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Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception

"Lemme just say that I'm one hundred percent willing to donate my lovely blonde noggin to the cause," she said in response to Bethany's suggestion, her a smirk on her lips. She even stuck her head out, as if offering it to the happy couple, but they had already taken the stick, so she quickly pulled it back. As the pair of them prepared to swing at the piñata, which apparently took a minute or so of prep work and talking, Iris sauntered back over to the open bar, grabbing another beer for herself. By the time she got back to where she'd been standing, she watched on as the pair counted down, before swinging down the stick on the piñata.

"WOOHOO!" Iris cried out through a cupped hand as candy flew through the air. When the attention on the piñata began to dissipate from the crowd, Iris scooted closer to what remained, taking a handful of the candy and staring down at it. On one hand, she didn't usually like candy; it didn't usually taste like anything, just processed and artificial. But on the other hand, she really wanted to be able to say that she'd eaten something that probably didn't even exist. Eventually, her desire for new experiences got the better of her, and she tossed a few of the candies into her mouth, following them with a swig of her beer. When her mouth was free once again, she raised her bottle and spoke. "Man, if I'd known weddings were so dope, I'd have come to one ages ago!"

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: George Washington University
Skills: Pop Culture Knowledge, Radio Wave Manipulation, Sound Wave Manipulation

Waverley could feel her nose starting to run, and the tears that had been prickling at her eyes for a few moments had pooled over, falling over her eyelids and down her cheeks. Her embrace of Cayden was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up nearby. Her hope was, of course, that it was the ambulance come to take Cayden away, though the lack of sirens made that unlikely. She raised her head, looking in the direction of the new arrivals, and she squinted when she saw them. She recognized two of them: one being Anastasia Reinhardt, a privileged girl from a wealthy family rumored online to be members of the illuminati, and the other, more intimating one with fire pouring out his hand was Pyro, a Brotherhood terrorist. Waverley's eyes went wide when she saw them, and she stepped away from Barry.

"Get him to the ambulance. We'll keep these guys busy," Waverley sniffled, her voice cracking as she did. She wiped her tears away with her sweater sleeve, clearing her throat as she did, as if trying to wipe the worry for her friend away before the imminent battle began. And it seemed to work well enough. Her mind wanted nothing more than to release the tension that had built up inside her. When the green-haired kid introduced herself as a Valkyrie-in-training, Waverley's eyebrows furrowed. She was confused at first; Valkyries were from Norse mythology. Surely she wasn't the real deal. She was probably part of some similarly-named street gang. Then again, Thor turned out to be real, so maybe the Valkyries were too. "Those aren't friends, Valkyrie." She then turned to the group of newly arrived Hellfire goons, their malicious intent almost palpable. Forcing herself to focus on her breathing and the car, she reached out her mind, emitting the radio waves for Billy Idol's Rebel Yell and sending them in the direction of the car's radio. But when she fed them into it, a different song began to play in its place. Waverley's eyebrows popped up in surprise, before she nodded.

"I...can work with this," she quietly said, her eyes still glued on the car. She could feel those same waves from earlier, strong and concrete, unlike the abstract waves Waves was used to. They were pouring out of the radio. She harnessed them with her mind, splitting them into thirds, aiming those thirds at each of their three adversaries. And once they were positioned, she poured herself into them, amplifying the sound. It felt like revving an engine. When she did, two of the three were launched away from the car, with the attack on the Reinhardt girl narrowly missing. Waverley's eyes went wide, surprised by her own success. Her eyes then scanned her own allies, being the Echo clones and Havok, before finally landing on Veil. Oftentimes she had to think about what to nickname the Underground's temporary subgroups, but this one was came easy. "So are we gonna bolt, or do we wanna show these guys the full power of the Underground AV Club?" she said as she picked back up the Hello Kitty baseball bat.

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - Coffee Shop
Skills: Perception

'We had it to ourselves, except at one end
There was this crotchety old fucker
Who looked like a trucker,
And introduced himself as Bug-Eyed Ben'

Waverley's teeth dug into the wood at the top of her pencil, just below the heavily used eraser. She stared down intensely at the words written on the paper of her notebook; above them, the paper was worn down to the point that it very well might tear if the eraser so much as touched it. There were still some visible bits of words overlapping one another, clear evidence of her numerous rewrites. It was a fun anecdote, the story of Bug-Eyed Ben, a particularly odd man that her and her friends had met on the road. But as much as she loved her little vagabond stories, they were always difficult to squeeze into musical rhythm and rhyme. After a few moments at staring at the page, as if hoping that somehow her magic could make the song write itself. She let out a huff through her nose and leaned back in her chair, putting her pencil down beside her notebook. Deciding to take a little brain break, she picked up her coffee, and began sipping it up through the straw. Just as she did, however, she saw the praetors come in, causing her to nearly choke on her drink.

The girl was on good terms with both the praetors. She'd even consider them friends. The reason for her less than pleasant reaction was because she was technically speaking supposed to be out with a group of the other probatios digging up trenches. She'd decided she'd wanted a coffee break, and snuck off. A coffee break that ended up being 46 minutes and three iced coffees long. She wasn't sure how informed the praetors were when it came to such details as who's working the trenches when, but just to be safe, Waverley lowered her head. Not that it helped much, considering her recognizable purple highlighted hair that rested on her shoulders.

She listened to the praetors talk amongst each other and those around them. Call her nosy, but Waverley felt spent trying to write, and she was willing to look anywhere for a distraction. The first bit she didn't catch, with them arranged around the counter. But when they went to sit down, she could hear them a little clearer. Something about needing to go to New York. When she heard that, she perked up a little. She'd travelled through New York before, and she'd have loved to go again. Plus, like so many other places across the states, she knew plenty about how to navigate the city. She raised her head from its position staring down at her iced coffee with the intent of inquiring further, but when she did, she was met with the familiar sunny face of Emily Richardson.

"Oh, I'm doing alright. Taking a coffee break from all that sweaty grunt work," she griped, rolling back her shoulders, giving Emily a smile. She then shot a glance over to the praetors, sitting not too far away. "Saw you talking with the praetors. What are they up to? I heard something about New York."

Location: Atrium -> Galley -> Atrium

For reasons beyond her understanding, Cal felt her body go tense upon hearing Kyle mention his profession, and a sense of unease settled in her mind. She didn't want to think about why exactly the thought of being in the presence of a cop was unsettling to her, so she didn't. She forced the observation deep into the back of her mind, until it was barely audible amongst her other thoughts. Even so, the tension in her body didn't fade away. When Zarina complained about the temperature of the water, and Vinnie and Raynor began to brainstorm ways for her to warm up, Cal raised her hand next to her head and gave it a little wave.

"I'll go grab her some stuff," she volunteered, before adding, "One of us gettin' hypothermia is the last thing we need." With that, she began to walk towards the exit of the atrium. But before she got there, she noticed a folded blanket lying on the ground. Her eyebrows furrowed as she scooped it up off the ground. She dusted it off a little, cautiously looking at it, before tucking it under her arm. It'd do in place of a towel. Everything else she needed, she'd have to make in the galley.

Once there, she immediately made her way to the machine. She wasn't exactly a pro with it, so she didn't expect to have much success, but surprisingly, she found herself making exactly what she needed to make. First, a glass of bourbon popped out, which she took. Then, after a couple more taps, a solid, high-quality rope followed. Cal smiled, surprised by her own success. She hung the rope from her shoulder, and made her way back to the atrium. Once there, she let the rope slide off her arm, landing on the ground in front of the group

"Alright, before we do any more swimming or exploring, we should probably tie this around whoever's gonna be doing it. We don't know what's on the other side of these vents, and it'd be best if were able to pull them back if we need to," she said, before turning to Zarina, holding out both the blanket and the bourbon to the kid. "You should bundle up before catch a cold. And drink this; the taste might not be pleasant, but it'll warm you up."

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: George Washington University

For a moment, Waverley was half afraid that Watts would go against her suggestion purely to spite her. But to her relief, she watched as, with his daughter in his arms, he ran across the street, taking shelter in a coffee shop. With them safe, she allowed herself to focus on putting herself between the Purifier and Cayden, who was being held in Sapphire's arms. She made a few threatening jabs at the man, trying to stave him off like the beast he and his people really were on the inside. But before he could get close to her, the little green-haired kid put him down without hesitation. Under normal circumstances, Waverley might've scolded the girl for the numerous corpses she'd decorated the battlefield with, or geeked out over their new temporary ally's powers and skills. But she didn't.

Instead, she let the bat clatter to the ground, and spun around. When she did, Sapphire walked past her, the woman's aura of cold causing goosebumps to rise on the back of her neck. At that moment, some part of Waverley knew what had come to pass. Some part of her knew, but she refused to accept it. Her denial drowned out any assumptions of the worst. She quickly walked over to the Echo clone that held Cayden, though her attention was solely on the young man in his arms. When she got to him, she immediately reached her hand to his neck wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but as she touched it, it felt like ice. She pulled her fingers back, recognizing it as the work of Sapphire. She figured touching it would do more harm than good. Unfortunately, that left her shaky hands with no way to help, and she needed them to be doing something. So, almost instinctively, her hand moved from his neck to the back of his head, tangling itself in his long dark hair. Her other hand lingered on his neck, just far away enough from the wound as to not be at risk of melting the patch of ice.

"Y-you're okay. The ambulance is almost here," she croaked, her voice coming out raspy. He was still warm, despite the chilly air around them. He was still warm. Waverley didn't want to check his pulse, and her mind refused to register the fact that his chest had stopped rising and falling. But he was warm. That was all that mattered. That was all that she let matter. And if she could keep him warm, then he'd be okay...right? It wasn't sound logic, of course. It was the kind of logic used so often by those in the first stage of loss, desperate and nonsensical. So she reached across his body, grabbing onto his hand furthers from her, and did her best to let her body heat raise his. Despite her fierce denial, tears were glistening on the surface of her eyes.

Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception

Iris watched as Magneto began to float above the reception area. Iris stared, a confused frown on her face as she watched him go, surprised by his ability to fly. She didn’t think on it long enough to realize he was probably just using the metal he wore to levitate. Once he was a few meters off the ground, Iris raised her fist, middle finger protruding from its place on the center of her hand, giving the metal man the bird as he floated off.

”Man, I guess all the magnetic powers in the world can’t get you balls of steel,” she said, watching him disappear into the night sky. Despite the man being gone from her sight, she couldn’t help but cup her free hand next to her mouth and shout, ”YEAH, FLY AWAY YOU WRINKLY ASS PUSSY! I HOPE YOU SHREDDED UP BY A PLANE ENGINE!” Content with her insults, she turned her attention back to the party, where she saw Antoinette had summoned a pinata depicting Magneto’s likeness. Iris scanned the area for something Guin could hit it with. At first, she didn’t find anything, but as she turned her gaze to the bushes and patches of nature at the edge of the party, she saw a stick that looked solid enough to be used as a weapon. She bounced over, a spring in her step, grabbed it, and returned to the angsty bride just as Cassandra told her to calm down.

”Screw that noise,” she began, holding out the stick to Guin. ”There’s a time for relaxing, and there’s a time for beating the shit out of candy-stuffed replica of your dickhead father-in-law’s stupid face. I do believe that this would fall in the category of the latter.”

Location: Atrium

"You'd think that creepy space robots would come up with something more secure than 'lets flip the screws,' wouldn't ya?" Cal mused, a snort audible after her words. She neglected to mention that it had, in fact, fooled her well enough that she immediately decided explosives were the next best option. Upon hearing her name, her head turned quickly towards Vinnie, eyebrows scrunching together as the girl gave a swift, almost nonsensical rant on where they might've known each other from. Despite the fact that trying to make sense of Vinnie's rants felt like going on a roller coaster while on acid, Cal did her best to do just that. If the girl remembered her, anything that came out of her mouth could help her figure out exactly who she was. But as Vinnie spoke, and Cal searched her mind, she couldn't come up with anything having to do with any sort of musical shenanigans at any fast food establishment.

"I mean, it's entirely possible, I guess, but I don't remember-" she began to say, before something smashed its way into the front of her mind. It was Vinnie's full name: Lavinia Grace. Why did it sound so familiar? No, that wasn't right. It didn't sound familiar. Hearing hadn't sparked anything when Vinnie first introduced herself. But when Cal imagined the words written in her head, that was familiar. Written in black, surrounded by white, surrounded by orange. Round in hand, a familiar round. Why was it familiar? The feeling of her forefinger rubbing the ridges of a safety cap. A pill bottle! The image became clear in her head: a pill bottle, with Lavinia Grace written on it. A prescription for Adderall. "Lavinia...Adderall! You've got ADHD! That..." she began, and was about to comment on how much that revelation explained about Vinnie's personality, but she pulled herself back, for fear of insulting the girl. "That is quite the discovery! I think I'm your pharmacist, mate!" The memory of holding the pill bottle in hand seemed to solidify the idea that she was a pharmacist, raising her certainty to slightly above fifty percent. She was so enveloped in the idea of finding hints on her past life, that she didn't notice Zarina had left until only her feet were sticking out of the vent. Much to her annoyance, she could feel that protective feeling rise back up to the surface. She didn't much care for that feeling. Glancing over at Raynor, she watched as he tried to communicate with Zari without turning the device on.

"Oi, once you figure out how to turn that fuckin' thing on, tell the girl to get her scrawny arse out here so we can come up with a better plan than 'let the kid go through a vent half-full of water so she can pop out God knows where and probably get herself killed,' yeah?! she spat, amplifying her rudeness in attempt to cover up her attempt at altruism.

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: George Washington University
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation and Interpretation, Perception, Stick Combat

Waverley opened her mouth to respond with a word of acknowledgement to the command that Sapphire gave her to get the other Watts girl to safety, but she stopped herself when she came to the realization that Sapphire was telling Leda to get her out of the fight. Waverley's forehead wrinkled in uncertainty. The confusion on her face was obvious enough to cover up the undertones of annoyance, but that didn't mean they weren't still there. She'd just asked an an injured civilian to escort a teammate away. Waverley wasn't exactly the best fighter in the Underground, especially since she'd left her rebar at home under the assumption that this would be a non-combative mission, but even so, she didn't like the fact that Sapphire asked generally wasn't the biggest fan of confrontation, especially with one so intimidating as Sapphire, so it was up in the air whether or not she'd mention her irritation once they were safe. But she was definitely not going to do it in the middle of all the chaos that raged around them.

Waverley tensed up when she felt the injured girl wrap her arms around her, and she felt blood pump to her face. Since joining the Underground, she'd learned a lot; a lot about combat, her powers, and living in the shadows of society. But when it came to being held by a pretty blonde stranger, she was still very much a socially awkward teenager. At first, she'd assumed it was because the girl needed help walking, but realized that wasn't the case when Leda asked her if she could walk. Waverley gave a quick nod.

"I should be asking you that. I'm not the one with a bullet in my si-" she said, before flinching as bullets whizzed at them. She raised her hand, as if it would somehow help protect the two of them, despite the fact that it likely wouldn't. Luckily, the other girl sent out a defensive rainbow ray. That was a cool power. It kind of reminded her of Echo's rave manipulation power. Without further ado, she grabbed onto the girl's shoulder in an effort to help her walk. It didn't much matter whether or not she actually needed help walking, as Waverley was desperate to prove that she wasn't useless. As she walked, she reached out her mind, sending out an emergency transmission calling for a number of ambulances. She was sure that more than one would be needed. Once she was sure she'd gotten one, she began speaking again. "An ambulance is on its way. I - Shit do you have health insurance? Ambulances are fucking expensive in the US. I can get you an Uber if you don't wanna spend a shit ton of money on a ride in a wee-yoo wagon." She blurted out the words, quick and rushed. She was always a bit panicked when they were caught in a fight, but she was sure that was normal. As she helped Leda, she caught sight of Cayden lying on the ground, Sapphire sitting over him. Her eyes somehow went wider than they already were.

"Shit, Cayden!" she exclaimed, him and Sapphire stealing her attention for a few moments. Her mind went into overdrive, scanning her surroundings for some sort of first-aid kit. Of course she didn't find any, given that they were outside, and she mentally berated herself for even thinking there might be. Her eyes turned to the buildings, where she was originally planning on going. Inside was probably the safest place for Leda, and was probably her best bet to find a first-aid kit. But she couldn't see a way through the fight. So it seemed like the only course of action was to stand ground until an opening appeared. So, as soon as she made sure that Leda wouldn't collapse once she let go of her, Waverley took a stance in front of her, Sapphire, and Moonwalker.

"Hey, Doc! I need you to look for an opening, and get your girl inside. While you're in there, see if you can find a first-aid kit." she called out to Watts, before scanning the battlefield for anyone looking like they were about to pounce on Cayden and Sapphire. She saw two such purifiers, and quickly scanned the ground for something she could use to fight. Not far away, there sat a Hello Kitty bat. She would've assumed it was the young green-haired girl's, had she not just seen her using an actual sword to cut a guy's arm off. Whoever's it was, she hoped they were okay. Scooping it up from the ground, she quickly turned it on the two purifiers, swinging at them threateningly a few times, before striking one so hard in the crotch that he seemed to go unconscious. She pointed it at the remaining one. "If you ever want to have to have kids, you better back the fuck off."
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