✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Basic Medicine
Rebecca winced in sympathy for the Gryphon. Arthur returned quickly with some herbs and Rebecca frowned a bit quizzically. She wasn't quite certain that he had actually acquired the appropriate ones for a healing salve. But upon taking a second look, she was relieved to see he had found the right components.
"Excellent, you have the makings of a healer," Rebecca praised Arthur.
"Now all we need to do is apply these herbs to the wound gently. Use a light but certain touch and technique," she instructed Andy and Arthur. Rebecca took about a third of the herbs, before gingerly approaching the Gryphon.
"This may sting a bit," she warned the creature, before trying to apply the herbs. The Gryphon snapped at her and Rebecca slowly backed off, the herbs still in her hand.
"These are going to help heal your wound. We're not trying to hurt you," Rebecca said, trying to reassure the creature. She watched the Gryphon carefully, hoping to see the poor thing calm down enough for her to try again with the medicine.
🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation
Leda giggled slightly at the apparent Freudian slip Mary made.
"Oh, you wanna go on a date with me, Flower Power?" she teased. She figured that it was way more likely that Mary had just slipped up with her words, but either way, it was
excellent material for ribbing. The dare that Kiera had given her was pretty interesting. Leda wasn't sure at first if she wanted to do it, but not because she wasn't comfortable with saying lewd things to people. She just didn't know if she wanted her mother to be the one carrying that message - and it felt a little bit disrespectful towards her mother's time.
Although, she supposed if her mom didn't want to carry a prank message, she didn't have to. Her mind flickered through the various people back at Camp Half-blood that she could message. She briefly considered Scarlett-Rose, but she was the daughter of Nemesis and Leda didn't want someone with luck manipulation angry with her. Mary's sister Eva would be a way safer person to talk to. Children of Demeter weren't too powerful and she figured Eva could take a joke hopefully. She made a rainbow and flicked a drachma into it.
"O Mom, please accept my offering - Eva, Camp Half Blood." The rainbow in front of her rippled, revealing not Eva - instead, she got Dana, the Head Counselor of Hebe. Her mother was pranking her back. Leda supposed that was fair.
"Hey girl, are you a werewolf because I wanna howl naked at the moon with you?" Leda asked, before bursting into a fit of giggling. She then rapidly waved her hand through the rainbow to try to kill the connection.
☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome - Senate Building -> Nancy's Villa
Skills: N/A
Nancy nodded in agreement with Madalyne.
"Have you thought on what you'll do after?" she asked her. They hadn't talked about what each of them planned to do after they finished their terms as praetors. Vague ideas had been dancing around in Nancy's head, although she hadn't voiced them to either Madalyne or Niah quite yet. She hadn't even talked to the most important person about them. One time, she had tried to reach out to her father for advice about it, but to use the vernacular of the modern day -
he left her on read. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll walk with you," Nancy said.
Her villa wasn't that far from Madalyne's and Nancy definitely needed a change of clothes. The sooner she could get out of her toga and cape and into a t-shirt and overalls, the better. She wanted to be wearing her Doc Martin's and stomping around, kicking ass and taking names. She didn't hate being praetor - she loved serving New Rome and leading Camp Jupiter - but sometimes, well most of the time, it was a constricting tornado of votes and paperwork. She would have had so much more fun as a dictator. Democracy was overrated. She walked with Madalyne, leaving the Senate House and when she had to split off from her, she gave her a wave.
Nancy's home didn't have a lot of decoration to it. It was pretty much just a place where she stashed her stuff. The largest item in there was her cassette collection, not counting her bed and whatnot. She quickly changed out of her formal clothes and pulled on a Pink Floyd shirt, a black leather jacket, overalls, and her beloved boots. She hesitated for a moment, before grabbing her imperial gold sword as well. She had her enchanted daggers, but her gut was telling her a sword was going to come in handy on this one.
"Hey Dad... Got any advice on this one? Before we go crash a Titan's pad?" she asked the empty villa.
"No? Too busy banging the Muses?" she rolled her eyes, before heading out of her villa and locking it up behind her.