Mark watched as she took the vehicle out, either by lethally or non-lethally making that driver think twice, the windscreen shattering with a shot from her 9mm as Mark kept focussed on the road ahead, weaving through more morning traffic as the car's roll felt like it was throwing itself around when weaving in traffic, the weight of the Range Rover certainly something the Scot felt when driving this thing at high speed. Hands gripped tight, he made sure to keep control, aware he didn't want to cause a RTC, or a road traffic collision. Keep it straight and narrow, and get the hell out- Athena had helped them to do that, which had put room between them and their pursuers. Pulling off the main road, a junction for the motorway was coming up as Mark turned onto it, dropping his pace back a little to let Athena catch up properly, but not slow enough to lose any pursuers. Sooner they got to Schipol, the better.
Out onto the wide-open motorway, Mark was now chuckling that they'd actually not ended up dead right there.
"Looks like we got out of that one, Ath! How you holding up?" Mark asked, putting it straight into the furhest lane left and keeping foot to floor, hovering at a nice 90 with a bit of wind noise now coming in from the shattered rear window. Letting Athena speak her peace, he watched for the signage, following the route back to Amsterdam's airport, aware they had a hangar to get back to where they could unload the materials.
Out onto the wide-open motorway, Mark was now chuckling that they'd actually not ended up dead right there.
"Looks like we got out of that one, Ath! How you holding up?" Mark asked, putting it straight into the furhest lane left and keeping foot to floor, hovering at a nice 90 with a bit of wind noise now coming in from the shattered rear window. Letting Athena speak her peace, he watched for the signage, following the route back to Amsterdam's airport, aware they had a hangar to get back to where they could unload the materials.