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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck -> Cargo Hold
Skills: N/A

Arthur flinched as the Gryphon crashed onto their ship, not ready for another fight. His hand trembled towards his knife, but as Rebecca started to tend towards it, he relaxed a bit. It was good to see that this wasn't all fighting and death, but that they were trying to help things too. He was a bit scared to approach it but as he was directed to help Rebecca care for it, he gave a nervous look over towards it, keeping his distance. He nodded at his directions, not at all minding putting some distance between him and the beast, and headed down towards the cargo hold.

As he entered, he realized he had no idea what kind of herbs he was looking for, so he was kind of in a tough situation. He wasn't an apothecary by any means, so sending him down with no real instructions might not have been the best idea. Rummaging through barrels and working his way back, he eventually found something back there that looked vaguely herb shaped. Figuring that was his best shot, he grabbed as much of it as he could manage, and started heading back to the deck, taking a breath for a moment as he did. It was nice to be away from everyone, giving him a chance to just calm down and decompress.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Not gonna lie, that is a little bit disgusting. Who uses their spit for an Iris message? Just ewww," Mary commented, shaking her head towards Demetri. That was pretty disgusting, and he could have just asked the kid of Poseidon nearby to create enough water for it, but oh no, he decided to spray water from his mouth. Add that to the list of things that she didn't really like about Demetri, and now that she thought about it that list was starting to get a little bit long.

"Why does it not surprise me that you want to do a date Leda?" Mary said towards her with a bit of a laugh as she looked at the pair. She was a bit curious as to what dare Kiera had in mind for Leda, and she partially couldn't wait to see the results. Of course she had a slight bet as to what sort of dare Leda was likely hoping for, and she had to stop herself from snickering just at the thought. Her friend could be so obvious when it comes to flirting.

Jason Gauger

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Jason still wasn't all too sure about this situation with the gryphon. Since to him it still seemed like one wrong move could result in the creature freaking out and striking against them. That wouldn't be a good thing, nope not at all, and he would prefer to not potentially get attacked by a mythical creature. His brain was still trying to not accept this whole situation as reality, which definitely made things interesting.

When Alannah called to him about potentially pulling something out, he couldn't really figure a way out of it at all. Taking a deep breath, he moved over to where Alannah was, until he was right next to her. He looked at the gryphon for a moment, before turning his attention back to her. "Alright Alannah, what do you need me to do?" he asked her, since he wasn't at all too sure what to even do about this entire situation, he knew nothing about helping animals out.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Washington DC
Skills: N/A

"Everythin is just like a nahrmal phone call to me, video chats seem a bet pointless, boeht den again, when you 'ave to just imagine what people look like den it does seem pointless," she commented with a bit of a shrug when Zeke explained to her more or less what an Iris message was. Janelle had no use for a video chat phone call system, she just wanted to be able to hear people's voices. If this sort of thing is how demigods did it, then so be it, that's just how things were it would seem.

What she didn't expect though, was Demetri's voice yelling incredibly loudly in what was clearly directed towards her since it involved her brother. She instantly put her hands to her ears as the words were echoing constantly throughout her head, her ears ringing from the sudden burst of sound. "Can you please naht yell? Me ears work fine it's me eyes dat dahn't, and me 'earin actually is better in order to make up fahr de lack o' sight..." she said somewhat quietly, not really taking her hands off of her ears.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Argo III Upper Deck:

There wasnt anything on the radar still, as Arthur went to get herbs from the cargo hold Alannah looked over towards Andy still inside of the wheelhouse. "Hey Andy, could you come over and help out Rebecca and Arthur with the healing salve please?" She called out to her, as the Gryphon made a quiet eagle sound as she looked over towards Jason. "Alright, so I want you to get the bandages once I pull this out and apply it onto the wound okay?" She instructed getting a better grip on the spear itself, and started to count to three before Alannah yanked the spear out and dropped it onto the ground. The Gryphon screeched and started to flail slightly, before eventually calming down, seeing Arthur coming up with a handful of healing herbs.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck
Skills: N/A

Kiera watched as Demetri spoke over towards Kristin and the others who were on their own quest as she looked over towards Leda and started to think for a moment on a really good dare to ask. She thought for a moment on having her send a really lewd message to her mother Iris, but she knew what had happened to Mona earlier by what Hecate had done to her. And she smiled getting a really good idea and then looked at her. "I dare you to Iris Message someone back at Camp, and say something really lewd to them." Kiera said smirking a little bit at the idea about it would be really hilarious to see whoever she was going to contact back at camp.

Kiera turned her attention back towards Demetri. "Hey tell the others I said hi for me please." Kiera said, she wanted to say hi to them, but she couldnt really get a good look at them at the moment. It looked like the Iris Message was about to end really soon as well, as Demetri continued to rattle off what they were up to on their end as well. Kiera then started to take another bite out of her dinner as well enjoying it and took another sip from her drink.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Senate Building -> Madalyne's Villa
Skills: mystiokinesis

"Thank you all for your time, and again I am sorry for calling all of you here for a third time today." Madalyne said to all of the other Senators that were there, as they started to shuffle all out one by one. [color=7FFFD4\"I cant wait to not be a Praetor anymore."[/color] Madalyne said as she looked at Nancy and Niah and smiled towards them, she did like the look of the armor that the three of them found in their last quest together. "We could totally just climb onto your back and you can fly us there." Madalyne said jokingly as she adjusted the purple cloak and toga slightly, she couldnt wait to get out of it. "I'm going to go to my villa and get packed up and changed, meet you guys outside the cohort barracks, tell the others to meet up there to." Madalyne said figuring that it was a good place to meet up since Niah, Waverly, Emily and Marco still lived in the cohort barracks.

Madalyne turned and started to get out of the senate building, luckily for the Praetors they didnt have to live in the barracks while they were in office and lived in the nice villas in New Rome. She started to make her way through the streets, it didnt take her to long as she entered her home, and looked around for a moment. Madalyne didnt really decorate it to much, she made her way into her bedroom eyeing the safe for a moment.

She slowly made her way over there she had it enchanted herself as she used her magic to unlock it and opened the door there was a small piece of cloth as she unwrapped it for a moment, the gem was there still. Madalyne kept it there for safe keeping, getting some evil vibes from it, before putting it back and closed the safe. She started to get changed setting her Praetor clothes neatly on the bed, and quickly got her things packed up.

"See you all later." Alexandra said as she waved the three of them out of her room and quickly closed the door, the three of them would hear a lock click behind them as well signaling that she wasnt going to be dealing with anyone else today. They would also see the senators all leaving the door that led onto the senate floor itself.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. The Streets -> Union Station
Skills: N/A

"Shoving is a little bit rude Zekey." Kristin said shaking her head slightly as he spoke crossing her arms slightly, as she listened to Demetri as he started to talk about how things were going on for them which seemed like they were just as busy as they were. "Seems like you all have been pretty busy." Kristin said as she looked at Janelle and nodded towards her and looked at Demetri, as she continued to walk back towards the bus station.

She started to see that the Iris Message was starting to flicker in and out some as well looking at Demetri on the other end. "You are running out of mist, you might want to get that fixed if you want to continue the call." Kristin warned as they made it back to the bus station and Kristin continued to eat some more of her dinner. She paused for a moment as she saw the girl that Zeke had pointed out was at one of the ticket booths, and started to reach for her bracelet for a moment looking at the two of them.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Argo III - Wheelhouse

Alannah called for Andy to come help, but Andy didn't want to. She was nervous about what had hurt the creature following it to them. "What if it is a trap?" She asked Alannah. "What if what hurt it is nearby and everyone is so focused on fixing the Gryphon that they don't see them coming?" Andy had been lured into her fair share of traps when she was wandering alone. After she had gotten the dagger she had gotten better at fighting her way out of situations, but she knew it was better to not get into a trap then have to fight her way out.

Andy sighed, she'd help but only cause Arthur was there too. She took a last glance at the screens, left the wheelhouse, and took a look at the skies just to be certain there wasn't anything coming at them. "Will you watch then?" She asked Alannah and then set to work helping Rebecca and Arthur. She had no idea how to help them out so she just let Rebecca direct her. Andy also didn't think she was the best at not looking threatening, but her dagger was away on her bracelet so at least she didn't have a weapon out.

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Senate Building -> Cohort 2

"Yeah that seems safe." Niah said sarcastically. "I'd rather use a raft again. Why didn't we tie ourselves to the raft? We are lucky no one fell out and we didn't get attacked on the way to Mount Rushmore." Niah shook her head laughing a bit. "Also we will have three more people I don't know if there are enough places to grab onto me for all five you." Niah said shaking her head. "Enjoy de-robeing. Meet you between the barracks."

Niah waved at the cohort five group of three making their way back from the Augury. "We're gonna meet out here when you're done packing." She told them. Emily gave a wave with her free hand to indicate she heard. Niah went into her cohort barracks. She thought of the time she had packed up to go to Mount Rushmore. The three of them had faced a lot of danger on that trip, but they had been successful. Now the crystal was at the center of this again. Had she been set up from even back then to be involved in this larger prophecy?

Her stomach twisted and she set to packing. It didn't take too long, her armor was kept in good condition so she just had to put it on. That was what took her the most time. The rest was making sure they had some extra cash and nectar. Last quest they had resorted to a bit of stealing to get what they needed. Oh and a map or at least some sort of travel plan. They had winged it last time. It had worked out with the armor, but Niah didn't know if it could handle six people so she figured a plan a and b would be good to have first. She'd mention that once they all got together.

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Augury -> Cohort 5

Emily gave a small wave goodbye to Alexandra as she shut the door to the Augury. She didn't blame her for wanting to be alone. It could not be easy being the camp prophet. Em was thankful that wasn't her burden. She squeezed Marco's hand gently as they started walking back to the cohort. Hopefully, the Preators and Niah had been able to get permission for their little gang. Just as the group got to the barracks Niah waved at them and let them know they'd be meeting in the barracks square once they finished packing. She gave a wave and entered the cohort five barracks.

Emily let go of Marco's hand to pack. She checked that she had a few different plant seeds. She could use plants around her, but they weren't always vined plants which made it hard for her. Bacchus was a god of the vine, not dandelions. Though she supposed since you could make dandelion wine she probably could control them. Other than that was just packing a backpack real quick with a change of clothing, some toiletries, and a week's supply of HRT. She hoped that would be enough to get them through this mission. She hoped they would swing back by the camp before heading out again if she was going on a second quest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Ezekiel Kel

Location: Streets ---> Bus Depot -- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes at Kristin. ”Oh please, you are fine. Only saying that because of him,” Zeke said nodding to Demetri. He took a step back after Demetri gave them the run down on everything that had happened to them so far. At least they hadn’t seen the mother of monsters herself. He was curious about this Mary being a cow thing though. She always smelled like strawberries from the fields and he hated that smell. The joy of having to work beside the fields for so long.
Ezekiel smirked at Demetri and crossed his arms. ”You would like to know about the various sizes I have wouldn’t you. Foot size for example,” he teased Demetri. He rolled his eyes when Demetri faked being worried for Ezekiel’s safety. Boy wonder had a nice ring to it but it reminded him too much of Hercules and therefore the cyclops baby of the last quest.
The message started to fade as they reached the bus station. Ezekiel looked around and spotted the female he had seen earlier buying a bus ticket. He dropped his arms and groaned. ”That can’t be a good sign,” he said to the two girls he was with. He didn’t have to guess that she would probably be on their bus. So much for a relaxing ride.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Top Deck > Lower Decks
Skills: Iris Message?

Demetri blushed sheepishly as his hand rubbed the back of his neck while letting out a small giggle. "My bad Janelle. Still figuiring out how this thing works." The image began to get static and flicker as the call continued. An eyebrow raising in confusion as his attention switched towards Kristin. "Um...and I having bad reception or something?" He poked the image the same way someone would tap on an old phone before asking hello. Kristen was kind enough to let him now that he was running out of mist, he looked dowm at his cup and saw it was empty. Having downed the liquid for this call by filling his cheeks to the brim in order to get that mist effect. Damn it. "Bit out of luck in the mist department right now. But thats fine, I'm glad to see you all safe and I suppose we've been busy. But man I'd rather be on the ground with you guys."

Demetri had a look of shock as Zeke proclaimed the child of zues would like to know of his sizes. The shock turning into a bit of disgust as he mentioned foot size. "Thats the last thing I'd care about. If anything I'd wonder about the size of that brain, if there even is any." He ignored the comments coming from nearby, those didn't have a time limit. But Zekes words echoed in Demetris brain. Would he like to know about Zekes...sizes? would he?. He shook his head no, hoping the question would follow out his ears and away from thought.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Augery -> Cohort 5 Barracks

Waverley gave Niah a thumbs up when she told them where they'd be meeting, but didn't say anything, instead following her co-fivers back to their barracks. Once there, she walked immediately to her sliver of room, with the small collection of items she'd brought to Camp Jupiter. She slid her open suitcase out from under her bed, which was already filled with all her clothes. She was so used to living out of a suitcase from her years on the road that she never really got around to unpacking, even after a number of months staying at Camp Jupiter. So all she really had to do to get ready was zip it up and she was good to go. She was unsure why she'd even asked how long she should pack for, since all the clothes she owned fit inside the bag.

As she waited for the others to finish their packing, she chose to discard her guitar case, instead opting to use its strap to sling it across her back, making it easier to access in case of a fight. Afterwards, she made quick note in pencil on the map that decorated her section of wall saying 'Off to Mount Tam to talk to Atlas, holder of the heavens?!?!?! He's real I guess.' With that, she dropped her pencil into her bag, and walked to the middle of the barracks, between the two rows of beds, waiting for the others.

"...Do you guys think we need armor? I really don't like how it feels, but I also don't think I'll like how getting stabbed feels," she said into the quiet, before adjusting her guitar to be resting on her thighs. She began to tune it by ear, a process much akin, for her, to sharpening a blade before a fight.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: The Augery -> Cohort 5 Barracks
Skills: N/A

Marco also waved to Alexandra at that point and sighed as he heard the click. He didn't blame her for wanting to be alone at that point... his own mind was still reeling and his thoughts were in a cloud of conflict. He did nod his head to Niah as they passed her, and she informed them that they would be meeting up once everyone was done packing. As he headed into the Cohort, there was a familiar chattering sound that perked him up instantly as he dashed over to the little cage near his bed. "Hey little boy, yeah, daddy's here..." He cooed as he went to open the little cage and then gently held Milo, his sugar glider, in his hands. "I missed you too." He smiled as Milo seemed to relax and then he paused in realization. Besides Em, there was no one else he could trust to watch Milo, and since Em was coming with him on the quest...

"Em, love, do you know where I left the little carrier for Milo? You know, the chest snuggy one?" Marco went to start picking out things to pack, like his knife and the message compact, but also started grabbing some of Milo's food and the little blanket the sugar glider liked to nap in. Even if the praetors had issue with it, he was going to bring his little baby with him on this quest. "Armor couldn't hurt, Waverley... though make sure it is something easy to move around in. Just in case."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Basic Medicine

Rebecca winced in sympathy for the Gryphon. Arthur returned quickly with some herbs and Rebecca frowned a bit quizzically. She wasn't quite certain that he had actually acquired the appropriate ones for a healing salve. But upon taking a second look, she was relieved to see he had found the right components. "Excellent, you have the makings of a healer," Rebecca praised Arthur. "Now all we need to do is apply these herbs to the wound gently. Use a light but certain touch and technique," she instructed Andy and Arthur. Rebecca took about a third of the herbs, before gingerly approaching the Gryphon.

"This may sting a bit," she warned the creature, before trying to apply the herbs. The Gryphon snapped at her and Rebecca slowly backed off, the herbs still in her hand. "These are going to help heal your wound. We're not trying to hurt you," Rebecca said, trying to reassure the creature. She watched the Gryphon carefully, hoping to see the poor thing calm down enough for her to try again with the medicine.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

Leda giggled slightly at the apparent Freudian slip Mary made. "Oh, you wanna go on a date with me, Flower Power?" she teased. She figured that it was way more likely that Mary had just slipped up with her words, but either way, it was excellent material for ribbing. The dare that Kiera had given her was pretty interesting. Leda wasn't sure at first if she wanted to do it, but not because she wasn't comfortable with saying lewd things to people. She just didn't know if she wanted her mother to be the one carrying that message - and it felt a little bit disrespectful towards her mother's time.

Although, she supposed if her mom didn't want to carry a prank message, she didn't have to. Her mind flickered through the various people back at Camp Half-blood that she could message. She briefly considered Scarlett-Rose, but she was the daughter of Nemesis and Leda didn't want someone with luck manipulation angry with her. Mary's sister Eva would be a way safer person to talk to. Children of Demeter weren't too powerful and she figured Eva could take a joke hopefully. She made a rainbow and flicked a drachma into it. "O Mom, please accept my offering - Eva, Camp Half Blood."

The rainbow in front of her rippled, revealing not Eva - instead, she got Dana, the Head Counselor of Hebe. Her mother was pranking her back. Leda supposed that was fair. "Hey girl, are you a werewolf because I wanna howl naked at the moon with you?" Leda asked, before bursting into a fit of giggling. She then rapidly waved her hand through the rainbow to try to kill the connection.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome - Senate Building -> Nancy's Villa
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded in agreement with Madalyne. "Have you thought on what you'll do after?" she asked her. They hadn't talked about what each of them planned to do after they finished their terms as praetors. Vague ideas had been dancing around in Nancy's head, although she hadn't voiced them to either Madalyne or Niah quite yet. She hadn't even talked to the most important person about them. One time, she had tried to reach out to her father for advice about it, but to use the vernacular of the modern day - he left her on read. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll walk with you," Nancy said.

Her villa wasn't that far from Madalyne's and Nancy definitely needed a change of clothes. The sooner she could get out of her toga and cape and into a t-shirt and overalls, the better. She wanted to be wearing her Doc Martin's and stomping around, kicking ass and taking names. She didn't hate being praetor - she loved serving New Rome and leading Camp Jupiter - but sometimes, well most of the time, it was a constricting tornado of votes and paperwork. She would have had so much more fun as a dictator. Democracy was overrated. She walked with Madalyne, leaving the Senate House and when she had to split off from her, she gave her a wave.

Nancy's home didn't have a lot of decoration to it. It was pretty much just a place where she stashed her stuff. The largest item in there was her cassette collection, not counting her bed and whatnot. She quickly changed out of her formal clothes and pulled on a Pink Floyd shirt, a black leather jacket, overalls, and her beloved boots. She hesitated for a moment, before grabbing her imperial gold sword as well. She had her enchanted daggers, but her gut was telling her a sword was going to come in handy on this one.

"Hey Dad... Got any advice on this one? Before we go crash a Titan's pad?" she asked the empty villa. "No? Too busy banging the Muses?" she rolled her eyes, before heading out of her villa and locking it up behind her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur nodded at Rebecca, glad he had managed to get the right ones. "I'm glad, I hope it feels better soon." He said meekly, as its jaw snapped. He gave the creature a look see, and stuck his hand out, seeing if he could help, but the creature snapped at him as well, and he quickly took several steps back. He wasn't about to lose a finger for this thing.

He looked over a rebecca, and quietly asked, "Um... Is it always like this?" He rubbed the back of his head, clearly distressed. "Like, killing things, people dying? It... it gets better right?" He almost wanted her to lie to him, and tell him that this was atypical, and that this sort of thing didn't happen often. But more than anything else, he wanted that lie to be true.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Yeah hell no to that one Princess Rainbow Unicorn," Mary responded to her with an eye roll before she listened to the dare that Kiera had given to her. That definitely had to be somewhat awkward, considering she'd be sending the message via her own mother's power. She had to suppress the urge to laugh at the idea of Iris potentially hearing her daughter's message to some random camper. "Well that might be awkward later," she couldn't help but comment, trying to hide the smile that was trying to creep along her face.

She heard who it was that Leda was trying to contact, and that did make her laugh a little bit, since she wasn't all too sure how Eva would react to the message. However it didn't seem like she had gotten a hold of Eva, instead she had gotten Dana, and now she was sitting there giggling at Leda's words to her and then her instantly trying to kill the connection. Knowing how their luck tended to be, the connection probably wasn't killed yet and Leda was likely going to get a response from the person she messaged. This definitely was going to be entertaining.

Jason Gauger

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: First Aid

"Alright," he responded, nodding his head slightly as Alannah gave him instructions as to what she wanted him to do as he then proceeded to go grab the bandages so that he could do just that. He wasn't too sure how the Gryphon would react really to him, since from what he could tell a few of the others seemed like they were having problems with getting the creature to cooperate. However he didn't really have much time to think about it, as Alannah just counted to three before pulling the spear out rather quickly in order for them to treat the injury better.

Jason moved towards the Gryphon, really hoping that the Gryphon wasn't going to snap at him, and to his surprise, the Gryphon didn't seem to attack him, and actually seemed to calm down a little bit, allowing him to get closer to apply the bandages. "It's ahkay, we aren't goin to 'oehrt you," he muttered under his breath as he put the bandage to the injury, and looked over at the others, not all too sure what to do now. He knew basic first aid, but that was typically for normal people, not mythical creatures.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Washington DC
Skills: N/A

"It's alright, dahn't wahrry about it, just know dat mahst blend people 'ave senses dat make up fahr lack o' sight, so yellin at a blend person is naht a good idea sence it sounds a 'ell o' a laht louder, just a bet o' caution fahr de future," she said in response to Demetri's apology. Most people tended to think that her lack of sight meant that she was missing a few of her other senses or something, and every time she'd just politely mention that her ears still worked, and most of the time just made everything sound a lot louder in some way. It was a horrid thing at times, but other times it actually was a great thing, like if she was trying to listen for a specific creature or something like that.

Janelle wasn't too sure about what to think given the two boys' conversation, and just sort of rolled her eyes slightly at them, but was instantly distracted again by Zeke's next few words about something not being a good thing. Of course, her being unable to see, instantly was curious as to what it was that he was going on about. The downside of being blind, everyone else has an idea of what's going on long before you do. "What can't be a good din?" she asked instantly, not really sure what they were talking about at all.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Argo III Upper Deck:

The Gryphon seemed to be more calm now, allowing Jason to apply the bandages on, Alannah looked towards Andy and nodded towards her. "Sure thing." The Gryphon let out what sounded like a huff, she reached over to gently pet the massive creature and gave it a smile while looking over at Rebecca. "You should be able to apply the salve now." Alannah said as she started to make her way over towards the wheelhouse to check if there was anything there. Which looked like there wasnt still which was also a good thing, she watched the group from a distance to see what they would do next. "You guys might want to try and get it into the cargo hold to, it should be safer for the big guy down there." Alannah suggested.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck
Skills: N/A

Kiera looked at Leda and started to snicker slightly seeing her going through with the dare, and started up an Iris Message, and instead of it being Eva, it was Dana from the Hebe Cabin. They all could see that Dana was in the middle of dinner with all of the others from Hebe cabin as well. Dana's face instantly turned bright red, and then they all could hear some laughs on the other end as well, Kiera burst into laughter as well. Leda was actually successful with ending the Iris Message, Kiera looked at Leda and smirked towards her, she just hoped that her mother wouldnt get revenge on her or something. Or at least that was Iris' revenge and redirecting the call to someone else completely.

"Lets just hope that Dana doesnt get revenge on you or something like that." Kiera said laughing slightly as she took another drink while looking at Demetri who was still busy with his own Iris Message to the group that was on their quest. The message just ended as well, looking over at Demetri, and threw a little crumb from her plate at him to get his attention. "Hows the group doing, and want to join in?" Kiera asked, and then looked at Leda. "Who do you want to go next?"

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Madalyne's Villa -> Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Madalyne finished getting all of her things packed as well as some food that she had stashed in her room, just in case she got hungry in the middle of the night. She stared at the safe once more, and shook her head slightly, it was in the safest place right now which was a good thing. She had decided to just wear the camp's purple shirt as well as a pair of shorts as well, grabbing her sword, and made her way out of her villa waiting for Nancy as she locked it up. Madalyne looked at Nancy when she asked what she wanted to do after their terms as Praetors and gave a slight shrug.

"I'm not sure really honestly, maybe just go to college or something." She said giving a slight shrug it was something that she didnt really think of, she had spent just about the same amount of time in the Lotus Hotel with Nancy. Somethings in the modern world still confused her a little bit. "What about you Nancy?" Madalyne asked Nancy looking over towards her friend as she adjusted her backpack slightly, and continued to make her way towards the cohort barracks. Seeing that Emily, Waverly Marco and Niah were all ready to go as well and smiled towards them. "Ready to go?" Madalyne asked them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. The Streets -> Union Station
Skills: N/A

The Iris Message with Demetri abruptly came to an end, she looked at Zeke and rolled her eyes slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest and sighed slightly. "You are so annoying Zeke, you know that right?" She said while looking at Janelle, knowing that she couldnt see at all what was going on which really did suck. "Zeke's new girlfriend is stalking us it looks like, it's the same person just outside of the restaurant we saw earlier." Kristin said towards Janelle while looking over towards Zeke and gave him a slight nudge towards the girl.

So far the mystery girl hadnt done anything hostile other than being really creepy and stalking them for some really weird and odd reason. "You should totally try and go ask her out Zekey." Kristin said sarcastically as she watched the girl walking off towards where the restrooms were right now. She looked towards the nearby monitor seeing that their bus wasnt ready yet, but it wouldn't be ready for another few minutes.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Argo III - Topdeck

Andy felt a bit better knowing Alannah was watching the sky. She didn't know how she felt about trying to get the Gryphon down into the hold. She watched as Rebecca and Jason worked on getting it taken care of. It was interesting to watch. Andy wondered why they didn't give it some nectar or something. She supposed that that stuff wouldn't work on a monster. Andy had never been this close to a monster that wasn't trying to kill her.

She edged closer to it holding out her hand like it was a dog so it could sniff her hand. Surprisingly, after both Arthur and Rebecca had been snapped at by the birdy head it sniffed her and allowed her to get close. It seemed unbothered by her presence, which was wild to Andy. Maybe it was aligned with her father? She had no idea but she was a little pleased to see it react well to her.

Location: Camp Jupiter: Cohort 2 -> Area between Barracks

Once Niah was satisfied with everything she had packed, she made her way into the dirt area between the barracks. She would be easy to spot there. Especially with her armor. It was old, older than anyone she knew. It had belonged to Scipio Africanus originally. The armor also gave her the ability to fly. She had been terrified when they first found the armor that it had been cursed or something. It hadn't helped that she had been unable to control the flight at first and had gone drifting up.

Niah shifted her equipment making sure it was all prepared for the trip. She hoped it would be a quick trip. As she stood up Emily came outside. After they chatted and Emily went back inside Niah felt a bit relieved. She was glad they would have a bit better idea of where they were going this time. The trip to Mount Rushmore had been stressful. When the cohort five group came outside she gave them a smile. "Nancy and Mads shouldn't be too long."

Location: Camp Jupiter: Cohort 5 -> Area between Barracks

"As long as you promise to find someone to care for him if we end up in Tartarus. I don't know how well a sugar glider would handle that." Emily said and dug out the papoose from where it had fallen. She handed it to Marco. "I recommend armor." Emily sighed looking at her own armor. She was with Waverly and didn't care for it. Emily weighed the options and decided she'd rather have the freedom of movement over the armor. She had her shield and if all else she was good at controlling the field with her plants.

When Emily stepped outside Niah waved her down. "Hey Niah. Get everything?"

"Only other thing I could think we should have is a good set of directions. The last quest we were on we had to borrow a to phone to get directions." Niah said frowning. There weren't many demi-gods who kept phones cause they were dangerous.

"I can look it up on my laptop. I have one for homework and stuff." Emily said stuff like she wasn't certain if she wanted anyone to know what that stuff was. Niah didn't particularly care why Emily had the laptop she was relieved someone in the group did.

"That'd be great if you could thank you." Niah said. And Emily went back inside. She took her laptop out of her footlocker and searched directions for Mount Tam. She was able to find a couple of possible routes and printed out the directions before shutting down the laptop and putting it away. When she went back outside she handed it over to Niah.

"Here ya go. I got bus routes and walking. Walking is not ideal." It was far enough that Emily had no desire to walk the whole way there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Top Deck > Lower Decks

Demetri made sure to make a mental reminder not to heighten his voice near the visually impaired. How was he supposed to know that Daredevil was basically real? Before he could say another word to the group it appeared that something had come up and the mist began to vanish ending his call. He stood there for a moment, staring at the now empty space before him until something hit him. His attention went full swing as he turned to look at the group of giggling girls. Kiera had asked him if he cared to join, and honestly he was surprised given the other two within the area. But he smiled and shrugged as he made his way in and sat down on the floor criss cross.

"Im always up for a bit of mischief and fun. So sure, I suppose I'll join in. Whatre we doing?" His food had gotten cold but he began to dig in, eating what was left on his plate before setting it aside to lean back on the palms of his hands. "Oh and they seemed to be doing just fine. Something appeared to come up towards the end there but I couldn't see what it was, sounded more like uninvited attention more than it did life death peril so I'm sure Kristen can handle it. Other than that im sure the golden boy is more than happy to be surrounded by two girls for who knows how long."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Online

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot -- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel grinned merrily at Kristin, even though he didn’t feel particularly merry. ”I did know that actually but you wouldn’t have it any other way now would you,” he said, blinking his eyes rapidly at Kristin before he turned his attention back to the mystery blonde. ”Maybe she’s a long lost cousin,” he mused. Or someone sent to throw them off their tracks.
He looked sideways at Kristin when she told him to go ask her out. ”What is with the Zekey thing? Seriously, are you five? Do you still call horses horsey?” Ezekiel once again looked back and watched the girl head for the washrooms. ”Yes, let me just go wait outside the girls washroom and not look like a creep. I think I’ll wait right here, unless one of you wants to take a potentially dangerous trip to the loo,” he said and crossed his arms.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Barracks
Skills: (RR: Traveling Knowledge)

"Yeah..." she quietly said when both Marco and Emily pushed for armor. Despite the consensus, she didn't seem convinced. She contemplated in silence as her fellow fivers whisked about, discussing the idea of bringing their adorable little pet on the deadly mission. Not that she was judging of course - she always imagined the little sugar glider to have Momo-level agility and craftiness, capable of not only surviving dangerous situations, but helping to overcome them. She had no actual evidence to back this mental depiction up, but she couldn't shake it from her mind. After a few seconds of plucking absentmindedly at her strings she looked up with a decisive look in her eyes.

"Fuck it, I've got my weird magic stuff. One verse of I'm Still Standing and we'll all be practically invincible," she said, slinging her guitar back behind her back. She sounded confident, or as confident as the anxiety-riddled girl could get, but in reality she wasn't sure how much she actually trusted her 'weird magic stuff'. She'd been learning how to use her music in a fight, but even so, she was by no stretch a pro sorceress. But she also trusted herself more with a guitar covering her abdomen than a chest plate, so she decided she'd leave the armor at home. She hoisted up her suitcase, and followed Em outside, where they were greeted by Niah and Madalyne. She gave a thumbs up to Madalyne, confirming that she was ready, before her attention was stolen by Emily mentioning bus routes. At that moment, Waverley perked up, eyes widening as an oddly pure, puppy-like grin spread across her face. It was weird the kinds of things you miss when you join a cult. Waverley missed public transportation. If she was being honest, she didn't miss buses as much as she missed trains and subways, but she missed them nonetheless. With that thought, though, she got an idea. "Can I see the bus routes? There might be a train we can hop onto that'll get us closer than a bus could," she offered. In all honesty, she just really missed freighthopping, and was hoping to work it into their little quest.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Cohort 5 Barracks -> Area Between Barracks
Skills: N/A

"Waverly, not that I'm doubting your power darling, but at least take a breast plate. Trust me... magic does not always work against some of the Immortals..." Marco shuddered a bit at that as he thought. Ever since the talk of another war his mind had been flashing back to that day... the weeks leading up to it... He had thought he was going crazy when he saw a giant man in those storms and then... when Lupa had informed him the Giant man he had seen had been Typhon... father of monsters. He had gotten a perfect view of the monster being dragged into the Hudson that day and it had shaken him to his core.

"Huh? Oh yes, I do believe if we have to go there I will entrust another to care for Milo. I don't want my little baby to have to suffer through that." He cooed as he thanked Emily for the papoose and gently tucked Milo into it before strapping it around his chest. He then found a spare shield that he had been borrowing and strapped it to his back, as well as an Imperial Gold dagger that he enjoyed using. It was better to be prepared for a fight and not need the knife, than to walk into a peace conference and find everyone else was out for blood. Especially given whom his mother was. He was well aware that given whom she was, sometimes he had a target painted on him, even more so when his charmspeak became apparent.

He finished packing up and gave Milo a little grape and then walked out and paused when Emily and Niah mentioned taking buses to Mount Tam. "I don't suppose we can just rent or borrow a car and drive there instead? Or borrow a van? That might be something we need to talk to Nancy about... because I'm pretty sure it's not... that far from San Francisco and where we are."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Basic Medicine

"You should be quite alright now," she reassured the gryphon, as she gently applied the salve to his wound. Once the salve was applied, she gently reapplied the bandages, making sure that they were snug yet not uncomfortable. She smiled at the beast, glad to see that it should be alright. She hoped that its pain would end soon, although she knew that not even the strongest of magics could completely do away with suffering. "I bless thee in the name of the Triple Goddess and in the name Aricia," she whispered to the Gryphon. She used her birth name for magical rites and duties. She didn't think of how hearing the blessing be done in her mother's name might impact Arthur and Andy until it was too late. She hoped that them being young and having short attention spans would cause them to not remember that the Triple Goddess was one of Hecate's titles.

"Andy, the Gryphon seems rather fond of you. Would you like to attempt to guide the creature into the cargo hold?" Rebecca asked. She didn't like their chances of convincing a winged monster that it would be safer under the deck in confinement. But if the Gryphon liked Andy, perhaps it would listen to her and go with her. At any rate, Alannah was right - the top deck most likely was not safe for the being. Whatever had wounded it likely had some means of navigating the sky and would be able to plainly spot it. "Of course, I could attempt to manipulate the Mist as to shroud it in invisibility to unwanted eyes."

She avoided answering Arthur's question for a moment. "All things are in balance. As we live, so we die. You'll see many sunsets, but also sunrises."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

Leda laughed. "Pfft, Dana's too slow to take revenge on me. And what's she going to do? Turn me into a senior citizen? I'll just break the record then for oldest demigod in Camp by a few decades, so jokes on her, I'll go down a legend," Leda boasted. Unlike their Roman counterparts, most Greek demigods didn't survive into adulthood. Reaching an old age was practically unheard of. She then glanced around the small group, trying to think on who to have to go next, before her mouth curled into a wicked smile. "Sky Boy, truth or dare?" she prompted Demetri.

She already knew loads about Mary and Kiera had been the one to issue her the dare, so she figured Demetri would be the fairest and most interesting choice to go next. She didn't really want to sit around talking about Kristin and Zeke, the two most annoying demigods in existence. She wondered if Janelle would wish she were blind and deaf before the mission was over, just so she wouldn't have to hear them jabbering on.

Leda really hoped that Demetri picked dare. She would have loved to see him have to turn into Hannah Montana and sing a song.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome - Outside Nancy's Villa -> Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Once back outside of her villa and reunited with Madalyne, their earlier conversation continued as if they hadn't had a brief break. Nancy was hopeful that Terminus wouldn't be cross at her for carrying a sword at the moment, as technically that was illegal within New Rome, but she kept the sword in storage at her home - a conundrum to say the least. "I've actually been thinking about that some... It might be stupid, but I was debating leaving the Legion and seeing if my aunt would take me," Nancy explained, her cheeks red. She didn't really care about the fact that she would have to swear off romantic relationships, she never really found anyone she clicked with. And the normal world was too strange for her after all the time she spent in the Lotus Hotel. Fighting monsters was the only thing that made sense. As they walked out of New Rome, Nancy fetched her remaining weapons from Terminus, glad that he didn't say anything about their swords.

She squinted slightly from the glaring sunlight, before the rest of their companions came into focus outside of the barracks. Waverley, Niah, Emily, and Marco were already all gathered. She was a bit disappointed to see that Marco didn't seem to have a giant keg of coffee on him, but that had been an unrealistic hope anyways. She tilted her head slightly as Marco said they'd need to talk to her about getting a van or something. "Yeah, we could get one - problem is, I don't know how to drive. And unless I have some magical driving genes from Pops going around in the Sun Chariot, I'm a dead end. Niah and Mads can't drive either. And I'm assuming you three can't as well? Is anyone really good at racing games?" It would be nice to take a van - they wouldn't need to worry about bus schedules or anything.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"I mean, it definitely would be hilarious to see about whether or not she does try to get revenge on you. Just because she's slower then you doesn't mean she couldn't cause some damage, you need to learn that speed isn't everything," she responded with a bit of a giggle towards her friend with a slight eye roll before she glanced over and saw Demetri heading over to join them and he explained about his conversation with the trio who were off on their quest. It was nice to hear that they seemed to be doing alright and not running into too much trouble. Though she was a bit amused at the idea of Demetri deciding to join them in whatever they were doing.

"Oh we're playing truth or dare, so far it has been amusing even though the game just started, so you have been warned," Mary added, when Demetri asked what they were doing, and she wasn't too surprised by Leda just jumping head first into asking him truth or dare. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of dares Leda had in mind for Demetri should he choose it. Any sort of question or dare that Leda did come up with would likely be hilarious in some way, it just was a matter of what sort of hilarity or embarrassment would it be.

Jason Gauger

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Jason was still trying to figure out where the Gryphon had really come from, and why the hell it had ended up needing to crash onto their flying boat. This was all just insanely strange to him, since it didn't really make much sense to him, how all of this came to happen. The Gryphon had more or less seemingly came out of nowhere, at least from his perspective, but he backed away slightly in order to allow Rebecca to administer the salve to the Gryphon as everyone started making more then a few suggestions about how to go about doing everything.

"Anyone else wahnderin where de gryphon came frahm? Ahr 'ow it got injured in de first place?" he couldn't help but ask out loud, glancing over at the others as Alannah also suggested that they might want to move the Gryphon off of the main deck and into the cargo area. "O' course, sence puttin a beg animal in a cargo 'old always goes over well... Naht sure 'ow de gryphon would appreciate dat sahrt o' din, but I guess we can't be pecky, just 'ope dat de guy doesn't cause too much prahblems down dere..."

Janelle Gauger

Location: Washington DC
Skills: N/A

"Ahh, ahkay, so dat sooehnds like it isn't a good din at all, at least in me mend," she responded when Kristin spoke up about what exactly they had seen and what was going on. To say it was interesting hearing Kristin and Zeke tease each other and argue a little bit was a small understatement, since to her it was just hilarious to hear their banter. Though it did get to be a little much being more or less stuck in the middle between the two of them, made her wonder just what all would happen if they truly broke out into an argument, that likely would end horribly if she had to guess.

Janelle heard the comments about where the person who was supposedly following them had gone, and a part of her actually wanted to see about heading that way and following after her, especially since she had no idea really what the woman looked like or if she appeared dangerous or not. "I'm fine wit goin after 'er, dat's joehst me thoughts though," she commented, before deciding on a whim to head that direction, navigating somewhat in order to go over towards the restrooms to see if she could potentially find the mystery person.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

As Rebecca leaned in and whispered something to the Gryphon, he waited for an answer to the question. Honestly, he wasn't sure how he was going to continue to get along with Rebecca, or atleast, have things not be awkward. Her mom killed his friend, after all. Glad the creature was at least going to be okay, he exhaled, before given Rebecca an odd look at her answer. Was it that hard to be straightforward and honest? If things weren't going to get better, she could at least say so, not dress up the reality in something pretty.

"Right, so it's only a matter of time before I'm dead, or somebody else here is." He said, as he could feel his anger rising, before taking a few trembling steps away, "Is it mostly monsters, or do our parents really like killing us too? Or is that just your mom's thing?" The words tumbled out of his mouth, not really thinking about the potential impact they could have. He didn't have anger at Rebecca, but at this entire situation. There didn't seem to be any good or bad forces, just ones that would kill them indiscriminately, and those that would keep them around as long as they were useful.
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