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Fae Mintfree

Location: Compartment 15

Fae watched with confusion the rat began to grotesquely swell, filling up like a water balloon of pure horror. When the vermin increased past its breaking point, its skin splitting at all sides in a repulsive explosion of crimson rat blood and guts, Fae did her best to put herself between the explosion and the first years. She managed to get her eyes shut before she felt the feeling of the cool, wretched splash across her face. She slowly reached up and wiped the blood off her lips, before doing the same with her eyelids. As she opened her eyes, looking down at her now bright red fingertips, her pursed lips couldn't help but lift up into a smile at the absurdity of the situation.

"Oh rats!" she exclaimed lifting her head up, grinning at her own pun. Though her smile faded as she read the room. Her timing seemed less than ideal, with the girls shivering in the corner and the pair of witches casting their spells, actually helping rather than standing around holding a half deck of Exploding Snap cards. As Elizabeth's Patronus elegantly leaped through the door, Fae leaned closer to her, her voice coming out low, but not so low that the others couldn't hear.

"Maybe I should go out there too, see if I can give some hands-on help," she said, before looking to the enlarged cinder block. "I think I can probably move that just enough for me to get out," she then stopped, hesitating for a moment, before continuing, quieter. "I don't like being cooped up in here when people could be dyin'. Makes me feel like a pussy."

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Outside Jack and Casper's Room

"We've got a mission, it sounds like. Veil needs your help with something. She didn't mention what, but she said it was time sensitive," Waverley said, head tilting up to look at Jack as he appeared in the doorway. With that, she prepared to leave the group, one foot stepping in front of the other to continue down the hall to her own room, when Casper spoke, and Waverley stopped. Her gaze turned back up to Jack, though there was a look of confusion that had been absent a few seconds prior. Jack had a kid? She had no idea. It sounded like she was missing. But for how long? How long had Jack been splitting up time between her, the Underground, and his day job? The thought gave Waverley a whole new respect for the private detective. She opened her mouth to speak, only for Casper to pull her attention to the dead rat lying on the floor. A look of mild concern took up residence on her face.

"Uh, yeah, that's Fred, I think. I...do not know how he got out. Honestly, I don't think I want to know," she mumbled, before squatting down, grabbing the vermin by the tail. As she stood back up, she held it at arm's length. "I'll put him away. I have to head to our room anyway," she said, before looking back to Jack. "I didn't know you had a kid. Is she missing? If you want, I can look around online for something. If you give me a name, a description, anything really, I can scrounge around the internet and see if anything useful turns up."

Location: Room 8
Skills: N/A

Cal awoke to the feeling of her heart banging against her chest. She flew up into a sitting position, her head whirling around, wide eyes scanning the room for any threat. Had something awoken her? It felt like something had awoken her. But as she looked around the room, her tense shoulders relaxed, seeing no visible signs of anyone there. Her relaxation only lasted seconds, though, as the sudden terror she'd woken up to morphed into an uneasy confusion. She didn't recognize this place. The sleek design, the lack of decoration...was it some sort of high-tech prison? She didn't remember ever being here. She should be...she should be...she...she couldn't remember where she should've been. Her breath quickened once again, her hands reaching up to her temples. Where had she been last? She couldn't remember. Where had she ever been? Where there should've been an answer inside her head, there was nothing. Her breaths were getting faster, more shallow, as she scrambled around inside her own head. But she found nothing. Nothing but a name.

Caliban Castro. That was her name. Grabbing onto it was like grabbing onto life jacket; it pulled her out of the sea of panic she'd been submerged in. She forced her respiration to slow, turning into deep breaths, inhaling through the nostrils and exhaling from the mouth. She had to work with what she had. And what she had was a name. Caliban. What kind of name was that? He was a monster, right? In the Tempest? Her eyebrows popped up at the thought. It would appear as though she knew the basics of Shakespearean literature. Good to know. Her eyes turned up. She also had a room. Why had her first assumption been that it was a prison? The question flashed across her mind, but she didn't make any attempt to answer it as she swung her legs out of her bed. The nightstand beside her bed was the first thing to grab her interest. She slid open the drawer, only to be greeted by the sound of something rolling from the movement. She looked down to see a small, empty orange bottle rolling outward, stopping as it hit the interior of the drawer's front. She snatched up the bottle, turning it in her hand until she could see the label.

"Vincent O'Mally..." she read allowed. Who was Vincent O'Malley? She wasn't Vincent O'Mally. Was she? It was a more normal name than Caliban. Maybe she was Vincent O'Mally. As the thought came to mind, she instinctively reached to her chest, as if to see if something, she wasn't sure what, was still there. When it met its destination, she looked down at it. She had boobs. So chances are she was not, in fact, Vincent. Once she had that figured out, she turned her attention back to the bottle. Her eyes drifted past the name, and onto a word printed in bold: OXYCODONE. Her eyebrows furrowed. Why was there an empty bottle of powerful, highly addictive painkillers sitting in her bedside table? Had she tried to...The thought dissipated before it was complete, replaced by a different question: how'd she know what oxycodone was? Was it just common knowledge? She probed at the part of her mind that had given a definition to the drug in attempt to draw more information from it.

Oxycodone is a potent opioid used to relieve pain. Some brands include Oxecta, Xtampza ER, and OxyCon- Cal cut herself off, head flinching back in surprise, the corners of her lips pulling into a small smirk. "Well, Mr. O'Mally, it would seem that I'm a pharmacist," she said, words soaked with pride. With those words, she placed the bottle on top of the night stand, turning back to the rest of her room. The general undecoratedness of the gray room brought her mind back to the prison theory. Maybe this was some sort of high class prison for dangerous criminals, kept secret by the government, where they took their prisoners' memories to steal any chance they had of escape! She turned her face up to the upper corner, where she imagined a camera would be if there were one.

"I want to see my lawyer," she called out to the imaginary security camera. What followed was the most deafening silence Caliban remembered ever hearing, which wasn't saying much. She hadn't noticed how quiet it was until the time came for her to wait for a response. She let the silence surround her for what felt like minutes, before letting out a sigh. "I...think it might just be you and me, Vincent," she mumbled. The prison theory became less believable the more she thought about it. Vicious criminals don't read Shakespeare...and they definitely aren't pharmacists. She sat defeated on the corner of her bed, but as she did, she felt her leg rub against something hard, something that didn't match the softness of the bed. She looked down, eyes catching sight of something sticking out of the mattress. She reached for it, pulling it out and raising it to her eye. It was some sort of strange small vial full of clear liquid.

"Huh..." she muttered, eyes shifting from the vial to the orange bottle on her nightstand. "Vince, I believe we've found a clue."

My brain kind of fried halfway through, but I hope it turned out fine! ^_^

Also, if the light gray text is too close to white, I can totes change it.

Iris Rivers

Location: Flying Outside Stark Tower

Iris looked down at the group as she floated in the air, seeing what appeared to be a heated discourse between the pair of fiances. She let out a deep sigh of disappointment. They had a world to save. If they didn't get the Nullifier to the top of the tower, every pine tree, every rhododendron bush, every overweight squirrel would be gone, never to be seen again. Iris didn't want to live in a universe without overweight squirrels. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell them to get their superpowered behinds in the air, but before she could, a darkness enveloped them, and they were gone from sight. Her eyes widened slightly, head bobbing back in surprise.

"Well if I'd known we could do that, I wouldn't have started flying," she said, eyes shifting to see Neil beside her. That...wasn't good. But she didn't say anything, instead toying with her suit, causing the helmet to pop over her head. Without further hesitation, she blasted further into the sky, following Neil. After a while of flying, Iris caught a glance of sliver, and before she could react, she felt it collide with her metal-clad body. The suit managed to stop any real damage to her body, but that didn't mean they were safe, as before them flew one Silver Surfer. Iris' eyes went wide, as the Surfer sent another barrage of shards at them. Luckily, it too wasn't fatal, though for Neil it very well might've been if not for the glowing young man flying from above. Iris was about to continue flying up, when, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Neil drop out of the sky. Her head shot down, seeing his body plummeting down towards the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, she flipped herself around, launching herself downwards after him. With her suit's functioning thrusters, she managed to catch up to the boy rather quick. She grabbed onto him from behind, her arms under his armpits, holding onto him tightly as she flew him back upwards.

"Don't worry, Mama's got you," Iris said, before her nose crinkled in distaste of her own statement. She quickly shook her head. "Yeah, no, forget I said that. I'm too young to be a mama," she quickly corrected as they slowly worked their way up the building. By the time she was done speaking, she'd just managed to get them back to where they were before Neil's fall, smack dab in front of the Silver Surfer.

Fae Mintfree

Location: Compartment 15

Fae's lips curled up into an bestial snarl in response to Paige's seething reproach of her attempt to help the child. With Paige's words coming out in sort of a hiss, and Fae all but growling, it felt like a showdown between a viper and a lion. Fae took a small step towards Paige, dramatically letting her chin drop, as if to make completely clear that she had to look down in order to look at the girl. Fae knew that being taller didn't necessarily make someone tougher, but it certainly didn't hurt. When it came to face offs, having a few extra inches could mean the difference between the opposition punching and the opposition backing off. "Stop being such an arsewad, gingersnap! I'm just tryin' to figure out how we can help. There's always something we can do. We just need to figure out what," she exclaimed, her eyes glancing over at the pair of girls hugging in the corner.

She glanced over to Barnaby when he began to speak, eyebrows furrowing in confusion when he suddenly cut himself off. She opened her mouth to question the odd behavior, before picking up on the noises that had caused him to go quiet: the sound of spells being fired off. There was a fight going on, and it wasn't hard to guess who it was between. The Aurors must've found who they were looking for. Fae took a step back, away from Paige, eyeing the door cautiously. As Paige whipped out her wand, Fae instinctively raised her hand to do the same thing, but paused before her hand could reach inside her jacket. She hated using magic. The nonsense words always tumbled out of her mouth in the wrong order, and she could never remember what movements went with what spells. There was no way that she'd be able help against a fully trained Death Eater. At least, not with magic.

She dropped her arm, frantically looking around the compartment for something, anything she could use to fight the dark forces that could bust through the sliding doors at any time. Her eyes first landed on Beatrice, arms wrapped tightly around Chiara. For a second, just a second, Fae contemplated swiping the girl off the ground, holding the girl above her head, prepared to use her as a projectile at a moments notice. But she quickly dismissed the idea. Other than it being completely immoral, there was also the problem of trying to pry the girl off of her friend, which would itself be a difficult task. Plus, she didn't think it'd score her any points with Penny. So she moved her gaze slowly away from the pair of girls, until she caught sight of the deck of cards sitting untouched on one of the seats. She raised an eyebrow as an idea came to her.

In a single stride, she reached it, picking it up and weighing it in her hand, before splitting the deck into two smaller piles. She held one of the piles out to Beatrice.

"Here. On the off chance something happens, and someone does come at you or your friend, flick one of these at 'em," she offered, her lips curved into what she intended to be a comforting smile, though it seemed to come off as more mischievous than anything.

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Training Room -> Outside Casper & Jack’s Room

Waverley let out a grunt as she pushed her bent arms straight, struggling to push herself further off the ground. She was on the ground of the Underground training room in push up position, off to the side near a wall, as to stay out of the way of anyone who wanted to use the training room for fighting purposes. She appeared to be nearly at her limit, her frail arms shaking as she lowered herself back down. She felt like there was a wildfire burning inside her arms. Her movement wavered as she tried to push up once again, only for her arms to collapse under her, her body falling flat against the floor. She let herself lay there for a few moments, panting, before she got to her feet.

"Eighteen. Not bad," she mumbled to herself, brushing specks of dirt off the festive Die-Hard t-shirt she'd swiped from her house on December first. She silently admitted to herself that, while eighteen push ups wasn't bad, it wasn't particularly good either. But it was sixteen more than she'd been able to do before joining the Underground. She looked down at her bicep, lightly jabbing it with her finger. Since she'd started exercising, her arms, which had once been thin and bony, surrounded by a light layer of pudge, had become thin and bony, surrounded by a light layer of pudge that became slightly firmer when she flexed. To call them muscles would be an exaggeration, but they weren't nothing. She swiped her water bottle off the ground, the wrinkled plastic signifying that it had been filled and refilled numerous time. She took a swig from it, before her ears perked up at Veil's request for Jack. She capped her water bottle and grabbed her jacket from its position waded up against the wall.

"On it!" she answered, throwing her jacket on as she hopped up the stairs. As she did, though, she paused, hearing Veil mention a new mission. A small smile appeared on her lips, not paying Casper any mind as he sped past her. It sounded to her like she'd be needing to grab her rebar on the way back from grabbing Jack. Without further hesitation, she continued down, passing by a number of rooms. She finally arrived at Jack and Casper's room, only to find James and Casper in a tight embrace outside of it, the latter mentioning how much he had missed the former.

"God, you guys are so fucking adorable." Her tone of voice was one might use when talking about a particularly cute puppy. Missing someone after not seeing them for only an hour or two tops? That was love. Her smile of adoration lessened to a more casual one, as her eyes shifted from them to the door. "Do you know if Jack's in there?" she asked, not waiting for an answer as she reached out and knocked on the door. "Hey, Jack, you there? Veil needs you pronto." she called out.

Iris Rivers

Location: Outside Stark Tower

Iris' lips pursed into a frown at Bethany's firm declaration of Mira's need for help, but quickly gave a small nod. The question hasn't been one of cruelty or apathy, but rather one of ignorance. She wasn't at all a medical professional, but it sounded like Mira was in a stable enough condition, especially given the likelihood that there were hundreds of thousands of people in need of medical attention. But from what the others were saying, it sounded like Mira wasn't in as stable condition as Iris had assumed. As the unconscious young woman was carried off, she turned to look to look at the dark haired girl she recognized as Elizabeth, one of her fellow newbies.

"Actually, yeah, that's a good point," Iris replied, agreeing with Elizabeth's sentiment of standing with Guin, and, in doing so, protecting the Nullifier. She was about to open her mouth to speak once again when something plummeted into the ground. The dust settled to reveal one of the people from earlier, a member of...the Crazy Quartet? Iris was pretty sure that was right. When he pushed them to rush to the top of the tower, Iris toyed with her suit, causing the helmet to close in around her head. She jumped from the ground, using her suits flying feature to keep her hovering a few feet above the crowd. She looked around to the others. "I assume we're flying and not taking the stairs, right?"

Fae Mintfree

Location: Compartment 15

When Elizabeth suggested the two of them take their leave, Fae didn't budge, her rotating glance eventually stopping on Chiara. No one seemed to have any idea how to help the girl, or at least any idea they cared to share with her. Even with her forehead crinkled with concern, it was obvious that the huff of breath exiting her nostrils was a huff of frustration. Her eyes flicked to Elizabeth, a strange mix of hesitance, annoyance, and indecision as to what they should do present in her expression. After a brief moment of silence, she shook her head, waving a hand to gesture to the quivering girl on the ground.

"We can't just leave her like this. We've got to help her somehow!" she exclaimed, lips curved into a small frown. Fae was a young woman of action. The idea that doing nothing could be the best thing they could do to help the girl hadn't even occurred to her. She let her waving arm dangle back in front of her, her other hand wrapping around her wrist, fidgeting with the slap bracelet hidden under her sleeve. Despite her words and desire for action, however, she didn't take any steps towards the girl.
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