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Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship: Gorilla Observatory (Team 3 (The Hot Team))
Skills: Bardic Inspiration

When Sara made mention of trying to talk to the gorilla, Iris lowered her arms, which had been raised up defensively to protect her head. The talking Iris had been expecting didn't come, however. Sara and the ape seemed to simply be stuck in some sort of staring contest. So as they waited, Iris turned her head slightly back to Neil, who had just made a case for the use of telepathy. She gave a small shrug of her shoulders, not really have anything to use as a counterpoint, besides what Sara had said. "Whatever you guys think is best. You know more about this whole thing than I do," she replied.

Iris grinned as Mira hopped out of the tree, grappling the massive primate from behind and blasting a sonic blast straight into its ear. Her hands clapped together, though being wrapped in metal made it sound less like a clapping and more like a clanking. Iris wasn't nearly as skilled a fighter as her coworkers, and the only fighting techniques she had she was skeptical of using on a giant ape. But that didn't mean that she couldn't still be helpful during a fight. A little encouragement can go a long way, or so Iris liked to think.

"Woohoo!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "That was some dope strategy! But remind me to make you some tea when we get home, because that sonic shit sounds painful." before turning to Neil, who'd just mentioned something about a Door-Mammu, before he began to use his telekinesis on the jungle surrounding the gorilla. Iris gave the boy a thumbs up. "Not entirely sure what that means, but I'm digging the positive mindset. Keep it up!"

Fae Mintfree

Location: Platform 9 3/4 -> Compartment 6

Fae pushed her cart of luggage into King's Cross Station alone, not escorted by either of her parents. The luggage was relatively light, with a small trunk, her broom, and Dickhead perched up on the top of it all. She preferred going in alone. Her father had once tried to escort her to the Hogwarts Express her first year, but started crying in the terminal, which caused Fae to begin crying as well. The Mintfrees, Fae and her father especially, had never liked it to be known that they had emotions past anger and delight, and, as such, Fae's father never tried dropping her off at the station again. Instead, they opted to say their goodbyes before she left home. In years past, much to her dismay, Fae's mother had chaperoned her in getting to the train on time and with all of her things. This year, however, Fae had convinced the woman to let her go alone. Or at least, she'd thought she'd convinced her, until she saw her familiar stern face waiting near the entrance to Platform 9 3/4. The woman looked older than she was, her face covered in stress-induced wrinkles from years of worrying, and her dark brown hair, pulled back into a tight bun, was decorated with various streaks of gray.

"Mum? What are you doing here? I thought you said-" the girl began, before her mother held up Fae's wand, silencing her. The thing was a crooked mess that looked like someone simply polished a stick they found on the ground, which Fae had always found fitting given her inaptitude for casting. She winced slightly upon seeing it, a small bit of embarrassment present on her face.

"You forgot this," her mother said. Fae stopped the motion of her cart, quickly walking in front of it to grab the wand out of her mother's hand.

"Right, that's...that's probably important," she said, sliding it into the inside of her leather jacket. Her mother's cold eyes became less piercing then, instead becoming more fretful and disheartened. Her shoulders dropped slightly as she let out a sigh.

"Fae, you're almost an adult. You need to start learning what that means. The responsibilities, and the planning for your future," Miss Mintfree said, though as she spoke, Fae seemed to pay little attention, instead walking back to the other side of her cart. The two had had this conversation numerous times over the course of the summer. Fae had told her too many times that she knew exactly what she was going to do: she was going to join the Harpies! But her mother never listened, always brushing it off as a pipe dream. So she'd stopped trying to reason with her mother. Instead of responding, Fae pushed her cart straight at the older woman, causing her to step out of the way as Fae ran through the wall, coming out on the Platform. She was immediately met by a number of familiar faces, which caused a smile to come back to her face.

Through the crowd, Fae caught sight of Madalyne. Well, she caught sight of Madalyne's hair first. Despite being a brunette, the girl's hair had a certain characteristic, with the way it curled and such, that allowed Fae to pick it out of a crowd. Her smile spread wider, and she pushed her cart through the groups of children standing outside the train. She managed to get to where the girl had been standing, in front of Mary and the Twins™️, just in time to see her enter the train. Her smile fell to a small smirk.

"Haven't seen her all summer, and she doesn't even wait around for me?" Fae complained to the trio, though her tone sounded less annoyed and more amused, making it clear that there was no actual ill will. "One fancy title and I'm chopped liver. Here I thought the bond between beaters was unbreakable. Silly me," she then pushed her cart a few feet forward, before stopping, her eyes going to Mary, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Oi, Winthrop, your a Prefect, yeah? Do me a favor and give Maddy a little shit for leavin' me in the dust when you get to your little VIP compartment. Make her think I'm all torn up about it. Thanks, I owe you one," she said, not even waiting for the girl to agree to her small-scale scheme to start the year off as she pushed her cart away from the three, leaving the three of them behind her. She hoisted her things off the cart they’d been placed on, not struggling with her few items. She walked through the train, eventually nestling herself in an empty compartment, stowing her things and setting Dickhead in the seat across from her own. Once she had her things all put away, she settled down in her seat, staring at her bird with nothing but contempt in her eyes, and the bird returning with an equal amount of contempt.

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ

Waverley was pulled out of her dissociative gaze down at the forms wandering through the bunker when a granola bar landed perfectly in her lap, leaning against the rebar laid across her thighs. It felt somewhat jarring, being yanked back to the forefront of her brain after trying so hard to push herself away from it. She glanced up, a look of confusion present on her face. Despite being able to see almost everyone from her vantage point, she was so lost in her own mind that she wasn't sure who threw it. She didn't linger on the question for long, her eyes flicking over to Negasonic when she asked her question. Part of her wanted to blow up, yell that she was not 'good', ask the punk girl how the hell could she possibly be good. But, as always, this part of her was quiet, chained starving to the back of her mind.

"Yeah..." she croaked instead, nodding her head. Her voice, having only been used for sobbing the previous forty five minutes, sounded rusty, like it hadn't been used in years. It distorted her reply, making it sound more like a quiet grunt than anything else. Despite what she might've said, Waverley was not good. That much was clear. She looked at the others on the stairs, and then down at those on the first floor. Part of Waverley felt like she was at the kid's table of a family gathering. She felt, as much as she could feel, given her emotional drainage, guilty that she wasn't down there. But another, bigger part of her felt like she was exactly where she belonged. She was still a kid after all, as much as she tried not to be. There was an absence of a certain anxiety she felt when she was with the older members, an anxiety to be grown up, which was an anxiety she couldn't deal with right then. With the staircase kids, if she closed her eyes, she could imagine they were on the bleachers in some high school comedy-drama movie, where nobody dies and everyone gets a happy ending.

"Have you ever wanted to kill someone?" she asked, the question tumbling without permission out of her mouth as soon as the topic of death came to mind. The question surprised her. She hadn't developed it in her brain before saying it. Instead it simply came out, as if it had always been wordlessly hanging in her mind. Despite her lack of intention, however, Waverley still looked to the others with interest, waiting to see how they'd answer.

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship: Gorilla Observatory (Team 3 (The Hot Team))

Iris' bemused laughter quickly died when it was interrupted by the gorilla's words. Iris knew that she wasn't delusional, or at least, she wasn't very delusional. But part of her wondered if she could've imagined it. She started to turn the situation over in her head; what would a gorilla be doing in space anyway? And why would it have human-level intelligence and the ability to speak? When she thought about it, none of it really made sense. In fact, it was kind of ridiculous, wasn't it? Maybe if she pinched herself, or-

This chain of thought was cut off when Iris felt a mass of rock collide with her body. It sent her flying a few yards back, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. A grimace took residence on her face. The hits she'd endured were starting to catch up with her, and she could feel her entire body aching. She pushed herself off the ground, but kept her distance from the ape. She wasn't sure how many more hits she'd be able to take before she went down.

"Wait, can't we talk-" Iris began, trying to possibly kick off some sort of negotiation, though she wasn't sure how, and was planning on making it up as she went along. Though it turned out that she wouldn't need to. Her words ceased when Neil made his attack, and she flinched in sympathy for the creature. "Jesus fuck!" Iris yelled out, but it was more in shock than anger. She knew she couldn't get mad at the boy for doing what he needed to do to protect his team. She quickly recovered, turning to Neil. "Didn't Sara say something about mental attacks not working?"

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation (Music)

The frantic events of the day, the excitement, the fear, the panic, the running, even the anxiety of the mission had all been welcome guests to Waverley, having filled her head just enough to keep out the one thing she didn't want to feel: a surplus of unbearable sorrow. But there, in the quiet, sprawling subterranean complex, it didn't take long for those unwanted feelings to sink into her mind. After all that had happened, the silence was all that it took for the reality of what had happened to hit her. Since the Underground's arrival underground, and the subsequent deciding of who'd be sleeping where, Waverley had been lying in one of the two old beds that inhabited her room. Her shaking frame curled into a question mark, arms hugging the radio she'd looted from Vulcan to her chest. Out of its small speaker, a song played -- Sweet Child O'Mine, and it had been playing for the forty five minutes she'd been there. Tears trickled down Waverley's cheeks.

It was the first song she ever remembered hearing, when she was a little girl in her red Power Ranger pajamas. Her mother used to sing it to her in place of more traditional lullabies she could have sung. After all, Mrs. Watts had not been a traditional woman. Waverley remembered looking up at the woman looming protectively over her, singing the song in what Waverley had at the time thought to be the most beautiful singing voice that could possibly exist. She, of course, thought this purely because it was the only singing voice she'd been exposed to. In actuality, Mrs. Watts was not a singer, not even close. Her voice was choppy and often out of tune, and she didn't particularly care enough to put in the work to get better. But despite its imperfections, Waverley loved it with all her heart. The singing was a promise, a promise that her mother would always be right there with her, even on the nights when the night light didn't work or the wind caused eerie rustling outside. It was a promise of protection. A promise that her mother would always be there when she was needed.

And there, in the abandoned bunker, Waverley needed her. But she was nowhere to be found. Waverley was alone, with no one to protect her. Her only company was her grief, and an array of strangers she barely knew.

Max leaving had helped. It guilted her to admit it, but she felt relief when the group from the bar came without him in tow. Before, it had been so confusing. He'd been a member of the Underground, and what he'd done might've been an accident. But his defecting changed that. It gave her the justification to hate him, and that guiltless hate set fire to the flammable sense of loss that consumed her, starting within her a blaze of fury for the boy. And as strange as it might seem, it helped. One can only stew in sorrow. Rage is more easily directed elsewhere.

It took less than an hour for Waverley to run out of tangible tears. By the end of it, she was left with tear stained cheeks and damp, bitter eyes. Once she reached this point, she tossed her legs off the bed, standing up as she placed the radio, still playing, in her jacket pocket. As she walked out of the room, her hand reached down, grabbing her rebar from its place leaning against the wall, leaving behind the backpack that was propped up next to it. She told herself it was out of caution that she took the weapon, but in actuality, she just needed something to hold onto that wouldn't break no matter how tightly she grasped it. She walked through the bunker, until she reached the top of the stairs. She walked down a single step, before taking a seat behind her peers. She didn't feel ready to be among them, instead watching over the Underground as if she was an outsider looking in. As if she were just watching another one of her movies. Maybe if she sat watching them like she was for long enough, she reasoned, just maybe she'd forget that she existed at all.

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship: Gorilla Observatory (Team 3 (The Hot Team))

"AH FUCK!" Iris exclaimed as she was launched through the air by a strike from the raging primate. But as she soared chaotically across the room, limbs swinging around her, she managed to get the flight feature of the suits active. Iris had to give it to that Toby Stark guy or whoever it was who designed these things, because the whole thing was incredibly user friendly. So much so, in fact, that Iris, a girl who would often get overwhelmed by holding a TV remote with too many buttons, was able to stabilize herself mid-flight, softening her descent to the ground. Once she got to the ground, landing on her back, she quickly got to her feet, rolling her shoulder within the confines of the suit, a grimace taking residence on her face.

She watched as her teammates each used their abilities on the massive beast, first Neil with his telekinesis, and then Sara, with her only slightly subpar screech. Beneath her helmet, Iris frowned, evaluating the beast's size. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the thing was likely too massive for her martial arts to do them any good, which, Iris thought, meant that she wasn't going to be of much use in the battle. However, as she stared at the beast, she saw Upsilon step out from behind its leg, looking out of place in his suit and tie. He looked expectant, with his hands behind his back, as if he was a businessman waiting for her to accept a deal. The thought of asking for his help flashed through her mind, but quickly dissipated. A last resort, that's what her power was. And they weren't at that point yet.

"Nah man, I've seen wolverines, and they're way less - Oh, you mean the guy with the sideburns and the temper. Yeah, that makes sense," she said, before an idea crossed her mind. She looked down at her hands, flexing them, gazing at the metal and the small jet in the palm. She may have not had a reliable power, or the right fighting style to bring the ape down, but she was still capable of being a jet propelled hunk of metal. She looked up, her face towards Neil. "I totally get where you're coming from with the whole stay back thing, but if I might make a counterpoint: human bullet!" her words were quick, and as soon as they were out, she launched herself forward into the air, directly at the gorilla. She got fairly fast fairly quickly, and it didn't take long for her to feel herself collide with the gorilla. As soon as she did, after letting out a quick grunt, she flew backwards. But as she did, the animals massive hand tried to swipe her out of the air like a fly, only for her to just barely strike, flying under it. As she flew backwards away from it, she was, strangely enough, laughing. "Oh man, I would not recommend that. I totally could've died, and it didn't even really do much! But hey, at least I can say I body slammed an ape while I was in a suit of armor, so there's that."

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground Old HQ
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation

Waverley's lips curved down into a slight frown when Sapphire made mention of her and her companions not quieting down when told, and she had to fight the urge to defend herself. She wanted to tell Sapphire she was wrong, that she'd zipped her mouth shut as soon as Sapphire had told her too. She wanted to defend the others in the back, to tell her that James was just trying to take care of the scraggly man who was having a breakdown, and that Cayden had just been keeping her calm. But despite the desire to argue clawing at the base of her throat, she kept quiet. Her rationalization, she expected, would likely lead to fighting, and fighting would only make things worse.

Instead, she turned her head to face Colossus, who was listing off phone numbers. She felt herself cringe when he gave her the job. It was exactly what she needed, a task, but she couldn't help to feel a certain condescension behind it. Colossus, or anyone who knew how to use a phone, for that matter, could've easily made the calls. It was a pity task, and she knew it. But when she saw Sapphire dig her phone out of her pocket, she decided that a pity task was better than no task, and closed her eyes. She reached her mind out to the first number Colossus mentioned, and she could feel the call go through, but was answered with an answering machine rather than a person, so she moved onto the next one. She attempted to call it as well, but she couldn't seem to get the call to go through, so she tried the final number. For the first time, she felt it get picked up.

“Hey, this is Waver-, uh, I mean Feedback, this is Feedback, with the rest of the Mutant Underground. We’ve all gotten back safely, and we’re wondering how things are going on your end.” she transmitted, trying to sound professional, but instead coming through as awkward.

"Uh, fine, didn't you guys just call Veil?" Waverley received in reply. It prompted her to open up one of her eyes to see Sapphire putting her phone away, beginning to talk to the group. Waverley closed her eye once more.

“Well...uh...yeah, but I guess I just wanted to...double check. I don’t want to just sit around, and phones are kind of my thing, so I just thought I’d...Nevermind. Anyways, that’s all, I guess we’ll be seeing you soon. Uh, Feedback, signing off.”

"Alright then," with that, Waverley felt the connection cut off, signifying the end of the conversation. She opened up her eyes, coming back to reality just as Sapphire finished up filling in the rest of the team.

"Um...yeah, whatever she said..." Waverley said, her voice somewhat quiet and audibly bummed out from her failed attempt at adequacy.

Iris Rivers

Location: Stark Tower -> Fucking Space Motherfuckers! (Team 3 (The Hot Team))
Skills: Nature Knowledge and Survival Skills

Iris was pulled from her stupor over her new metal shell when the first group was zapped away, lifting her head up to look just after they had disappeared. She watched as the next group all gathered together, and were similarly sent through space in the blink of an eye. Iris wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but it definitely didn't meet the criteria. In her head, she'd pictured something closer to a...giant elevator of sorts. Turning the thought over in her mind, she realized that that didn't really make sense. Once the second group was sent off, the somewhat scattered members of her group were all that was left, besides the 'grown ups' who were staying behind. Iris took a step closer to the center of the room, turning her head to look at Mira when asked if she was ready.

"To go to space? Probably not, but let's do it anyway," she replied, straightening up and bracing herself. Just like the others, between one second and the next, she found that the Stark Tower that had once surrounded her had been replaced by a massive, sprawling, futuristic observatory of sorts. She looked down to find her feet planted on the metal ground, and bounced slightly on her heels. There was a lot more...gravity than she'd been expecting. Everything she'd heard about space throughout the course of her life lead her to believe that it'd be a lot more floaty. Perhaps it was just some sort of techy artificial gravity, or perhaps space was just weird. She couldn't be sure.

After she came to terms with the lack of floatation, she lifted her head to look around the room. It appeared the signal was through the next room, which was blocked off by a techy door. Iris watched wordlessly as their wizard walked up to the door, Iris stepping back when he told them to. She raised a hand in front of her face as he blasted the door open, before lowering it. "Ey, nice work Wizman!" she said, her voice hyped, her smile audible in her voice. She looked in through the door, and was astonished to find some sort of jungle. She walked forward, going through the door. It wasn't an act of leadership, in fact, the thought hadn't even crossed her mind, as she didn't see any need for a leader. It was instead, quite simply, an act of curiosity. She looked around at the plant life around her, before looking back at the others.

"This jungle seems, like, African or something. That's kind of funky for a space jungle, don't you thi-" she said, before her head snapped back to look back into the wilderness. She heard some sort of rustling a ways away, and it didn't sound like a pleasant little woodland creature. And whatever it was sounded to be making its way towards them. Her stance changed from her normal relaxed posture to a more alert one as she backed up out of the jungle room and back into the observatory. "Something's coming this way. And it's a big something." she said, her eyes narrowing, watching the jungle through the door.
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