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"Okay, I totally get where you're coming from right now, but there's only so far you can charge into danger before you end up having to be saved too, y'know?" Ren sighed, following up on the rest of the group's commentary towards Ayumi's behavior. Reckless behavior in a place like this... Just from playing games alone the young man knew how badly that would end up. Even with that information aside, it had already been made clear that whatever the power of the charms was had an effective range, and, well...

"...In any case, we should try forging ahead with some degree of caution, though; regardless of who's in the group, I'm pretty sure we can't save your friend if we're all battered and bruised from running into... Whatever the hell else lives in this place right now."

Though his words were still a tad cautious, the college student felt that at least some voice of reason would help things along... Kind of.

"Oh, right, you wanted my name again? It's Ren. Amazawa Ren. Yours was... Uh... Yagra, right? I think that was it," he began to mutter as he followed along down the steps of the shrine, hands in his pockets as his eyes flitted around the stalks of bamboo around the path. "And, hey, to be fair, I've never seen something that big rushing at my face before. Fight or flight response, y'know?"

Internally criticizing himself at his own half-assed justification of his behavior yesterday, Ren sighed as he finished the walk down the steps...

Only to see that the path that they were on was some weird amalgamation of rustic paved-stone road and asphalt-driven street. The sight boggled Ren's mind, if only because of how strange it all seemed (was the road paved over or something?), but he decided to wave it off and glanced back and forth. The steps had led to a fork in the road, of course, and the buildings to either side of them seemed to be either old Edo-era buildings or more modern suburban houses... Or something.

"...Okay, the anachronisms here are really weird. I guess that this means that the 'mirror' part of the description kinda fits," he remarked before sighing. "Though, given the current layout of the road here, I'm gonna assume that the layout of the city itself is parallel to Yuzoraku's... Or, well, something like that. I guess that figuring out where your friend was last seen is probably a good start, because we're probably gonna just let fate take the wheel and pick a direction for us, huh?"
@Lonewolf685, @KoL: Ah, yeah, no, I understand, then. And you make pretty fair points, so I'll dial back on that, then.

In regards to the RP kinda stalling again... Yeah, that's a fair point you're making, and I'll see if I can't open up more options for player choice in the future.

(also tbh I wanted to keep that wolf alive for the future for reasons)

But... Yeah, no, I'm sorry for being pointed there. I'll see if I can't also open up more of the world to you guys in the next few sets as well, just to see if you get more motivation to hunt around and stuff.
@Lonewolf685: Not to be rude or anything, but... I'm kinda finding it weird how Margerita isn't as reactive to things involving her Servant's servant's... Er... Antics?

Granted, there are wolves in their face, but Faust seems to be reacting, so I would assume her Master would react? iono.

Also, yeah, sorry, most of this set was just tying up loose ends. =3=;;
Keita's right eye twitched as literally every last of his questions went unanswered. Even for a girl who had adopted the name of the god of the moon (and that aside, Tsukuyomi was traditionally a male name), there was only so far rudeness and apparent contempt could go. Before he could press the matter any further, though, the other people in the area began to speak up as well. Deciding that the matter of groceries meant less at the moment than the apparent spiriting away of the entire grou-

Wait. Hold on. This was related to Strange Gospel? Now things were starting to click.

"...Oi. Don't say stuff like that so carelessly. Putting aside the concept of 'hollow space' aside, you just said that this whole thing was related to Strange Gospel, didn't you?" he asked, the synapses firing off in his head left and right as if they were klaxons blasting out at full force.

This feels really dangerous right now for so many reasons, but I have to ask--!

"So if we're here physically, and that... Thing is related to Strange Gospel, are you telling me that you have something to do with all the people going missing? Are you the one who distributed the app in the first place?"

Though the questions felt marginally accusatory in nature, the programmer couldn't help but be curious. Too many things were lining up far too conveniently for conclusions like this to not be drawn, after all.
Komeiji Satori and Kamijou Touma

"Hm... Yeah, this place is definitely feeling less advanced than Academy City," Touma remarked as the group neared the city in question, nodding his head in false sagacity. "They look like they're just starting to transition out of widespread fossil fuel usage or something, which is... A start, I guess? Though I don't think it feels all that bad in comparison, though..."

"Hm... Well, Old Hell was always full of smoke of some form or another, so I guess fresh air of sorts is a fair change of pace," Satori responded, glancing halfheartedly at Touma as he made his remark before the sudden appearance of a thief caught the two of them off guard. While the young student was still in mild confusion about the entire ordeal, the youkai girl had her gaze trained upon the pickpocket...

Who seemed to be threatening Goldibanne's life with a knife.

Oh, what a terrible mistake that would turn out to be for them.

"Really, now, I swear manners are just a lie at this point," she bemoaned, eliciting a silent glare from Othinus that seemed to scream "hypocrite" in turn. "In any case, I recommend you drop the weapon and leave whatever you stole where it is. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee your safety... Or your sanity."

With a glare, the third eye hanging around Satori's neck glared at the assailant, almost as if looking deep into their soul. It was, of course, attempting to dig through whatever memories they had to pull up whatever traumatic incident of their past that could be of use. Be it an attack or be it blackmail, the result would likely be the same. After all, anything like that would probably be better than being melted alive by molten gold spewing out of a doll. Which in and of itself was a bit of a creepy image when taken out of context, but details.
"Well, I guess that's a—Wait, did you just call me shady again?" Ren asked, taking a double take at the electric girl's declaration to bring him along with her. While he could understand bringing the oni and the okami along (given their fame in Japanese mythos), the young man felt wholly out of place here. At this point, though, he found it better to simply not argue against the flow of the conversation, else that girl's friend might end up stuck in the city of mirrors forever...
Or worse. He shuddered at the thought of what could happen, but instead of backing away from the challenge this time, Ren walked over and grabbed a set of charms, pills, and the description of the only possible girl that could be Ayumi's friend before walking up to the group that had assembled and handing the first two out accordingly. There were another two listings left on the board, but one of them seemed to disappear as if being burnt to ashes before anyone else touched it. Izawa took note of that scene and sighed, but no more.

"Worst comes to worst, I can try to be a pack mule for you guys or something, right?" he half-joked before glancing at the portal again, having not noticed the disappearing description on the board beforehand.

This was really happening, huh?

"Okay. Let's go."

With a deep breath, Ren shook his head and slapped his face to clear his thoughts before walking through the portal.

There was a moment of disorientation as Ren crossed the boundary again, but nothing like that moment of unconsciousness like he had encountered on his first arrival. The skull of the gashadokuro form the night before was still where it had been, which... He couldn't quite say it was neither good nor bad, to be frank, but it was... There. The path down the steps to the shrine was wide open, and seemed to be undamaged regardless of the raging youkai that had scaled them the night prior, but...

"Well, from here on out we're entering unknown territory. We should probably memorize the layout of the place as we go... Unless it ends up being one of those wonky labyrinth-style locations, in which case we're gonna need a lot of thread."

A more sarcastic joke this time around, but given how nothing had changed as of yet, the latter comment seemed incredibly unlikely to be true. Now it was simply a matter of trying to hunt down the missing girl before anything bad could happen to her...
Ah, okay, seems the edit went through.

I'll have something written up later tonight. =3=;;

Edit: And done. So. The remaining guys (Fake, blumenk, Cucco, and org) are in the other group.

The city's layout... I'm not gonna be too heavy handed on the city of mirrors (I'll be more concrete with the actual Yuzoraku), so you can take a few liberties here and there with locations.
Just... Not too many liberties.

The wolf fighting Nevsky and his mount was caught completely off guard by Walgrave's attack, and though the flames seemed to slide harmlessly off of its pent, the metal was nowhere near as useless. Howling in pain, the beast's attention was dragged away from fighting the Rider in front of itself and instead onto trying to back away...

Which may have worked out better if Siegfried hadn't taken the opportunity to cut down the beast whiles its guard was down. The other wolf facing off against him had already been cut down, it seemed, and with all the enemies in front of him now handled, the warrior turned to the apparent leader of the pack, his blade gripped firmly in both hands. The beast facing Sinfjotli found itself facing a similar fate, and its stamina could match the Berserker's no longer as the Servant's spear eventually met its mark straight through the wolf's stomach.

The three wolves left in the fray snarled as they bounded forward, eyes gleaming with a primal rage as their V-formation broke form. Of course, this could only work so well, as the two wolves that met the Servants to the side were cut down not long after, and the wolf that continued pushing forward only found itself bouncing harmlessly off of Tamamo's mirror.

Almost as if accepting a bitter loss, the wolves' leader cut off its howling and began to retreat with the rest of its pack—or, well, what remained of it, at least. The only ones left were the one bound and the one whose head was still skewered to the ground; all the rest were left as corpses, and no more.

With a clap of his hands, Shakespeare walked up towards the group and smiled.

"Wonderful, wonderful! You routed those creatures with nary a scratch!" he proclaimed, a freshly-written manuscript in hand as he extended his arms to the side. "And with perfect timing, no less! That was just enough time for this chapter to be completed!"

The soldiers, however, were not in such great condition. Their ears still seemed to be bleeding as backlash from the howling earlier, but they at least seemed to be able to speak.

"...You did it. I'm amazed..." one muttered to himself, though he could not hear himself (or his companion) in the least at the moment. "Well, we shall keep our side of the bargain, then."

With that, the tolling of the bells seemed to stop, and right on time, too; the rest of the militia that had gathered at the town's gates were met with the sight of over a dozen wolf corpses lying around. The soldiers who witnessed the entire thing couldn't say much, though, considering the fact that their eardrums were blown out and were thus unable to hear... Much of anything.

"...Well? Someone mind explaining what happened here?" one of the men asked, stepping forward to the front of the group. "This seems like a complete massacre..."

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

The GOLDEN Berserker didn't seem to mind the archer sniping away at any enemies that drew too close to him as he charged after Enkidu, only pausing when he heard that the two needed to keep the golem busy.

The golem. Busy.

Even he knew that wasn't exactly going to be the easiest of tasks, but at this point there was no reason not to try. With a confident nod of his head, Kintoki charged forward once more, loading his axe up with electricity as he did so. A wide smile crossed the Servant's face as he moved ever closer, only to realize that the golem's head seemed to be turned towards him now.

And that the arm of said golem was now slowly descending towards his location.

Well, dang.

"Yo, cat lady! Get ready to see me blow that thing to smithereens! Or, well, probably!" he cried out, adopting a battle stance as he stared up at the descending pillar of stone and clay.

At least he got the "distraction" part down, right?

"Aight, let's go! The Kintoki special! GOOOOOLDEN!

With a cry, the Berserker swung his axe upwards, unleashing a giant wave of electricity that crashed straight into the incoming limb. The two met for a moment in a brief clash before Kintoki's blast broke through, severing the arm and causing it to stop resisting the force of gravity.

Which, of course, meant it was falling faster. Luckily, it only seemed to fall near the wayside and away from the walls themselves, but...

"Woo! See that?" he asked in a manner not similar to a child seeking approval from his peers. It was at this moment, though, that a large white circle appeared underneath the golem before the ground beneath it turned unstable. With the possibility of remaining upright becoming next to nothing now, the construct slipped and fell backwards, but not before a large array of chains appeared from behind it and flew over its body, thus chaining it to the ground when it landed.

"...Whoa. Hey, I think our green-haired buddy is done. You... Think we should check the thing out, though?"

The Northern Wall

The Berserker facing off against Lancelot showed no hesitation at he swung once more at the knight, only to find that the axe in his left hand was now in the grasp of his opponent, and that there was absolutely no time to even attempt a parry or a block. Lancelot's borrowed weapon met its mark, and as predicted, the Servant's arm, though not severed, was now essentially unusable. The axes he was once wielding dissipated into thin air (the one in Lancelot's hands included) and the Berserker roared as he grabbed the sword that was still stuck in his stomach with his working arm and pulled it out before throwing it off to the side. With a short moment to crouch down, the 3-meter tall Servant leaped backwards right after, only to mount the skeletal elephant he had been riding before the fight hand began and declared a retreat.

Or, at least, that was how it seemed; given how everything coming out of his mouth still seemed to be guttural roars and screams. The skeletons that had once been surrounding the two were now converging on Lancelot once more, as if to cover for their commander's retreat.

The target of Arturia's own charge was not so lucky, though; with the skeletons being felled faster than they could be replaced in line, it only took mere moments before the Saber cut her way through the crowd and met with the so-called 'commander'. This time, there was no time to recover a replacement weapon once its own was broken, and just like all the others around it, the blade of the Saber in front of him only needed a single swing before it was bisected. While the remaining skeletons didn't collapse upon their leader's death, they were left disoriented for a few moments before beginning to follow the Berserker as he began to retreat.

With the bet finally settled, Gilgamesh turned back to face the two Masters to his side as cheers began to erupt from the soldiers below.

"That seems to be the end of it all, does it not? The winner, it seems is the little King of Knights over there... Seeing as how those mongrels failed to even do their job properly," the king scoffed as the golden portals behind him faded away. "...Or do you wish to chase after that fleeing dog?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@KoL
End of today, I'm gonna have Vita switch from the tengu if she doesn't reappear so we can move on.
Keita paused for a moment as something seemed to fly by the corner of his eye. His initial though was that it was an insect that had just flown by, and thus swiveled his head to get a better look. After all, places like these didn't generally have any bugs, and letting one slip in through the entrance, while relatively harmless within the grander scheme of things, was still pretty damn annoying.

His surprise at the sudden change of scenery, of course, caused the young man to stop for a moment and blink a few times before looking around in haste. The groceries yet-unpaid were still in hand (or, rather, in his basket), and that was certainly a troublesome issue. What was more notable (other than the spontaneous teleportation and/or hallucination) was that there were a bunch of other people wearing their school uniforms also in the elevator with him. He recognized a few others other than Manami (who had also apparently been dragged along for the ride), but rather than freak out in any meaningful way, Keita held his tongue and waited. The entire matter was incredibly disconcerting, but the scenery seemed oddly... Familiar.

Once the elevator came to a stop and disappeared into nothingness, Keita's eyes widened in realization at their current location. Everything seemed so surreal, but that dreamlike quality that this place had made things click.
The fact that he could still feel the basket dragging down his arm also meant that he hadn't just spontaneously fallen asleep or was having a lucid dream or something.

Which... Actually made for a lot more questions than he'd have liked. It answered a few, yes, but...

"Okay. Hold on a moment, here. What's with this game-like scenario here? Why's this place the same one my dreams keep gravitating towards? Why are we here physically now? And most importantly, what the heck am I supposed to do with this load of unpaid groceries?!" he asked, waving off the matters of what sort of problem they had been dragged into. That would probably be explained in due time, but that last question was a necessity. How would he explain becoming an accidental shoplifter to his family?!
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