God banks were exhausting. This was along the lines of what Kassandra King was thinking as she stood in the line of the Metropolis National Bank, behind an older blonde woman who obviously put a lot of effort into making herself look younger, to no avail, who was having a heated discussion with the banker at the front. Usually, Kash wouldn't be caught dead in this kind of place, or even on this side of town, but a friend and customer of hers, one of the more successful members of Suicide Slum community, had asked her if she could drop off some paperwork.
Being an altruist, Kash leaped at the chance to help her fellow man. Of course, the twenty dollars she was receiving for the delivery may have had a little to do with it as well. But as she stood there, behind the aristocratic-younger-yet-older-looking woman, yelling at the helpless balding man behind the counter about problems that weren't really problems, she almost wished she hadn't taken the deal. And, right then, a dangerous thought entered the young woman's head:
Could this get any worse? In an instant, the girl was trying to shove the thought out of her head. But it was too late.
Only a few moments after the thought, the doors of the bank slammed open, and a rather well-built man stood in the doorway, armed for the obvious intention of robbing the place. The people around Kash began to panic, including the rich woman in front of her, who dropped everything she was holding, leaping for cover. Kash too slid to her knees, ducking under a small potted plant, which if one were to ask her, she'd say was a strategic move, rather than a panicked one. She shot one arm out and grabbed the purse that the woman had dropped and began to search through it with one hand, pulling out her own phone and dialing a number as she did so.
"Clank!" Kash whisper-yelled into the mouthpiece of her phone, referring to her helpful, if somewhat dickish, AI on the other end. As she spoke, one hand dug around in the purse, pulling out three cellphones, a metal water bottle, a can of pepper spray, a handkerchief, and a pair of sunglasses. She immediately used the last two to hide her face, tying the handkerchief around her mouth.
"This is an emergency! I need a quick delivery. I should have a few spare birds lying around, so I'm going to need you to send them to me with a couple things. I'm at the Metropolis National Bank, and I'm going to need my helmet, my belt, and, fuck it, throw in the prototype Shockgun™ too!" "Give me a sec..." She heard on the other line, followed by the clicking of a keyboard. After a few seconds, the familiar sound of PAC-MAN's death sequence played in the background.
"Alright, now I'm ready! I'll send them on their way now!" "Thanks Clank," said Kash, before shoving the phone back into her pocket. She then looked at what she had to work with, all laid out on the ground. In an instant, her brain went into overdrive. If she were to break into the cellphones and dig out their batteries and some of the wires, then dumped out the water in the bottle and taped the cellphone parts to the bottle, with the wires sending shocks throughout the metal- Kash's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as her hand brushed against something metal she must've missed in the purse. The young woman pulled the mystery metal object out of the purse, discovering a revolver.
"Oh..." said Kash, gently holding the gun in her hands.
"That works too, I suppose..." Kash jumped out of her cover, gun in hand, and pointed it at the robber, the hammer pulled back.
"HANDS IN THE AIR, CHUM! DON'T MAKE ME SHOOT!" she shouted at the large man, stepping back a few feet in case he tried to attack.
@Azure Sea