the air, but I have to know what to look for. Or do I just stay visible and he will come trying to slay me like you did?" she grinned at the firetail. She was not bitter about it, but she enjoyed the guilt shaming a little bit too much.
Taraah - Shina's smithy --> TOM

"Off we go, then! You two, pack what you need and meet me at the inn. And if you have a picture of your missing friend, bring it. I will organize a mob to help us search in the meantime!" The dragoness purred with determination. She raised her wings and reared up on her hind legs, casting jagged shadows over her two companions, before beating them and raising herself to the sky, looping away with the grace of the smallest birds. And, accidentally blowing sand into the eyes of her company.

She headed to the terrible establishment, following Shiina who was walking along the road below her. She could swear the awful sour smell was still attacking her nostrils. Spoiling eggs with vinegar, how dare they! She landed in front of the door with a loud thud, blowing a puff of smoke form her nose before poking her head in after Shiina headed inside: "Fair folk of Lorenstad! A Friend of Sheena's has gone missing, we are going to search for them! Can any of you lend us your aid?" her voice bellowed over even the racket of the patrons.

A chirp then reminded her that the Lapoo creature was on her hsoulder, looking a bit flattened by the wond and frightened.
@RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross

Taraah looked at the not-mesmer greedily. "I did not intend to harm anyone or attach the town in the first place, but I do like being adored, feel free to do so at any time. That said, I am on the lookout for several materials of magical nature. If you can compile a list of your inventory, I shall have a look." she bowed her head politely, "I can pay you in materials that more commonly give you buying power, or offer my own services."

Her head then snapped to Shiina. "We shall depart then and search for your missing mentor!" she proclaimed, somewhat wanting to foster a friendship with the person who seemed so far the most hostile towards her. If the others saw them overcoming that, hopefully it would tell others with the same mindset that just because something has four libs, wings and scales, one did not need to necessarily run for the hills. Well, some of the time. When she was concerned. Dragons like her five black brothers, well... "So that you can show me your finest without worry and we shall craft the mot beautiful and powerful things together! Which way?"
Taraah / Shiina's smithy

"Your kind calls me Pyrona." The dragoness said, a different name than she gave to the humans earlier if they were paying attention. "And forgive me, I have already tried the local cuisine, and it will be a while before I trust the recommendation of a local again. Mint sauce will do if you do that again." She warned, backing off.

"I would not call us friends just yet, she has tried to slay me for merely existing, but we're getting along for now." She shot half annoyed, half sad look at Shiina. "What is it that you do here, Thaddeus? And miss Sheena, who is this Guan fellow you mentioned? Should I post protection charms around myself since he is a Friend of yours?"

@RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross
@RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross

"Oh do forgive me," The dragoness said, looking over her shoulder and sounding none too apologetic, "I thought it was an annoying fly. My apologies kind sir." she got up from her side and reversed form the workshop, coming to stop over Thaddeus, who would now get a full view of a toothy dragon grin. "You have a weird smell. A Mesmer? I hear they go well with mint sauce!" She purred excitedly. "Now do tell me," she said, all mirth vanishing from her face as she closed a little bit to his face, "Is it common for men round here to greet women by touching their bottoms?" If so, the town needed a new mayor. A scaly one.


Taraah inspected the presented pieces with keen eye. One of the blade looked rather exotic, not like the straight blades favored in this land. In fact... "I believe our mist islander friend may be a potential buyer for the Katana. If I am not mistaken, blades likle these originated there. The plating seems rather well done!" She said with an approving murmur, reaching into her bag.

She pulled out the blade she uaed when disguised as Margaret. It was a normal straight blade, one and a half hilt, with rubies set into the pommel and guard. "My own could use a new coat. Perhaps we can strike a bargain later." She thought out loud, setting the blade in sheath at her feet for now.

The reforged piece puzzled her: "Surely, a reforged piece must be worse than melting it down into a bar to be used anew in different manner? If the blade has shattered once, it may do so again, no? Wouldn't it have a more meaningful life as a shaving razor?" She asked, interested in the process.

"You have my attention, young one. If you have a piece of scrap weaponry or tool lying around, let me show you what I can do for you." She offered. She also produced a bottle made of obsidian glass, blowing into it. The inside of the bottle seemed to glow orange. She plugged the bottle with obsidian cork and handed it over. "A sample for the forge. Fair warning, this fire is three times as hot as a charcoal that is being blown at. It will melt iron, stone, and if she is not careful, the smith. This amount should last you for an hour, enough to get you hungry for more if you like it." She winked.
Taraah / Shiina's smith

"Put your mind at ease, If I wanted to do something bad, you would not get a warning. I meant what I said, I'm looking for a home. I wouldn't want to torch it beforehand." She said, the corners of her closed maw tugging up in an imitation of a hominid smile. She learneed quickly that a toothy smile looks rather threatening on a dragon.

She poked her head and neck in through the door. The workshop looked rather cozy. The door wouldn't fit more of her, and she did not fancy changing skins again, especially since Shiina seemed immune to it. She lied down on her side like a lazy cat, only her neck and head up looking at the inside of the shop.

"I never touched a hammer in my life!" She said with an excited happiness in her voice. "I have enchanted weapons before though. I wonder if the magic would be stronger if used during the forging itself. However..." She grinned, "I fancy myself a bit of a patron of artists. So, show me your wares. If you are worthy of my attention, I shall shower you with bleasings!" I should make a religion out of this! she thought to herself, wondering if she should dare the actual gods.
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