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If GreenGoat is still alive, then yes, Scathach is as well.

Everyone else... Well, they're around, so I assume we just wait on that end.
Reisen Udongein Inaba

"Monsters? What? I haven't a clue what you're speaking about," Reisen said, carefully eyeing the man as he mentioned death. There was only so far jokes could go, and this was certainly pushing it as far as things went.

"I can confidently say that it was a perfectly normal day where I was before, and that no apocalypse was in any forecast for the day. 'Creatures descending from the sky' sounds more like a wild fever dream than anything else, so I'll have to refute your portrayal of facts here... If I can consider them facts at all," she continued, shaking her head. "As I said, it was a perfectly normal day where I was. One moment I was packing up, and the next I end up in this place... Wherever it is."

Giving the man another once-over, Reisen noted how none of his clothes seemed to be damaged in the least. If he claimed death as he had been doing for the entirety of the conversation, then the distinct lack of blood on his garments indicated otherwise. Maybe it was just a lunatic of sorts?

If so, maybe she could fix him back up and get him to speak something that made sense to her...

"Hey, could you look into my eyes for a second?" she asked, moving forwards to try and catch a glimpse of his eyes through the mask he wore.

@Kafka Komedy

Sogiita Gunha

The sound of multiple explosions going off at once erupted from the alleyway as Gunha threw punch after punch at the thugs, casually ignoring anything that came flying at hit from whichever direction. The first thug, the one that had swung the bat, was the also the first to go; the young esper had landed a direct punch into his gut, which had sent the man flying into the wall and left behind a human-shaped imprint on it. The second, a young man wielding a pair of knives, was next: after he lunged at Gunha, the gutsy young man stomped on the ground and caused a shockwave strong enough to throw the man into the air a few feet before Gunha punched him straight out of the alleyway and into the middle of the road (to the screams of those who were watching from afar, however few in number they were). The last one, an older man who looked to be in his late twenties, had taken the initial target hostage.

This, of course, made Gunha slightly more irritated.

"Oi! How much lower are you gonna sink, you gutless coward?!" Gunha roared as a few multicolored explosions flared to life behind him. "If you're gonna go down, at least go down like a man!"

"Say the one who ain't human!" the thug retorted as Gunha pulled back for a punch a few feet away.

"Now that's just rude!" the esper retorted as he let loose his punch. The air whiffed by harmlessly, but after a few seconds the effect was clear: a blast made from compressed air had shot towards the thug's head, knocking his head back into the wall and temporarily disorienting him as his grip on the hostage loosened. With a smirk, Gunha dashed forward and pulled the victim back before ducking low and pulling back for another punch.

"Think your life through for a while, why don'tcha?!"

With that exclamation, Gunha threw an uppercut at the thug, launching him straight into the sky and towards... Well, somewhere else in the city. Hopefully he wouldn't die from it.

Probably wouldn't, honestly. Jerks like those had stupid amounts of durability.

Brushing himself off after the final blow, Gunha flashed the quivering victim a thumbs-up before casually walking out of the alleyway and into the streets. Maybe if he wandered around a bit more, he'd figure out where the heck he was...
I mean... If @ShadowKingman doesn't return then you can probs take over with Murdoch.

aka if he doesn't give some notice of life, do it.
Name: Yukishima Ayami

Sex: F

Age: 17

House: Dark Magician House

Appearance: "Very well. Please, show me something amusing."

Duel Disk: Ayami's Duel Disk is shaped a bit like the section of a snowflake, with a design similar to this one. It is a light blue bordering on white, and reflects light similarly (and thus shines when in use).

Personality: Ayami is a bit of a cold person and often comes off as somewhat emotionless at times, causing people to tend to not wanting to interact with her more often than not. As a result, she spends much of her time reading books and stories or watching duel replays online, which only furthers her image as a 'person who acts as if she is higher than everyone else'. That's not really the case, though; while she does have money and does seem like she is disinterested in most things, it does not affect her opinion of people. As a result, Ayami does not hold back against any challengers, for that would not only be disrespectful, but also quite irritating upon herself.

History: The child of an investment banker and a writer, Ayami's life was spent in relative solitude and luxury. She was always surrounded by books and stories that her facter (the latter) would always read to her, planting a deep-seated respect for literature that would keep fast into her adolesence. While her family did have enough of an income to purchase whatever they decided on (within reason), Ayami never desired anything. While her mother was perfectly okay with that facet of Ayami's personality, her father was thoroughly confounded and sought to figure out what his daughter wanted (because it was admittedly difficult to obtain gifts with more variety than 'book' and 'foreign book'). His problems came to a close when he saw Ayami holding a Yu-Gi-Oh card one day and seemed to be looking at it with some degree of intrigue. Taking this as an opportunity, Ayami's father quickly got to work buying cards to assemble his daughter a deck that would work well with the card she seemed to be so curious about.
Years came and went, and Ayami continued to refine that deck ever so slowly before her father suggested she try enrolling in the Saotome Duel Institute, which itself was a sugegstion of one of his old friends. With no real reason to decline, Ayami accepted the offer and has been studying there ever since.

Wish: To find life more 'exciting' than it is now.

Okay, so... Maybe you guys should be taking this to PMs? I mean, at this point you're very clearly discussing something that's likely not gonna be a part of the RP, and it feels kinda arbitrary watching notifications pop up left and right for something that isn't going to have any relevance to the rest of us. =3=;;

Speaking of the RP... Who still needs to post? I think it's @GreenGoat, @Rin, @VitaVitaAR, @Raineh Daze, and... @Lonewolf685, I think?
@KOgaming: Point taken. Alright, editing. One moment...

And done. Debris Dragon has been replaced by a second Cycle; Star Eater and Black Rose Moonlight Dragon have been removed thusly.
@KOgaming: So... What's the verdict regarding my character again?
Reisen Udongein Inaba

Reisen quickly came to a halt as a strange figure wearing a mask not unlike that of a plague doctor's walked up to her. The moon rabbit's expression hardened slightly and, noting the blade at the person's side, readied herself for combat. The fact that he (if the voice was anything to go by) didn't make the first strike gave her some reprieve, but his query was even stranger than she had expected. Slightly more disturbing than it would have been otherwise, though; that mask plus that hood wasn't exactly a very normal getup to begin with, after all.

"A dungeon? I can't say that I've seen anything of the sort in all of my five minutes here," she responded, noting how said person was also readying himself for a fight.

Granted, she was wearing a suit in the middle of a medieval town and had rabbit ears on her head; it wasn't as if she wasn't entirely out of place, either. But even so, there was a fine line between looking proper and looking suspicious!

"So... If we're going to be asking questions, then I might as well ask one of my own; why would you be looking for a dungeon in the first place?"

In truth, she probably had as much of a right to interrogate him as he did her; that is, to say, none at all. But if there was going to be subtle hostility floating around, she'd have to reciprocate. Even if a fight would bring her more trouble than it was worth right now...

@Kafka Komedy
@KOgaming: Edited accordingly. Though... Really, the Synchros are just going to be chucked in the grave with Kaleidoscope more than anything else. Arc Lights are 3/5 of that, and Star Eater isn't really going to be made unless some miracle happens with Debris Dragon (and even then is only a last resort). Moonlight's really the only reason Debris is played, and even then it's inconsistent.
Right, mb. Fixed.
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