Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

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Who knows- you put a bunch of oddballs together and anything can happen!


Ah didn't realize- but I think let's put Howard in. I kinda wanted an older, wise hand and it's a cool in universe throwback!

Gonna introduce another char my end. Safe to say, it's gonna be a character that will be for sure a laugh or two...@Jamesyco your character's reaction I feel will be the measure of what I make them!
We have got a spot still available for a male light and a female heavy!
We have got a spot still available for a male light and a female heavy!
We still have slots availible! If you have an interesting idea or would like the last Light (Male) slot, feel free to pitch in!

All very nice! Liking that setup for sure.

I might start the IC in a day or two and we can get right into the fray!

You've nailed the brief there- and Oliver is definitely a unique spin on that archetype. Feel free to post in the character thread.

Accepted, nice setup - pulled off a modern ronin quite nicely!


Yours is accepted! If you need a hand with any specifics, lemme know- very detailed on the psych-profile and her overall setup, but if you want any help with specific weaponry, give us a shout.

Feel free to post your CSs into the character set.

Looks like we have some very nice characters! The overall aim is that while the characters may start off at this point, there's a lot more room for growth and development. See it almost as an "upgrade tree" of sorts- after every operation from scavenged and new tech, your characters can take on more and more cool toys as it goes by.

Slot is reserved for you!
Bethan nodded to Yekatarina, taking a brief look at him before looking back at her, . In some strange way, despite the fact that Yekatarina was the person she was trained to probably kill if there was any sudden shift in the plates of geopolitics, she liked her more than Sean at this point in time, hell, maybe even trusted her more. What a fucking world, she thought to herself, as she unloaded and checked the Russian pistol over. A simpler built tool, and no doubt explained the cheaper cost.

"That's his appeal. For better and worse." Bethan replied, the GSh a strange pistol even in spite of the piece feeling different, she had to admit, it had it's appeal.
"Hardly like you can open bottles with a Glock. But that is an accurate, reliable tool. And about as common as the clap in the West. Simple enough too." She added, trading back the Glock for the GSh that belonged to Yekatarina, knowing with Victor here, it was time to get going.


As the team made their way over, Sean could certainly feel they were going to get asked some questions, and already the look he'd sent back at Bethan, and vice-versa, confirmed enough. While loading their rifles into the boot, or trunk of the car, Hayden had his own comment to make out of earshot. Looking directly at Hayden, Sean pfft'd, and gave his two cents.
"I fucking said this, nothing comes for free, Hayden. He knows his hand. He just doesn't want to get thrown out of the poker game when he goes all in." Sean retorted in a hushed whisper, putting both his FAL and P226 inside, before then heading back to the entry and clambering in. Bethan did the same and kept quiet, on a silent agreement as they clambered into the side seats of the limo. Pulling away, the two stayed silent for the most part, well, until the question came. The inevitable question that they knew would come.

The comment to Bethan by Hayden was enough to make her feel a little uncomfortable, and Bethan realised in that moment when asked it was best to probably let Sean handle this one. He was trying a ploy, but Bethan wasn't in, though yet, Sean was looking like he knew something going on. As much as she fucking hated him, she knew Sean's use. She wasn't stupid, she understood full well that when it came to being a full of shit liar, Sean Mason was the best at it. A world class bullshitter who could convince you that water was dry, as he leaned in, taking a sip of water.

"Well....me and my partner got dropped into the north of the country, hunting down some bastard in COGS that had a price on his head. When that didn't work out, I thought to try our luck wherever the hell anyone would take us. I'm a criminal back home, and it doesn't look like I can return. Got caught in the drugs trade, but I was looking for a way out anyway into security work. So here we are, I suppose, Victor. Brought my wife along for the trip, and she is fucking loving every second of it." He began, and in honesty, not far off reality. The scary thing about Sean was, it wasn't even the fact it was a lie, it was what came with the package of the burly Ulsterman with an awful lot of truth in that. Bethan gave a disaproving luck, the Irish charm of him certainly embelishing the truth, but in a way that would want you to almost carry on drinking to hear what more shit he had to say.

"I was thinking Colombia was the place to go, but you know what....I almost kinda think I can see why Lonely Planet say this is the hotspot for mercs to go to. We can make ourselves some dollar. And besides...you think I could work at a diamond mine with a criminal conviction? And besides, you think diamond mine security would pay as well as what I know a firm like yours would in the end? Shit, Victor. I'd be crap at managing people, doing paperwork, it ain't my thing. But getting the job done, getting my hands dirty...and making my retirement money so I can find a nice beach in Spain, now that sounds like a fuckin' plan." Sean's Irish tone was almost poetic, almost a wry chuckle forming.

"So yeah, your contact sounds like an interesting connection. These two over there," Nodding to Yekatarina and Hayden, "Probably ran out of road wherever they were, took whatever they could before we met. That's why we're not exactly working in the mines. But we're still capable, as you saw. And now we have proper tools...I have a funny feeling you have more work and more diamonds than a mine could give us. Call it a guess Victor, but I have a feeling that this mutually works for us."
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