Avatar of FourtyTwo


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Hey man- are we still going with this? Just wanted to check in to see everything was alright!
No worries- hope it's all improving on your end, that doesn't sound good!

Yeah, it's been a bit odd but same time, was definitely good as some well-deserved rest. Not too complex actually!

Sounds good- yeah it'll help us trim down posts, and just get things moving- much as I love writing for Viper it isn't sustainable for either of us to produce essays!
No worries- I've been busy like hell too, and have just gone abroad!

Hmm, okay- maybe let's set some rules then, as this is getting a bit out of hand for both of us:

No more than three paragraphs per post (two per main, one for side team, or three for main)

Editing on the go for longer exposition (let's try and breakthrough with more direct posts, with exposition only where required)

Continue the main plot (where we are) in the current RP we are in- keeping it going but now looking at sidetracking Viper/Python onto other tasks at hand. I might indulge in one good Viper post here and there but for the sake of this RP I think that might work to put us forward a bit better.

I know it seems odd- but it'll speed up our posting and allows us to control a smaller contingent a little more rapidly- so we can write our main characters much more!
Max grinned, the feeling of the GEAR's joystick wobbling under his hand, even in spite of all the technological wizardry at play perhaps an example that no matter how smart the systems you had were, there was always an organic element to this.

"Roger that, Silverwind. Viper, stick close through the clouds, no funny business!" Max called out, the wingpack-equipped recon team did just the funny business that Max really didn't want them to do. They hung almost a meter out, Anna even closer right by Max's cockpit, a feat that even the lion was almost spechless at. If he could see her face through that visor, she'd have a shit eating grin....but he didn't, as the turbulent cloud came into immediate sight and they all went through without much of a hitch. The sight of the orange glow on the horizon was becoming more and more powerful, the darkness all below in the rolling hills and green pasture-like farmland in Arbrentia.

The LZ itself was a steep hill and a meadow that it naturally flowed in, one Max knew complimented an aggressive, hard landing without the use of the GFDS's parachutes- a more risk averse operator might have said it was a stupid move and prefered deployment, but Max was not that, neither were the team. And Silver had a point, when the Lion Rampant's own C3i systems picked up the ping of infantry. Either risk losing the advantage and getting spotted by trying to deploy and becoming a sitting duck to whatever mess they had, or hit them before they could react. The literal momentum of falling out of the sky was not exactly easy to counter, not when it weighed over 10 tons and was also firing hot lead. Mind you, Max knew he wouldn't be any immediate use down there, not unless he really threw himself into the absolute mess. A split-second decision had to be made, and the wisened Warrant Officer knew what to do.

"Copy, Silverwind....I'm gonna try and land higher up the hillside, I'll target high-value as best I can from afar! Viper, switch to the alternate LZ and get some fire support running as soon as you're down!" The lion called out, diving fast and dropping a little quicker than the rest. If he was going to be there to provide fire support, he had to beat them down, and Max knew these things could do that if he needed to, the GFDS and the GEAR shifting downwards and picking up speed. It would put him on a much steeper part of the hill, and worse, at higher speed.

The landing was hard, very, very hard even for an experienced operator such as Max. The GEAR like the rest of Python and Silverwind didn't naturally flow but skidded nastily along the grassy hillside, kicking up mud and dirt as he struggled to dig into the hill, a nasty landing but one his GEAR could survive, Max reminded himself, well, also be operational after! Coming to a halt as the hill flattened slightly, Max engaged the GEAR's non-GFDS systems and threw the GEAR forwards against a rock outcrop, swinging the 30mm rifle off the GEAR's back. Already picking up thermal signatures, Max loaded a AT magazine into the oversized rifle, watching as the other three came in hot and already were lacing targets on their way down.

"Contacts, fucking everywhere! AT's loaded!" Max called out, shouldering the 30mm rifle and lacing a third GEAR down at the bottom of the hill about to cross over a small stream, quickly picking out it's "head", before firing another decisive round into it's power unit, disabling it in a non-dramatic fashion before switching the magazine out. Going with a standard 30mm round, he put a few rounds into a couple of soldiers running towards a machine gun post, quickly dicing them up with the rest of the magazine, the large 30mm rounds making easy pickings of their position.


The others meanwhile had flown low and dirty on the other side of the hillside, barely flaring on the side of the ridge to get the very last speed out of the wingpacks, and stall them out to safely land in a manuever that Max himself would have been proud of. After all, they weren't going to be as tough as those GEARS were- they still needed parachutes, and didn't have the luxury of being able to hit the steep rocky hill and survive, and pulling very dirty low meant they had to at least try and make sure their openings were as clean as possible. Altimeter going off and screaming at her that they were far too low, Anna flared out and deployed the wingpack's parachute, the deacceleration jolting her upward almost as she looked across to the chaos to her left hand side.

Floating down under the grey parachute, Anna was speechless as she watched five GEARs all pile in, the steep hillside allowing them to avoid the use of the GEAR parachutes and instead slide down, in a highly dramatic fashion. She and Max had done some insane shit, but that was quite something, especially that hot. Whatever it was, it made the jaguar tense up and get a hold of herself fast, steering herself quickly down to the ground as she took her helmet off.

"Holy shit...." She simply commented, the noise of explosives and rounds flying on the other side of the steep hill something to behold in the dark morning. It was still dark enough to be using NVGs, but the explosions were making it light enough like it was day now.

While steep, a tiny terrace was right below her, something Anna was steering towards and already putting herself on a landing pattern. Due to the exceptionally low deployment they had barely less than 20 seconds of canopy time, it gave her little room to react, but enough to get down to the surface. She'd done more stupid, but the wingpacks allowed for some degree of confidence when it came to low-altitude deployments.
"Copy Viper, we all alive?" Spectre called out, waiting a response eagerly as she focussed just on her own accuracy for right now.

"Yeah, not bad, Spectre. Kestrel's with me, we're all good. What's the sitrep?" Hopper replied, the rabbit deploying a little higher up, under her own grey parachute too, and only just taking in the sight of what was going on beyond the hillside.
"Lots of them, our guys are handling it but there's a few weapons platforms up ahead. This wasn't in the intel...mobile AA guntrucks, AT, shit, technicals too. Follow me down, team." Anna cooly replied, the sight of the other side fading from view as they fell beneath the horizon into the dark hillside. Pulling the riser down and turning hard right, she picked up speed under the rectangle-shaped parachute and flared hard onto the rough grass, enough to kill her speed and put her right on the edge of Viper's alternate LZ.

With a gentle exhale, Anna looked up to see the other two coming in, already dekitting her stuff and wrapping her parachute around her wingpack, the wings folded back in and now in a lightweight carrying configuration. If this fell into enemy hands, they'd be confused as hell at first, Anna thought to herself, but they'd certainly be curious as to what the fuck was coming- so they had to try holding onto them as much as possible. Thanks to their relatively light-weight it wasn't too bad, but even so, it was an extra few kilos on top of full combat gear, the type she was adjusting on herself as she took her M23 into her hands. Sliding a 6mm magazine in, the long-barreled M23 Grenadier was back in her trusty hands, as she took a knee and checked their sectors.

"LZ's clear. C'mon, let's go." She called out, Anna confident as she ran with a formidable, confident pace up the hill, NVGs on her helmet and a silenced rifle back into her hands. Exactly how she liked it.Running up to the apex of the hill, a short two minute jaunt, Anna took cover by a stone wall, peering over with her M23 and taking a moment, as Kestrel and Hopper joined her.

"We ain't gonna survive if we join them. Shit, we've had worse but that's heavy down there. Alright, Kestrel, give Hopper your rifle, you're lasing shit and spotting- let's pick off targets from here. No fucking arguing." Anna called out, as the two did exactly as she said, Anna adjusting her combat optic as she rested her arm on the stone wall, Hopper taking Kestrel's longer-sighted battle rifle and adjusting its grip on the stone wall, looking down the long-range optic down towards the engaging GEARS.

"No kidding, Spectre." The rabbit gently replied, adjusting her sight and taking a few deep breaths.
"Alright, Hopper. Weapons hot then. Let's not keep them waiting." Spectre replied, giving a wave as she spotted an infantry fireteam further down the hill, another group moving along the GEARs flank and quickly started putting accurate semi-auto fire down their way, quickly dropping two soldiers with ease as Hopper found her mark too. The silenced 6mm was drowned out by noise, so they were almost invisible from their position up top, knowing they could pick stragglers off with ease. That was, until Spectre punted a 40mm round into a machine gun nest on another part of the ridge, the sight of two soldiers being blasted out of a foxhole being the mark for the infantry element to relocate further down the hill, using a thin dirt path to the nest they'd destroyed.

"Spectre to all, Viper's down safe. We're giving you fire, Kestrel has a lase on a distant two IFVs, looks like a temporary encampment down there, about five tents and a fuel truck. Wait...."

"Fire's sent!" Max replied, already one step ahead of his 2IC, the AT round already in and targetted at the distant base. While it was almost 1km away, the round felt like it made shockwaves when it hit, the sight of the large explosion on the horizon lighting up the dark morning even more, as the lion chuckled, Max engaging his wheels and following down to the rest of Python Team, aware they could use a little more close in help after his fire support. The explosion had lit up bits of a nearby tent, and the fire had already picked up, spreading across the grass as he reloaded, picking out a technical with a couple of rounds and quickly taking it down before the rest of the team engaged it.
"Alright, Viper, move and take out any stragglers, clear up anything we can't hit. Once we've wrapped this up, get your shit off us and let's get moving fast, before we get tied up in a long-term firefight. Maximum aggression. No fucking around!"
Took some heavy inspiration from Halo I see there, it's a friggin awesome scene :) Just about to post!
Max chuckled, shrugging his shoulder.
"You know what they say, Silverwind....an old man in a young man's game is a scary bastard indeed. Especially one who has a disability sticker on the dash of his GEAR...." Max chuckled, already knowing how to tease his CO, to whatever effect it would have, taking the GEAR helmet resting in his hand and sliding it over his locks-covered temple.
"Politely speaking, let's go kick some heads in, Sir." Max added with a grin knowing Silverwind would react well to that. There had to be a little bit of banter, and Max was almost certain he was gonna get some thrown back, twice as hard in all due course.

Meanwhile, Viper were finalising their checks, the wing-pack equipped squad giving themselves their last checks over, Anna running through Logan, who then ran through Maxine, who then ran through Anna in turn. A logical, systematic process no less- nothing short of what any of them expected for a run like this, Max reminded himself, as they loaded up the last of their things into the squatting GEAR of the Lion Rampant.
"Checks complete, we're set, Actual." Anna coldly commented through her radio, the team now on their own O2 systems, already at a completed pre-breathe for their drop, Max walking across to see his team before they dropped.
"Aww. I thought I'd be able to hang onto one of you for the ride, Spectre." Max sarcastically commented back, rolling his tongue at her, the jaguar not getting the sarcasm just yet....
"Get in the fucking GEAR, Max. Or I'll ride you down." Anna replied, unknowingly slipping her tongue as Max giggled like a schoolgirl, Logan and Maxine hearing the same. A moment of catharsis for pretty much anyone that heard it, as Anna merely flipped him off and Max just slowly walked away, adjusting the cuffs on his pilot's suit and the tilt on his helmet's comms channel.

"Don't ever change, Spectre. Alright Viper, like Silverwind says, door's gonna open in a bit. Remember, nice, calm, easy. Don't make uhh....too many shenanigans. We still have a job to do, so let's not fuck it up right now." Max said succinctly and to the point through teh radio, heading over towards the Lion Rampant's entry hatch, punching his code and sliding himself inside. With a flicker the holographics were online, the displays back to life as the GEAR stood upright once more, firing into action.

Gently checking over the GEAR systems, the lion engaged the GFDS wingpack's extensions, the wingpack locking into place and giving a position to rest the Lion Rampant's arms onto. The HUD altered, displaying a more pilot-styled azimuth and heads up display, complete with altitude, glide ratio and speed. The datalink was already working its magic to already recognise the other aerial-oriented GEARS, pinging them up with a square box for distant visual. In fact, the system was fairly clever- it wasn't an autopilot, but for flying a GEAR in, more than just a pilot's brains were required. An augmented-reality DZ marker linked to an optimal pathing projection, almost like a GPS checkpoint system that the pilots could use to set up a formation or use. Flicking it aside, he checked the comms link to Silverwind, the lion's blue and green illuminated face seen in the link.
"The Lion Rampant is wonderful as always, Silverwind. Viper, sitrep?" Max asked, waiting for his team to chirp up.
"Spectre, all good!"
"Kestrel, ready to go!"
"Hopper, all set!"

"Two minutes to red, everyone!" Anna called out, the jaguar in contact with the jumpmaster at the apex of the ramp, taking responsbility for this side of the aircraft operation alongside the quiet-mask wearing German Shepherd standing near the door. While Catriona was certainly running things in Max and Silverwind's absence, Anna taking control of that was seemingly something nobody was complaining about, or at least, Anna didn't want to hear it. Time felt like it ticked forever inside the GEAR Max was inside, the displays all reading five by five and suggesting that the oxygenated environment inside of here, as per any CBRN attack, would keep him alive.

"Red is on!" Anna yelled out on the comms, Max looking over his GEAR's right hand side to see where Viper were walking out, the red light and the warning klaxon punctuating the fact that soon, the very air they breathed inside of here would be sucked out with barely a moment's notice. The wind howled beyond the mechanical-sounding ramp as it slowly opened, Viper holding at the front of the door, right in front of the Lion Rampant, in a position to at least not get squished when Max pushed the GEAR forward onto the ramp.

The sky beyond the opening cargo ramp was an impressive sight, the very distant sun beyond the clouded sky revealing a slither of glowing orange to Arvara, contrasted with the still glistening and bright white stars in the sky above. The light pollution even in spite of the sunrise showed the stars brighter than most would see in the cities of back home, a glistening blanket of silvery white on navy blue. The noise of whistling could even be heard from inside the GEAR, even in spite of the layers of armour, it was a howl, a shriek, almost a yell to the abyss. An abyss Max had no problem whatsoever looking into. It seemed strange, but after enough of this, you just accepted the void that you went into on a regular basis. Trust yourself, trust your equipment, trust your team, and it's a void worth travelling through, Max reminded himself...

With a gentle turn, Max stood on the edge of the ramp's downcline, bracing himself as he saw Viper move to the side, getting out of the way. If Viper went first, they could risk having a GEAR fall on top of them if their GFDS system failed- and that was pretty much game over, so knowing that the Viper operatives could catch up, they would wait and wave their collegues on by.
"Standby, Actual. All callsigns, prep for deployment, aircraft is on 250 bearing, speed 220kph- adjust for bearing 265 pathway on exit. Bastion, Python, Blade, you're all first. We'll follow you out." Anna commented, the jumpmaster giving her all the details she needed, the red light still on. Viper had fully deployed their Corvid packs, the sight of their protruding wingpacks on their backs an odd and strange one to see, the sight of Arvarans who looked like they'd looked to birds for ideas.

"Green is on!" Anna yelled out, the lights lurching from red to green on both the panel and across the cargo bay as the klaxon changed tone, going to an even harsher buzz. Like a "get the fuck out" sort of buzz, because when the green was one, it was go time.

With a gentle flick of the controls, the GEAR wheeled itself down the last remaining part of the ramp and fell right off the end, the intial inertia making the Lion Rampant sink with the wing surfaces braking hard, using the momentum to turn barely a couple of degrees, and ultimately, pivot immediately into a sharp, steep glide.

And it was a rush.

"All systems good, tracking on flight pathing 265, all datapoints live, holding pattern. Fuck....this never gets old!" Max called back, his head professional yet his heart just all himself. The GEAR's glide flattened quickly as he adjusted the wingpack's dive, giving him a good position to hold at the front of the pattern, or at least, hold in a spot to give Silverwind room in front.

With the other GEARs sending it to the end of the plane, Spectre, Kestrel and Hopper were running out of the back, throwing themselves out sideways and in probably the coolest fashion the jumpmaster alone would be able to witness, flying onto angle immediately from the exit. As if a bunch of GFDS-equipped GEARS wasn't enough, the three other Viper team members were following into the breach, already keeping an eye on the cluster down below as they turned and caught the wind effortlessly.

Flying down to the main group, flying a few degrees onto their bearing the three wingpack-equipped SOF operators had actually flown fast and caught them up, hanging right above the main group. It was something to behold, both from Max's and Anna's perspcetive, the sight of not falling but gliding GEARS and Arvarans into the dark black sunrise from high altitude. The fluttering noise was howling even with earplugs and their helmets, Anna holding steady above Max's GEAR and the rest of the group.

"Viper, sitrep?"
"Right on top of you, Actual!" Anna, or Spectre called back, in a rare show of her exited self, as Max chuckled back, running through the AR checkpoint system as Max saw them come up on his camera, chuckling to himself.

"Blade, we're all green here- should be about a ten minute flight to our DZ....the visuals are just mad here. There's a patch of cloud on the path, want us to re-round around?" Max asked, calm as you like as he gently gave a slight adjustment in angle, the GEAR turning back onto angle and onto pathing, the wingpack-wearing operators following suit as Anna dived to barely within a couple of meters of Max's rocket anchor, quite the sight to behold. It had to be said, Viper weren't kidding when they said they could fly very tight to Max, their Corvids making it look effortless as they kept right on top of the Lion Rampant, out of the burble path and on the collective flight route.
Ah awesome! Nice little post- yeah I'll get it all set up!
@Silverwind Blade

No worries! Whenever you get the chance- I've been a bit tired due to work of late!
No worries man!
Yeah nothing too major- I've jumped ahead with one part of the post but it's up to you if you want to follow that up, put filler in, hold it back or all three! Apologies if that was a bit of a leap!
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