Waverley Watts - Feedback
Location: George Washington University
Waverley's heart sunk when the young Valkyrie explained that she wasn't there for Cayden. It made sense, of course; if she were here to take his spirit to the afterlife, she'd have had no reason to stick around this long. Admittedly, though, hearing her say that another of her kind had done the deed was comforting. Even if Zarina was just some kid who escaped the psych ward, which was the most likely scenario, Waverley didn't really have the mental or emotional energy to doubt the origin story she gave. Especially considering all the insane things she'd learned in her time with the Underground. When you live with a boy who can speak to the dead and the literal queen of limbo, your stance on what's possible can get a little more broad.
Waverley's head popped up when Veil mentioned Magik's fate. The simple, straight-forward sentence hit her like a brick. For Cayden's passing, she'd been allowed a pillow of denial to cushion the blow. She'd had reason to believe he wasn't dead, even if the belief was unrealistic. But with Magik, there was no reason to deny it. Her chest tightened, feeling as though it'd been caved in. She hadn't been as close with Magik as she had been with Cayden, but they were friendly. What really hurt, though, was the thought of Sunshine's reaction. The pair had had a
special relationship, the specifics of which Waverley could only guess. This would crush her. So, with that thought, Waverley swallowed her own grief. Perhaps putting others' problems before one's own wasn't a healthy coping mechanism, but it was one Waverley subscribed herself to often. All she knew was that she'd be okay. She'd bawl her eyes out under cover of night for a few weeks, and then quietly mourn for a few more, but the day would come where she was okay. The same, she felt, couldn't be said about Sunshine. Waverley loved the girl dearly, but she feared she was a timebomb, with every tragedy that happened to her bringing her one step closer to exploding. Who knew what would happen if she ever did? It was something Waverley wanted to keep from happening more than anything in the world.
When the car came to an eventual stop, Waverley slid out of the car, leaving the gas station snacks in her seat. She was still clutching her arm, trying her best to keep it from moving as she walked into the Underground. Once she was inside, she immediately felt queasy seeing Sunshine on the sofa, Magik in her arms. She approached the two of them, but when she slowed to a stop in front of the sofa, she realized she'd made a mistake. This, with a broken arm and Sunshine still clutching to her beloved, was not the right time for comfort. Still, Waverley couldn't continue onward to the medical room without saying something.
"I'm sorry...I know she meant a lot to you...if you need to talk to someone, I'm always here, ready to listen..." she mumbled, the silence between the words as prevalent as the words themselves. She wanted to say more, to do more, but she knew that it wasn't the right time. So, after a moment of standing there silently, she walked up the stairs and made her way towards medical, passing by a loopy Luna and an uncharacteristically helpful Negasonic. Once she got there, she stood at the door, looking inside. It wasn't exactly Disneyland. Casper and Max were both in less-than tiptop shape, with James standing over the latter. It was still stressful for Waverley to see Max laying there as a member of the Underground rather than an enemy, and she did her best to avoid such occurrences as much as she could. She leaned against the doorframe, waiting a few seconds, unsure whether she should interrupt or not.
"Um, hey James...I took a bit of a tumble and banged up my arm a little. When you get a minute, I'd appreciate a little help with it, but don't make it a priority. In fact, just say the word and I can come back another time." Waverley did her best to undersell the injury. It hurt like a bitch, but she knew she'd live. There very well could've been more pressing matters he needed to attend to, and she didn't want to keep him from them.