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@SaveusY2J: Either or is fine.

Anyways, yeah, woo, that accidental post never happened. >3>

Once I gather more people, I'll probably try cleaning this up and pushing it as an actual RP. Aye.

One day, one random day in the middle of July, it appeared as if every electrical device that could produce sound malfunctioned, if only for a few seconds. After a few seconds of static and no more, a solitary voice began to speak. The culprit, while unknown, caused worldwide curiosity and panic with a single set of words as they permeated even the most secure of government communications and farthest reaching telecommunication networks.

"A dim night, the pale moonlight, and a wispy wind.
A shining sun, a cloudy sky, and a singular tree standing in the middle of a grassy field.
Though day and night are miles apart, they are, in essence, two sides of the same coin.
Just as fiction is to reality.
And so... What if 'fiction' and 'reality' were to meet? Upon this blank slate we call 'Earth', what would the end result be?
The stage is set, and the curtains have been drawn. The terms 'mastermind' and 'villain' are not in this story, though, and all that remains are the actors in this grand play.
Now, my dear viewers, let us see what path they choose in this grand farce, and how they—and the world—will react?"

The voice, sounding as if it came from a young woman, faded off into silence as fast as it had come, and the world was left in confusion. Of course, no source was found, but in the end, that day also ended up as the day everything began.
To be more specific, it was the day that 'fiction' and 'fantasy' met 'reality'.


In essence, this is a pretty basic(?) crossover RP that takes place on Earth. For all intents and purposes, this is our Earth, with all its modern amenities and whatnot. However, the reasons behind characters appearing and their reasons for acting... Well, that's something else entirely.

While bare-bones at first glance, more of the story will be revealed as the RP progresses, and so for now this will remain... Relatively empty.


All characters are bound in some way, shape, or form by the rules of the world that they come from; if they needed an anchor to remain in their own world, then they need one to remain on Earth. Following that comment, assume that there is a complete disconnect from a character's original world and the one on Earth, and that no connection can be made to the origin barring reality-warping shenanigans.

If a resource exists in a character's home universe but does not ordinarily exist on Earth, then upon entry it will now exist on Earth. Hidden and sporadically naturally occurring, but it will exist.

Characters will not necessarily appear within the same area, nor will their goals necessarily be aligned. This RP will span the globe, so don't be afraid to start in a city on the other half of the world.

Autotranslate is a thing for the sake of convenience, so don't worry about language barriers.

For the sake of the RP, characters should be at least semi-serious in tone. Blatant joke characters (at my discretion) can and will be declined. In addition to that, all characters should be from pre-existing works (or, at the very least, ones with relative popularity in some regard). No original characters or what have you.

Not all characters are created equal, obviously, but that doesn't mean swords can't beat guns or whatever. No character should be completely impervious to damage of any given type, and there should always exist some way for other characters to win if fight break out.

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

For the sake of diversity... Three characters total per person, and a global cap of 3 characters from any given franchise; no player may double or triple up on a given world.
Example: Player A wants to use a Servant from the Fate universe. Player A may only use that one Servant, but player B may use one as well. Assuming that a third player (C) picks one, then from here on no other Servants may be drafted up/played unless one is dropped. First come, first serve.

Aaand... I think that's it for now.

Kumozaki Keisuke

"Oi, don't treat me like an old man; I know how to use a smartphone just fine, dammit! It's the app that's tripping me up!" Keisuke responded in turn, clicking his tongue as he finally managed to clear his way out of the burning city and come face to face with a giant firing squad of skeletons raining arrows from above.

"...Well. Shit."

Taking a deep breath, the Enforcer grabbed his phone off his shoulder and slipped it into his pocket, putting the device into sleep mode in the process as he began to dash into the fray. Dicing his way through the skeletal horde (or, at the very least, what wasn't being peppered with the occasional stray bullet or arrow), Keisuke slowly began to advance ahead, occasionally rolling to the side or backstepping to dodge whatever projectiles might be flying towards his head. Being hit by one of those... Probably wouldn't be pretty, after all.


"My dearest feline archer, we are neither in Troy, nor would I ever think of stepping foot in that accursed place," Medea slipped in between shots, barrel rolling to and fro to try and keep Atalanta from getting a clean shot off on her. "But putting that loathsome individual aside, I'm quite serious when I say there is a reason why I can't tell you anything. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that you and your entourage of ragtag individuals are currently out for my blood... And considering how you spared no time in annihilating my dragon tooth warrior patrols before interrupting that fight earlier, I'd wager you'd sooner kill me than not. Am I wrong?"

With a bit of a smirk and a small glint in her eye, Medea began to wave her staff in the air before the arrow that Atalanta had shot moments ago his her other arm, which in turn threw the Witch off balance and sent her spiraling off course. Medea gritted her teeth in pain at the attack's impact and, with a rather hasty motion from her other arm, barely managed to stop herself from crashing into the ground. The fall had slowed her speed notably enough for Atalanta to catch up with her within a moment's notice now, but at the same time it had brought her close enough to the port that she could see it from here. Of course, it wasn't as if she would go down without a fight, but at the very least it was easier to fight a defensive battle than an offensive one in this sort of situation.

...Though the inability to use both arms might be an issue...


The pharaoh's walk through the blazing city was mildly uncomfortable, if anything; luckily, the fact that he was a Servant meant that he wasn't in any danger from regular flames... And the fire didn't seem like anything inherently magical, either, which was also a little more off of Ozymandias' shoulders. Magical flames were far more of a nuisance and far more likely to leave dead in their wake, which would also mean that his current actions would have been far less effective than they might have been otherwise. As he felt the energy of the sphinxes returning from their trip off to whatever river they had followed the villagers to, the Rider noticed a man whose body was trapped underneath a collapsed home, his life almost fully extinguished. A shame that his first encounter would be one already on the brink of death, but even so...

"...A shame. I cannot give you life, but you have the blessings of the pharaoh. May Ma'at judge your soul fairly on your journey to the underworld," he sighed, shaking his head as he continued on, seemingly unfazed by the incident...

At least before hearing a child's cries from underneath that same rubble. His attention now fully focused on the dying man's body, Ozymandias quickly swung his staff and blew away the debris, creating a gust of wind that blew out some of the flames in the process, before walking over to the man and shifting his body off to the side.

A young child, barely old enough to even walk, lay under the body; though shaken and barely burnt, the child lived. This... This, he could not ignore. Looking around to see if there were any more unfortunate souls that were in easy reach (and disappointed to see there were none), the pharaoh picked up both the dying man's body and his child, the staff in his hands disappearing into this air as he began to carry the both of them out of the wreckage.

"...For sure, your heart shall be judged for saving this soul over yourself. Even I, the great Ozymandias, can understand a parent's love for their child has no bounds."

With a sigh, the Rider began to dash out of the burning city, face steeled in silence as he weaved his way out of the flames and back to the rest of the survivors. Hopefully, there would be some kind soul willing to raise this child as their own.

The first thing that Ozymandias saw when he returned, of course, was the blue Saber blasting away at the flames with some magical source of wind... Or something. If he recalled correctly, it was one of the Servant's Noble Phantasms, but to use it in such a manner felt a bit... Strange, if anything. Well, it seemed to work, and it seemed as if her Master was also working on some magic of her own to quell the flames. He wasn't entirely sure what that entailed, but it seemed as if the girl had the best of intentions at heart, and thus the pharaoh gave the question no more thought as he handed the two off to the group of survivors not attempting to quench the flames.

"The child is alive; its savior, less so. See to it that both of them are cared for, in their own way," he said, nodding his head before returning back into the burning city. With the sphinxes having now memorized the location of the river, they soon began to dump their water on the nearest burning houses before flying back to retrieve more. The cycle took considerably less time now, and soon enough the houses nearest the entrance, while drenched, were no longer on fire. Those hit by Invisible Air, soo, seemed to have stopped burning (though the flames around them seemed to continue to flicker about).

Upon Estelle's examination of the wound that Medea's dagger had made, she would find a small trace of a mark that was almost barely noticeable at this point in time, and by the time anyone else would look at the wound in further detail, it would be gone entirely. The Servant herself, however, would begin to stir as the mark disappeared, and though the movements were faint at first, it only took a few moments before the woman snapped to full attention. Fully aware that she was not being carried by some unknown being, the Servant quickly attempted to free herself from Nero's bridal carry...

Only to fumble and tumble onto the ground. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before the Servant slowly got up and brushed herself off, weapons now at the ready. Unlike before, though, the woman did not seem hell-bent on stabbing anyone in the vicinity to death with her knives.

"...Who...? What...?"

@KoL@Riegal@VitaVitaAR@Grey Star@Rin@Raineh Daze
"...And there's another problem handled. Honestly, who'd have thought that there was so much paperwork involved in keeping people quiet...?"

Adding another slip of paper onto the top of the already-towering stack of documents at his desk, Tiral massaged his forehead and placed the feather pen in his hand off to the side. The last month had not been the most pleasant of times for him, especially given that a good chunk of the Knights had gone off to deal with... Some rebellion or something of the sort. He himself didn't quite understand the context of the situation, but ever since that whole 'shard' incident the College had been breathing down his neck about 'breaking contracts' and whatnot. Of course, the backing of the Knights meant that nothing too shady would come about as a result, but instead he had to work on the whole cover-up operation so that the entire populace of the city didn't fly into a panic.

Which meant lies, bullshitting, and bribery for any nonessential party involved. Not by him, of course; there were always unscrupulous people in the College who could handle those jobs instead. No, rather than any of that, he was saddled with the joyous task of handling whatever jobs that those people had left behind... Which also meant that his own research was being disrupted. Thankfully, that set seemed to have been the last of them, and his completion of the task couldn't have come at a more opportune time with the rest of the Knights' return. It was getting awfully quiet in Candaeln without half the usual noise and clamor that came with the order, and it wasn't as if Tiral himself disliked the silence, but... Well, monotony was monotony after all.

"I assume a representative will drop by to take these off to the College later," Tiral thought to himself as he quietly stood up from his chair and changed into his uniform before leaving his room. Even with his work completed, it wasn't as if he could go right back to studying and testing; even he needed some fresh air and human interaction. He wasn't a hermit, after all.

The question now, though, was what to do. Maybe a round of Raven's Game with someone to brush up on his tactical skills or something; that was always a good way to pass some leisure time.
At the behest of the GM, I have returned! Well, not as if that desires much fanfare at all. But just saying. I've been half-paying attention to what's gone on in the few months I've been MIA since it was kinda hard for me to jump in for... The entirety of the last arc. Blah.

Anyways, post soon, I guess.

*waves arms*

Still waiting lol.
I mean... In any case, once that's up, we can keep moving. I mean, 'tis a tad slow, but steady progress is steady progress, right? owo;;
Aaaah, okay. Guess I should read up on my mythology again lol. I'll do as you suggest next set.

In any case... Waiting on @Riegal now, then.
@KoL: Well, the group's not in Troy, but at Colchis' former location, so... There's that one minor hiccup in your post lol.

Out of curiosity, why Corinth?
Aaand there we go.

Atalanta now has to deal with a barrage of magic bullets and arrows while fighting Medea.
In other words, a catgirl is now playing 3D danmaku with a witch.
Totally not Touhou. Tooootally not Touhou.
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Honestly, Atalanta? I would expect no less from a Caster," Keisuke responded, nodding his head as he pulled out the phone he was given to follow up on his Servant's suggestion. Of course, he (as a relatively 'normal' magus) wouldn't be able to keep up with Atalanta's speed if she decided to scout farther ahead, but that in and of itself had its own merits.

Granted, that also technically meant he had to jump and duck his way through the burning city, but it seemed as if that wouldn't have to last for long; just barely past the smoke and flames in front of him, the Enforcer could barely make out the walls that guarded the opposite end of the city. The ball of light that was Medea (or so he assumed) was still barely in sight over the walls, but his Servant (now a blur of colors that caused the fumes to waver) was rapidly making headway after her. Catching her... Would be ideal, but it certainly wouldn't be easy. There was also the factor that Atalanta made sure to point out—the Noble Phantasm that Medea had used just a while earlier. There were too many unknowns to factor into this, so for now the young man decided to simply radio in with the rest of the pursuing group to prepare. Pulling the phone out from the pocket of his pants where he had stored it, Keisuke stared at the device for a few seconds before realizing he hadn't had a chance to fiddle with it earlier.

"Hm. Well, at least the interface looks somewhat intuitive..." he muttered, glancing back and forth between the device and the road as he continued on. This was... Actually somewhat stupid, he now realized, as it meant that he was now dedicating half of his attention to not being crushed by debris or running into a wall or something stupid like that. Luckily, in the few moments he had taken to figure out how the call function worked (it had group calls, thank god), he hadn't come into any major issues (the worst of it being a slight decrease in pace), Keisuke quickly held the phone up to his ear before resuming his normal pace.

"Hello? Hello? Okay, I don't know how everything works right now, so I just dumped everyone's contact into into a group and started this call up; Ms. Marzikek, you're gonna have to drill me on this stuff later. That aside: to anyone following Medea, Atalanta's moving ahead to try and intercept. Let me know if the situation in the city changes, okay?" he said, using his shoulder to prop the device in place as he continued on.

The familiar that Ai had thrown into the air would soon respond to its master with the sight of the large plains outside of the burning city and the faint sight of the sea over the horizon. The two Servants that were playing cat and mouse had, by this point, left the city's boundaries, and the ball of light that was Medea was making a beeline towards what could barely be made out as some sort of seafaring vessel, if only because of its location and size.

From Medea's point of view, though, all that remained in her sights was the grassy plains in front of her. The ship he had used to arrive was a while away, and though her destination was the port, there were still other ways of trying to escape. Of course, she still had bad memories of that ship, but her current one... It would certainly be for the better if she could make it on.

Craning her neck around to look behind her, Medea's face turned a bit somber as her eyes met with Atalanta's. There was indeed a bit of irony given the current situation, but of all people to be chasing her down...

"Hmph. It pains me to be so wasteful, but..." she said, murmuring to herself as she began to scatter something similar to bone fragments out onto the ground beneath her. Wherever they met the earth, skeletal archers soon rose up, all with bows in hand as they aimed not at Atalanta, but at the sky above. As she did so, Medea turned her body 180 degrees around, still in flight as she pulled off her hood to stare at the cat-eared huntress that was pursuing her.

"How bold of you to come! It really has been a while, hasn't it, Atalanta? Though I loathe anything to do with that damned Argo, I do appreciate you showing the effort to chase after me like this. You were always like that, though, weren't you? Well, as with any prey, I'm not going to make this a simple hunt for you. Prepare yourself!"

With that declaration, Medea swung her staff in an arc in front of her, letting the bat-like wings on her back unfurl and begin to form a vast array of magic circles that began to fire magical bullets at the leonine archer.

"All I need to do is make it to the boat—no, not even the boat. Even the edge of the port will do—!"


"You wish to help? Very well; then let me send some of my own power to aid you," the pharaoh declared, waving his staff in front of him before two giant sphinxes, each roughly the size of a large truck and equipped with a large bucketlike tool around their necks, materialized in front of him. A few beads of sweat were now visible on the Servant's brow, but he paid them no heed as he continued to stand tall and directed the beasts to follow his Master. Ideally, they would also help with the water, but they were first and foremost his Master's guards while he remained here. After all, keeping a Servant restrained was infinitely more difficult than it was to kill them, more often than not.

"Hmph. How troublesome; the flames will likely linger a while longer while those citizens move off to obtain some water; honestly, I would prefer to use something akin to a well, but in the midst of this incident that isn't quite... Feasible," he commented, glancing back and forth at the burning buildings before back down at the group of women taking care of the servant.

Medusa, on the other hand, remained unconscious after the care from Nero and the rest, with the only notable change in her condition being a less labored breathing pattern. The bandage coupled with Nero's Master's healing, it seemed, had caused her condition to stabilize... Somewhat.

That didn't mean that it was any better for them to stay, but it wasn't as if Ozymandias would lift the Servant up to drag the unconscious Servant outside of the city. Actually, there were probably some citizens that were trapped within their homes or something of the li-

"Okay, with this matter handled, I declare that anyone not directly involved in keeping track of this... Woman... Should look through the city for any survivors, trapped or otherwise. Loss of property is inevitable in this situation, but the loss of a life under the sun's watchful gaze is a crime that I, Ozymandias, shall not allow!" the Servant shouted, slamming his staff into the ground and causing the stone beneath him to crack before he began to walk deeper into the burning city, furtively glancing around for any sign of life from the crackling flames and swirling ash.

Luckily, the distance to the river was not all that far off, and with the additional help of the sphinxes and whatever things that the townspeople could muster to hold water in, the group returned to at least begin the process of quenching the flames.

The question now, though, was how much they could save.

@KoL@Raineh Daze@Grey Star@Rin@VitaVitaAR@Riegal
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