Name: Skye Rosalind Mason (frmr Major)
Age: 33
Nationality: Scottish/Faroese

A tall, naturally red-haired former special forces operator, Skye has the the look she has reflecting her position as a team leader of a slightly mad team. With gentle pale skin that has been cut and bruised many a time with cutting blue eyes, Skye has an aura about her that harkens her look back to almost a Celtic warrior-like state- her dark auburn red hair reflecting her ethnic influence even further standing at a modest 6"3. Look at her shoulder and back, and you notice a Royal Marine tattoo, and a tatoo of a lion across the top back of her shoulder- a statement of fact that she indeed seems as brave as a lion.
Skye is a pretty girl to say the least- full of charm and easy to take in, though look long enough and you can tell there's a very warm fire in her eyes, more than the auburn red hair she has. If you replaced the exoskeleton she used for tartan, you'd swear she was a Highland swordswoman, and she seems to have the aggression and violence of one too- the pattern of which that sticks around from her father's ancestral clan, and is often seen on her off-duty clothing.
Skye is well muscled as you'd expect for an operator of her kind, but prefers to have a focus on cardio over pure strength. Skye's unbreakable nature reflects this- whatever batteries she seems to run on, she seems constantly engaged, never showing any signs of wear- her workrate being something phenominal to watch and remarkably, having little impact on her mental state when in command of the team. It's quite something to see her swim, run and cycle for miles on end- seemingly barely without being broken. Whilst she may seem easy as a target, Skye is someone hard to take in a fight- given the cuts and scratches across her body, she seems like she's gotten into a fair few. Most men would even feel probably a little uneasy around her due to her height and speed in a one on one.
On operation, she can normally be seen using her usual exoskeleton-contained assault-grade armour, usually wearing a tactical helmet over her red hair, alongside a pair of lightly tinted tactical glasses that incorperate the HUD and tactical link to her own gear and the rest of her team's perspectives, as well as that of any drones. In combination with the navy-grey camoflaged exoskeleton, she is often wearing a navy t-shirt and black-coloured combat trousers, with a pair of sturdy boots to finish the look. Off duty, she often wears the same, with jeans and a pair of trainers instead- keeping a refreshingly casual look for a CO of a mystical task force.
Her Scottish accented tones are almost sultry, and underlines her sometimes harsh, yet often more than not warm embrace. There isn't a strong Scots dialact in her speech- but the accent remains.
Callsign: Queen
Born Leader: Safe to say, Skye knows how to lead a fireteam of very disfunctional, multiskilled individuals. While she might be more a jack of all trades, she knows how to control the people she works with, kick them up the arse, but more than anything, be like a mum to them. She cares deeply about her team, even when they piss her off- and remains above the poltics, drama and issues that may exist.
Versatile: A typical Assault-styled operator, Skye's use of an exoskeleton and a jump pack allows her to be fast, nimble and more than anything, a master of none but an effective presence in most regards. While some operators of the team might be far more lethal than her, Skye is able to be lethal in a vast variety of ways- and so long as she's in the fight, she can find a way to take down whoever's on the other end of her MG3, AA-12 or MAAWS.
Inteligent: Skye is a woman of many talents- but her genius is one that stands out beyond most. An unconventional one to say the least- one that seems to often place her in a polarising place, given she'd almost be better off not being on the frontlines, but as a higher ranked officer. While unlike a previous leader of Scimitar she doesn't possess a doctoral level of education, yet she speaks seven languages fluently (English, Scots Gaelic, Faroese, Spanish, Pashto, Russian, Arabic) and has a handy practical knowledge of a huge range of topics through various means- ranging from history, explosives composition, field medicine to climbing that she could probably pursue to degree level if she had enough time in the day. It plays out in the field- she seems to have an almost instantanious ability to make plans, and be one step ahead of the enemy through ambitious yet highly calculated means- and usually have an answer for most problems, in an almost uncanny knack. A renaissance lady of sorts- it's hard to quantify but she has a very scary intellect. She seems almost like a sponge, able to absorb, process and develop new ideas and information. It's kept her alive so far.
Unbreakable and Boundless: Skye's partnership of this trait to her intellect means that she has learned to overcome pain that many would find unbearable in physical, mental and psychological bounds. This doesn't make her per se more immune to pain- but as someone who ran through "The Devil's Cooker" making it look very easy, she seems to have a resolve about her that is hard to exactly pin down. A work rate that allows her to find her second, third, even fourth wind, and it shows in her willingness to support and look after her team, an almost boundless energy that seems crazy to see- which pushes down any sense of fear. It's hard to quantify how she even makes it work- a natural talent, or perhaps a decade and a half of chiseling herself to be that way, your call.
A mum of the team- but more often than not, someone willing to see red and go absolutely wild, Skye balances leadership with her charismatic and boundless energy that always finds a target. While sometimes coming across as removed from a situation, given the fact she has to be very selective about who joins the team and she has an unrelenting drive to push herself, she always seeks to push those around her with her too- so she'll take the time to listen and help out wherever she can. A stoic attitude almost- but she has learned how to enjoy life and switch off, rather than push relentlessly, all the time. She seems fun and open to how the team operates, but knows when to keep them in line- neither being too egotistical nor too selfless in her mannerisms.
Tactical Suit:

Similar to the leader of Scimitar before her, Skye uses an exoskeleton as a support tool, a typical tool for an assault-level operative in FO- and only a prototype device in the rest of the world's armed forces so far. While able to stop 5.56 rounds thanks to armour plating throughout the suit's chassis, covering the torso, legs and upper arms, she wouldn't want to remain under constant fire with this thing- it gives her a little more survivability, but predominantly allows for her to operate as a much more versatile, quick operator. The real advantage is that it gives her a more disproportionate strength in lifting, moving and protection that already augments her tireless fitness regime. Carrying a MG3 is like holding an MP5 to her now, as well as being able to run 100m in 11 seconds fully equipped, even being able to run on walls with a jump pack and leap almost up a storey and a half and come down with relative ease, avoiding fall damage. That means all of a sudden, it's very hard to keep up when she's mobile and running. Without power, the suit isn't so useful then- but isn't an enormous burden to carry around, and being easily detatchable.
MG3 LMG with shoulder-mounted ammunition pack (belt fed)
SIG MCX 7.62mm Battle Rifle
AA-12 Automatic Shotgun
Carl Gustav M4 MAAWS
FN FNX.45 Pistol (Silenced)
Tactical Knife
3x Cluster Grenades
3x Flashbangs
Various Smoke Grenades
Various Flares
Quad-Optic NVGs
Arm-Mounted PDA
Born in Portree on the Isle of Skye itself, the redhead was named after the beautiful island of her birth by her fisherman father, a Scot with roots to Clan MacCrae itself, with her mother being a former professional football player from the Faroe Islands- an odd combination that Skye sometimes wonders ever gets easier to introduce when talking about family. She grew up in a stable environment, but was seen as gifted from a young age- quickly being encouraged by her mother to get involved in the wilderness and become fit, and find herself benefiting from being put classes ahead at school. Skye was a talent, rebellious and yet studious, athletic and always out in the wild, appreciating nature and the quieter side of life. Capable of going to university and the world was her oyster, she was told- even if Skye didn't know exactly what she wanted to do. To help people? To go make money to help her parents, or just settle for what her dad had- a hard, but peaceful life?
That was all on her mind until the death of her father at sea. The event changed her entirely, turning it upside down overnight, and completely destroying the last years of her childhood. With her mother distraught and turning to alcholism, Skye found herself in a home environment as a young adult that was about to turn to total shit. She didn't seem to stop however- in some odd way, it changed her to become stronger, more protective and fiercer in her ambitions in life, and instead of wallowing away for expectation, chose her own path.
It was with that Skye left home aged 18 and joined the Royal Marines as one of its' very few female applicants, her previous physical capabilities powering her through. She overcame many adversities to get to where she did- and a few tours in Afghanistan and on peacekeeping missions proved she was more than just the token "girl" of the team, but a leader and naturally talented at anything she put her hand to. Her intelligence, aptitude and talents didn't go unnoticed, and within a couple of years, she volunteered for the SBS- the Naval equivalent of the British SAS. She flew through pretty much the entire selection, a thing that was unheard of. It was as if she was destined for bigger things- and leading a fireteam, before going up the ranks and training as an Officer- flying through that too. It was almost odd to see- as if she shoudldn't have been in the forces, but doing something greater for society. Skye didn't agree. She had embraced the life in the service, leaving behind her past as much as she could, but never forgetting her father's influence on her younger years- and despite being so young, she showed a maturity and promise far above her station. A servitiude to herself, and the people around her- a deeply stoic belief she holds true.
A few years has passed, and Skye had become rather a favourite of the British intelligence community- a dependable, reliable operative who you could send to the dirtiest, darkest parts of the world and would get the job done, alone or with a small team. From HVT assasinations in Syria to deniable operations in Pakistan, Skye became a master of fighting the wars nobody wanted to talk about- and more often than not using experimental technology to do so, often using her wit and cunning to engineer situations that could turn the tide in her favour. Fighting against terrorist groups like Artemis made her known in MI6 as one of Britain's foremost assets in fighting conflicts that were sometimes up against highly advanced groups- ones that sometimes Special Forces couldn't sort themselves. In cities such as London, Berlin and Moscow she was equally at home as she was in the rough deserts of Sudan, Yemen and Afghanistan, often finding herself carted to another part of the world in some other mad manner to do the UK's dirty work. It paid well- but Skye always enjoyed it more than the money, a direction that gave her meaning in the absence of her youth. It was in this instance that she was handpicked by Oracle, seen as a perfect fit to lead the new task force they were assembling, that of Foxtrot Oscar. Skye's inventiveness allowed her to tailor the team to her liking, and she finds herself being the charismatic commander of the team, leading by example and showing why she gets the job done.
Triathlon, Ultramarathons, Climbing, History, The Great Outdoors, Reading