Very nice! Accepted. I'd actually say ironically the female light catagory has sort of become more of the medium.....ish.
Her character is an interesting one, a bit more of a sneaky infiltrator and heister which I have always wanted to see in this RP, and she fits the bill REALLY well in terms of what I can imagine she'd then be like, coupled to a medium. I'd say she almost fits better as a light, but I like the idea of her being a bit more geared for assault styled work- a grappling hook, jump-jet and a teeny bit more armour turns her into an absolute monster where I imagine some armour goes a long way for survivability, but as a light operative, that would be utterly ludicrously cool too so actually I'd say riff on both. I'll go into the below on where I think we're at as this is getting a little more hazy in classifying!
Can't see anything to add but I'm sure once the RP gets going, I'll gel it all together IC to start opening up characters a little bit more which comes fairly naturally for everyone I'd say.
Post up your CS and good to go for the IC, work on your personality as you go if you want to dive straight in.
Ok, so given there is something I've something I've never seen happen before in these RPs, the Lights and Mediums have way more overlap than I anticipated. As such, I'd probably say it's actually worth the characters having some degree of flexibility- the idea being that optical camo and infiltration gear can be taken up a lot easier than say, a bespoke assault or heavy armour setup (Skye to some degree is included in this). A bit of lore on optical camo is that basically, it is still a very uncertain thing- it needs an operative who knows how to sneak to get the most out of it, so chances are, the hybrids as I'll nickname them have some ability to do it but it'll pertain more to specific operations or missions as there will be some opportunities for the lights to work together on some more stealthy wetwork using a different gearset than their usual. In short, they might lose some of their armour, but they'll gain a lot more covert-ness for when a mission requires complete stealth.
One more thing- for an RP that is fairly light/wacky in terms of the comedy, Skye is the "straight man/woman" character in comic terms, meaning if your character's got a trait you want to play up for giggles, don't take Skye as the bearing of how wild you can be. I've kept her as a sort of pivot point for other characters to vibe off- she's the one that will always be the team mum but be aware, she WILL judge your character silently and she certainly won't miss a chance to get them back in a very particular way!
That first post is a good place to explore both the casual and combat-ready side of things. The next post I'm planning actually has the brief, which candidly explains what is about to go down in the actual operation (linked in the same sequence), if you see what I'm doing there cleverly- then it'll cut to the actual mission itself :)
Probably about five/six years ago. They very likely have, and very likely they both know what they're capable of- Skye I would say is the sort of character who would have been just reliable and good at what she did, to the point she's almost a "fixer" like character- you point her in a direction at your problems and put fingers in ears as to what happens next. Very cold, stoic, detatched and she probably likes that about him in professionalism, but she is Scottish so there is always this sense of warmth and hospitality beneath that surface, which I imagine is the fault line that splits them. That said, no doubt they get on and there's some historic knowledge of what they do and don't.
I've just realised Ogre and Frigga are polar opposites btw, this is gonna be REAL saucy. One loves nature, the other burns it down. Biologists and Physics, fight fight fight :)
Very nice! Accepted. I'd actually say ironically the female light catagory has sort of become more of the medium.....ish.
Her character is an interesting one, a bit more of a sneaky infiltrator and heister which I have always wanted to see in this RP, and she fits the bill REALLY well in terms of what I can imagine she'd then be like, coupled to a medium. I'd say she almost fits better as a light, but I like the idea of her being a bit more geared for assault styled work- a grappling hook, jump-jet and a teeny bit more armour turns her into an absolute monster where I imagine some armour goes a long way for survivability, but as a light operative, that would be utterly ludicrously cool too so actually I'd say riff on both. I'll go into the below on where I think we're at as this is getting a little more hazy in classifying!
Can't see anything to add but I'm sure once the RP gets going, I'll gel it all together IC to start opening up characters a little bit more which comes fairly naturally for everyone I'd say.
Post up your CS and good to go for the IC, work on your personality as you go if you want to dive straight in.
Ok, so given there is something I've something I've never seen happen before in these RPs, the Lights and Mediums have way more overlap than I anticipated. As such, I'd probably say it's actually worth the characters having some degree of flexibility- the idea being that optical camo and infiltration gear can be taken up a lot easier than say, a bespoke assault or heavy armour setup (Skye to some degree is included in this). A bit of lore on optical camo is that basically, it is still a very uncertain thing- it needs an operative who knows how to sneak to get the most out of it, so chances are, the hybrids as I'll nickname them have some ability to do it but it'll pertain more to specific operations or missions as there will be some opportunities for the lights to work together on some more stealthy wetwork using a different gearset than their usual. In short, they might lose some of their armour, but they'll gain a lot more covert-ness for when a mission requires complete stealth.
One more thing- for an RP that is fairly light/wacky in terms of the comedy, Skye is the "straight man/woman" character in comic terms, meaning if your character's got a trait you want to play up for giggles, don't take Skye as the bearing of how wild you can be. I've kept her as a sort of pivot point for other characters to vibe off- she's the one that will always be the team mum but be aware, she WILL judge your character silently and she certainly won't miss a chance to get them back in a very particular way!
That first post is a good place to explore both the casual and combat-ready side of things. The next post I'm planning actually has the brief, which candidly explains what is about to go down in the actual operation (linked in the same sequence), if you see what I'm doing there cleverly- then it'll cut to the actual mission itself :)
Probably about five/six years ago. They very likely have, and very likely they both know what they're capable of- Skye I would say is the sort of character who would have been just reliable and good at what she did, to the point she's almost a "fixer" like character- you point her in a direction at your problems and put fingers in ears as to what happens next. Very cold, stoic, detatched and she probably likes that about him in professionalism, but she is Scottish so there is always this sense of warmth and hospitality beneath that surface, which I imagine is the fault line that splits them. That said, no doubt they get on and there's some historic knowledge of what they do and don't.
I've just realised Ogre and Frigga are polar opposites btw, this is gonna be REAL saucy. One loves nature, the other burns it down. Biologists and Physics, fight fight fight :)