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In the meantime...

Good luck Babylon crew. Angry Gil is angry.

True to the predictions of the arriving Masters and Servants, the corpses scattered throughout the area slowly dragged themselves towards the group, but were soon met with their fate to fall once more in battle. But while the dead slowly moved towards the group like moths to a flame, the battle raging further off in the distance seemed to be reaching its finale. Neither seemed to care much for Sinfjotli's claims, though, especially by the Lancer who continued to thrust and parry as if she had heard nothing at all.

The blast from Tamamo was wholly unexpected by the female Spirit, who had moved to guard against what she expected to be a blow directed at her. The resulting explosion tossed her to the side, at which point the male Servant moved to cut her down. There was a moment of pause as the blade swung down, but the female barely managed to parry the weapon as she now lay on her back. The exchange of blades carried on for only a few more seconds before the Lancer forced the swordsman's blade away and rolled to the side before flying off. There was an intense gaze directed at him and no one else, but she soon disappeared into the night, past the blue flames that continued to eerily waver around them.

"...I thank you for your aid," the swordsman said, climbing to his feet as he looked at the ever-thinning horde of undead around them. "I know not of who you are or where you come from, but your appearance may as well have saved my life. I am Siegfried, under the class of Saber. We may speak more once this problem has been dealt with, though; your words are not lost on me. There is a town further ahead that may lend us well; sadly, the inhabitants are all but gone, but that may prove better for us in our current state of affairs."

With a slight nod towards Sinfjotli, Siegfried brandished his blade at the oncoming undead and took a deep breath.

"...May you rest in peace once more..." he sighed as he swung his sword, bisecting a group of three zombies as they shambled close to him.

Meanwhile, closer to the other half of the group, an older man was walking closer. As he carefully dodged around the zombies nearby, the blue flames gave vision of his face to the others--Victoria and Scathach in particular, who were guarding from any assaults from the rear.

"Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Though brought to this land for naught but chaos, I have thus glimpsed the beginning of a grand saga!" he said enthusiastically, continuing to write on a piece of paper as he drew closer to the group. "Oh, yes, where are my manners? My name is William Shakespeare, summoned here under the class Caster. I care not to participate in this conflict, but I would like if you young men and women would allow me to follow along for this journey of false love and tragedy.
'The stroke of death is as a lovers pinch,
Which hurts and is desired.'

Am I incorrect?"

With a smile, Shakespeare spun his quill pen around before realizing that he had accidentally drawn a rather large group of undead towards those he was moving to meet. Unfortunate.

"Oh, this won't do at all--I wish to be a spectator, not a participant! Mayhaps you could help deal with this issue, for your sake as well as mine?"

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

The sudden change in temperature cause Kintoki to subconsciously fan himself as he walked through the portal, half-marveling at the grandeur of the magic just presented to them. It was seriously like something out of a story, and he loved cool stories like this one.

The group of cautious soldiers, on the other hand, weren't quite as pleased. To be fair, they did just drop in unannounced, and if he was in their shoes he probably would've done something similar. But the explosion that shook the place up caused them to look a lot less confident about stopping them.

Svetleaze's order to break through solved the problem of 'choice' soon enough, and Kintoki nodded as he cracked his knuckles. The sparks of electricity flying out of his body dissuaded a few more soldiers than he might have otherwise, which was good; the less people he had to hurt now, the better. And these guys didn't look bad; they were just doing their job, right?

"Understood, Master! Time to break through!"

With a hearty shout, Kintoki began to barrel through the crowd and up the stairs of the ziggurat, knocking any soldiers attempting to get in their way to the side. It was, admittedly, pretty hard controlling his strength, but all he needed to do was send them off-balance for long enough for him to get to the top.

Kumozaki Keisuke

"Remain on guard, Atalanta, but do not shoot to kill. Unless anyone tries to attack us directly, just provide us with suppressive fire."

The simple line of thought was all Keisuke gave before noticing that the golden Berserker had begun rushing through the soldiers like an American football player. He had to hand it to the Servant; the simple-mindedness of his actions could be pretty useful in the near future, provided that the Einzbern could drill a bit more strategy into his head. But now wasn't the time to count blessings; now was the time to follow.

"Once everyone's inside, come follow after us. I'm getting an ominous vibe and would prefer to have my Servant at my side. Don't try anything too rash," he messaged Atalanta as he made his way through the group of soldiers, most of whom opted to not try and attack given how the giant armorless man was plowing through them like a beast over open plains.

As the group neared the top of the stairs, the sounds of panicked shouting and screaming became clearer to pick up on. Within the ziggurat, though, there was absolute chaos.

In the middle of the grand room they were led into by the hallway, there stood three figures-- one all too familiar to Arturia and Lancelot, one with green hair who seemed to be trying to calm him down, and one standing off to the side interrogating an informant. The first stood in front of a king who had seemingly just passed while sitting upon the throne, his eyes glaring at the corpse with irritation.

"What a useless ruler! To let my grand city of Uruk fall to such a state!" he fumed, picking up the corpse and tossing it off the the side. "You do not deserve the title that I, Gilgamesh, have passed on!"

"Gilgamesh, I think you should calm down a little. Rather than toss about in anger, shouldn't we go check how the people of Uruk are doing right now? If we can allay the fears of the people--"

"Enkidu, my dear friend, what makes you think I can be calm at a time like this? That pathetic 'king' has let Babylonia fall to ruin, the nation is surrounded on all sides with enemies vying for our land, and--"

"We have guests."

At that comment, Gilgamesh turned around, only to notice the rather large coalition of Masters and Servants watching his rage. Enkidu, too, turned to face them, only to end up with a somewhat-conflicted expression as they glanced between Gilgamesh and the group. It took a few moments for Gilgamesh to notice the presence of Arturia, though, at which point Enkidu almost instinctively grabbed his shoulder to hold him back.

"...Fine," Gilgamesh ceded, glaring at the group as he drew a single weapon from his Gate of Babylon. "I will permit you to explain your presence here in front of the King of Heroes. Should you prove yourselves enemies of my kingdom, I will cut you all down where you stand. I have no time to play around with you today."

At this comment, the insignia that Keisuke had stashed away began to beep, and from it came Kirei's voice.

"The King of Heroes, Gilgamesh... To think he would be here, of all places... In any case, choose your words carefully, or that threat of his will truly become a reality."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
"...You know, I never expected something that was supposedly divine to look like something so... I dunno, secular? Was that god one of law and order or something?"

A single, fleeting thought passed through Aaron's mind as he was left with that ever-so-strange lapse in consciousness that came with being dropped into a new world. There was no other way of putting it--this experience was utterly strange to the point where it could just as easily have passed off as a really weird fever dream.

But the cool breeze blowing around him and the utterly pristine surroundings that he caught sight of when he came to threw that idea out the window.

What caught his attention, first and foremost, was the appearance of a robe covering his body. They draped over what felt like the clothes he had been wearing until then back home, but Aaron was in no particular rush to check. Then there was the staff, which gave the young man a general idea of what he looked like: a classic fantasy mage.

So it was one of those scenarios, huh?

"Ah, geez... So it really was true, huh? Well, there goes my agnosticism, I guess," he joked to himself, pulling the staff off of his back and planting it firmly in the ground. He had always wanted to do that without getting weird looks from people.

It took a moment more before he remembered that there were other people(?) at that event, too. As it so happened, they also seemed to be popping up here. No fanfare, no spectacle, just... Poof, there they were.

"...Ah... Guess I should stick around until a party gets formed up. That's usually how this stuff goes, right?"
Ayami won't use hers, either. So you're free to go ahead with whatever you were planning, @Blight Bug.
@msmechpen: Closed, buddy. Sorry.
@Hammerman: That works then.

It's getting later than I'd like to drop an OP, so I'll try for something in the next day or so. :3c
@jynmi88: Yes.
@jynmi88: And accepted she shall be.

I may or may not start in the next day or two. Depends on my estimated workload for the rest of the week.
@jynmi88: Then have it be the former.

@Hammerman: Nope, too much to kick things off and spreading too wide to start. Go narrower with the direction of magic; I did say 2 basic and 1 intermediate spells if going into magic, and tbh I don't want someone who scales well with magic as a whole to have access to more or less all the classic options right off the bat (it'd go crazy pretty fast).

Oh look, a Dantes event rerun.
...With a bonus mission for those who cleared Solomon oooooh :D
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